• Published 12th Mar 2012
  • 15,302 Views, 506 Comments

From man to mare - The Psychopath

A man who likes to live alone will see things in a different perspective than he ever expected

  • ...

The Farewell (Rewrite)

Well, after that scenario, I guess I could say the Gala went better than I thought. Only a few except those six talked to me, and I'd rather forget about 'Gold'. Ironically, despite Rarity pissing me off with the big apple, she was the one stopping him each time he came back, although I think it was because she wanted me to be with Mac. I did enjoy seeing Applejack punt Gold's head in after the twenty-fourth or seventy-eighth time he came back. The others just wandered about, taking care of whatever business they wanted to. I wasn't really paying attention. We returned home some time later, said 'good night', then finally slipped into a comfortable bed. While Twilight and Spike had both pretty much collapsed into slumber, I was having trouble just closing my eyes. The only place that I was getting entertainment from was being taken from me. How was I supposed to react in such a situation?

Knocking reverberated through the library, and I was the first to bolt up, getting blinded by the morning sun and stumbling to the entrance.

"Who is it?" Twilight shouted groggily.

"I didn't open the door yet," I shouted through clenched teeth.

It was Celestia.

"It's time, Silver. Come," Celestia told me.

"Princess Celestia?!" Twilight said half-dazed. "Whats wrong?"

"It's none of your concern, my student. Please. Return to your bed," she asked her.

The mare shook her head. "Did Silver do something wrong? She couldn't have. We've been watching her this whole time. She's never left our watch."

"Our watch?" Celestia repeated with a raised brow.

"Well, yeah. The others and I," she said. "The other elements."

Celestia nodded. "Ah. Yes! Of course! But, it is still none of your concern. Do not worry, we won't harm her, and she will be right back." The princess looked at me from the corner of her eye. "Perhaps with something extra in tow."

Twilight hesitantly agreed, then Celestia teleported us to the plains I had popped up in. Even the pond was still there. And look! There's my vomit I just now heaved up several times! Luna had been waiting for us as well, apparently enamored by the pond. She turned and walked towards us, her face a mish-mash of confusion.

"I think there's a prankster sprite in that pond. It's been doing weird faces to me," she said.

"I knew it!" I accidentally blurted. I shrank under the surprised gaze of the two alicorns.

Celestia cleared her throat. "In any case, we have discovered what the creature linked to you is, and why it feels so dangerous," she said.

"It is, aptly named, a Giga Sparkle," Luna added.

"A what? Are its powers over a million?"

"Not...really?" Celestia hesitated. "Apparently, these creatures have existed long before we were even part of the world. They were destabilizing the flow of magic through the world. Because of the danger, the ponies of before destroyed them."

Luna stepped in. "If you were to ask my sister's student, she would likely mention that no pony has ever seen them before, and that is normal. We found mention of them in the oldest, most protected documents of our archives, requiring delicate magic to read."

I looked back to Celestia. "So then how do I have one with me?"

She shook her head. "I don't really know. The fact that one has come into your possession, let alone fuse with you, is completely foreign a concept to us." She leaned forward. "The Giga Sparkles were not know for their kindness, let alone crossing into other worlds."

"They were metaphysical manifestations of the most negative thoughts and emotions of all creatures in our world, but they still needed many to procreate," Luna explained.

"So what then? I am big evil?" I mocked with hooves at the sides of my mouth.

"Nnnnot really. What we felt from you seemed to just be your negative emotions inflated on the bubble of good magic the sparkle is emitting. It seems to care a great deal for you," Luna continued. She was clearly perplexed.

"I think that it accumulated such a tremendous quantity of magic from both worlds that it somehow broke the barriers, but how it came to be is a mystery that will be forever unresolved," Celestia continued.

"And it looks like your student didn't listen to you, sister", Luna giggled.

"Twilight Sparkle?!" Celestia shouted.

She had overheard the whole conversation. I explained to her the truth of the matter and what I was, although I couldn't mention what I actually was. I wouldn't mention what I actually was. I told her about how I came to be here, about my parents and how they were little shits. About my grandfather and how he was the best parent I ever had, and that he was also a troll, mocking my parents even in their deaths, but during the discussion, Luna stepped in.

"Silver. We can delay no longer," she urged.

I dragged a hoof across my face and looked to Twilight with a frown. "Do you want a...last hug?" I forced myself to ask behind clenched teeth. She immediately grabbed me and started crushing my bones. "Twilight, let go. Let go! Twilight, this is very uncomfortable! You've been hugging for too long!"

The two princesses had to intervene to pry her off me like a corpse with rigor mortis.

"Calm down, Twilight," Celestia comforted. "She might not have to leave at all."

"We haven't always been right after all," Luna added. She glared directly at her sister with bulging eyes and lower lip. "Right, dear sister?"

Celestia's only response was avoiding eye contact and very nervous laughing. I bet she would've tugged on her collar and talked like Rodney Dangerfield if she had the chance. "You say that, but the spell is certain to destroy the Giga Sparkle. Why would she remain here?"

Luna shrugged in response.

I waved Twilight goodbye. I wanted to stay, but if I did, it's possible that this thing would cause tremendous problems in this world and threaten the lives of all of those living here. They didn't do anything to me, so I have no ill-will towards them. At least I'll have the good memories of this place...unless it was all a dream. Stupid clichés. The princesses drew strange shapes in the air. Angled lines overlapping each other with dots and hollow circles in their gaps, each glowing a few seconds after they were drawn into the air.

