• Published 12th Mar 2012
  • 15,302 Views, 506 Comments

From man to mare - The Psychopath

A man who likes to live alone will see things in a different perspective than he ever expected

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Pink Baloons(Rewritten)

I hoped I would wake up in my cabin, but I was still in Fluttershy's house. Crap. I was expecting her to kick me out afterwards, but the only thing welcoming me were a few birds and a bowl of colorful fruit salad. The bowl was emptied in seconds, and yet my hunger was still digging through my stomach, unable to be sated. Everything was illuminated by the sun outside, so whether I had slept only a few hours or a whole day was known by the pegasus only. I tried to move a bit, wary of my wounds, but they seemed to have disappeared. Maybe things heal faster in this world? It was becoming interesting...b-but I still hate it! That won't change!

There were still some tinges of pain in my body when I moved, but there was something suppressing the pain to a minimum. It couldn't be adrenaline. That'd make no sense, right? The wooden door opened with a loud creak, but nothing around seemed to notice, letting me scout around. There was only a stone bridge vaulting over a slow river beneath it, and the dirt pathway leading to and from it would get me away from this weird cat lady. I took a peek behind the wall to see that the yellow pony was tending to a lion...A lion. What. Two eyes met with mine when I turned my head. They belonged to a blue pegasus hovering in the air and looking at me with a frown.

"So you're 'Silver'," she said.

"What's it to you?" I asked in return.

"I heard you yell all the way to Cloudsdale!" she complained loudly.

I furrowed my brows. "Clouds...dale? Is that a restaurant?"

Her wings stopped flapping for just a microsecond, and she stared at me, slack jawed. "What? No! It's the city up there!" She pointed to a large mass of clouds. I squinted at them and put on a fake smile.

"That's a very nice cloud," I say mockingly.

The color-loving pony stared at me with a bemused expression. "Look closely, numbskull."

I stared for a moment, and right when I was about to look away, COINCIDENTALLY, some clouds poofed away, and I see a bunch of the pegasuseses flying about towers of clouds floating slowly through the air. That's impossible.

"How can you live in clouds?" I shouted in disbelief. "What is that?!"

The pony shook her head. "Pegasi can live on clouds." She flapped her wings quickly for a moment. "How do you NOT know that?!" she yelled. She acted like it was obvious to me. "Everypony knows that."

Again with that stupid 'ponyism' thing. "I've no idea how I was supposed to know. Excuuuuuuuuuuuse me," I answered.

Somehow, I felt that this one was a snooty egocentrist, and yet... "Well, you don't seem like you could be from around here." She rubbed her chin. "I'd say it's a stretch, but you're probably from someplace with no pegasi." She flew onto her back, hovering in that position somehow, with forelegs behind her head and hind legs crossed. "But I don''t know how anypony could live somewhere without us."

Fluttershy flew over to us and greeted the blue pony. Looks like we were too loud. "Hi, Rainbow Dash," she said.

"Hey," she said. "So who's this supposed to be?" she asked while pointing to me.

The yellow pony looked up and hummed before giving my name. "This is Silver."

The blue one stared at Fluttershy and readjusted herself. "What, that's it? Just 'Silver'?" She shrugged. "Alright."

I really want to hurt her. "And your name?"

"Rainbow Dash!" she touted. "Best flyer in Equestria."

Eyhhch. Egocentrist alright. "Yeah. Sure. A bold claim," I emphasized with narrowed eyes.

She became annoyed. "What? I'm totally the fastest!" Her tail flicked every which way erratically.

"Rainbow, you don't need to--" Fluttershy started.

"No! I'm going to prove that I'm the best! Rainbow Dash doesn't make empty boasts!" She looked around and smiled. "You see that giant cloud up there?" she asked me.

"Yeah? What about it?" I asked.

"I'll get rid of it in ten seconds flat." She clapped her forehooves together and rubbed them.

"Impossible!" I said. "You can't--"

My mouth was left in its position when she took off in a streak of colors. I don't know how long it was, but she certainly cleared it in seconds. I've seen massive clouds, and to see her take them out so quickly was...

