• Published 1st Mar 2014
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Urohringr - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash and the Noble Jury fly east.

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The Gravity of This Situation

Rainbow Dash skirted around the balcony of the large structure. Twirling about, she dashed low and threaded through the columns and airship parts blocking her way towards the building's interior.

Right as she was about to enter the depths of the structure, she heard loud whistling in the air. Glancing back, she gasped.

Several chunks of shattered temple parts were flying in her general direction.

Beating her wings harder, Rainbow Dash rocketed herself into the nearest corridor, evading the impacting pieces of granite by a hair's breadth.

Bellesmith and Eagle Eye weren't quite so lucky. They clung precariously to the balcony's ledge, a ledge that was growing increasingly fractured with each millisecond. Several hulking bits of granite struck all around them, causing the cracks and fissures to spread further.

Belle's grip was slipping. Her rear legs dangled into the rainy air. "EE...!" she began shrieking.

Breathless, Eagle Eye glanced at the fractured chunk of marble beneath them. With a grunt, he stabbed his sword straight into the material, anchoring himself in place. "Grab ahold of me!"

The mare complied without hesitation. Within two seconds of hugging him from behind, the piece of granite they were on cracked completely, breaking off from the rest of the structure. With a combined yelp, the two plunged loose into the deathly winds with Eagle Eye clinging to the shard with his one sword.

"Unnngh!" Ebon Mane tumbled across the engine room floor and slammed into a wall for the umpteenth time. The Noble Jury had finished another plummeting rotation. "Grnnngh... Floydien! There's gotta be a way to fly us straight!"

Silence came from the intercom. All was rattling bulkheads and sparks.

Ebon's sweaty face glistened in the lavender light. "Mr. Fl-Floydien...?!"

More silence.

Panicking, he crawled across the turbulent aircraft's interior and fought to swing the door to the navigation room open. "Zaid! I-I think we have a problem—"

"Scrkkkk! Don't I know it, Burgundude!""

Ebon's eyes twitched. He tilted his ears towards the intercom. "Zaid...?!"

"More like Scaredy McCrapMySaddle at the moment!" The ex-cultist grunted, his hooves gripping the cockpit controls tight. "Do a sexy bachelor a favor and rush into the observation room and make sure Kera's still doing the Safety Swing!"

"What happened to Floydien?!"

"Oh, y'know..." Zaid stammered, his wide-eyes locked on the chaos in front of him. "What spits up must spit down. As for me..."

Beyond the windshield, all was tornados and loose building shrapnel.

Zaid whimpered, "A little glad you didn't cook me brunch like I asked earlier." Gulping a dollop of bile down, he clenched his jaw and swerved hard with the controls. "Hold on! Things are about to get really kaizo!"

Caught in a murderous clock-wise spin through the maelstrom, the Noble Jury nevertheless managed to gain altitude under Zaid's novice ministrations. It was a good thing too, for it narrowly threaded between two halves of loosely twirling temple parts before veering its way around a pair of shimmering obelisks.

A trio of temples collided overhead, sending waves of dust and gravel into the air. The rocky pits violently pelted the ship's bow, covering the front face with dents and cracking the windshield in several places. Gnashing his teeth, Zaid guided the rocking ship along its cyclonic path, mindful of three ginormous boulders sailing down at him from the lofty collision.

With a burst of steam, the Noble Jury twirled, its hull and crimson skystone gleaming with rain water. Against the backdrop of lightning flashes, its sleek body plowed through the dust and spiraled safely around the three huge shards falling towards it. As thunder rolled, the vessel ascended briskly through the cacophonous tempest, leveling out to a considerably less hazardous altitude, and yet still forced to orbit the heart of the chaotic storm.

Far down below...

...Belle and Eagle Eye plummeted through the flickering squall, surrounded on all sides by rain, temples, and the scattering pieces of temples. In the haze of an enchanted obelisk streaking by, they saw swirling bands of debris knifing their way directly below. The rock that they were on plunged on a suicidal course towards the mess.


The stallion was already jerking his head about. He saw a large structure looming to their right.

"Hold tight!" Eagle shoutted, then gritted his teeth while his horn shimmered like a beacon.

Belle's wet mane flounced. She gasped, realizing that they had slowed in their descent. She looked down to see that the rock they were on was encased in lavender energy.

Eagle hissed, his forehead scrunched in agony. Nevertheless, he succeeded in forcing the rock's fall into a diagonal glide, headed straight for the solid two-story platform to their side.

"Almost there, EE..." Belle sputtered against the rain and thunder. She wrapped her forelimbs around him while he clung to the embedded sword. "Just a little f-further..."

