• Published 1st Mar 2014
  • 6,475 Views, 11,170 Comments

Urohringr - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash and the Noble Jury fly east.

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It's Past Somepony's Bed Time

Kera's green eyes opened. She stirred, winced slightly, then propped herself up in the darkness. Bringing a forelimb up, she rubbed her squinty eyes, then blinked at the bulkheads surrounding her. Her ears twitched, but all she heard were the gentle breaths of two slumbering equines.

Quietly, she shuffled over to the edge of her cot and leaned over. Her eyes peered down through the darkness. Two figures cuddled together on the lower bunk. A striped shape hugged a yellow shape to his chest, sleeping peacefully.

With a deep breath, Kera turned her body around, swung her legs out, and hung her limbs off the cot one inch at a time. At last, after holding her breath, she released.

The filly fell to the floor, landing on all four hooves with the slightest of echoes. She tensed her body, squinting at the lower bunk.

Pilate and Bellesmith shifted slightly, but neither woke up. There was an ear-twitch or two, and once again both were still.

Kera exhaled with relief. After fidgeting for the space of half-a-minute, she turned towards the door, shuffled across the tiny crew compartment, and began turning the handle to the hatch. Once it was open, she slid it slightly ajar with the tiniest of creaks, then slid out into the hallway of the second floor.


"It's... very difficult to explain," Elma Boreal murmured, pacing around the navigation room. "I mean... uhm... not that it's troubling to me, mind you. I just don't know if I can make somepony else understand. Somepony who's not like... well..."

"It's too soon," Eagle Eye said, shaking his head. "You've been through a lot. I'm... uh... I-I'm very sorry, Elma." He turned and made for the vertical crawlspace beyond the entrance. "I'm sorry for bothering you—"

"No. It's fine." Elma reached a hoof out, then bit her lip with her fangs. "Erm... for the slightest moment—around the time when Rainbow Dash reached out to my... the other changelings—I felt a connection, you know? And I don't mean with just the changelings in Stratopolis... but with every changeling who was presently obeying Chrysalis." She stared across the luxurious room with a gaping expression. "I felt the changelings in Ledomare. I felt the changelings in Xona. I felt the changelings east of Alafreo. Changelings in places I couldn't possibly even recognize..." She winced and rubbed her head. "Archipelagos with sandy beaches. Cities made out of pure metal. Kingdoms with emerald plains."

"Was it like..." Eagle Eye squinted. "You were in their bodies?"

"N-no. More like... we all had the same body..." Elma blinked at him. "And we all had the same beating heart. We were all as one... but we've always been. Only..." She sighed with flinching dragonfly wings. "Only Chrysalis had always blinded us. With pain and malice and anger and misery." She stared up at Eagle again with thin green eyes. "She made us think that it was what we needed to satiate our hunger. And... we did need it, only there was so much more we could have benefited from. And when we all realized that—when we all awoke to what we've been missing all of our lives—we all became one. We unified as one mind... and then..." Her words fell apart.

Eagle watched patiently.

Elma sighed. She stared at the floor. Eventually, a smile came to her lips. "We grew up. We didn't need her anymore. And, in a way, we didn't need each other anymore. Now we are all separated... and yet we're still one beating heart, or at least we know that we have the capability of being so. If we just allow good feelings to flow through us. Goodness. Kindness. Love. All of that... it's a binding element. It always has been. And it's what we were truly hatched for."

"All of that..." Eagle tilted his head curiously to the side. "You grasped in one single epiphany?"

"I know it's a lot to chew," Elma said. "It's hard enough for me to put into words. I was positively floored by the event when it happened. From what Pilate and Rainbow Dash described of the other changelings, they were no less shocked than I was."

"But... it was a good thing... r-right?" Eagle asked.

Elma winced.

Eagle did too.

"Erm... yes. But... Chrysalis did so many horrible things to us... to me." Elma inhaled hard, trying to keep a steady posture. "There's so much to make up for. And as wonderful as it was to have that moment of an epiphany... of an awakening... it still won't bring back my past. Or, at least, the past that I believe in."

