• Published 1st Mar 2014
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Urohringr - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash and the Noble Jury fly east.

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A Courageous Ambassador for Harmony

Roarke slapped a panel shut in the side of the lounge sphere. Wiping the sweat from her brow, she crawled out from underneath the hovering thing and stood along the side of the hangar. Picking up a metal remote, she switched it on, summoning a low humming sound from the craft.

The mare twisted a dial ever so slightly.

The black sphere raised towards the ceiling on its own.

Roarke stopped twisting, then turned the dial the other way.

The sphere lowered until it was nearly touching the floor of the compartment.

Roarke flipped a switch and pressed a lever forward and back.

The sphere drifted back and forth in opposite directions, responding to the metal mare's remote control.

A door squeaked open and Rainbow Dash trotted through. "Having fun with Whizzball?"

Roarke shook a bit, then exhaled heavily. She slapped the remote and the humming died from inside the craft. "You do realize that I have taken extraordinary care to rid myself of most of my violent tendencies." She dropped the remote onto a metal crate and trotted past Rainbow. "You and your friends certainly aren't helping when it comes to the transport that I'm so selflessly providing."

"Girl, it's just a name."

"And would you object if somepony called your prime matriarch 'Princess Sky Testicle?'"

"I don't see how it's the same," Rainbow said. "Lizards didn't build Celestia, and it's not like you can crawl inside her chest and fly the alicorn across a frozen ocean."

"Then I'm glad that I shall never meet your kingdom's beloved ruler," Roarke droned as she trotted across the hangar to a workbench. "She sounds incredibly unexciting."

"Roarke, did an oak tree craw up your flank overnight?" Rainbow asked. "I mean, a bigger oak tree than usual?"

"If this is about my not being present at the feast that the Durandanans threw earlier, then you need not worry. Much like Floydien, I am not the most adept at social functions."

"Yeah... but the thing is—you've been trying lately. Trying super hard."

"Then perhaps I needed a rest," Roarke said.

"You don't like these pegasi, do you?"

"I did not say that."

"Well, I can kinda read it in your actions."

Roarke sighed, then glanced at Rainbow. "I do not hate them."

"That's not helping."

"Odd. I figured that in my case it said a lot."

"Look, Roarke, I know these guys may appear freaky on the surface..."

"That certainly goes without saying."

"And, like Josho, you probably figure that we should be high-tailing it to Val Roa instead of sticking around here..."

"Once again, you are adept at stating the obvious."

"Look!" Rainbow frowned. "We're staying here." She then gazed softly at the mare. "Just for a little while, okay? I have every reason to believe that these ponies—like—are long distant cousins of ancient Equestrians."

"Kissing cousins, from what I've seen."



Rainbow blinked. She rolled her eyes and sighed. "Look, I can't just ditch these ponies now that I know that they're here... now that I've seen what appears to be so many obvious connections. Tomorrow, I'm flying with Sivrem's company to the Central Tower. I hope to learn all I can from the Gray Feathers about this 'Valkyrie' and 'Gold Lights' business."

"And if you find out everything that you've hypothesized..." Roarke turned finally to stare at Rainbow Dash. "What then? Do you plan to adopt the entire civlization?"


"They can't all fit on the Jury, Rainbow."


"And even if you had the notion to escort them all around the plane so that they'd end up arriving in western Equestria years from now, they couldn't be expected to survive the trip across the Grand Choke. By Searo's womb—you can't even be expected to survive such a trip."

"I... that..." Rainbow shook her confused head. "I-I don't have such a notion!" Her voice cracked. "What the heck's gotten into your head as of late?!"

"A very good question we should all be asking ourselves." Roarke fiddled with a few metal instruments. "Isn't our business in Val Roa the one matter of prime importance?"

"It's pretty high on my list, yeah..."

"But not the top anymore?"

"Roarke, I want to believe really hard that I'm on this journey for a reason. A harmonic reason. It seems like no small coincidence that we've stumbled upon this crater full of pegasi who worship sunlight, and here I've got a sword that can let me talk to the patron Alicorn of the Sun. Commander Hurricane traveled far from Equestria, and—aside from saving the world from the threat of Stratopolis' black heart—it looks like she may have made even more of an impact. If I can do something to bridge the gap between the past and the present, then that's not a chance that I would wish to ignore."

"And does this involve me any?"

