• Published 2nd May 2017
  • 9,809 Views, 2,622 Comments

Fading Suns: A New World - David Silver

A new jumpgate is discovered, or rather a very old and decayed one that had been brought back online. House Hawkwood sends a bold explorer through to discover what riches await on the other end. He did not expect equines to be the result.

  • ...

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24 - Sunrise

Celestia considered Laud for a moment as her magic wrapped around a cookie and lifted it up towards him. "Have one, they're quite delightful."

Laud hesitated a moment. It hardly seemed the time for baked goods, but to deny it would be rude, and Celestia gave off the feeling of a kindly mother rather than a scheming plotter. The cookie was almost certainly just a sweet treat. He took the cookie from the air and nodded at her. "Thank you. What do you think of my proposal?"

"They're not here, yet." She waved gently, a dismissive gesture. "What would one of your vessels require to land safely instead of creating a new fireball across the sky?"

Luna bristled a moment before going calm. A smile spread on her lips. Something about that question seemed to please her.

Laud saw little choice but to be frank in that moment. He chewed a bit of the cookie. It practically melted in his mouth into sweet butter and vanilla. It was quite nice. "The only thing that caused my... accident was the close proximity and sudden movement of your moon and what passes for your sun."

Celestia lifted a large white ear at that. "Passes for? What's wrong with our sun?"

"It's too small and too close." Laud held two fingers close together, pointer and thumb. "It is barely a speck compared to most, but it is also closer than any sun has right to be. The combination seems to work well for you. Your planet is neither too warm or too cold. Regardless, it moves very abruptly at times, such as when I tried to land. Like a large ship in water, this creates eddies that threw my much smaller vessel aside, and the crash was the result."

Lyra tilted her head a little, then looked up at where the sun should be. "It always looked pretty far away to me, all the way up there in the sky and all."

"And it is." Laud considered how to explain it. He'd seen suns, and how small they made everything else. "Your sun is a little past your sky. The sun of my homeworld was... here." He stood up and pointed to the center of the table. "Let us say a world is here." He moved the finger barely. "Your sun is here." He kept moving until he was at the edge of the considerable table. "Most suns are here, though much larger and, I should imagine, fiercer in their burning. I am no scholar on the principles involved, but I have seen solar systems, and yours isn't even that. Everything orbits your world."

Lyra only looked more confused. "Of course everything circles us. How would it work otherwise? Don't be silly, Laud."

Celestia gestured at Laud with a wing. "And yet, other worlds, other rules. This is not a foreign idea. I believe you, Laud. I feel we may proceed." She sat up fully, her long neck easily carrying her over the heads of all others. "What do you require? A flat parcel of land?"

Laud couldn't believe it. She was accepting, like that? "Y-yes, Your Majesty. That would be the start, then construction will need to begin. We'll keep it simple to start, but a level and clear area will already make it appealing to any visitors and allow us to begin. Warehouses within easy reach and other amenities will carry us the rest of the way."

A scroll appeared in a puff of magic. A quill sparkled into being beside it and began to write busily. "Since you have gained affinity with Princess Twilight Sparkle, I will keep you close to her. Ponyville has clear land beside it." She rolled the scroll with her magic, a hoof raising up to nudge it in the air towards him. "This will prove you have right to oversee its administration and construction. To be clear, the land remains sovereign to Equestria. You will operate as a gesture of kindness, as befits friends." She smiled that gentle expression that seemed to suit her. "I look forward to reports. Submit them to Twilight and she will get them to me expediently. If you have local concerns, she is your contact. She knows the ponies of Ponyville, and has the authority to act if needed, though I imagine an understanding ear will be required more often than any royal edict."

Luna was hiding something, Laud was certain. She looked far too smug and self-pleased.

Still, it hardly seemed the time to pry into that. "Excellent. I'll begin overseeing those efforts on our return to Ponyville."

"There is one more thing."

Laud tensed at those words. Was the catch coming?

"My sister damaged a possession of yours." She looked to the shattered necklace that had been tossed aside. "You are owed compensation for it." A small pouch appeared with much the same magic as the scroll before it. "Here. You may purchase another, and perhaps begin your project with confidence." She leaned forward. "Though I hope you will eventually feel comfortable enough around us to not need such things. The touch of my magic is a gentle thing, and would never be wielded against you so long as you remain a good person."

As the bag settled before Laud, Lyra snatched it up first, poking her snout into it and peering. "Celly! There's way too much in here for just that little thing."

Celestia rolled her eyes with a soft chuckle. "I know how much I put in there, Lyra. Kindly give that back to Sir Mountbatten."

Laud put a hand over Lyra's head, landing on it as if she were a well-loved pet instead of a person. "Take what you paid, Miss Heartstrings. I am true to my word."

"O-oh yeah!" She came out of the bag, a single coin floating beside her snout. "I'll have to get change when we get back." Her cheeks were faintly pinkened.

Luna suddenly leaned in. "Your moving was quite... graceful. Have you fought before?"

