• Published 12th Mar 2012
  • 15,310 Views, 506 Comments

From man to mare - The Psychopath

A man who likes to live alone will see things in a different perspective than he ever expected

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Torn Fabric(Rewritten)

Now I have to deal with giant pegasi that have the emotional range of a beach. One of them, which I found rather ironic, was glad in silver armor, contrasting with the golden ones around him. Looks like he wanted to stand out. Probably the bossman or something. Everyone watched him look about for something and caused a few ponies to jump from his sudden yelling.

"Is the mare called 'Silver' here?" he asked the crowd.

Everyone but the six I had met in unwanted personal contact pointed to me with their...hooves. The stallion walked towards me, his white fur chaffing against his rather ugly armor. The closer he got, the easier it became to see the blue jewels encrusted into the chest and helmet of his armor. His eyes were even bluer than the...jewels...though.

"Oh no. It's happening again."

"By order of the princesses, you are placed under arrest and are to be escorted to Canterlot," he said with professionalism.

The ponies present gasped, but Twilight stepped up. "What did she do?" she asked.

The silver-armored pony shrugged. "I don't know, but the princesses gave us the direct order to take this mare to them." He stepped forward and applied his size to laud over Twilight. "So I suggest you stand down, Twilight Sparkle."

She gulped nervously and did her best to stand up straight. She was still too small to look at the stallion eye-to-eye. "I can't let you arrest her. She's done nothing wrong." I saw her lose her composure then look at me and scratch the back of her neck. "She might be a bit obtuse," she chuckled sheepishly. "But she hasn't harmed anypony so far."

Her defending me, albeit a bit weak at the end there, caught me by surprise. Only my grandfather ever stood up to me. Why would she protect a complete stranger who has been anything but polite to her and her friends?

The stallion sighed and shook his head. "That's not your choice to make, student of Celestia," he groaned. He was getting annoyed. "I have my orders, and you and the other elements are not to intervene."


"That's enough!" he shouted. He glared at her with wide, angry eyes. He looked to the others that had accompanied him and nodded towards me without taking his eyes off of Twilight.

He clearly had a short temper, and with twenty-five of these armored ponies here, I had no way of properly escaping. But, I never said I'd let them take me away so easily. Give of them approached me with a rope in their mouths. One went behind me, giving me all the time I needed to kick him with my hind legs and send him flying!

"Ow!" I shouted. "Armor hurts a lot!" My hooves were shaking from the sudden jolts of pain.

These ponies were going to become black-and-blue ponies if they wanted to cart me away! I should have been a bit more prepared or done martial arts, because the second they realized what had happened, they started behaving like Chinese acrobats. Hopping and bouncing everywhere, I was caught off-guard by two being launched forward by two other ponies being used as anchors. They hit me hard, and I flew against the wall, likely breaking whatever was used as the surface material. This gave me the perfect position to defend myself. I still managed to strike one in the gap under their neck, collapsing their esophagus and crippling them temporarily. That being said, two pegasi pulled out their wings and straightened them like...

"Did their wings just do that 'schwinging' noise like a sword on television?" I wondered aloud in disbelief. "That's stupid!"

The rainbow pony was clearly enjoying the sight and was cheering me on, and while that filled me with energy, it didn't stop the sudden, sharp pain I felt in the back of my neck. A hard sudden strike. I stumbled forward like a drunkard and fell against a table.

I tried speaking normally, but every word came out lazy and slurred. "Lemme guess: The silver armor guy."

"You guessed right," he answered angrily.

I thought I could anticipate his attacks, but skill trumped imagination here, and he was quick to punch my face and knock me down. Rolling out of the way was easy, but getting up? Well, I had trouble doing that...Before that stallion could attack me again, Rarity stepped in front while I wheezed through my wounded nostrils.

"Listen here, you brute!" she yelled. "You can't treat a lady that way!"

I felt my muscles contract from her calling me a 'lady'. At least, in this instance, it didn't really feel as annoying as before. Perhaps I was getting used to Silver's body.

