• Published 2nd May 2017
  • 9,823 Views, 2,622 Comments

Fading Suns: A New World - David Silver

A new jumpgate is discovered, or rather a very old and decayed one that had been brought back online. House Hawkwood sends a bold explorer through to discover what riches await on the other end. He did not expect equines to be the result.

  • ...

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61 - Rise

Apple Bloom hopped down from a log she had just jumped up on, making her way through the thick underbrush. "So, do you know Zecora?" she asked, peeking over her shoulder but a moment to see that Laud was still following her.

"Only in passing." He brushed aside a vine that hung in his way as he stepped over the same log Apple Bloom had hopped on and off again. "We had just met yesterday. She was harmed trying to assist me, and the least I can do is help assist her in kind."

"Huh, what was she tryin' t' do?" She skipped under a rock that Laud had to go around. "She's usually more careful. Hay, I'm used to her havin' all the answers, if you can git 'em out of her." She giggled softly at something, stopping in front of a tall tree. "Here we are."

Laud looked around for interesting plants, but there were far too many to even guess as to which one they had come for. "Which one?"

Apple Bloom pointed up at the tree, into its lofty branches. "The cones, up there. I need one of 'em." She hopped up and hugged the trunk of the tree, starting to shimmy her way up slowly.

Laud reached for her, gently plucking her right off the side of the tree and setting her down. "Allow me." He would not allow a child to climb that high for him while he could avoid it.

Apple Bloom tilted her head. "If ya want. Ah can handle it, really." She didn't stop him though as he began to ascend. His big furless arms were long and able to reach most of the way around the tree, helping him make his way up slowly. "Ain't much faster than me," she casually noted, sticking out her tongue a little.

When he finally reached a branch, he gladly grabbed onto it near the base and hefted himself up into reach of the next branch. Things sped up then, moving from branch to branch instead of scaling the trunk of the tree. The cones she had referred to seemed to grow higher up, avoiding the lower branches for reasons only the tree could know.

"Just drop one down here," she hollered from below. "Ya don't haveta hold it the whole way or nothin'."

He reached out towards a cone that was tauntingly close, stretching his fingers as they brushed the target. "Come on..." he snagged at it again and got it, only to find his balance teetering. He wildly circled his arms, the cone falling out of his hand in the motion. He slapped up against the tree, but didn't fall the considerable distance to the ground.

"Got it," reported Apple Bloom, picking up the discarded cone. "Now come on down!"

As it turned out, down was easier than up. It was more a matter of not doing too much of it at any one time. He made his way down in sliding starts and stops and soon rejoined her, thankful to place his feet back on the firm earth. "What is next?"

Apple Bloom nosed up her saddlebag and peeked inside. "We have that, an', hmm. Pretty sure the rest Twilight has in her castle. We can go back now."

"Excellent. The sooner we can tend to her, the better." Together, they headed towards the great crystal tower that was Twilight's castle.

On the way, a loud noise came from above. Both looked up to see a ship descending towards the outskirts of Ponyville, to the new landing pad specifically. Laud grit his teeth, not seeing Hawkwood colors flying. "I have to go. Take this back to Zecora, and thank you."

"Ain't no problem." She squinted at the fast-moving ship. "More of yer friends?"

"I can hope," he said without conviction. "Go on. We have our own battles to face." He hurried towards the pad at a determined jog, leaving her behind.

Apple Bloom watched him go a moment. "Funny fella." She scampered off towards the castle. "Funny accent too."

Bon Bon sat on her haunches before a small panel with a stallion's face in it.

He was speaking to her, "While I am encouraged to hear you have secured your objective, your manner in doing so is... suspect. Even if Twilight can be considered a closely-related group, her presence complicates things considerably."

Bon Bon let out a soft sigh. "I tried, but it was that, or have a very real chance of losing entirely. This way, we have access to him, can monitor him, and have the legal footing we need to take action without hesitation."

His face warped with the angle as he leaned in close to whatever was recording him. "The presence of other humans has only made this more perilous. A single exotic creature is only so harmful, especially one of his size and lack of magic. Untold dozens with stories of hundreds, possibly thousands more?"

"I realize that," sighed out Bon Bon. "I'm working closely with the subject to ensure the safety of Equestria."

"Where is he now?"

She tensed a little. "At the castle. I couldn't contact you there."

He glanced off to the left at something, then nodded at someone or something. "The Royal Sisters have spotted their presence in the sky. It's bothering Luna more than Celestia, but I don't like it either. We are in an especially perilous situation. Close your store and devote all of your time to this."

Bon Bon blanched. "But--"

"--Tell them you are having a honeymoon." He rolled a hoof. "You were just married. Nopony will be too surprised if you take a small vacation from things."

"Yes, Sir." She rose to her hooves with a soft grunt. "Is there anything else?"

"Don't forget you are on a mission of utmost importance." He shook his head. "Your actions may save Equestria and beyond. I would not ask this from you for much less than that."

"Understood, Sir." She raised a hoof in a sharp salute. "I'm on the case."

