• Published 1st Mar 2014
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Urohringr - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash and the Noble Jury fly east.

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A Very, Very Chaotic Problem

The sun was setting red and rosy over the western reaches of Amulek. On the opposite side of the sleepy village, between where the treeline began and where the fog rolled in, a cluster of ponies stood under swaying branches in a chilly wind. Changelings hung in the shadows, several of them perched on the branches as their clear eyes lingered on the town hall at a distance.

"Well, that went about as well as a Ledo passing a watermelon-sized kidney stone," Josho grunted. "And by that, of course, I mean 'as well as could be expected.'"

"I can't understand the Governess! This shouldn't have to take some long, overwrought decision!" Booster Spice stammered, pacing in a loose circle. "Why can't she see what's right in front of her?!"

"More like what's looming above her," Pilate said. His ears twitched to the sound of several sets of hooves swiveling his way. "What? Surely a blind zebra can still use metaphors of 'sight.'"

"Ahem..." Belle turned towards Booster. "The meeting could certainly have gone better. A lot of startling bits of information were thrown on your town all in one heap."

"Granted, there truly is no way to soften that sort of a blow," Pilate said.

"We had to convey the urgency of the situation to her!" a changeling said. "Even before the one called Rainbow Dash arrived, we were starting to realize how impossible our venture had become—"

"You should have known better than to have infiltrated their ranks like they were some enemy batallion!" Roarke shouted, marching into the feeble changeling's face, forcing the creature to fall on its shivering haunches. She further snarled, "At least you could have remained hidden! I don't know where in your cockroach minds you thought it was excusable to use the facade of Keebroo and the other two as some sort of diplomatic bargaining chip!"

"I... but we... we just—"

"Roarke..." Rainbow wheezed, leaning tiredly against a tree. Her eyes flickered red-on-yellow then back as she winced. "Just... l-lay off for once..."

"No! I shall not!" Roarke snarled, all-but-spitting in the nervous changeling's muzzle. "They've made it perfectly clear that they're more than self-aware of their own inexperience! They should have come up with a less risky plan than continuing the hijinks of their putrid matriarch!"

"She does have a point, Rainbow," Josho grunted. "It wasn't very smart."

"We c-couldn't leave these ponies!" The changeling gulped. "We just couldn't abandon them in the shadow of these chaotic abominations! Like Mother abandoned us!"

"I do not buy for a second that you are as helpless as you paint yourselves to be," Roarke hissed.

"Roarke—" Rainbow wheezed.

"I've seen you in action!" Roarke shouted. "I've seen you consume lives and transform entire kingdoms!" She flung a hoof in the air. "You could have stolen those chaos strips away! You could have destroyed them! You could have done anything but just leave them as a death trap for everypony around you! Just look at what the discordant energy is doing to Rainbow Dash—!"

"Dammit, Roarke, would you—nngnh!" Rainbow collapsed onto the grass beneath the trees.

"Rainbow!" Belle shouted.

Roarke spun, gasping. She rushed over to the pegasus' side.

Belle, Pilate, and Josho were already there. Booster Spice and the changelings watched over their shoulders, nervously. Roarke rushed down and scooped Rainbow up.

The mare panted and panted, her thin eyes flickering in and out of ruby brilliance. "Nnnngh... Roarke, don't..." She gulped. "D-don't blame them for that. You and I b-both know it ain't the changelings fault for what's... h-happening to me." She shuddered, ears folding back. "Celestia, it's getting so light..."

"Oh Spark... bl-blessed Spark!" Belle held a hoof over her muzzle as tears welled up in her eyes. "Roarke, we have t-to get her on board the Jury! There's still room in the infirmary beside Ebon—"

"Ding Dong, relax..." Rainbow reached a hoof out and touched her shoulder. She smild warily. "I know it looks bad... but it'll pass—"

"And they keep getting worse, though, Rainbow!" Belle shrieked. She hiccuped on a sob and leaned on Pilate's frame as she said, "How 'bad' are they going to look until you can't even stand to breathe?!"

