• Published 2nd May 2017
  • 9,811 Views, 2,622 Comments

Fading Suns: A New World - David Silver

A new jumpgate is discovered, or rather a very old and decayed one that had been brought back online. House Hawkwood sends a bold explorer through to discover what riches await on the other end. He did not expect equines to be the result.

  • ...

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60 - We Are One

Spike whistled as he walked, scratching at an annoyingly itchy rash that refused to calm itself. "Hope Rarity doesn't see this..." A knock on the door made him jump in place before he scampered over to it. "Who's there?"

"'Tis I," came the voice of a zebra.

It wasn't Rarity and Spike grabbed the door, pulling it open. "Hey Zecora."

"Oh my," she finished, somehow finishing her rhyme with new information. "You should take care of that, if that skin condition you wish to combat. Is Twilight here? I have news she must hear."

"Huh? Oh, yeah, she's over there?" He pointed before he dashed off, his face reddened by her reaction. Was it that bad?!

Zecora trotted in the direction the kind dragon had pointed after closing the door behind herself. "Twilight? Laud? I hope you are ready to be awed."

A male voice called out, "we are here."

She found them a moment later, seated around a long table with some amount of breakfast remaining on the table. "Ah, there you are." She nodded towards Twilight, then Laud. Her eyes darted to Lyra, but Bon Bon was not present. "I have news you may consider bizarre."

Twilight was looking at her curiously. "Please, is it about the test you were going to perform?"

"It is indeed, to see if you can breed." She sat lightly. "I was given a vision most vast, you would have thought a spell was cast." She raised her forehooves and clopped them together. "The life of this world did not rise on its own. This I have been shown, in dizzying images and confusing ideas, Humans are Equestrians, the only question is what the degree is."

That was a challenge. Laud had learned Equestrian, but it was still a learned language and having someone spew a series of constant rhymes at him was still a new experience. He could only thank the creator he had been forced to use the language exclusively for some time. "I think you have that the wrong way around." The ponies were modified humans, obviously, at best.

Zecora shook her head. "Though my psyche was rocked, my opinion on this is quite locked. Beings quite old and powerful were at work, and all of our species are their handiwork." She lifted a hoof to her head, mind still throbbing with the overwhelming melange of images and ideas that had flooded into it and had yet to settle down. "They..." She shook her head, fighting off the ache that threatened to come. "They did not intend for their lines to mingle, but neither did they... prevent it." She sank to the floor, the ache growing worse. "They told me this in an..." She was starting to curl. She heard alarmed noises, but she had to get it all out. "Sent... it..."

Laud was at her side, having jumped to his feet and caught the zebra just as she toppled over to the side. "I thought she did not practice magic? She is acting like I might expect a theurge after a powerful invocation or ritual of some sort or another."

Twilight shook her head softly. "Get her to a guest room to rest for now. Zebra herbalism isn't a specialty of mine. Actually..." She perked up. "I know who may offer some insight into this, a bright young filly who she's accepted as a student."

Lyra's horn glowed as she hefted up Zecora, only for Laud to stand up and take the zebra into his arms, cradling her gently. "Hey, I'll go with you." She hopped from her chair and the two went off together.

That left Twilight, who vanished with a pop, appearing just beside the foal's school. She walked inside at a casual pace, ears pricked for the noises of a lesson being given. Fortunately for her, no such sounds were coming. Peeking into the room, she saw the foals were still gathering for the morning.

Apple Bloom was there, chatting animatedly with Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. Twilight had to smile. The three were quite a team, and were always cute when they were together, or apart, for that matter. She raised a hoof as she approached. "Apple Bloom? Could I borrow you a moment?"

She looked up in surprise. "Ah, hey Twi. What's up?"

The other foals noticed her presence and suddenly Twilight was the focus of the room. It wasn't every day the local princess stopped by. Twilight spared them a little wave, but quickly snapped her attention back on Apple Bloom. "It's about Zecora. She did... something and seems overwhelmed. We were hoping you might shine some light on the matter."

Scootaloo perked an ear. "Sounds kinda crazy!"

Sweetie Belle bobbed her head. "If something can overwhelm Zecora, you know it must be something quite intimidating indeed."

Apple Bloom hopped out of her desk chair to her hooves. "Is she hurt?!"

"I don't think she is, but if you can help, I'd really appreciate it." She looked to the other two crusaders. "Please tell Cheerilee that I've taken her." After receiving two sharp salutes, she wrapped her magic around Apple Bloom and the two vanished with a pop.

"What wath that about?" asked Twist, head tilted at the remaining crusaders.

Scootaloo shrugged. "You can never be sure with Twilight, but I bet it's something cool."

Sweetie grinned. "Lucky Apple Bloom, she got out of today's test."

"What's this about getting out of tests?" Cheerilee arrived with the timing only a teacher could have. "I would like to hear about this."

Twilight appeared where she had originally gone away from. No other ponies were there, other than Apple Bloom. "She's been brought to a guest room, let's meet them there."

"Lead the way." Apple Bloom half-galloped to keep up with Twilight who was already trotting away at a good pace.

In one of many guest rooms, Zecora was set to rest on the bed, a blanket drawn up over most of her. "Is she well?" Laud was barely medically aware about humans, let alone ponies, let alone zebras who were not ponies exactly.

