• Published 12th Mar 2012
  • 15,302 Views, 506 Comments

From man to mare - The Psychopath

A man who likes to live alone will see things in a different perspective than he ever expected

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Rage will engage(Rewritten)

I found myself in the middle of a forest, my mind's cogs still impeded by some random obstruction. I laid down against a tree and balled myself up like a cat against it. My face became damp, and I quickly realized I was crying. I hadn't cried in years. I was certain my tear ducts had packed up and left for more fertile lands. Who would have guess I would hate my situation? I was content where I was. It was my life! This wasn't it!

First, I'm turned into Silver; A FEMALE pony. Then, I'm thrown into this horrid world, and now I'm starting to find...stallions attractive. I grabbed my head and shook it as tears dripped from my overly damp face like a towel imbibed with too much water. Was I losing myself to some errant, warped manifestation of Silver? This isn't how I imagined her, and I WOULDN'T LET THAT HAPPEN! I decide my path, and I've come too far to disappear now.

I've gone through trials that Olympians couldn't pass, and I've been attacked by nearly everything in existence and came out stronger for it. I'm also not exaggerating at all. I still don't know why I'm here, and I don't know why these ponies are being so 'nice'. Is it a ploy against me? Do they want something from me? If I was a paranoid conspiracy theorist, I'd say the two who brought me into this...er, my 'old' world had something to do with this. Worse was my heart racing and the shuddering I would get when I'd think of that giant red pony. It was a feeling of disgust and warmth. As a man, I found this form of 'attraction' disturbing and repulsive, especially when it wasn't my kind of thing.

I smacked the sides of my head and took several deep breaths to calm my nerves. Staying in the forest would be a good idea, I reckon. Maybe it'll keep Silver's body from affecting me further. I screamed, and several creatures ran away from their hiding spots under the rotting leaves and branches. Some leaves fell in my hair from the trees flying out of their nests as well. What could have caused such an reaction from me? My damn brain thought it'd be funny to create a scenario where I was married with the tomato. Disgusting.

With tears finally petering out and my body shaking life a leaf in a storm, I tried to stand. I didn't get to without something moving near me. A thorn caught my attention, and as I followed it, I realized it was attached to some semitransparent branch with star-life dots sprinkled in it. It was the tail of a freakin' giant scorpion! It pulled its tail back to impale me but missed just barely, scraping a large chunk of my fur off my body. It roared, deafening me briefly and prompting me to get the hell out of there. Of course, it had to chase after me, uprooting trees and the like in a rage while I still fumbled about with my new feet. Like an idiot, I ended up trapped against a massive boulder, but did the scorpion care? Noooo!

It found it more fun to grab me and body slam through the rock, turning it into rubble and large chunks. That hurt a lot! I could feel blood leaking from my head and saw it drip and stain the transparency of the weird monster. Thinking it would kill me when I'd only been here for two days likely put me in a rage. I stomped hard on the claw, many many times, but it did nothing. That's when it pulled me to its face, like an idiot, so I punched it in an eye. It yelped in pain then launched me at a tree, but I couldn't feel much of the pain from my rage and frustration.

Adrenaline coursed through me, impairing my perceptions of pain and fear. I inched slowly towards it to aggravate it, and it worked. The scorpion roared at me, struck at me four times with its stinger and ended up stuck in one of the boulder's pieces. Angry, I punched its tail to the same efficiency as earlier, so I took a rock to my mouth, put it next to the stinger, then kicked that sucker really hard several times until it broke the stinger off. The creature retracted its tail instantly, screeching in pain. I could see blood and some type of misty substance leaking from the wound, distracting me to the scorpion grabbing me again and slamming me against the ground. It must've broke something or several somethings, but I didn't care. I just needed to kill it. All that went through my mind at the moment was 'kill, kill, kill'!

I hopped onto its face, narrowly dodging most attacks by the wounded tail and sharp claws, but it kept nicking me and cutting me. I'd rather that than getting crushed into a pulp or chopped up like a salad. I punched and punched as hard as a I could, likely hitting its eye or eyes several times since it threw me off, covered its head with its claws, and rushed off in a hiss. I blacked out shortly thereafter, forgetting that a giant bug-spider still has venom. Idiot. When I awoke, I was within another tree-turned-house surrounded by the rancid odor of litter and animals.

I had been tucked into a couch and I found it to be...rather comfy. Checking around, I noticed a bunch of birdhouses, cat trees, and an assortment of wooden planks and tiny cabins housing a bunch of different animals. Sitting across from me was a...winged pony...a pegasus, maybe? I don't know. They're likely stupid enough to call themselves like that. I wanted to get out of there sneakily, but the adrenaline had long since worn off and I could feel severe pain aching through my body, grunting loudly from it. The yellow pony noticed while she had a bag in her mouth, dropped, and flew towards me with a worried expression plastered on her face. I wanted to push her away, but I felt something sting me in the heart and render my body numb. It almost felt like someone was pouring oil over my bones. It wasn't even a pain. Whatever had caused this was not something I could understand.

