• Published 12th Mar 2012
  • 15,301 Views, 506 Comments

From man to mare - The Psychopath

A man who likes to live alone will see things in a different perspective than he ever expected

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Silver Bullet(Rewritten)

Oh, it was so much better to be back at Twilight's library...tree...house...place...than to be in the hospital, I guess. My attempts at making them go away backfired hard on me. Damn ponies are too empathetic. I suppose I'll have to deal with them wanting to be all caring for me or something like that. Applejack said she wanted me to race against her and Rainbow Dash. 'Exercise helps pump the good blood to yer head' or something like that. Probably just wants me to take my mind off of the negative things in question. Rarity had no knowledge of personal space though, considering poking me with her big nose and saying that my colors were very rare. I don't know what that kind of information means to me.

Spike had prepared me a salad in the evening, which I found...disturbingly delicious. I've always loved meat, though. The tender deliciousness of it all. The juices that spilled out when you bit into the cooked meat. But now, just imagining the flavor on my tongue made my stomach churn. Curse this body! Next thing I know, I'll want to gnaw on salt blocks. Spike and Twilight were pleased that I was enjoying something as mundane as a salad, although I'm certain that they were secretly shocked at my reaction, as though I hadn't eaten in weeks. Naturally, following their pattern of 'too kind', Twilight had to examine my joints and the dark spots in my fur where my wounds used to be. She just kept poking and prodding me, trying to understand what exactly had caused me to heal. She was doing it after every little thing I was doing. I just wanted to supplex her into the ground every time she tried to touch me! I bet she was being so thorough that she could see my molecules, too. So obsessive!

After doing my taxes in the bathroom, and still trying to cope with my weird body and its functions, I went to bed and made myself a little fort with the blankets I had. Spike was already asleep, and I could hear Twilight imitating a motorcycle above the bookshelves. I wasn't sure if I could sleep with that noise in my ears.

Rainbow Dash found it funny the next morning to wake me up by throwing a plethora of pillows at my face, burying me under a mountain of feather pillows. Twilight and Spike were taken out of their slumber as well, although Spike seemed to be stuck in a daze.

"What's wrong with you?!" I cried.

Rainbow stifled a snort and blew air at me. "Oh come on. It was just a harmless prank."

"Little?!" I shouted in outrage. "You bludgeoned me with a dozen pillows!" I threw one back at her, but she deftly dodged it.

"They're just pillows."

I was about to yell again but just groaned in response and dropped my head. "Never mind."

Twilight leaned over the bookshelf, wiping her eyes with an ankle. "Rainbow? What are you doing here so early?"

Spike looked at the scene before and buried himself with some of the pillows. I heard muffled laughing underneath his new nest.

"I'm here to take Silver for the race, remember?" Rainbow asked Twilight.

Twilight looked drunk while she was trying to process what she was told. "Oh. Oh! Of course! I had completely forgotten." She stood up and stretched herself. "Okay. I'll let you be, then. I have some things to take care of over here first."

Rainbow grabbed me by my foreleg and tried to rush me outside, but I didn't want to go yet. "Can't we have breakfast first?" I pleaded.

"No way!" Rainbow protested. "You burn way more calories if you work out once you've woken up. Now come on. Let's go!"


I was whisked outside and towards Applejack's farm, where the cowpony had prepared a little route for us. I didn't much like this situation, but I played along with it. Just outside the orchard, the farm pony showed us a map with a red tracing going along the outskirts of the town then back to the farm. I watched the two mares discuss the path together while limbering up at the same time. Obviously, we would start at the farm, go through the orchards, towards a school, run to the town hall and circle it once, then go back the same way. Problem was, I was never a very good runner. Someone who stays cooped up in their own home doesn't exactly get much exercise in endurance.

"Hmph. So this is going be a 'slow news day'. Might as well enjoy it," I thought to myself.

"Ya got yer belt on, Rainbow?" Applejack asked her friend. The blue pegasus struggled with a strap compressing her wings against her body. AJ nodded then looked to me and frowned. "Y'okay, Silver?" she asked.

"Hm?" I cleared my throat and regained my composure, smiling nervously in the process. "Y-yeah. Just trapped in though.

