• Published 12th Mar 2012
  • 15,302 Views, 506 Comments

From man to mare - The Psychopath

A man who likes to live alone will see things in a different perspective than he ever expected

  • ...

Stone Plants

Luna and Celestia stood near a twisted statue in their gardens, concerned about its wear and tear, but this wasn't why they had decided to meet up within the green fields and artistic clippings once more.

"He already broke out once," Luna warned.

"There's no chances of him doing it again, even with ponies arguing around. The spell is tied to the new elements, and he was just recently imprisoned again," Celestia said.

Luna looked to her sister, distraught. "But you felt what boiled within that mare." Luna started to whisper, making sure the gardeners and patrolling guards could not overhear her. "She was filled to the brim with chaotic energies."

Celestia grumbled and rubbed her face with a hoof. "It wasn't true chaos energy, sister. I believe it's a byproduct of that gigasparkle within her."

"But even so, we can't take a chance of her corrupting everything around her." Luna looked into the distance towards Canterlot. "I fear what her fractured soul could create."

The white alicorn nodded. "I understand fully, Luna, but I think that thing within her is holding it all at bay...or is the source of her energies."

Luna shook her head. "We looked over as much as we could. Gigasparkles are created and empowered by darker emotions, not positive ones like the one who protected her." The lunar princess groaned loudly and dropped onto her rear. "This is so aggravating! I hate not knowing anything! There's too many confusing factors at play, here. I couldn't even scour her dreams," the princess shouted while throwing her foreleg in the air. "The stupid blue thing kept pushing me away whenever I got closer." She looked at her sister with fierce eyes. "It was like trying to get through a mountain gale."

Celestia clicked her tongue in annoyance. "I see. That is a problem, not getting information on her."

"So how do we deal with her?" Luna asked. "Clearly destroying her outright is out of the question."

Celestia sighed and looked around as she thought. "We can't just imprison her like we did others. That thing is protecting her, although how it has so much power is a question for another time."

"Can't we just rip it out of her?" Luna asked while gesturing the motion of tearing out an object. "If it really is the source of such energies then we could definitely find a spell to pull it out of her then either dissipate or imprison it so the chaotic energies it's emitting don't affect the world."

Celestia clenched her eyes and ground her teeth. "But what if it's the only thing holding those energies back somehow? It's not malicious, so it's possible it only attached to her to prevent all those energies from spilling out into the world." She looked to the statue they stood next to and glared at it, her eyes spitting venom. "What would happen to other chaotic entities if so much energy started spilling out everywhere all at once rather than it being gradual? Even if there's always been energies of chaos and order floating everywhere, we have no idea what might happen."

Luna nodded and put a hoof to her chin. "That's true. In the worst case scenario it might birth more chaotic creatures or warp the very fabric of some area if it all stagnates there." The lunar princess opened her mouth several times to try and figure out another idea, but nothing came to mind. Annoyed, she stomped the ground with her front hooves in frustration. "I can't find a solution!"

Celestia squee'd. "Oh, you're so cute when you get angry like that."

The blue pony's cheeks puffed up and she turned away. "Don't patronize me, sister."

The white alicorn chuckled to herself. "In any case, we need more information, and we have her living with Cyclon Opal while she recovers. This will give us more than enough time to look into any information we can gather from the other lands."

"And for Cyclon to tell us more about her behavior and personality," Luna added. "In the best case scenario we won't really need to do anything about her. After all, that gigasparkle didn't do anything until we confronted her. We didn't even know she had it." She nodded to herself. "And if it really was ill-intentioned, then it would have likely itself far earlier."

"It could always be planning something in the long term, but let's not dwell on such things for the time being," Celestia said as she stood up. A wide grin crossed her face. "I think it's time for us to start exploring the new cakes that were imported from Prance and Eguable." Her face turned into a frightening grimace coupled with drool.

She rushed off, leaving Luna behind who was quick to protest against her sister's addiction to the layered treats. The statue they left behind shook, chasing off some of the rubble on its body.

"Chaos?" a muffled voice whispered in joyful baritone.

Author's Note:

I recently reworked my patreon. It's still a work in progress, but it's getting better. Why not take a look for yourself?