"Ghhnngh... mmmff..." Eagle Eye's face contorted in pain. Blood trickled out of his ears as his entire body trembled beneath Belle's grip. His horn flickered, starting to short out.

At last, they were so close that they could hear the rattle of hailstones against the temple's roof.

"Guhhh!" Eagle's body went limp—so did the rock they were on.

Th-Thud! The ponies' rock collapsed on the edge of the roof and went sliding across the wet surface. The couple slumped like ragdolls in opposite direction, catching their waterlogged breaths while the storm raged above them.

"Eagle Eye... that was incredible..." Belle stood up on weak knees. "Are you okay?!" She flashed him a worried look, having to speak below the booming thunder. "Your leylines would have fried your nervous system at the rate that you were—"

Eagle Eye couldn't hear her; he was too busy gasping. Behind Belle's figure, an obelisk glided icily donwards from the storm's heights. It carried with it a massive temple on a collision course with the structure they had landed on.

"Eagle Eye...?" Bellesmith stammered, her face full of concern. Th-Thap! A shield flew into her chest and she grabbed it with two forelimbs. "Ooof!"

"Nnnngh!" Eagle Eye rushed forward, spun, and bucked her clear off the rooftop with two rear legs.

Belle fell back into the hurricane winds, shrieking.

Eagle twirled and flung his forehead over the roof's edge, aiming his horn at her body. With adrenalized concentration, the petite unicorn enchanted the shield in her grasp, pushing it—and her—in a cascading glide towards a lonely temple floating safely below.

Once he had pushed her with enough force, Eagle backed up, his lavender body covered by the shadow of the immense temple plummeting towards him. Panting, he limped towards the opposite end and yanked his sword out of the loose rock along the way. Eagle then broke into a desperate gallop, sliding at random as his hooves fought for traction on the roof's slick service.

Seconds later, the gliding temple struck, tearing the second story of the platform into shreds, five meters per second. A wall of sundered rock and debris trailed Eagle Eye, catching up to the unicorn with murderous speed. With nowhere else to go, the ex-mercenary scampered towards the end, eyed a flimsy platform hovering far below, and jumped with a desperate shout.

"Ooommf!" Bellesmith landed atop the temple where she had been heroically thrown. The shield slipped from her grasp and rattled to a stop in the nearby puddles. Grunting, the mare stirred in pain, attempting to push herself back onto her hooves.

She heard a loud blast—but it was too close and localized to be thunder.

With wide eyes, Belle swung her watersoaked head skyward. All she saw of the two colliding temples was an explosion of gigantic rock chunks—the largest blast since the chaos began. Violent granite projectiles flew in every direction, carried aloft by the winds to the furthest parts of the maelstrom.

"Eagle Eye!" she howled, tearful and shivering.

Up above, three or four of the loose temple parts sailed like cannonballs towards the circular structure at the heart of Stratopolis.

Inside the survivors' hold, the many ponies wobbled on their hooves. Distant explosions sent deep reverberations through the building's frame, causing the bricklaid corridors to quiver, raining dust down on Xonan and Ledomaritan skulls alike.

"Kala'skunnen thiulen rannas'alabien threatta!" Arcshod stammered.

"What was all that?!" Props squeaked. "Are we being fired at?!"

"That's not cannonfire," Seclorum muttered, his graying face hard and grim. "This whole floating city is going to Hell."

Aatxe shuddered. "Then she was too late. She couldn't get to the control room in time..."

"Let's not give up hope!" Prowse exclaimed with a frown. "She and the fat horse went off to do something about it, didn't they?! Have some bloody faith!" He turned towards the rubble. "Mr. Zebra sir..."

Pilate was limping across the shaking floor, feeling with his hooves until he found a pair of curled forelimbs. "Elma...?" He crawled over, shaking her exoskeleton. "Miss Boreal, please, you have to calm down..."

"Nothing..." The changeling whimpered, its eye sockets fuming with tiny puffs of green smoke. "It's all n-nothing..." Fangs clattered as it hid its face from the blind stallion. "I loved them... I loved them all... m-my children..."

"Then focus on them!" Pilate insisted, shaking her frame. "Find your center! Don't slip any further!"

"What's the p-point...?!" Elma squeaked. "None of the memories are real! I'm... I'm useless..."

"You're real!" Pilate snarled. "And nopony is useless, do you hear me?! Don't give into the pawn they made you to be!"

"But... but..."

"Listen!" Aatxe gasped, bracing himself against a torchlit wall. "Do you hear that?!"

Everypony froze in place, craning their necks to the air. Lasairfion tilted her horn about while her close subjects shivered.

Arcshod was the first to gasp. "Xon!"