She bolted in front of me, her chest heaving with effort. "Ha! How's that?"

"But how--"

"Fastest flier," she interrupted. "That's all there is to it." She finished with a big smile.

I was annoyed with her attitude and ground my teeth against each other audibly. Unfortunately, my want to yell at her was interrupted by my thoughts on what I did to Twilight and Spike. But...why do I care? I couldn't care less if someone hated me or not. That wouldn't change from how I always grew up. And yet...it just didn't feel...right.

"Are you okay, Silver?" Fluttershy asked.

"I...need to find Twilight and Spike," I trailed off.


"Because I yelled at Twilight earlier."

"Why would you yell at her?" Rainbow asked.


"Oh really?" She crossed her forelegs and glared at me. "I'd like to hear this story where you yelled at my friend."

I could feel my blood boiling. She was really starting to irritate me now.

"Rainbow, I think it's best that you leave her alone," Fluttershy suggested from the side.

The rainbow mare shrugged. "Fine. I'll drop it, but I don't want her hurting my friends."

There was a pause between speech, with the sounds of nature and Rainbow's wings flapping being the only things to reach our ears.

"Do you know where Twilight is?" I asked Rainbow.

She casually started cleaning out her ear. "Yeah, she's at--" Her eyes shot open. "Oh no!"


Rainbow ignored me and pulled a white card from thin air and handed it to Fluttershy. "Here, it's an invite by Pinkie Pie for her party."

"Oh, well, thank you, Rainbow Dash. If you're going there right now, please tell Pinkie Pie I'll be a bit late."

"What do I do, then?" I asked. Rainbow looked at me, then a sinister smile grew across her face. "I'll help you there since you want to apologize to Twilight!"


My cry was met with deaf ears, and I soon found myself flying through the air like a bullet, with my eyes watering and my lips pushed away by the gale. I thought I was getting compressed by the speeds, but instead, we stopped in front of...a gingerbread house. Where's the evil witch and the two fat kids? It had a bunch of patterns made from frosting all over and its windows and support pillars seemed to all be made from pastries. And tons of ponies were going in it. Ugh. I hate crowds. While Rainbow lowered me, I got intercepted by a pink pony that just injected itself with sugar. Nothing gets you rushin' like sugar injected DIRECTLY INTO THE BLOODSTREAM!

"Hiiii! I'm Pinkie Pie!" she shouted at me. She waved her foreleg enthusiastically. Her eyes widened and she gasped hard enough that there was no more air for me to breathe in. Many a coughing fit. "I didn't know there was somepony new yet! I'll have to throw you a party after this party! A welcoming party."

Before I could say anything, Rainbow Dash flew between us, literally. "Pinkie Pie, she just wants to talk to Twilight."

"Really?" Her mane fluffed up on its own several times while she thought deeply...probably about sniffing sugar. "I think she's inside eating cake with Spike near the counter."

The pink one dragged me against my will, once more today, and tossed me over the massive crowd to land triangularly near my two targets. My fe...hooves waved about and I banged against the counter painfully. That hurt, especially considering my wounds! The loud music and cheering filled me with contempt. The only time I had ever been invited to a party was for mockery, but I expected such a thing. I grabbed some castor oil I had purchased earlier that day and dumped it in their car engines. I still remember that night fondly when none of them could start their cars.

I did my best to imitate Fluttershy, using those big eyes these monstrous bodies have. It worked for her animals, so why not on talking animals? They said nothing and continued eating.

"I...wanted to say 'sorry' for what I said yesterday. I shouldn't have yelled at you two." I kicked a few crumbs on the floor. "My only excuse, if it even is one, is that I've been going through some rough times recently. And...well, I'd rather leave it at that."

Twilight the last piece of cake and wiped her mouth with a tissue. If she was going to act high and mighty, then I was leaving.

"Silver, I accept your apology, but I'm partly to blame as well," she explained.

"I know, b-What."

She nodded to herself. "I pushed questions on you when you were in a very bad state. I should have been more considerate of the situation." She coughed a few times. "Anypony in your situation would have done the same thing."

