• Published 1st Mar 2014
  • 6,475 Views, 11,170 Comments

Urohringr - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash and the Noble Jury fly east.

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There's Some Food For Thought

Thud! Thud! Thud!

"Zaidy Waidy!" Props hollered before the door to a rickety treehouse high above an array of swaying branches. The torch dangling from the exterior flickered with each heavy slam of her rear hooves against the front entrance. "I know you're in there! You have some explaining to do, ya fuzzhead!"

From the neighboring platform, several pegasi gathered in droves, clutching each other and murmuring in fright.

"I mean it! I've got pliers and I'm not afraid to use 'em!" Props spat. With a growl, she kicked and kicked at the door. "Grrrrnnngh! What's this made out of? Space Wood?" The frazzled mare spun about, forcing the Durandanans around her to flinch. Her eyes fell on the closest household on a platform. "Excuse me, ma'am?" she spoke in a charming, melodic tone. Her smile matched. "May I borrow that?" She pointed at a large wooden rake leaning against the structure's outer wall.

The pegasus gulped and tossed the heavy beam towards her. "B-be my guest, outsider!"

Thap! Props easily caught it. "Thankiessss!" She smiled. She curtsied. She spun and slammed the hulking weight of the thing against the door. "Raaaaaaaaaugh!"

Smassssssssh! The entrance was reduced to splinters.

The Noble Jury's engineer stuck her grinning, twitching face in through the door. "Heeeeeeeeere's Propsy!" Reaching her hoof in, she unlatched the frame from the inside and opened it with a creaking sound. It promptly collapsed to dust about two seconds after the gesture. Trotting inside, Props' goggles glinted like an arachnid's pair of eyes above her skull. "Now, Zaid... what do you have to say for yourself...?"

A voice trembled from the shadows. "Please... you h-have to understand..."

"Understand what?!" Props sneered, seething. "That's you're a two-timing hussy who can't stand on four legs and four legs alone?!"

"I... I-I didn't want anypony else around for this! It... it wouldn't be right!"

"Around for what?!" Props squinted. She lifted the outside lantern with her pole and held it forward. "Just where are you...?"

A swath of amber light swam over the interior. At last, the stallion was exposed, lying on a pile of velvety cushions. He had a plate full of toasted bread crumbs right beside him, and his chin was stained with the unmistakable yellow signs of cheese, cheese, and more cheese.

Props blinked... then blinked again. "Buh...?"

"Okay, confession time." Zaid squirmed in the spotlight. "I l-love this stuff more than life itself. Enough to forget about... about..." His eyelids twitched.

The sound of a miniature foghorn echoed across the chamber.

Zaid blushed. "...lactose intolerance." He bit his lip.

Props blinked. She blinked again. "Snkkkt..." Her whole body flinched, struck back by an invisible stone. Her golden mane curtained around her skull like a deflated balloon, and soon she was laughing, giggling, guffawing.

"Eh heh heh..." Zaid gulped. "K-Keep that open flame away, blondie."


"Sorry about... erm..." Zaid winced as his body jolted again. "Guh... the sm-smell..."

"You kidding?!" Props tossed the pole behind her and hopped in place. "I love it!" She pounced. "Smells like victory!"

"Gaaaah!" He gasped as she plowed into him and the two rolled over the rattling plate and breadcrumbs. "Oh jeez! Oh jeez! It's like wrestling living f-fuzz!"

"I knew it! I knew it all along!"

"H-hey! Uh... me too! So... you're not going to murder me, still, are you?"

"Depends on if you can live through it."

"Live through what—Mmmfmmmff!" His eyes bulged in the darkness as the two rolled even harder into the shadows.

The room turned into an echo chamber of giggles, chuckles, and low moans—all accompanied by a nebulous horn section.

Outside, a few pegasi nervously peaked in. One or two blinked, their wingfeathers slowly stretching out. At last, a First-Born cleared her throat, yanked the welcome mat off the wooden balcony, and draped it securely over the door, sealing off the interior of the treehouse.

The next morning, amber dawnlight wafted through the portholes of the Noble Jury's mess hall.

Shuffling by himself, a bleary Eagle Eye made his way to a chair and slid in. He slapped down a plate of apple slices and began nibbling tiredly. His nostrils flared as he gazed ahead of him in thought.

Slowly, another set of hoofsteps entered the room. A large figure came to a stop, glanced at Eagle and his plate, then back towards the kitchen.