"I... tr-try not to stress so bad about tomorrow."

"Rainbow, for Spark's sake—"

"For real..." Rainbow hissed, shook, and struggled to sit up. Roarke ultimately helped her, and Rainbow rested dizzily on her haunches. "Let's not change the subject. There's more at risk here than me." She turned and stared up at the changelings in the trees with thin eyes. "What if Merigold decides to move all the villagers out of town. Then what?"

"That's not going to matter!" one of them said. "Don't you get it?"

"Lay it on me."

"The abominations are growing restless at an exponential rate!" another one of the shape-shifters spoke up. "We can't guess when or at what time, but they're going to grow weary of feasting on wildlife in the forest surrounding the mountains!"

"They've already done this...?" Pilate nervously asked.

"Several times!" another said, nodding its dark head. "Nopony understands just how many times we've saved the ponies of Amulek time and time again from a narrow brush with death! There were days when the monsters were practically nipping at their hooves!"

"And just now?" Roarke asked, still fuming. "When we lost Whizzball due north of here?"

Josho spun and blinked at her. "Oh, did you, now?"

"Silence, obese one," Roarke grunted.


A changeling was already replying to her. "That was the largest outburst of the creatures yet," it explained. "They only returned to mountain because either there was nothing left living in the vicinity to feast on, or their silver strips still had cohesion. But, soon enough, the strips will no longer be able to contain their own structure. They've been gradually dissolving since Mother abandoned this place."

"Then that means...?" Pilate began.

The changeling shuddered as it said, "They will have nothing anchoring them to the mountain anymore. There will be nothing to draw them back from their holding place."

"Where will they go?" Booster Spice asked in a quiet voice.

"Simple. Where there is life," the changeling said. "They feast on more than just emotion. They devour harmony, for they are chaos incarnates."

Another changeling spoke up, "They will consume Amulek in an instant, turning all living flesh into ragged strips of distorted meat. And then they will take their feast as far as their boundless energy will carry them. Even to Val Roa and abroad."

"Durandana..." Pilate murmured. "...Alafreo."

Belle gulped. "Luxmare..."

Rainbow Dash sighed, leaning against Roarke's limbs. "Equestria." She gulped. "I get it." She looked up. "And what if we get a powerful bunch of ponies here to stop them? Like the Val Roans."

"Rainbow Dash, there simply isn't enough time!" a changeling stammered. "That's why it's absurd to wait for Merigold!" It gestured at the group. "Even discussing this with our mouths like normal ponies is a terrible waste of time!"

"Surely we must mutually discover a solution to this problem—" Pilate began.

"And these 'Val Roans' will not properly eliminate the threat!" the changeling stated. "It doesn't matter what sort of weaponry they have in their arsenal!"

Roarke's lenses pistoned outward upon hearing that. "Why would that be so?"

"Isn't it obvious?" One of the changelings in the trees spoke up. "Of all emotion, anger is the closest ally of chaos. That's why Mother was so keen to harvest these things from the dragon called 'Nevlamas.' Her goal was to spread malice so that we—her children—might consume it and make her strong."

"So... what you're trying to tell us..." Josho scratched his chins. "...is that if we send a bunch of soldiers into the mountains to blow these freaktards up—"

"It will only strengthen them!" the changeling said. "Of this, we are most certain! The abominable feast will quadruple in strength and ferocity!"

"Somehow, I totally believe that," Rainbow Dash said.

"Then there is no proper solution at this point," Roarke droned.

"Roarke," Belle sighed. "We can't simply dismiss—"

"It was folly to come here," Roarke said. "I don't care what Rainbow Dash has seen in her visions."

"Roarke—" Rainbow protested.

"It's decided." Roarke hoisted Rainbow Dash up and tried leaning her over her flank. "We're leaving. Us, Rainbow, the Jury."

