• Published 1st Mar 2014
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Urohringr - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash and the Noble Jury fly east.

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With the Torchlight and Tears

"What... I mean..." Rainbow Dash slinked forward on trembling hooves, her thin eyes studying the injured changeling up and down. "Why are you here? Who did all of this to you—"

"N-no!" The changeling slid back on rattling chains. "Mother d-doesn't... nnnnghhh... d-doesn't approve!"

"Approve of what?!"

"No love... positively none..." The changeling shook its head, stifling a sob. "If I feed... I'll connect to Mother... and th-they'll find her..."

"Who...?" Rainbow Dash leaned forward. "And who's this 'Mother?'"

"Please... I'm so sorry..." The changeling gripped its skull, shivering. "No more. I-I can't..."

"Look, will you just chillax? I simply wanna understand more." Rainbow tried a weak smile. "I'm not going to hurt you."

The changeling spoke with a muffled tone. "How can I believe that..." A flash of green flame. An orange face with freckles gazed up at Rainbow. "...when all you do is hurt yourself, sugarcube?"

Rainbow's eyes went wide as saucers. She scuttled backwards on jittery hooves, bumping into a large body. With a gasp, she jerked and looked up.

Josho braced himself with a hoof on her shoulder, grimacing at the creature. "What in Ledo's wide-wide hips is this shit?!"

"Forgive me!" the changeling wailed. Its face turned lavender with flowing locks of silken hair as it reeled away from the stallion. "Too much love! All I do is taste! Mother, I'm so sorry!"

"I... I-I just found him... her... it like this!" Rainbow sputtered. "It keeps rambling on about 'Mother' and how 'sorry it is' for wanting to 'feed on love!'"

"Dayum thing looks wasted," Josho exclaimed. He squinted at the miserable creature. "Are those... bloodstains on the wall?"

"The nasty little wretches have a terrible habit of leaking," droned a voice. Josho and Rainbow spun to see Seclorum standing cooly in the bend of the corridor. Aatxe leaned awkwardly against a wall behind him, avoiding the sight of the ghastly creature. "For all of the skins and scales that they can mimic, it takes surprisingly little force to squeeze something out of them."

"Squeeze something out of them?" Josho turned to look at the quivering creature once again. "Secchy, were you torturing this friggin' bug thing?"

"Information is priceless on the battlefield, old friend," Seclorum replied, pacing towards the corner. "Don't pretend in all your years of defending the Queen's interest that you never drove the spurs in."

"I've killed soldiers and set fires to camps left and right—but I've never resorted to torture!" Josho frowned. "That's Council of Ledo bullcrap right there!"

"Oh please, Josho." Seclorum turned to glare at him. "You've set fire to more than just enemy encampments. Don't try to deny it."

Josho gnashed his teeth, but ultimately bowed his head in a defeated pose.

Rainbow Dash saw it. Blinking, she swiveled her gaping expression towards Seclorum. "What I don't understand is how—?"

"It was one of the drones delivering us food," Aatxe said, squirming slightly. He still refused to look at the creature. "Arcshod and Seclorum laid an ambush for them. Most got away, but not this one. Trapped, it flew itself towards the torches—presumably to end its own life. We bound it up before it could. I thought it would end there. But... well... for what it's worth, I was one of the few ponies who voted against..." He gestured blindly towards the corner. "...this."

"Well, why don't you tell me?! Cuz I'm all ears!" Rainbow frowned. "Just what is this worth?!"

"It's simple," Seclorum said. "The monster's connection with the shapeshifter's hive mind gave us a window into what they knew, including some of the things they were planning."

"The Xonans' Princess sensed a magical energy source inside the heart of this building," Aatxe added. "This changeling revealed that its shapeshifting brood knows about this. In fact, they knew about it for a long, long time before ever making a 'nest' in this city."

"That's about the most pertinent information we got out of the creep," Seclorum said. He swiveled around with a frown. "Until it decided to disconnect itself from the hive mind!" He gave the thing a nasty buck across the head. Thud!

"Hey!" Rainbow Dash jerked forward, shoving Seclorum back. "Cut it out!"

"Please..." Seclorum hissed. "Don't defend this creature! It feels nothing! It consumes emotion!" He snarled at the quivering thing's shell. "All this rambling nonsense about 'love' and 'pain' and 'mother.' It's like a spoiled infant begging for milk. It's an animal... and a very unclever one at that, at least when stripped of the ability to leech from innocent ponies!"