"She attacked my guards when we were attempting to arrest her." The guard said. He leaned forward, pushing against Rarity's muzzle with his own. "That gives me more than enough justification to employ force." There was a long moment of silence where the two exchanged aggressive looks. "Now step aside.

Rarity stomped her hoof down. "I will not!" she insisted. "Since you must really take here, then I insist that you do so without harming her." She looked to me and became concerned. "At least, no further than you already have." She got one of those shit-eating grins I'd seen on the internet so much. "Or would you rather explain to the princesses why a civilian got hurt during arrest?"

The guard didn't seem to react. I don't know why he just stared at the marshmallow with a blank stare, but I assume he was stuck between the rules he had to follow and the princesses he was meant to serve.

"Guards. Arrest her properly this time. And when we get to the castle, report the wounded to the infirmary," the silver guard ordered.

I was exhausted. I just couldn't find the strength to move, so the unicorns had no difficulty wrapping me up in rope like a cow during a rodeo. I was dragged outside and thrown aggressively into a barred cage. If they were still going to throw me into a cage, then what was the point of tying me up in a rope. Really redundant! The pegasi attached black ropes built into the cage's roof onto their harnesses while the few unicorns here did something to the cage itself. I saw their horns glow then engulf the cage in a blue light before dissipating. My slow ascent became far quicker afterwards. Not sure what they did.

Well, at least from up here, I could see what the world looked like down below. I saw Twilight and Spike run towards my cage, but by the time they wanted to say anything, it was too late. I couldn't hear them. Oh well. The lands below were just hilly swaths of grass and trees, but very few forests were present aside from the one I saw when I was taken to this world. I could swear that thing was moving on its own. Inching ever closer to Ponyville. Moving when no one was looking. Mmm. I could use that in a book.

Then we started approaching a mass of mountains sticking out of the land like silver-tipped fingers sparkling under the dim moonlight. I could see ponies waltzing about immediately below me, but I really have no idea what the hell they were doing at all. Worse still was some black figure that vanished into the mountain tops as soon as I spotted it. An adult dragon?! Were they dangerous or were like Spike and complete potatoes?

Shivering was all I could do in this face of the taunting cold. Stupid air! Why does it have to be so cold up there? I don't even know why the princesses wanted to see me to begin with, let alone how they even knew about me. Were they upset that I hadn't paid my taxes or something? What taxes? I just got here. Bad ID? Hm. That would make more sense. The cage rattled, taking me out of my thoughts and letting me see a plethora of spires dug into the side of the mountains. How could they even make something like that? Wouldn't gravity just pull it down?

"Welcome to Canterlot," the silver-armored bastard announced. He sounded so arrogant. "We're approaching its castle as we speak, where you will be taken directly to the throne room to meet both Princess Luna and Princess Celestia."

"I'm totally ecstatic about this impromptu meeting," I said sarcastically.

He frowned even further, even baring his teeth some. I stuck my tongue out at him, but...When he looked away, I saw some strange glint in his eyes. A blackish-purple flame. Must've just been my panic causing hallucinations. A warm energy flowed through me from my torso and invigorating my limbs. What was that? What was causing it?

We finally landed in what I assumed to be the gardens, judging by the swaths of bushes trimmed into the shapes of pony musicians and warriors. Trees towered above them with swaying leaves and trembling branches leaving frightened shadows beneath them.

I'm on a roll here!

I was taken out of my cage and dragged past the wooden doors of the castle entrance. The inner walls were a pure and clean white. Several ponies were cleaning everything with cloths and buckets and feather dusters. I scoffed at the sight. Just use mops and vacuum cleaners. Not hard. My little group went up two stretched steps to reach the main hallway where multiple rows of ponies could stand side-by-side in. Armor, old sculptures, plants made from shiny metals, and portraits decorated the walls and floors here. Very fancy. Too fancy for my tastes.

