• Published 2nd May 2017
  • 9,811 Views, 2,622 Comments

Fading Suns: A New World - David Silver

A new jumpgate is discovered, or rather a very old and decayed one that had been brought back online. House Hawkwood sends a bold explorer through to discover what riches await on the other end. He did not expect equines to be the result.

  • ...

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49 - Challenge Issued

Laud nodded approvingly as his eyes swept over the black surface. It ran right up to the walls snugly. It was uniform and did not yield under his feet, though he imagined a ship would surely test it more than he could hope to. It was also warm, baking in the heat of the sun. It was a landing platform, a primitive star dock, his primitive star dock.

"You've done well," he complimented the builder ponies who were all watching him, eager for review. "We'll get our true test the next time a ship wants to touch down. The next step requires electricians. Do you have that skillset?"

They looked among each other, each shaking their head in turn before the head-pony stepped forward, tipping his hard hat. "Yeah, not exactly our thing, but I know some ponies. I'll send them your way. About the bill..."

They got into the business of settling up the bits required.

Twilight trotted energetically through the town. She had things to do. She knew this in part thanks to the checklist that hovered beside herself. The arrival of the humans had created no lack of projects to immerse herself in. Focusing on them also allowed her to keep from wondering too long or too hard about personal things.

Besides, she had already settled those.

Her advance was suddenly stopped as not one but two ponies got directly in her way, turned to the side, but their heads were turned to face her, specifically blocking her path.

"Twilight Sparkle," spoke Bon Bon, one of the two blocking ponies.

"We challenge you," spoke Lyra, the other of the two blocking ponies.

"As a herd, we issue a formal bid for superior care of your would-be stallion. You are not only a single mare, but a princess with other responsibilities. There is no conceivable way you can provide for him as well as we can." To emphasize her point, Bon Bon pointed at the floating checklist.

Twilight took a half-step back, eyes coming into focus on the two ponies that had suddenly forced themselves into her thoughts, and schedule. "What? Don't be ridiculous. No one does herds anymore."

Other ponies came to a stop, focusing on the conflict that had sprouted seemingly out of nowhere. Quiet whispers spread. A herd? Is that even still a thing?

Bon Bon shook her head firmly. "The popularity of the concept does not erase its legality. It is still on the books." She tapped the ground. "And we follow the laws around here, Miss Sparkle." She waved a hoof between Lyra and herself. "We have shared residency long enough to qualify for the title without ceremony. A domestic herd, to be proper. As a herd, we are entitle--"

"Stop this!" barked Twilight, her face creasing in a severe frown. "Whatever you're doing, stop it! Did Starlight put you up to this? I can... handle myself, thank you."

Lyra shook her head quickly. "She's barely involved. This is our idea. I... lo... lu..." Her face began to grow redder and redder with every attempt to say it.

Bon Bon slapped her on the back with a hoof.

"I love him!" Lyra finally spat out. "We're challenging you for him. Do you accept?"

Bon Bon smiled easily. "Or, do you cede? There is no third option."

The other ponies had gathered, forming a circle around the three ponies, eyes focused on the drama as it unfolded. There were humans about, but they didn't know the language of ponies, and none of those arguing had translators on, so the best they could do was watch from afar with curiosity.

Twilight drew herself up as tall as she could be, her wings spreading out to add to her overall size. "I accept, of course. Celestia made this decision, and I won't let her down."

Bon Bon rolled a hoof. "Very well. The challenge will be one of domestics. It's only logical, seeing as we've asserted we can provide for him better than you can. Cooking, cleaning, stallion care..." She tapped her hooves with each category of the challenge. "We will clearly demonstrate that two heads are better than one."

Twilight let out a slow breath. "Tell me this is a one time affair."

Bon Bon raised a hoof. "From us? Yes. A herd can only issue a challenge once. If proven inferior, they're out of the running. Of course, if some other herd wanted to try, we could do nothing about that."

Lyra smiled at Twilight, a caring smile, as if worried for the stress she was causing. "I doubt there are other herds waiting for a chance. Um, still friends, right?" She flashed a bright and awkward smile. "I mean, this is just about Laud. I'm not, you know, angry at you or anything."

Twilight heaved a heavy sigh. Lyra wasn't entirely wrong, in her opinion. The odds of other herds was low, unless Starlight or her friends were that desperate to butt into her decisions. "Very well. I'll schedule the challenge."

Bon Bon dipped her head towards Twilight. "You have that right. I look forward to it. Let's all show our best, and to the one that can provide the best home goes the stallion."

With a flash of magic, Twilight vanished. That void was filled almost instantly as if her parting had sucked them in. Ponies crowded in around Lyra and Bon Bon, asking questions.

"You just challenged a princess, do you know what you're doing?"

"You want to marry a human?"

"You two are a thing?!"

Lyra's horn glowed as her lyre appeared above her and began to play soft music. "Chill out, everypony. Nothing's official until we win. If we lose, well, the herd goes with it."

Bon Bon nodded softly. "There aren't too many other legal functions left to herds that we require outside of family structure, and we're fine being Best Friends. Now, excuse us. We have a challenge to get ready for." She began walking forward, clearing a path with her certain strides for Lyra to follow behind on.