"Silver, your cutie mark!" Twilight shouted to me.

The sparkle left my body and floated about me while the colors of that...mark started to die out. I saw the Sparkle emerge from me and dart about aggressively in the air, although it wasn't attacking anyone. Its behavior caught the princesses off-guard, judging by their shocked and confused faces. At least mine was the unique one and not the ones they mentioned that used faces as mug warmers or whatever those things are called.

I looked to Twilight with a melancholic smile. "Well, I guess this is goodbye then."

The spell of the princesses sputtered into overdrive, causing the sparkle to take on the appearance of an urchin. It started to jab the air around it frantically. I could feel myself losing my connection to this world and fully expected to be back in the forest with Silver in my arms again, but then I felt something tug at me. Then dozens of things. Then hundreds! I was suddenly thrown back -we all were- by the banshee screech of the sparkle. Its voice was deepening as the seconds went by, then the Sparkle seemingly 'looked' at me despite its lack of a face, and exploded, sending tremendous blue waves that spread out in all directions. The waves kept pulsing outwards, pushing all of us back further and further from it. Once they started lessening, Twilight called out to me.


I tapped myself with my damnable, fingerless hooves with my eyes kept closed. "What? I'm disappearing, no?"

Twilight shook her head. "You're still here, and...and..." Her face paled and she shakingly raise a foreleg to point at something in the air.

Took me a moment to find what she was pointing at. It was a blurry, floating, transparent head of...Silver? Its eyes were fully white, and it was giving me a warm smile. Even after the waves completely ceased it stayed in place. I heard the princesses get up and get ready to destroy them, but I think Twilight stopped them. I didn't hear her say anything or know if there was any exchange at that moment. Silver's head floated down and expanded into the form of a ghostly, wispy version of what I am now. I think the sparkle was expecting something from me, and I know what.

"Thanks for keeping me company all these years," I started. "If it wasn't for you, I would have been wallowing in despair and solitude." I smiled. "I learned quite a lot thanks to you." I looked down at my body and frowned. "But did you have to turn me into Silver?"

The sparkle smiled at me, teasing me. I guess I got my answer. Although, she wasn't...done. She turned to glare at the princesses. I think we all felt the heat and seething rage coming from her at the time. I should've known that she was going to do something drastic in the future to get back at the princesses for trying to kill me, but it didn't cross my mind. She had died.

The sparkle jumped to me and have me a big hug. I felt an exchange of something...familiarity? I had spoken for...both of us. The exact words reflected through both of us, but only with one mouth. It opened an eye, smirked at me, then dissolved into a rising cloud of fog. Somehow, though, the light particles that came from me returned to my cutie mark giving it color once more. Just as the color was returning, many question filled up my mind.

"Well, I guess I'm going to be filling out your tree a while longer," I told Twilight.

She grabbed me again happily, but that was enough! "Let go of me! What's with all this hugging?!" I yelled whilst trying to pry her off.

Twilight let go and smiled meekly. "Sorry."

I turned towards the princesses. "You lied?" I asked them.

"Lied about what?" Luna replied. She was giving me a prideful, almost disdainful expression.

"About me getting sent back," I grumbled.

"N-no," she stammered. "We said that you might have to go back." Luna looked to her sister then back to me. "Honestly, I have no idea what's happening. It feels like the flow of magic is returning to normal." She sighed. "It has a been a long morning, and it seems that everything is fine now once again. I just want to go to bed."

"Then we should keep this a secret?" Twilight asked.

"Definitely," Celestia replied with a nod. "No pony would understand what happened and is happening currently I would rather panic not break out in my-our lands," she corrected herself after looking to her sister.

Twilight and I returned to Ponyville, leaving the two princesses in the dust.

"Well, it looks like that creature is going to be staying here a while longer." Celestia tilted her head to her sister. "What do you think, Luna?"

The blue mare shook her head. "I don't know. That sparkle was protecting her mind from me, but maybe now I'll be able to see?" she wondered with a shrug. "She seems happy, but I have no idea about that Giga Sparkle."

"I agree that its behavior made no sense, and the glare it gave us," Celestia spoke with deep concern. "It's the most concerning thing. In the centuries I've lived, no creature I came across that gave a face like that ever disappeared forever." The two remained awkwardly silent on the plains. "Luna, have you ever heard of somepony loving and caring for an object so much it came to life?" Celestia asked.

Luna shook her head. "Can't say that I have."

"Neither have I, but I believe that the creature that is now Silver must have poured all he love they had into whatever caused that sparkle to manifest in their reality."

"Wouldn't that logically mean that they only ever loved that object?" Luna asked. Celestia nodded silently, leaving her sister to ponder a little longer. "Then it felt compassion towards whatever issue they were living and sent them here for a better life?"

"It's possible, but there's no proof of my theory being true." Celestia took in a deep breath and stretched her wings.

"Let's just hope nothing bad occurs after that fluctuation," Luna worried. She looked to the cloudy sky for something. 'That was an extremely powerful one."

"For now, let us simply be cautious and finally relax," Celestia suggested.

"Well, as much as we can," Luna chuckled. Celestia groaned in disapproval.

Author's Note:

I recently reworked my patreon. It's still a work in progress, but it's getting better. Why not take a look for yourself?