"Animal or not, think rationally for a dang second! I mean, don't you guys get it?!" Rainbow frowned. "Stab and prod a living thing all you like. Of course it's going to tell you what you want to hear! You think somepony's going to do or say something truthful when all it wants is for the pain to stop?!"

"It's given us invaluable information months before you or Prowse even came here," Seclorum said. "We know that the changelings are waiting for something special... or somepony. Somehow, I'm beginning to imagine it's you."

"Don't drag me into this garbage!" Rainbow snarled. "All you know is all that you've bled from this friggin' guy through brute force! You think that's anything to actually go by?" Her eyes narrowed. "Has it ever occurred to you that the head of the hive mind expected for its drones to get caught? It could have planted disinformation, dude!"

Aatxe spoke up, "But many of the things this drone has said coincide with what the Xonans have been sensing about this temple—"

"And you think that's suppose to excuse this?!" Rainbow frowned. "I'm sorry, but when I butt heads with a bad guy, I like to make sure I'm the good guy, inside and out!" She glared at Seclorum. "And ruthlessly torturing a creature isn't what I call being a good guy." She swung that glare back at Aatxe. "And just standing aside and letting it happen ain't much better either!"

Aatxe winced. Seclorum, however, kept glaring. "I know that you're not thinking very reasonably right now. Honestly, I can't blame you for your hysterics—"

Rainbow rolled her eyes. "Oh, come the buck on—!"

"You've just lost a close friend of yours," Seclorum droned. "Maybe more. Hell, maybe all of them." His eyes narrowed. "Would you honestly stand by and let disaster befall more innocent ponies just because you had a moral qualm that you couldn't cross over?"

"Dude, don't even go there," Rainbow practically hissed. "I crawl out of Loyalty's friggin' womb every morning. This pegasus is not about to be lectured on what it means to do the heroic thing."

"Then neither do I expect to be set aflame for taking the measures required of me in this crisis situation." Seclorum trotted forward, speaking almost into her ear. "Think of it this way. They've kidnapped us, stolen our identities, and left us all here to rot while going off to infiltrate the innermost circles of our families, friendships, and comrades." He frowned. "Do you honestly think that something like torture is beneath them too?"

Rainbow's jaw remained clenched.

Seclorum took a deep breath. "We need to have a talk with you—the whole of us, those masked figures as well—about how we're going to get out of this nightmare. In the meantime, if you think you can learn anything from this wretch through means that doesn't mean exacting the same cruelty to them that they've dealt to us... then be my guest. Just don't come whining to me when it doesn't work." He shuffled off, tapping Aatxe's shoulder along the way.

Aatxe flinched, but nevertheless sighed and shuffled after Seclorum.

Rainbow Dash and Josho stood alone in the corridor, being serenaded by the changeling's soft sobs.

"I swear to Celestia," Rainbow Dash uttered. "The further I fly from home, the uglier it gets."

Josho was silent.

Rainbow craned her neck in an attempt to read his expression. "Well? Big guy? What are you thinking about all of this?"

He shifted uncomfortably. "I think..." He glanced up at her. "...that nopony's going to weep for this once it's full bled out."

Rainbow's ears folded back. "Oh, Josho, come on!"

"Rainbow Dash, I'm upset concerning Prowse's double, I'm confused about Elma, I'm friggin' mad over Pilate. But that doesn't change the fact that there are ponies here who need to get home and you're the first pegasus to mean a damn thing to this stupid place." The stallion shrugged. "Secchy's right, y'know. I've done horrible... horrible things to stay alive. But at least I'm alive."

"Josho, you know that's not all that I have going for me," Rainbow muttered towards the walls.

Josho trotted over and rested a hoof on her shoulder. "Well here's something you still have. The Noble Jury's in one piece."

Rainbow's face jerked up to look at him.

Josho nodded. "I saw it while on my way here. I wanted to tell you earlier before you went searching in vain for Pilate." He stepped back, staring softy at her. "Our friends are alive, Rainbow Dash, and they need us. More importantly, we all need you, because—like it or not—you mean something to this place, and this place means something to you." He glanced at the changeling, then back at her. "Once you've figured it out, let me know. I'm off to learn what I can from Secchy and the rest."

That said, he shuffled off, leaving Rainbow Dash alone with the torchlight and tears.

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