"Hrrrmmm..." Josho took a deep breath. "From the looks of your table setting, I'm guessing that our cook isn't up and about to make breakfast yet."

"Mmmmf... no..." Eagle Eye gulped some apple mush down and shook his head. "And he won't for a while."

"Is that so?" Josho leaned against the table with a smirk across his top chin. "I take it things went swimmingly."

Eagle gulped again. "It's not like that."

"Ah. Righto." Josho nodded. He stood there in awkward silence.

Eagle continued eating.

"Erm... uhhh..." Josho scratched the side of his head. "I'm guessing that... since you haven't tried to kill me yet... you're not mad for laying the spurs on the little burgundy bit purse?"

"If you're wanting me to say thank you... 'Thank you.'" Eagle muttered.

"Well, you don't sound very happy."

"It's not unhappiness, old stallion. It's..." Eagle dropped his latest apple slice and sighed, closing his eyes. After a meditative pause, he murmured, "Ebon slept like a doll all night."

"Is that a fact?"

"I held him close the whole time."

"Is that all you did?"


"Hey..." Josho waved a forelimb, smirking. "Sorry! Sometimes I get surrogate 'dad' mixed up with surrogate 'bro.'"

"Surrogate flankhole is more like it."

"Heh... fine." Josho waddled off. "Try girl-chatting with the space reindeer and see if you have any better luck."

"Josho... no, please, wait." Eagle clenched his teeth, giving the stallion a light tug with his telekinesis. "Really. I'm sorry. I'm just... worried."

"About what?" Josho shrugged. "You and the sailboat are back together, aren't you?"

"Yes. And that's wonderful. It's just that... that..." Eagle hesitated.

Josho gazed quietly at him. Finally, he trotted over, pulled a chair out, and sat across from the ex-mercenary.

Eagle Eye looked up.

Josho waited patiently.

At last, Eagle Eye murmured, "Let's say you love somepony... like... genuinely... truly love somepony. And... and you w-want what is best for them, that which will make them happy." Eagle gulped, then fidgeted with his forelimbs. "And to make this pony happy, you go all out. You expose them to your feelings. You show them everything you're afraid of... and everything you hope for." He winced. "But... like... what if that's not enough?"

"Is there something you're holding back from the guy, guy?"


"It's an h-honest question!"

Eagle gulped. "I want Ebon to be happy. But... but I know something... something that's the truth... but I know--or at least I'm pretty sure that such a truth wpuld only make him miserable." He ran a hoof through his frazzled mane. "In fact, I'm pretty sure it will crush him. I'll be by his side, of course, but... but maybe th-that won't be enough."


Josho scratched his chins again. "Hrmmmmm... Kiddo, I'm no expert on romances. I couldn't stick with anypony long enough to make anything out of it back in Ledomare--much less a friggin' baby. Heh." He smirked bitterly. "And I'm certainly no expert on the locking of colt-bolts."

"Uh huh..."

"I mean... hah... seems rather redundant to play a ballgame with two sticks where I come from--"

"Will you get to the point?!" Eagle barked.

"Ahem... the point is, Eagle Eye..." Josho took a quiet breath, then stared squarely at him. "If what you do is give your all to make one pony happy, and yet you don't tell him the truth, then you're not really giving your all, now are ya?" He leaned forward, eyes narrow. "And what would that be, then? Real love? Or just a cardboard cut-out of the real thing?"

Eagle stared at the sunlit windows past Josho.

"The way I see it, nothing's worth goo-gooing on about if only one of you is happy, 'cuz the other one's struggling so hard to keep some stageplay goin' on constantly. You may be together... but is that something that'll be real?"

Eagle shuddered. In a weak voice, he eventually said, "I want Ebon to feel like what he has is real."

Josho blinked once. "Can't it be real enough on its own?"

Eagle chewed on his lip.

Josho glanced down. He sighed, then smiled faintly as he stood up. "Again... not the expert, talking." He shuffled two steps, paused, then looked back at the petite unicorn. "But, for what it's worth... I'm glad you two are back together. I mean... kind of a lonely basket with just one fruit in it. You know what I'm saying?"

"Buck me sideways, old stallion."

"Heh. Somepony else has that job now, the way I see it." Josho waddled towards the kitchen. "And then there's friggin' Blondie and Sir Cults-a-Lot. Ledo's buttfunk! Did somepony spike this crater or what?! Meh... I'm making an omelet."

With Josho gone, Eagle leaned forward, resting his chin on crossed forelimbs. He stared into the dawnlight, breathing in slow, contemplative motions.

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