"What?" Rainbow blinked. "No. I mean... wh-why should it?"

"Hmmmm..." Roarke continued examining her tools. "Then why are you even rambling to me about it?"

"I... I..." Rainbow shook her head, then groaned. "I don't get you sometimes." She turned tail, stomped out, and closed the door loudly behind.

Roarke said nothing. Only after a minute or two had passed did she bother to glance towards the doorframe with dull lenses. She sighed out her nostrils and continued tinkering on her tools.

The next morning, Rainbow Dash reclined on the hull of the Noble Jury. Stifling a yawn, she smiled wearily at the sliver of dawnlight peaking over the eastern mists.

"So, it might take a day... it might take several... but I aim to get to the bottom of this, Your Highness. But, if you ask me, I think the truth is pretty obvious. These are the descendants of Commander Hurricane's company. How they broke off from the rest of the expedition and somehow managed to arrive here? Well, that's what I aim to find out."

"This is amazing, Rainbow Dash," Celestia's voice said. "This is absolutely amazing! For the first time since the tragedy caused by Discord, I find myself at a loss of words."

"I'm pretty freaked out myself, Princess." Rainbow smirked. "But in a good way."

"From the sound of things, you've been acting as an exemplary ambassador so far."

"I can't help it. I'm really digging this place. I mean... heh... I'm not all that big on how they spit foals out and share huge beds—if ya know what I mean—but everything else about them is super awesome. It's like... like..." She sighed through a warm grin into the morning light. "It's like being in Cloudsdale again."

"I can sense it in your voice, Rainbow Dash."

"Hmm? Sense what?"

"Happiness. And warmth."

Rainbow blinked. "Aren't I normally, though? I mean... like... I-I've got friends, y'know! The Noble Jury's got my back! They have for a while now!"

Princess Celestia was silent for a while. Then, at last, her voice wafted from the golden blade. "This is different, Rainbow Dash. I imagine you sense it too."

Rainbow bit her lip.

"Ponies—especially mortal ones—possess a unique resonance to their voice that changes throughout the various stages of their aging lives. I've always valued your tenacity, courage, and unfailing loyalty. But it goes without saying that a certain youthful vitality dwindled away once our dear friends had so tragically perished, and in front of you, no less."

"Hrmmm... yeah..."

"But hearing you now, and the exuberance with which you speak of these... remarkable Durandanans—it reminds me of the young pegasus whom I once had the honor to crown at the Best Young Fliers Competition."

Rainbow's ears folded. She glanced down at the jungle canopy and quiet wooden houses built within the branches.

"How are your friends handling this encounter?"

"Hmm? Oh! They're... uh... they're really digging it too. For the most part, that is."


"Well, it goes without saying: I think everypony on board the Jury is happy to be in a village where nopony is trying to kill us. Heh. But, that being said, a few are... a bit squirmy."

"In what manner?"

"It's hard to say, Your Highness. I only hope that the crew doesn't think that I'm—y'know—being selfish."


"I wanna connect with these pegasi. And I bet you want to as well. So, as far as I'm concerned, I'm sticking around for their sake." Rainbow gulped. "But it could just as easily be the other way around."

"If visiting these ponies is a blessing unto you, then I do not see why you must feel guilty, Rainbow Dash. If you want my advice—then I say embrace this occasion. Your heart can certainly use the merriment."

"Yeah..." Rainbow nodded. Her lips slowly curved. "Yeah, okay."

Winged figures appeared along he horizon.

"Whoops." Rainbow kicked off the hull and hovered above the Jury. "Looks like things are about to kick off."

"I do hope you got enough sleep overnight. It is rather early."

"Heh. Some things are just impossible, Your Highness." Rainbow fidgeted in mid-air. "Uhm... I-I'm going to leave the sword with the Jury."


"Yeah. I mean... if you wanna talk to any of best buds, then be my guest. But for right now... well..." Rainbow sighed. "Let's just say that the next time I speak with you may be a moment when we'll have to make a pretty bold decision. I'm not about to rush anything, ya feel me?"

"I understand you perfectly, Rainbow. Just remember: do not underestimate yourself. You have grown into a fine and courageous adventurer. I've no doubt that you have what it takes to be Equestria's finest ambassador of harmony."

Rainbow smirked, her eyes on Sivrem's company as they flew closer. "Now if that don't friggin' beat all..." And she sheathed the Sword of Solstice.

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