While Applejack and Rainbow Dash talked about some races they had in the past that didn't work out too well, I was stuck looking at Big Mac holding the flag in his mouth. This sensation was very unpleasant, and I was biting my lower lip in an effort to free myself of the burden of such thoughts.

"Alright! Let's get ready to go!" Rainbow cheered. She looked to me then laughed. "She's afraid of losing!" she taunted. "No need to worry, Silver. We're just doing this for fun this time." Her tone took on a sarcastic and intimidating tone, which she accentuated by looking at AJ through the narrow slits she turned her eyes into.

Big Mac started the countdown once we reached the starting line, and Silver was really starting to enrage me with these feelings she was forcing me to have. Had to...keep myself...Away!

"Y'all 're ready?" Big Mac asked. He was surprisingly easy to understand despite having a flag pole in his mouth.

We all yelled 'yes' at the same time.

"Get ready," Big Mac said. "And go!"

All three off us sprinted away, and I felt much better now that I wasn't near that red guy anymore. We flew through the orchards, and Rainbow thought it entertaining to kick a few trees on the way so that apples could fall on my head. Constantly cheating through the whole race. But...I was enjoying it regardless. It was a new experience that I never thought I'd get to experience at any point in my life. It was hard to even keep up with the tips of those two's tails, so I just enjoyed the rushing feeling I was getting. The sweet smell of the trees and the smashed apples was invigorating me, much to my advantageous enjoyment. I smiled widely and felt energy boiling into my leg muscles.

"Time to go up a level!" I thought to myself.

I thought the only satisfaction I would ever have in life would be beating someone at their own game, and yet here I am, taking advantage of the endurance of Silver's body to race. I was getting closer to the two pros, and I wanted to beat them. Although I found it strange that they were trying to avoid looking at me, I realized by the glints on their fur that my body was shiny enough to reflect the sunlight, and thanks to the angle, it was going directly into their faces. I laughed at them and managed to rush past them. It's not cheating if it's a natural part of your body. Feeling a little daring, I kicked off a tree at a crossroads to take a sharp turn and almost slipped and hurt myself badly. Here, we needed to pass by a school...school...

Anger welled up inside me after the realization. Applejack and Rainbow Dash had caught up with me and were leaving me behind, so I would use my hatred for school to give me the speed boost to get past them. Surprisingly, some ponies that I assume had heard of our race were cheering us on. Or they just saw us running around. Not sure what was happening here. I could get used to this. And as we sped by, I saw a tiny little pony with a big-ass bow in her mane...She was so cuuuuute!

WARNING! Manliness compromised! Prepare self-termination!


I'm not sure who it was. Never noticed her before or I already forgot about her existence. Maybe Twilight mentioned something about her? Who knows? I just wanted to enjoy what I never really got before: Positive reinforcement. It was worsening my rage, actually. Have to concentrate! I growled as I forced my anger through and pushed Silver's body to its limits. Thanks to it, I was slowly catching up to the two ponies in front of me.

"She's catching up," Rainbow shouted.

"She can gallop as fast as she wants, but she ain't gonna beat me!" Applejack declared.

Rainbow shot her an insulted look. "Are you implying I'm not a challenge for you?"

Applejack only gave the pegasus a sly grin as a response. I found myself bursting out in laughter at Rainbow's reaction then quickly closed my mouth. I felt myself growing red from embarrassment.

Still, I was finally in a friendly competition done only for fun rather than for some advantage over the others. For something that didn't involve a lot of negativity. I had almost reached them when my body started to tire. Still, I carried on. I had almost reached them, so there was a chance I could beat at least one of them. We all reached the town hall, and I still frowned at its atrocious design. They really needed to bulldoze that thing and rebuild it as something more eye-catching.

"Gotta keep pushing Gotta keep pushing!" I encouraged myself mentally. It wasn't working that well.

The other two seemed to be tiring themselves out as well, though. Finally, the farm was coming in from the horizon and grew bigger and bigger the further we went. We must've torn off leaves from the trees hanging over the pathway when we passed them by due to the sheer speed we were going at. Finally, the finish line came into view. A red and white ribbon. I wanted to stop running so badly! Twilight, though, was watching the whole time, and when we passed, I collapsed on the ground and slid forward.