"Incoming!" Seclorum shouted above the sound of a rising, deathly whistle. "Brace yourselves—"

Less than a second later, the floor exploded with a splash of bricks. A chunk of granite ripped its way through like a giant dagger, piercing the ceiling above. Before anypony could register the sound of their own shrieks, a second chunk of granite impacted a few feet away, knocking ponies onto their flanks.

Then, with horrific swiftness, those same chunks of temple-rock receded, flooding the compartment with howling wind and rainwater. The low pressure sucked air out from the hold, and all manner of objects flew into the gaping, gray-lit abyss. Stallions and mares shrieked as they slid helplessly towards the new opening. Earth ponies grabbed whoever they could while unicorns telekinetically tugged the remaining victims. With manic teamwork, everypony was successfully whisked away from the calamity, everypony except—

"Pilate!" Props shouted, clinging to a column of brick and mortar.

The zebra in question clung to a chunk of debris from where the hallway had collapsed earlier. He wasn't alone. The shapeshifter-that-was-Elma huddled beside him, its gossamer wings beating in the billowing vacuum of air. With a resounding cry, the changeling tried climbing further up the damaged wall—but failed. It slipped, tumbled backwards, and plowed into Pilate's side.

"Ooof!" The blind stallion's grip broke off a chunk of debris. He tumbled once, rolled twice, and fell straight through the hole, disappearing like a striped pebble into the hurricane winds below.

"Pilate!" Props screamed, her eyes streaming with tears. She lunged forward, only to be pulled back by Prowse's one-legged grip. "Nnngh! No! Unky Prowsy! Not h-him!"

"I'm so sorry, Propsicle!" Prowse held her tight while Seclorum and Aatxe yanked the two of them back to safety, away from the gaping hole. "I'm so sorry..."

Props struggled and fought, ultimately lying limp in her uncle's grip as she sobbed indecipherably against the deafening gale.

The large building shook, throwing Rainbow's flight off course.

She grunted as her body was thrown into one wall and then another. Flapping her wings, she struggled for balance, then continued her speeding flight up the zig-zagging hallways.

Frowning into the glow of her pendant, she ascended the final granite slope. The gray light of the central control room loomed ahead. With rigid feathers, she angled her wings and sped forward like a bullet towards her destination.

Hard raindrops. Knifing from every direction.

Pilate's flesh was too numb to register the pain. Once the blood rushing through his head had localized, he realized he was still alive. The sensation was brief, replaced instead by the altogether vomitous sense of weightlessness.

He was still falling.

"Gnnngh... Sp-Spark...!"

His hooves bucked and thrashed, as if searching for an earth to gallop on.

"I c-can't... I don't..."

Images flashed through the darkness, visions of a life lived before the veil. Sunny skies and desert plains and purple twilight lingering beyond propeller blades of a Ledomaritan airship.

But none of these sights warmed his cold, panicked heart. His ears twitched against the lull of gravity, and for the briefest of moments he felt the warm breath of her once-loving voice.

His gray eyes closed, squeezing tears out into the wind and howl.

"...I love you so much..."

Almost instantly, a whistling noise shot straight towards him.

Pilate gasped, for he was no longer falling. He was dangling. Blood rushed into hanging legs, then rolled back into his upper body. He felt a cold pair of hooves around his upper shoulders. Trembling, Pilate reached one hoof up and felt the shell of his savior, feeling the porous holes collecting rainwater.

"...M-Miss Boreal?"

Right then, he was dropped.

"Gaaah!" He fell again—but this time for three feet. "Ooof!" He rolled across what felt like a water-slick surface.

Rainwater pitter-pattered on all sides of him. The thuds of colliding temples lessened and lessened, giving way to the calm roll of distant thunder.

Pilate pushed against the smooth granite surface, standing up straight as he felt the wind shifting around him. The sound of dragonfly wings flitted in a curved path, then settled to a stop just a few feet ahead.

"Elma...?" He gulped and fumbled forward, slipping almost immediately on a shallow puddle. "Unngh! Guh..." Panting, he nevertheless stood up once more. "Elma... please..."

A shuffling noise. Then silence. Then the dragonfly wings flitted again.

"Elma!" Pilate yelped. He shuffled forward, galloped forward. "Elma! Don't leave! You helped me! Let me help you!"

It was too late. The sound was gone, swallowed up by cyclonic noise and precipitation.

Pilate realized there was no telling when the platform ended. He skidded to a stop, slipping and falling on his haunches. He sat—hyperventilating—in the wet, wet darkness. "Elma...?!"


"R-Rainbow?! Rainbow Dash?!"

More nothing.

Pilate gnashed his teeth, collapsing on bent knees as he sputtered and howled, "Somepony! Anypony! Please...!"

His voice took on a growling tone, then collapsed into angry, frustrated bellows as he collapsed in the rain water, lost in the storm.