I was held in front of two red doors about three ponies wide and twenty tall. There was half a sun and half a moon in the middle of the two objects. It was...creative, I had to admit. Two giant ponies were waiting for me within the throne room. The two were standing atop a pedestal of sorts that took five steps to reach. Flanking the room were support pillars. Those, coupled with the stained-glass windows on the sides and in an indent at the end of the throne room made this place look like a cathedral.

"Leave us," the white one ordered sternly.

The guards bowed and moved away, closing the door with a loud creak and thunk. So these two giant turkeys were the 'alicorns' I was told about, then. Pretty sure the blue one is Luna and the white one Celestia. Pretty convenient to have such simple names. Makes everything easier to remember. Luna was going to say something until my loud grunts interrupted her thought pattern. With some effort, I finally managed to sit onto my rear and look at the two smugly.

"Lemme guess," I started. "I'm a threat to Equestria and must be destroyed? Or or maybe I'm your only hope at stopping some giant threat of one-dimensionality?" I petended to think deeply. "Or you want to imprison and-or banish me because some fish guts told yo that the future was dim with me in it."

I saw the blue one shrink a bit when I said 'banish'. The white one, however, glared at me even further. I could see her tensing up.

"No," she said.

"I take it you're Princess Celestia, right?" I looked to the pony next to her. "And you're Princess Luna?"

The blue one sighed and shook her head. "The adoration your little ponies have for us is disconcerting, sister."

Celestia rolled her eyes. She jumped, using her wings to gain more ground and landed in front of me with a loud thump. It was quite a far jump. Ten-outta-ten. "Don't play games with us, outsider," she warned. "I know you aren't of this world." She poked my chest. "And that you have something within you that doesn't belong in our world anymore."

I blinked several times, each blink an attempt at jump-starting my brain. "What are you talking about?" I asked her.

She shook her head. "There is no point in trying to hide it. We detected it and know you have it in you."

I shrugged as best as I could with this rope tied around me. "Okay. What do you want with it?" I mocked. "Planning on isolating me from society or something if I don't give whatever it is?" I asked with a raised brow.

"No," the blue one interjected. She was slowly walking towards her sister as she spoke. "The flow of magic through Equestria has been disturbed. Interrupted. Damaged. We had trouble figuring out the source until one of our spells finally functioned properly and we found you."

"We don't know who or what you are, exactly, but we know that your presence here is destabilizing both worlds judged by the effects you're starting to have on this one," Celestia added.

"Yeah. Sure," I laughed. "I'm the source. Just me. Someone who can't do any kind of magic or whatever mumbo-jumbo you keep talking about." The bruises on my body caused me to wince, but I still needed to laugh at them. For the greater good. "So what now? I think I exhausted all my ideas on what you'll do with me."

The two ponies looked at each other. "We need o kill you," the blue one announced.

The blood rushed from my face and turned cold in my body. "What?!"

"Since whatever you have seems fused to your soul, the only way to save both worlds is to destroy you completely." She raised her head, pooling energy into her horn. "And then we will be free to capture whatever thing is within you that is causing these disturbances.

"B-but, you don't have to kill me! There's other ways, isn't there. Whatever the problem is, I'm sure we can find a solution to it quickly."

"I am sorry, outsider, but all our attempts at separating you two have been met with failure," the blue one lamented. "No spells work, and those that managed to reach you were rendered inert by the thing within. Our power is not strong enough with these disturbances." She frowned. "We are truly sorry for this."

Scooching towards the doors was pointless. I wouldn't have been able to open them anyways. I just watched the two tyrants focus the light into their horns until it became bigger and bigger, the emissions blindingly me completely. I was starting to get used to this life. Having friends would have been an experience I would have learned to appreciate with time! If only that stupid silver armored guard had left me alone! If only those traitorous bastards hadn't ousted me at the party! I sighed and closed my eyes, mentally imagining that I was embracing Silver again as the princesses released their spell and I was engulfed in a white light once more.