"Rare is the Hawkwood that isn't impressed on such skills." Laud slid the pouch off the table. "Administration and swordplay, two skills that help protect yourself and those that look up to you. A dead king is of no use to anyone, no matter how wise their edicts."

Luna raised a brow. "Mmm? And is that how you see yourself?"

"A king? I should be so fortunate, though that would be a mighty burden." Laud looked to Celestia and her tiara. "I feel certain you understand the weight of that on your head, sometimes overwhelming. It requires great strength to bear it, more so to wear it well."

Celestia stilled for a moment before glancing at Luna. Luna snorted in an equine way. "It is true. To be the leader of our people is no small task, but one we bear gladly. Tell us then, who do you serve? Do you serve those of your kind who will visit us, or do you serve Equestria? It seems impossible to serve both. Our interests will not align perfectly."

Lyra suddenly spread her hooves wide. "If he's in charge of something, he will do his best to do it right, that's what kinda person he is."

Laud smiled at his friend. "I would hope this is the case. I am a Hawkwood, but this would be 'my' domain, and I would see to its prosperity, as any other Hawkwood would their own. Any Hawkwood that fails to do that is no proper member of our house. Even should another Hawkwood have aspirations for this world, if it would hinder the lives or wellbeing of those within my demesne, it will not be tolerated."

Celestia reached across the table, her hoof hovering just in front of Laud. "My people will become confused if you remain aloof from our own politics. That you are proud of your native house is understandable, admirable even, you will eventually require something the people you work with understand. You met my nephew, Blueblood, did you not?"

Lyra bobbed her head as if she had been asked. "We ran into Bluey. He's the one that led us to you, remember?"

Celestia's eyes remain fastened on Laud, who got the idea his response was what was wanted. "I did."

"He, like many, lives in a very formal world. While I could emplace you as solely an economic role, there because I said you are, as an employee of myself, that lacks a certain... respect. Show that I can trust you with this, and we will see about moving past that. You will not want to be a person with the authority of commerce alone."

A merchant? He was becoming a merchant? The words she spoke became more clear in a terrible instant. Without a local rank, that was what he was, a merchant. He would be little more than a bureaucrat, overseeing the flow of goods and currency in the eyes of others. The thought did not sit well by him. Still, he had the permission he needed. "I will not disappoint."

Luna's eyes twitched towards Lyra. "You know, she is not as common of blood as she would have you believe."

Lyra lit up, face going dark as she went entirely silent.

Laud raised a brow curiously at Luna. It was enough prompt for her to continue, "She comes from a respectable family, even if she, herself, has little interest... If you return even half the interest she obviously ha--"

"--It's been nice meeting you both!" suddenly squeaked Lyra as she hopped up to her hooves. "We should get going so we can grab a train before it's too late. I'll make sure Laud writes you letters about how amazing it's going, alright? Cool! Bye!" She tried to tug Laud to his feet with her magic with little success.

Celestia sighed gently. "Sister, tact... Laud, please disregard that. It is not our place to speak on such things. This is not the dark ages." She raised a hoof to her snout to clear her throat into it. "That aside, I do believe we have covered the essentials. If you have further questions, ask Twilight. She will consult us if needed. I'm glad we have met now." Her wings fanned out slowly. "Welcome, to Equestria, my court, and, hopefully, as a friend."

Luna dipped her head. "My apologies for my... aggression, but as a warrior ruler yourself, surely you understand my emotions."

Laud placed a hand flat on the table. "Of that I do. Your fierce willingness to enter battle to protect what is yours is nothing but praiseworthy. I am not your enemy, and would be your ally." He slid up to his own feet and bowed to both rulers. "I will treat the land you are lending me with respect. I trust there will be no problem in paving it? Leaving it littered with underbrush will not do."

Celestia smiled gently. "I leave that in your hands. You may wish to speak to Twilight, and the local leader, Mayor Mare. Showing them proper respect will prevent other things from becoming an impediment in the future. I may rule the nation, but Miss Mare's word is law within Ponyville. She has served her people well, just as you hope to do."

That she had used the word for hands instead of hooves specifically spoke well for her. Still, the meeting was over, Laud felt. He turned for the exit and waved Lyra ahead. She scampered past and he followed her. "Thank you both," he parted with, and they were out of the room, leaving the diarchy to converse without their ears present.

Luna glanced after Laud before looking to Celestia. "I am no fool. You mean to protect ourselves, if such a need arises."

"I don't know what you mean," said Celestia with an impish face Luna knew. "It won't be my fault should the sun or moon prove to have ill timing." She nudged her little sister. "Next time, no attacking my guests, seriously. I don't care if I'm with Sombra himself, if we are speaking, that is to be respected."

Luna's ears wilted. "I was just trying--"

"--Listen first." Celestia nodded. "Nothing in that conversation could not be undone. Listen, then speak to me afterwards, and we may move with a unified face."

Author's Note:

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