Eagle Eye nodded. "Elma, I am so very sorry for what was taken from you—"

"Only it wasn't taken from me. Don't you see?" Elma grimaced. "It was all in my head... planted there like the rest of Chrysalis' lies. But..." She cleared her throat and clenched her jaws tight. "I need to keep in mind what Rainbow and Bellesmith have been telling me."

"And what's that?"

"That I have the rest of my life ahead of me," Elma said. "And that this is the opportunity for a fresh start. To discover myself and see where my life goes from there."

"And you think that's going to happen in Val Roa?"

Elma said nothing.

"Erm... s-sorry..." Eagle Eye hung his head, sighing. "This is..." He gulped. "I shouldn't be bothering you with all this. I feel terrible."

"Yes, you do."

Eagle Eye glanced up at her, blinking.

"I... uhm... I-I can sense what you're feeling," Elma said. "I... I-I always could, really. I guess I just never gave it much thought." Her spines twitched and she murmured, "And waking up to who and what I am certainly helped."

"Then hopefully you feel..." Eagle Eye stood up straight. "You know that the ponies on board this ship care an awful lot for you."

"Yes. Yes they do." Elma nodded. Her green eyes flinched. "Well, maybe not Roarke..."


"And they love each other very much too," Elma said. Her gaze lingered on him. "Some... more than others."

Eagle's brow formed a bead or two of sweat.

Her eyes narrowed. "You're dying to ask something, aren't you?"

Eagle opened his mouth... lingered... and eventually blurted, "How did you know you were freed from Chrysalis the moment that it happened?"

Elma blinked. "That's not what you wanted to ask me."

Eagle was already nodding. "The question that really bothers me is something I'll have to figure out on my own."

"Very well." Elma trotted quietly towards him. "You want to know how sure I am of my connection to Chrysalis? I'll tell you..."

Outside, a tiny peach-colored shape huddled against the door. Kera pressed her ear against the frame, hearing the muffled sounds of Elma's and Eagle's voices. One sounded decidedly more distressed than the other. Soon, the conversation quieted, and hoofsteps came closer towards her.

With a sharp inhale, Kera flattened herself against the wall and flinched as the hatch swung open and in front of her.

Eagle Eye stepped out, his eyes glazed and distant. He stared at the floor, his ears twitching.

Elma trotted out after him. "Eagle Eye..." She placed a hoof on his shoulder. "Is... is there anything I can do?"

"I'm... n-not the one who needs help."

"I think I've been getting by quite nicely," she said with a nervous chuckle.

"I... w-wasn't talking about you either," he said.

She blinked curiously at that.

He turned and gave her a light hug. "Thanks for being so gracious to talk to me, Elma. I hope I didn't disturb you too badly."

"Not at all, Eagle Eye. Quite frankly, I'm glad to have somepony to talk to."

"You can come visit me and the other guys anytime..." He leaned back and smiled at her. "No need to stay down here all the time, alone with your thoughts."

"It's... b-been difficult coming out of my shell," she murmured, when winced. "Especially now that I'm getting used to the shell being inside of me..."

"Heh, I can only imagine."

"But... I-I think I'll take you up on your offer," she said with a smile. "These have been an anxious few days waiting for Alafreo's western bluffs to show. I wouldn't mind getting some sunshine."

"Yes..." Eagle smiled faintly and climbed up the ladder to the second level above. "Just don't let Josho blot out the daylight. The old stallion will do that."

"Heheh..." Elma waved. "Have a pleasant evening, Eagle Eye." She stood there, hugging herself slightly. Then, with a contented sigh, she backtrotted into the navigation room, closing the hatch behind her. Giving the handle a twist, she turned around.

Kera sat in the middle of the floor.

Elma jumped back, her green eyes flaming with fright. "Goodness!" She breathed and breathed... then exhaled with relief. "Kera, you gave me quite the start. What are you doing up this late, little filly?"

The foal stared up at her with unflinching green eyes.

Elma's fanged lips pursed. "Kera?" She took a nervous step forward. "Kera, what's wrong, honey?"

Kera started shaking. At last, she blurted, "Fix me."


"Please." A tear ran down Kera's tattooed cheek as she sniffled. "I n-need you to fix m-me again..."

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