"Why do giant bug-spiders still have venom?" I groaned loudly through clenched teeth.

I blacked out again from the pain, and the next thing I know, I'm on a pile of pillows of various colors and sizes...and smells. Thick wooly blankets were draped over me, and on them slept a few cats and rodents. On a wooly blanket. The itchy blankets. The scratchy blankets. The ones I hate above all. I was about to throw the covers off of me when I saw two eyes invading my person space.

"AAAAAAAH!" I screamed. "What's wrong with you?!" I shouted.

"Oh, I-I'm sorry. I was just worried is all," the yellow pony said. I slid back from her slightly and felt the animals sleeping on the bed shift in discomfort. "You were in such bad shape! I had to clean you up and keep you immobile so your..." She cleared her throat. "Bones would set back in."

"Where am I?" I asked. "And what's with all these...ssss...creatures?"

"I forgot to introduce you. You passed out again really quickly." She lowered herself then raised a tiny scorpion on her hoof. It waved to me and I freaked out.

"Keep that thing away from me!" I shouted.

"No no! It's okay! He and his family helped me make the best antidote I could to help you with that...um, exchange. It didn't neutralize the problem, but it helped let your body fight it." The yellow pony smiled and lowered the scorpion. "As for where you are, you're in my home, and the animals are because I take care of them."

"How exactly did I get here, anyways?" I pushed more of the covers off of me, the more I could move. "I don't imagine you were wandering about looking for giant scorpions."

"You don't remember? You wandered out of the woods yourself, but you weren't responding to me when I called to you." She turned around and fed some of the squirrels with nuts from the bag she dropped earlier. "She brought a doctor to help you out, but they left you here since moving you would be too dangerous. The doctor said it's a miracle you survived the scorpios at all."

"The what-pios?" I repeated to an extent.

"A scorpios. It's like an ursa major."

I blinked several times. "What, like the constellation?"

She nodded. So, constellations are monsters now. Do the Greek gods wander around, too? What's next, Cerberus?

"You scared us quite a lot," someone said from the entrance of the house. It was Twilight. "After you ran off for no reason, Spike and I chased after you. I thought somepony with mobility problems like you would only be able to waddle off, not bolt away like an arrow!"

Spike ran up to me to see how I looked. He poked me in a bandaged side, making me yelp in pain. "Wow. You're really hurt," he teased.

I swiped a leg at him, but he dodged it, unfortunately. Would've liked to see him reel in the same pain. Would've really helped with the throbbing headache I have, headache which was amplified by Twilight talking to me in some kind of 'concerned' tone.

"Silver," she started. She looked away then gulped. "You were...crying while you were asleep."

I looked away. "Because I was in a lot of pain."

"You were unconscious," she said. "You wouldn't have been crying the way you were from just pain."

"It was the pain," I insisted.


"STOP DIGGING!" I yelled.

Twilight retreated from me. I despize when people try to use psychology on me. I had many approach me when I was in school, always saying the same things, and Twilight's approach was no different. I won't let her 'reach' me because there's nothing for her to reach! She kept trying to reach out to me while I kept my silence, but after a while, I just couldn't deal with her attempts to pry into my private life anymore.

"I'm sorry that I'm making you uncomfortable, Silver, but I want to know what's wrong. It's part of, what I believe is, my duty to help out anypony I can."

I stared her in the eyes, and her 'warm' and 'caring' smile boiled my blood even further. "There's nothing wrong," I started quietly. "Leave me alone. Leave me alone! LEAVE ME ALONE!" I bellowed.

Spike and Twilight both scurried out of the door, terrified of my yelling. I winced in pain from it. My lungs pushed against my broken bones when they reinflated. I didn't regret what I had done. Not in the slightest. She was prying where she wasn't wanted, and continued to do so when I told her to stop. I hate people who insist on annoying you when you tell them to to stop. Through my anger I noticed the yellow pony in the corner of my eye. The one I took for a fraidy wuss actually stood her ground and didn't react to my yelling with anything more than a scowl.

"What do you want?" I grumbled at her.

"Nothing. You can still stay here until you feel better, and while I don't approve of the way you talked to my friend, I understand that you're frustrated and have problems." She ruffled her wings. "And you have the venom still going through your system."

"I don't have any problems," I grumbled when I looked away.

"I forgot to mention, but my name is Fluttershy." She bowed a little. "I'm pleased to meet you and hope we can at least become friendly acquaintances in the future." She cleared her throat. "You'll have to thank Twilight for saving you in the future as well. After all, she helped pull out as much of the poison that hadn't been absorbed by your body as she could."

She returned to tending to her animals and humming, as though nothing had even happened. I squirmed to get back underneath the covers, content that my yells scared off the animals as well. I had as much room as I could, letting me slip off into a comfortable sleep, my fur still matted in tears.