"Roarke, nnngh... stop—"

"We must make as much distance between us and this damned mountain as conceivably possible—"

"Dammit, Roarke, stop trying to protect me!" Rainbow shoved off of her. She teetered a bit, but found her balance in time to glare at the metal mare. "Stop it!" She aimed her frown at the others. "All of you!" Her hooves stomped in the ground. "I love you and I get that you all love me too but why can't we just wrap our heads around the fact that there are some things bigger than me and the rest of us combined?!"

Roarke stared back, lips quivering. Her lenses retracted, and in a very quiet voice she said, "I do not wish to lose you."

Rainbow clenched her eyes shut. She fought the urge to sniffle. One wobbly step after another, she shuffled towards the mare and gently took two of her hooves in her own. "Roarke... sexy girl..." She opened a pair of eyes. Tiny tears refracted the flicker of red and yellow as she said, "You lost me long before you ever had me."

Roarke's ears folded back.

Rainbow took a shuddering breath. She swallowed a lump down her throat and looked over at Belle and Pilate. "Bellesmith... Pilate... I... I-I'm so sorry." She tried hobbling over towards them. The pair met her halfway, holding her up. "You... you guys know me. I was soaring my way east long before I made the best friends a homesick pegasus ever could. After all the dragons I've kicked and zombies I've headbutted, I'll be damned if I'm going to breathe the last breaths of my life while running away from something."

Belle nodded, a tear running down her cheek. "We know, Rainbow Dash."

"We do understand," Pilate said. "But..." He tilted his head up. "What can we do?"

"I..." Rainbow winced. She turned towards Roarke, who had her head bowed. A cold breath. "I don't know..."

"It is not your place to know, Rainbow Dash," one of the changelings above said. "It was never your place. Not once did we expect the pony who freed us to cross our paths."

"Yeah, well... she has." Rainbow looked up. "So, what now? There's gotta be some sort of silver bullet."

"Maybe at one point, there would have been," the changelings siad. "But it is far too late for that now. The abominations are restless, and we are the ones responsible for the terror they're about to unleash."

"Hrmmmmf..." Josho folded his forelimbs with a frown. "Told you we shouldn't have dicked around in that Pegasus Sex Crater..."

"Cram it, breeder," Roarke groaned.

"Roarke—" Rainbow entreated her.

"We must not tarry here any longer," the changelings overhead said. One by one, they took flight, their wings buzzing. "We must go."

"Go?!" Booster Spice gawked at them through his goggles. "Go where?!"

"We will head back to the mountain. All of us."

"Just how many of you are there?" Roarke asked.

"Less than fifty," one explained. "Even if we had two hundred, it doesn't make our task any easier."

"And just what sort of a plan do you have in motion?" Pilate asked.

"We will attempt to forge a wall using our own bodies," one changeling said. "A wall that will block the exit from the cave."

"What good will that do?!" Booster sputtered. "We saw these creatures! They were see-through ethereal monstrosities! How could you possibly hold them back?!"

"We must nevertheless try."

"Yeah, and you will die in the process!"

"If that is the case, so be it."

Booster clammed up, blinking. He hung his head with a sigh. "There has to be another way..."

"There is not," one changeling said. "If we go now, we and our siblings can perhaps corner the monsters against the metal walls. There, they might find solace among the metal strips and delay their inevitable—"

"Wait... wait wait wait." Rainbow Dash held her hooves up. "...did you just say 'metal walls?'"

"Mmmm. Indeed." One changeling nodded. "Deep in the belly of the mountain."

"But..." Booster squinted. "Drakshaa and his miners never found any such—"

"It dwells deeper than any possible mineshaft. Mother had the changelings who facilitated our hatching bore a hole to its location months ago. What her plan was with the material, we cannot fathom, but it has acted as a secure base against which the strips were deposited."

Roarke gulped. She turned towards Rainbow. "Rainbow..."

Rainbow, in the meantime, was staring northeast. The Yaerfaerda symbol flicked before her, brighter than ever.

"Rainbow..." Roarke trotted closer, nearly breathless. "Wh-what are you thinking...?"

Rainbow took a deep breath. "...that we need to get on board Floydien's ship right friggin' now." She turned and looked wearily at the metal mare. "We'd better get the whole Jury in session over this..."

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