Rarity and Fluttershy hurried to my aid, not that I needed it. Seeing that everyone was intact, Twilight announced the winner.

"Well," she started. "Rainbow and Applejack tied...again," she trailed off despondently. "And Silver, you were close, but you didn't tie with or beat them. I'm sure you'll do much better next time," she smiled.

I rolled onto my back, gasping for air, but I felt a smile on my face. Rarity shared a toothy, mocking grin in return.

"Oh look, she's smiling for once," she teased.

Fluttershy was taken aback. "I thought she didn't know how." She clearly tried to make a joke, but I could hear her voice faltering at the end. Too shy, maybe?

I stretched my legs out and groaned in satisfaction. "That was fun! What else is there to do today?"

"Well..." Rarity held her muzzle...somehow, to clench her nostrils shut. "You could clean yourself. You smell ghastly."

I pouted. "You ruined the mood I had," I complained. Then a sudden realization came to mind. "What are you doing here anyways? I thought you were working or something?"

She chuckled. "I'm the boss of my own boutique, and what I create needs time and inspiration," she said. She portrayed drama by way of spinning and various leg positions over the head or under her chin. "Speaking of which, I finished the dresses, and today is my spa day." She smiled kindly. "So I thought I could bring you along to be treated by Aloe and Lotus again."

I leaned to the back so that Applejack could hear me. "Applejack, mind dragging me away from here?"

She shook her head and continued using her hat to wave cold air at her face. "Sorry, Silver, but ah'm plum tuckered out. Ah reckon RD i'n't gonna be much help either."

"T-Twilight?" I pleaded.

She shrugged. "I think that, considering how much you're gasping for air, that this could be exactly what you need to get into shape." She nodded to her own words. "Plus, the spa might keep you from cramping up afterwards. You did run a lot and pushed yourself really hard.

I sighed. She was right on that point. A massage after a workout could potentially help against the pain. Then Big Mac had to stand right next to me, and drape a yellow string around my neck with...a hoof-carved...yes, hoof-carved apple painted silver as the medal. Nuh. Get away from me! You're making my heart want to burst!

"there ya go, Silver. Ya earned it," he said.

"But I didn't win."

"Ya still managed to keep up with mah sister, and that ain't no mean feat," he laughed. His smile faded to an apathetic expression. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I gots ta help mah sister. She ain't run around that much since I got sick 'n she tried to take over the whole o' the orchard on her own."

I watched Big Mac stroll away, then my vision was engulfed by a marshmallow. "Time to go, Silver!"

"Wait, I changed my mind! I don't want to go!" I protested.

"It's too late for that!" Rarity said sternly. "You're a mess and you're going to be in a lot of pain when your body cools off." She looked at me with caring and worried. Eyes. Repulsive. "I'm forcing you into this for your best interest, even if that may seem out-of-character for a lady. You'll thank me afterwards for this 'tough love' I'm giving you."

Back at the spa, I had rage coursing through me, but it was a more mellow anger than before. Instead of taking it out on anyone, I just wanted to soak in the mud bath. This time, I had something to talk about at least.

"-and did you see how fast I went? I never got to do something like that before! What should my nickname be? Lemme see, Silver Bolt, Blur, Flash... Bullet! I'll be the Silver Bullet!" I proclaimed with stretched out forelegs.

"Bullet? What's a bullet?" Rarity asked me quizzically.

Oh yeah. They don't have technology here, the bumpkins. "They're very fast objects that sometimes you can barely see."

"I see," she said absent-mindedly before sinking back into the mud."

I followed her lead and sunk back into the mud, letting myself relax further in the process. I was just enjoying the fact that I got to participate in something fun for once in my life rather than the of the sensation of brown vomit-goo soaking and drying into my...coat. Rarity broke the almost monotone silence of the room, her voice overtaking the popping of the gurgling mud bubbles. She was going to ask me something horribly uneasy, I bet.

"Silver," she started.


"Do you like Big Mac?"

I shrugged. "Sure. He's a good person like Applejack, but I don't know him enough to consider him a friend." We remained quiet for a moment. "Kinda silent, though."

Rarity shook her head, throwing some drops of mud clinging to her mane in several directions. "No. I mean, do you like him."