Rainbow Dash flew the last few meters between her and the innermost control room of the building. When she emerged upon the refracted light of stained glass dome above, she came to a stop in mid-air, gasping.

Beyond the tomb of Commander Hurricane, the floor of the compartment was littered with broken staves. What's more, the black enchanted shards on their tips had been smashed to crystalline dust.

Flying in the center of the room was a blue pegasus with a spectral mane, and she was presently in the process of moving the last remaining rod, then bucking it down the center. Crack! She immediately plopped down and crushed the very last glowing shard with her hooves. Once that was done, she tilted her face up, staring across the room with ruby eyes.

Rainbow's muzzle hung agape.

The doppelganger gazed back. Its eyes scanned Rainbow Dash up and down, before narrowing in concentration. Then, with bursts of green flame, a Loyalty Pendant and a midnight blue saddlebag appeared on its body. The pegasus smiled.

Rainbow gritted her teeth. She flapped her wings and angled her body to tackle the imposter from afar. However, at the last second, something moved in her peripheral vision. Rainbow froze in place, then tilted her head to the side.

There were twice as many pegasus corpses lying at the barricade behind her. In a blink, the bodies leapt up, gliding towards her on dragonfly wings.

"Ooof!" Rainbow Dash was speared from behind. Two changelings shoved her to the control room floor, shoving her past shattered granite blocks that had collided during the time it took for her to speed her way there. "Grrrr-Raaaugh!" She bucked the shape-shifters off of her and kipped up to her hooves.

More and more bodies flew in, dropping camouflage as they leapt off the walls, ceiling panels, and barricades of the place. Suddenly, Rainbow Dash was surrounded by no less than four dozen changelings, all of them slashing at her with jagged forelimbs and nipping with glistening fangs.

"Hnnngh! Grnngh! Get off! Get off, you smelly jerkroaches!" Rainbow bucked and thrashed and shook with all her might, but they had effectively piled up on her, converting their forelimbs into long segmented pinchers that bound her limbs in place. "Guhhhhh! Hrkkk!" She panted and sweated, pinned helplessly to the floor. The veritable shell of insectoid equines buzzed all around her with intermittently flitting wings. She felt a shadow looming over her exposed face, and she looked up.

The other Rainbow Dash hovered low, the shadows of its fuzzy face darkening as it sneered at the captured prey. "Shhhh... Mother needs her secret weapon delivered to the Twilight Lands..." It converted its right forelimb into a razor-sharp scythe of curved ivory. "...and you're going to be its key, even if we have to carve it out of your chest."

Rainbow Dash's lips quivered. "M-Mother...?"

"Don't worry," the other her said, lowering the blade to Rainbow's chest. "Your consciousness will rest lovingly in her embrace forever, as will the memories of your dead friends—" This sentence came to an abrupt end, as did the changeling's skull. A bright yellow beam sailed in from the room's edge, instantly decapitating the shape-shifter with a splatter of green slime. The rest of the thing's corpse fell to the ground, twitching and writhing until its onyx legs curled up to its glossy chest.

Rainbow sputtered, her eyes darting to the far edge of the room.

Six figures in dark robes and silver masks stormed in from a barricaded hallway. At the front, Razzar scurried on four limbs, then purched atop Hurricane's tomb. The thin spaces around his mask and sleeve glowed with amber light as he shouted, "Neutralize and contain, brothers!"

The air lit up with yellow manafire.

Shrieking, the ball of changelings leapt off Rainbow's body like baby spiders fleeing a nest. Over ten of them dropped instantly, their bodies blasted to slimy ribbons by the Lounge's gunfire. The rest scattered in every direction, flying too swiftly for even the expert agents to target. Spreading apart, they fled down separate hallways, disappearing into the depths of the building.

"Nnnngh... mmmff..." Rainbow Dash stood up on wobbly legs, rubbing the shallow cut the doppelganger had started to make in her sensitive chest. "Holy crud on a crud bike..." She panted and panted, smiling nervously in the Lounge's direction. As Razzar walked over, she smiled awkwardly. "I never thought I'd be happy to see you guys—"

Razzar flicked his wrist. A five-digit hand produced a yellow rod which he shoved straight into Rainbow's Neck. The mare's rainbow mane stood on end as she experienced a severe electrical shock.

"G-g-g-g-g-grkkk!" Rainbow's ruby eyes rolled back, and she fell hard to the ground. Whump! She twitched, her vision growing fuzzy upon the virge of unconsciousness.

"Check her," Razzar's voice hissed through his mask. "If she's one of them, you know what to do. The rest of you, secure the perimeter. Lay out manaflares and shoot anything that moves."

"Guhhhh..." Rainbow twitched once, twice, then saw nothing but black.

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