"Speaking of that." He raised a brow at her. "You should try to appear friendly towards him. It will make things awkward if you look obviously put out by the situation."

"He isn't all bad," she suddenly assured, waving a hoof at the screen. "The other humans, I couldn't say, but I'm getting a good feel from him."

"That's the spirit." Whether he thought she was acting well or coming around, he didn't reveal. "Go find him and the others and make a show of being a happy newlywed. HQ, Out." He blinked out of sight, the screen going dark and leaving Bon Bon in the dimly-lit basement.

She turned away from the screen with a soft sigh. "Right, let's find my husband." She stuck out her tongue, not quite liking the flavor of that word in her mouth. Why couldn't she just have one wife? She shook her head free of the rebellious thoughts. "Besides, I'm married to that adorable nutball now." She smiled at the thought of Lyra as she trotted up the stairs. "It's not all bad. Twilight may be a neurotic mess, but she's not a bad mare either. Focus on the bright side of things."

Mayor Mare walked spiritedly, just short of a trot, towards the landing pad. It was not her specific duty to welcome any creature that may land upon it, but it was still beside her town. Ignoring them hardly felt like a proper course of action. "Do I have any appointments?"

Her assistant pulled down her glasses as she looked over a clipboard held at the end of one hoof as the other three carried her. "You have a local ordinance requiring review, ratification, or denial, due by sundown today."

"Ah, yes, I recall the one." It seemed small compared to the vast vessel that descended towards the pad. "I'll be sure to look at it... after we handle this. I've reviewed most of the facts."

"Of course, ma'am." She tipped her head lightly at Mayor Mare. "How can I assist?"

"You are too wonderful." Mayor Mare smiled gently at the borrowed assistant. She normally worked for Celestia, but had been lent to her. "Wasn't there a meeting scheduled about a zoning concern?"

"Already handled." She tapped at the clipboard as she hurried along beside Mayor Mare. "A review of the town laws resolved the matter without further action required."

"Marvelous." She nodded softly, her eyes on the ship as it landed with surprisingly gentleness for its size. "Any idea where Sir Mountbatten is?"

"Unknown," admitted Raven, tucking the clipboard away. "The chance of his arrival is very high. This is his demesne, as decreed by Princess Celestia."

Mayor Mare raised a hoof before her chest as she walked. "I trust he will allow me to be present. It's just not right that I ignore such a large... thing right beside our lovely town. First Twilight's castle, then this... thing, it really does change the feel of the town, don't you think?"

"The ponies of the town seem to be taking it well," offered Raven with a soft nod. "Provided the visitors continue to obey the laws, it should only benefit them."

They stepped through the one entrance to the landing pad, but paused, hearing hurried steps towards them. There was Laud, hurrying towards the pad. Raven dipped her head towards him. "As expected."

"Too right." Mayor Mare raised a hoof towards him. "Sir Mountbatten, good to see you."

"And... you," he greeted in kind, catching his breath. "Have they disembarked already?"

Mayor Mare shook her head as she turned back to the landed craft. "We arrived simultaneously. Shall we find out?"

Laud hesitated a moment. "They are not from my family. I would rather greet them first."

Mayor Mare inclined her head faintly. "Your family or not, they should be greeted properly."

"They will not know the local language," he noted, gesturing to their lack of translators.

Raven fixed that, drawing two translators from nowhere and quickly slipping one around Mayor Mare's throat, then her own. "I was prepared, Sir."

Even earth ponies had a strange magic, he decided. "Right, stay behind me and please don't assume anything. They are religious and will speak of the Pancreator. Do not offend them, or the Pancreator. If they say something that sounds curious, ask me about it later, when they aren't in earshot, and I'll gladly provided all the information I can when it won't potentially start a war we don't want to be in."

Raven reached for her glasses, adjusting them. "I presume they hold their god in as much esteem as we have for our Princess and will treat it with all the same reverence. I would not appreciate a griffon or dragon speaking ill of her, and will not return that favor."

Mayor Mare nodded firmly. "Exactly so. We are here to welcome them to Ponyville, not call their beliefs into question, provided they don't involve harming ponies."

He doubted he would get them any more prepared than they were. Perhaps, he decided, this was a good thing. Having two eloquent ponies to be the first things they met, neither with horns or wing, might be the best option. "Let's go."

Apple Bloom hopped up beside the slumbering Zecora. "All ready!"

Lyra tilted her head a little. "Smells kinda funny."

"Oh yeah, fer sure. But one little whiff..." She held the bowl under Zecora's nose.

The reaction was instant, Zecora sitting up so fast she knocked Apple Bloom aside. "Option!" she blurted as if finishing a thought she had been having. She blinked, looking around. "Is that you, dear Apple Bloom? How did you come to this room?"

Apple Bloom sat up with a big grin. "You done passed out and they called me to lend a hoof." She hefted her bowl up high towards Zecora. "Woke you up nice and good."

"Ah, what an avid student you are. You've called my mind back from the bizarre." She rose to her hooves, slipping from bed and nodding towards Lyra. "Where are the others?"

Author's Note:

Things are happening! Is this the sign of good things, or a typo unfolding before us?

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