I narrowed my eyes. "Why the emphasis on 'like'?" I hissed. My brain glitched. "Noooooooooooooooo! I just like him!"

"Oh, come now. You're clearly falling for him."


"You become frantic when he gets near you," she insisted."

"No," I insisted.

"You can keep denying it, Silver, but it's only going to make you feel worse for it. Frankly, I'm surprise the others haven't noticed yet." She lowered a hoof. "Big Mac is rather naive, so it's not surprising that he didn't notice, but I--"

"Rarity, drop it. It's not a subject I want to discuss," I told her.

"Ah ha! So I am right!" she declared victoriously.

I didn't want to waste my time with that kind of 'fight', so I shook my head and kept silent. I was too tired for this. We cleaned ourselves some time later and skipped the sauna. Rarity's reasoning was that I had dehydrated myself enough today, and a tall glass of cool water from the sauna would be enough. That yellow pony from before gasped in shock when she saw me approach the massage parlor and scampered deeper into the spa. Aloe and Lotus rounded a corner shortly after, a soft smile adorning their happy faces. Rarity was in heaven again, anticipating what she enjoyed above all else...well, maybe not above making clothes. I wasn't going to enjoy this.

"Back for another special treatment, Miss Silver?" Aloe pondered quizzically. She had lowered herself and raised towards me, taking the tone of her voice with her. That pony might have had an apathetic face, but she was clearly begging for me to say 'yes'. Her saying 'miss' tore at my insides. "Maybe you released some 'chi' points to get your magic flowing correctly?"

I shrugged. I didn't know what they meant. I only had a base understanding of 'chi', and that was from kung-fu movies and cartoons, so I'm not exactly sure I have an actual understanding of it... I lied down on a table and let them torture me, but I felt hooves digging into my ribs, nothing happened.

"Aloe, the magic around her heart is mostly freed, and the chi is flowing quite nicely around this area," Lotus commented.

Rarity gave me the 'I told you so' look. I, in turn, looked away from her.

The two spa ponies sat on their haunches and started analyzing me, wondering where to poke and prod next.

"Where shall we try next, then?" Lotus wondered.

"We could try her soul points," Aloe suggested with a shrug."

"A fantastic idea!" Lotus cheered.

"Soul points? Wait, that mea--"

My thoughts were torn away from my mind thanks to those two psychos snapping my body in several places. The pain was tremendous, but it started to make way for a sensation of comfortable melting. Something was squirming inside of me. Some form of evil and vile fury trying to free itself from my being. Apparently, the spa sisters could feel it too since they were having a harder and harder time trying to liberate whatever points I had left. Why did they persist? Were they so adamant about being the best Ponyville had to offer? Well, one can't say it was for nothing, since by the end of it, they were laying on the floor, panting, while I felt...joyous. I was full of energy and life.

Rarity paid them once again on account of my lack of funds, but she didn't seem to mind, strangely. "Well, it looks like I was right to trust them again," she said. "You look simply marvelous, my dear."

Once I noticed it, I stomped my hooves down in place. How had I not noticed that I was dancing?! So embarrassing!

"How about I get you a dress for the upcoming Gala, Silver?" Rarity suggested. "Something to take your mind off what you just did right now in public." I could only lie down and hide my head with my legs. I wanted to die. "Oh, don't be such a drama queen!" she complained.

I muffled a protest "But I already have one, and I hate dresses."

She scoffed. "It's not good enough for the Gala, darling. That dress is for normal celebrations. The Grand Galloping Gala is a place where all sorts of very refined gentlecolts and mares go to mingle with the princesses." She looked at me with accusing eyes. "You should feel honored and excited that the princesses invited us."

I tilted my head. "When did they do that?"

"Oh, when you were racing. Spike burped out a list of invitations. Yours was included." She cleared her throat. "They should still be with Twilight." I looked away from Rarity and scoffed. "Big Mac might be there. I don't know," she shrugged sarcastically.

"Shut uuuuup!" I yelled at Rarity.

I chased her towards the boutique, a trap that I had not anticipated.

Another day, another undeniable fact that I was slowly turning into the 'mare' that Silver was. I didn't want to see the new dress nor did I ant to see the princesses again. Not after they tried to kill me.