Lyra patted the form of the sleeping Zecora. "She looked just fine when she came in, so I don't think she was, you know, sick?"

"She seemed quite well, at first," he agreed, considering the situation. "It is as if she were given a divine visitation, the sort I imagined was only a fable. The more she tried to speak of it, the worse it became."

Lyra tilted her head at Laud. "I thought you didn't like magic and things, but your people have stories about it? How does that work?"

"God is a magic we do not fear." He dipped his head towards her. "The Pancreator is as he is named, creator of all things, and if they made it, they can do as they please. There is no such thing as 'magic' in that context. A being of such immense purpose, to be touched by it requires a clean and perfect mind, some say, or risk being laid low."

Lyra hiked a brow, looking at Zecora. "Are you calling her mind dirty and imperfect?"

"I didn't mean it like that." He held up one hand. "It's just rumor, in the end. It's hard to 'prove' one has had a conversation with the Pancreator, but she is showing the signs I would put with such a powerful vision, and I will confess, it scares me in a way I have not felt before. Even when I was crashing into this world, half-certain I would perish on impact, that dread was not the same as this terror."

A soft tap came from the door just before it opened, handle glowing with Twilight's magic. Apple Bloom burst through the door the moment it opened enough to admit her. "Where is she?!" She spied Zecora quickly and darted to her side.

Twilight's eyes were on Zecora as well. "Is she alright?"

Lyra nodded quickly. "Sleeping peacefully." She reared up suddenly, standing as Laud was. "According to Laud, she's acting like she saw the human's god or something."

Twilight could only blink at that a moment. "Wait, you have one of those?"

"You don't?" countered Laud, actually curious if the ponies did or not.

"We believe in harmony, and destiny." She put a hoof over her heart. "We've worked hard to foster both and they've allowed us to reach new heights. I was once a bearer of an Element of Harmony, a literal facet of it. It's... complicated."

Apple Bloom had hopped up onto the bed and was seated beside Zecora, reaching with one hoof to gently inspect her occasional teacher carefully. "Ah think she's alright, but ah know a little brew that may perk her up." She hopped down and trotted quickly for the door. "Ah'll go get what we need."

Laud took a step towards her. "I'll accompany you." The idea of letting a little one wander off sounded quite unbecoming. "Are these plants in the forest you fear?"

"Just one." Applebloom smiled at Laud. "Thanks for the company, let's go!" The two departed.

Twilight watched them go before looking back to Lyra. "You heard what she said."

Lyra suddenly colored. "Y-yeah, I mean... I guess..."

Twilight set a hoof on Lyra's suddenly. "It means you don't have to do a thing. It means you have a choice. If you decide you want to try for a foal, go ahead, and I'll help as much as I can." She leaned in all too close. "But if you don't, I will protect your right to not just as ardently." Her hoof pulled away, only for Lyra to suddenly jump forward.

Lyra hugged Twilight tightly. "Stupid unicorn! Stop trying to be the reasonable one!" She flopped back down to her haunches, smiling a little lopsidedly. "Thanks... really. Aw man, if you had asked me when I was your schoolmate if we'd ever have this conversation, I would have called you crazy! Hey, Little Lyra, wanna marry Twilight Sparkle someday? What? That nerd?!" She burst into giggles.

Twilight frowned softly. "I'm still a nerd, you realize."

"And an adorkable one, I'll have you know." Lyra planted a kiss right on Twilight's nose without warning. "Keep it up."

"I didn't need your permission!" Twilight blew a ripe raspberry at her new wife. "Where is Bon Bon?"

"Running her shop, of course. She ran off early in the morning." Lyra shrugged softly. "It's kind of nice having more special friends to hang out with during the day when she's busy. But, uh, I bet you have to deal with that school of yours."

Twilight's eyes went wide. "Right! I better go. Please, watch over Zecora while I'm gone." She was gone with a sparkle, vanished from where she had been a moment before.

Lyra was left alone, with only a sleeping Zecora for company. It was better than nothing. "So... would you do that, with him?" she asked the sleeping mare. "Yeah, I should consider that," she said despite the lack of reply. "We really should chat more often."

Luna leaned over the telescope, peering into the small viewer it provided. In the sky, she could see it, some huge artificial... thing. It was not the right shape or size or anything else. It was unnatural and she wanted to destroy it...

"Staring will not make it go away," gently spoke her sister.

Luna frowned, but did not withdraw from the sight. "Celestia, shouldn't you be sleeping?"

"Shouldn't you be watching over the dreams of our ponies?" countered Celestia in gentle tones. "Staring at them will not help anypony."

"Why shouldn't I do something about them? You moved the sun for a pithy play, wrenching the moon for the defense of the world surely is of equal gravity to that, we should think?" Her tail gave an agitated flick, but she did not look up.

"I apologized for that, dear sister. Attacking them may be a grave error. That is not the pony way."

"Not the current pony way." Luna sat up, scowling. "I have not forgotten when we were ready to battle."

"They have done nothing worth battling just yet." Celestia set a hoof on Luna's shoulder. "Be ready, dear sister, but let us not be the aggressors."

Author's Note:

This is a chapter where we pull things up closer to where we are in the show itself. Suddenly, school! Spike is getting dragon puberty.

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