Elsewhere, Twilight appeared with a crackle, huffing. She still had so many things to do, and suddenly a challenge to add onto the pile. She heaved a heavy sigh, but got to trotting. One thing at a time, right? The scheduling of that could wait until the evening...

Paul shook with Celestia, his hand grasping her clad hoof. "You've been a kind and generous host. I look forward to further dealings between our people."

Celestia inclined her head slightly. "I as well. I feel there is much we can gain from one another."

Her eyes wandered off towards the sound of galloping hooves. Mayor Mare was charging at them with a flustered expression. Celestia smiled at her, speaking in a calm voice, "What's wrong, Miss Mare?"

Mayor Mare looked between Paul and the princess before pulling out a collar and getting it into position. "Lyra and Bon Bon have issued a challenge to Twilight."

Celestia flinched back with surprise. "What manner of challenge? I was not aware there was any enmity between Twilight and them."

Paul tensed slightly, but allowed the two ponies to speak without interceeding.

Mayor Mare shook her head quickly. "It's about Laud. They're challenging Twilight for the right to have him, quoting some obscure law to do so."

"I see," spoke Celestia, not sounding upset. "Well, then we'll see who wins."

Mayor Mare perked an ear up at the huge form of Celestia. "I... you're not... upset, Your Highness?"

Celestia wobbled a single hoof. "We'll have to see that law stricken from the books. It will only cause trouble. However, such actions take time. The challenge will proceed. We can't claim to be a nation that upholds laws if we ignore the ones that seem inconvenient at the time."

The mayor stiffly nodded to her superior. "I... suppose that's true, Princess."

Paul looked to the mayor. "What ponies are these that are bidding for Laud? Do they have any royal blood?"

Celestia spoke up before Mayor Mare had the chance, "Lyra is of noble blood. Bon Bon is a figure of proven worth to the kingdom. A decorated operative of a covert nature."

Paul raised a hand, fingers flat with the ground level. "How high are we talking? I presume she is not a princess."

Mayor Mare shook her head quickly. "Oh no no no! We only have a few of those. Why, I remember when we only had the one for the longest time, but times have changed."

Celestia smiled gently at the two of them, both far more flustered in appearance than she. "Lyra Heartstrings is a countess, gifted with especially strong magic. Perhaps not Twilight's equal on that field, she did graduate from the same school. She prefers to play music over that of spellcraft, for better or worse."

Paul clapped his hands together. "We can work with that. A countess is higher than his rank, but not overwhelmingly so. Perhaps this is better, on some levels." He looked to Mayor Mare. "Thank you for bringing this news."

Mayor Mare nodded at the tall human. "My pleasure, though I admit I mostly wished to inform the princess. It was her decree that Laud and Twilight be wed, was it not?"

Celestia rolled a hoof. "I made them betrothed. If this challenge is legal and held in good sportsmareship, I have no objection to it. Win or lose, I feel all sides will be made happier for it."

Mayor Mare bowed low to the princess. "I'll be off then, Your Highness."

"Wait." Celestia set a hoof down on Mayor Mare's right shoulder. "Would you officiate the competition? It would be a comfort knowing a competent mare was overseeing the conflict. I don't want either side handling this in poor taste. Let's keep it clean and fair, and to the best side goes the prize."

One of the soldiers that had been standing silently nearby leaned towards another, whispering in English, "Ever wanted two ladies to fight over you?"

"Didn't she just say that one of them is a whole group of them? Not sure how much I'd be up for that."

"You wouldn't want a harem if they were ready and willing?"

The second took a sliding step away. "Your funeral. Besides, they're ponies, and magic ones at that. I'd prefer to keep all my parts where they started."

Paul held up a hand, silencing them. "This will proceed, one way or the other," he spoke to Celestia. "Mayor." He looked to her. "Inform me of the winner as soon as the contest is over."

Mayor Mare's ears perked up. "They haven't decided on the specific time, but you could come and see for yourself. I checked, such challenges are public by default, and they made no arrangements for it to be otherwise. I should imagine a great portion of Ponyville will want to see it for themselves."

Celestia shook her head slowly. "I hope neither side gives under the pressure. Regardless, I must be going. I've been away from Canterlot long enough." She turned towards her own guards. "Is the chariot ready?" She left with them, trusting that things would work out, one way or the other.

Talk of the coming competition became the talk of the town. Ponies of all walks of life wondered out loud what nature of contest it'd be. Would Twilight show them up with fancy magic? Would Bon Bon cook a treat so good, they would have to admit she was a better provider for stallions?

Was Lyra going to play a song or three? She was a unicorn, graduated from Princess Celestia's school, so great feats of magic from her wasn't out of the question at all.

Lyra and Bon Bon are a thing?!

Rarity had no lack of rumors to gossip about, at least, making her spa trips all the more lovely under the caring and attentive hooves of her favored spa ponies. "I tell you, darling, Twilight is a mess. I really can't wait for this to be over..."

Author's Note:

Fight fight fight! I mean, sorta? We're gonna show off our skills! Celestia insists no typos have been drafted. This was a bonus update as voted on by the patreon.

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