I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came out. "I still shouldn't have acted the way I did. It was...unfair. "What is wrong with me? Why am I acting this way? This is VERY out of character for me."

"So," she started. "Will you accept my apology and, possibly, friendship?"

I felt my brain hard reset. Friend...ship? What was that? No one wanted to be my friend before. There's foul play at foot here! But...what if she's sincere? She couldn't be. I refuse such a thought!


I couldn't understand what I was feeling here. Joy? Contempt? Constipation? Probably constipation.

Twilight chuckled. "We'll have to work on your side of 'friendship', though."

"We can be friends too, Silver," Spike suggested nervously.

I remained stiff, my eyes wide. "Uhh, s-sure."

Should I start using 'pony' now? What if I kept using correct words and get found out for what I am? How would they even react to a male turned into a female pony? They wouldn't take it lightly and I wouldn't be able to live it down. That's one of the reasons I refuse to tell anyone. That and the almighty 'princess-gods' of their whom I know nothing truly about. It was already tough enough getting used to every single thing about this body, even the more repulsive bits, but if they learn about me, what'll happen? And of course, I had to be taken out of my thoughts by Pinkie Pie grabbing my tail and pulling me towards a game she liked. I think it was...pin the tail on the...manticore? What kind of stupid game is this? It's for kids!

"Why is this here?" I asked Pinkie while pointing to the game on the wall.

"Duh! No Pinkie Party is complete without a few games, and this is a simpler party." She winked. "Why not try it? Here, I'll help you!"

She took a blindfold out of somewhere, covered my eyes, put a tail in my ha...hoof, spun me around, then directed me to the wall. I was more trying to find my way around than play that stupid game. When I slammed my hoof into something solid, I pulled the blindfolds off to see I stabbed the manticore in the head. Oddly satisfying.

"Awww, you were so close!" Pinkie Pie said. "How about a dance to feel better?"

"A what?" I said with disgust.

"A dance, silly! Look."

She started moving around strangely with her weird body, things that I refused to do. After a while, and unluckily for me, this pink pony grabbed me by the fore hooves and started to perform a duo dance. It was hard enough to walk, now I had to dance on my hindlegs. It was...discomforting, but not unpleasant, somewhat. The other guests joined in, and I was stuck between groups of dancers. A bizarre world to be sure. Silver came into thought all of a sudden. I wonder if she planned this for me all along. Soon, but not soon enough, Pinkie let go of me and brought us outside to watch her fireworks since the night had settled in. I never like those things. They always made sudden and loud noises that scared me, and I would have gotten used to that had a firework not landed near me and explode, burning me some. Sure, it was small, but even at the distance thereof it hurt like hell. Just to be absolutely sure it wouldn't happen, I sat next to Spike and Twilight nestled in a patch of ankle-high grass. One of the fireworks caused me to flinch, and it faded with a loud crackling.

A thought crossed my mind and I silently giggled to myself. "Twilight Crackle."

The fireworks became brighter and bigger or more numerous, the simple blasts of color turning into more elaborate shapes with no realm form. The colors would go from a blazing blue to a dim red as the sparks ran down. The last firework...scared me. It took the shape of my-no. Silver's head.

"How did she do that in such a short time?" Twilight wondered aloud.

"That's Pinkie Pie for you," Spike noted dismissively. "She's really fast."

"Maybe too fast," I thought aloud. I was suspicious.

"Trust me, Silver. You DON'T want to try and understand how she works," Twilight suggested. "You'll end up bruised and crazy in the end."

"I'll keep that in mind," I muttered. I noticed some yellow dots shining in the sky on the horizon and narrowed my gaze. "What're those yellow fireworks?" I asked.

"Yellow? Those are...wait, those aren't fireworks. That's Princess Celestia's royal guard, and there's a lot of them!"

Pfff. Of course. I should've predicted this cliché. Guy comes from another dimension or something, and I do mean GUY, mingles with the locals, and then the leading powers get a word on him and come to capture him. I would expect to die, well, but I refuse to be captured! I'm learning to much here to die already!