• Published 2nd May 2017
  • 9,822 Views, 2,622 Comments

Fading Suns: A New World - David Silver

A new jumpgate is discovered, or rather a very old and decayed one that had been brought back online. House Hawkwood sends a bold explorer through to discover what riches await on the other end. He did not expect equines to be the result.

  • ...

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42 - We Come in Peace

Cheerilee smiled at her classroom. "As I'm sure many of you are now aware, Ponyville has become host to a, well, literally, alien guests. I'm sure you all have questions, but we do have lessons to get through. Let's get a few questions out of your system, then we focus on the task at hoof. Alright?"

Silver Spoon raised a hoof. "Miss Cheerilee, will we have a project on them?"

Cheerilee's smile inched a bit beyond normal. "While I am certain there is much we could learn from... our guests, I have been informed that they are anxious people, and I don't want any of my precious little ponies being hurt."

Sweetie Belle thrust up a hoof, waving it wildly. "I met one! Laud! He's nice and increasingly eloquent. If the other ones are similar to him, how bad can they be?"

Snails nodded. "I've met him too. He seemed alright."

Pipsqueak chimed in agreement, "A perfectly reasonable stallion, if not a stallion." He tapped at his chin. "What do they call themselves again?"

Apple Bloom leaned towards her smaller classmate, precariously over air from where she sat in her school chair. "Ah heard him call it a 'man'." She said the human word in English, slow and specific.

The entire crowd erupted into noise as different ponies asked different questions, many amazed that Apple Bloom knew a human word.

Cheerilee waved a hoof down towards the ground. "Simmer down, class. If they ask you a question or talk to you first, you are free to reply, but please give them space for now. Now then, for our first lesson..."

Paul strode through the town. He had several of his men with him, but not Laud. The ponies he saw reacted in very different ways. Some waved in friendly waves, wobbling their hooves in a fashion that would be impossible for a horse. They weren't horses, of course. They were... long ago... countless years ago... human, or so Laud had posited.

The more he saw of their architecture, the more he was inclined to agree. Though some of it took leaps of fancy, too much of it was something a human could have made and none would have thought them mad for doing so. The races he'd met were all very distinctly different, only taking up human norms after meeting them, and even then, their touches were hard to miss. These ponies had only just met humanity.

They were too normal, even in their absurdity.

One was approaching him. An 'Earth' pony, colored just as his name implied. He had blue eyes and a red tie. He also seemed to have the very start of a shirt at his shoulders, but it didn't bother continuing past that, as if it were just a tag that said 'I am a business person', and served no other purpose.

Paul's curiosity demanded he stop and await what the pony desired. Thus far, their requests had been small and harmless. Most were echoes of curiosity. He saw the pony had a translation collar on, that was good. It was awkward when they just made horse noises at him.

"Good day," spoke the pony. "I am Filthy Rich, and it's an honor to make your acquaintances." He put out a hoof towards them all, but it veered towards Paul, as if realizing he was the one in charge. "I'm certain you didn't come all the way from another star just to sightsee. I'd like to talk business."

Paul regarded the hoof. What was he to do with it? He decided to just pretend it was a hand and he clasped it, shaking it firmly. Had the pony really just bragged they were rich? "A local merchant?"

"The local merchant," assured Filthy, wagging his hoof up and down in time with Paul's shaking. "Good grip, just like the minotaurs do it. Now then, what can ole' Filthy do for you?"

Paul got it. Filthy was his name. He was Filthy Rich. If ponies named themselves after their abilities, that meant Filthy likely was wealthy to match his name. Still, at least it wasn't a casual brag. "I am Duke Paul Hawkwood. What is it you're offering?"

Filthy reclaimed his hoof and gave a firm nod. "What aren't I offering? I have contacts across Equestria, and you represent an opportunity, for the both of us. We can start with sundry supplies and work up to other, more exotic, wares." He dusted his not-suit lightly with the end of a hoof. "I'm told you represent a much larger body of, uh... My apologies, what do you call yourselves again?"

Paul had an easy out. "While I am interested in seeing what you have, I believe Sir Mountbatten is the final word on what passes through his dock. He should be present before we begin trading negotiations." That and he wasn't sure what Filthy could immediately offer. "Can you make more of these?" He pointed at the translator at his neck.

"I'm afraid I couldn't, not right away." Filthy reached for his own. "But, give it some time. I have some ponies already working on getting a production line running. I'll become the primary source of these wonderful things."

Paul considered that. "You are working with Miss Glimmer then?"

"Who? Oh! No, I wasn't."

Trademark was not a strongly-enforced thing, clearly, but it wasn't in much of the rest of the universe. Starlight was being stolen from by a guild leader, a pony one, of course, and there was likely little she could do about it. It was almost comforting, knowing ponies could play those same games. "Of course. We may have business to speak of when you finish that. What other technologies can you already make?"

Filthy looked quite thoughtful a moment. "We have telephones, light fixtures of various sorts. Ah! I almost forgot. We have protection against unicorn magic that may interest you."

It was an almost magic thing, how all the humans, guards and their leader, perked up at his suggestion. Filthy tried to take advantage of it, "Oh, we have all manners of things for any budget. From entire suits to little necklaces, depending on the protection desired and the need for subtlety." He leaned forward, voice lowering, though the translator missed the volume change. "I understand unicorn magic can be quite intimidating, even for us. I've seen what they can do when they want to."

Paul nodded slowly. So fear of magic wasn't an entirely alien concept to ponies. That was... reassuring in its own way. Still, Filthy was a merchant. He could be saying what he thought wanted to be heard. Paul could not assume there was no duplicity in the choice of words. "Mister Rich, you have my attention, but the basic point remains. Your own Queen authorized Sir Mountbatten to oversee these matters. Until he gives us proper methods for conducting trade, I will not sidestep him."

"There's nothing against a little gift." He turned away with a little smile. "I'll have one sent your way, as a sample of what we can offer. Enjoy it, entirely without obligation. I'm sure you'll want more, later."

"You are aware, Mister Rich, that we are without a single of the local coins."

Filthy waved that objection away. "Coins are only a shortcut to barter. Without them, we fall back to it. You have countless things worth trading for, not to mention your own currency. I should want the ability to trade with other humans that visit, and your currency would be ideal to that end." He half turned back to them. "We both have things the other wants. As a human in charge of others, we can see eye to eye."

Paul looked down at the pony. They would not see eye to eye in all ways, clearly. "I will consider it. Good day, Filthy Rich."

"Good day." He nodded with his eyes closed, a formal looking gesture, and trotted away without fear.

One of Paul's men slid closer, speaking in quiet English tones, "Merchants don't change no matter the species, eh sir?"

"Too true," he replied, covering his translator. "Still, I want to see this gift of his."

Laud lunged forward, striking the blade with his own and knocking it back. The soldier holding the other blade danced backwards, getting his sword back into position quickly, but Laud was pressing, swinging and thrusting purposefully.

Bon Bon sat to the side. She was not the only witness to the battle by far. Many other humans watched the two duel with intent eyes. She wore a translator; it was a requirement around all the humans. "With a sword," she spoke softly, though the translator spoke at full volume. "--I would think they would be more careful. One slip could seriously hurt either of them."

The ring of steel on steel was loud and distinct as the two warriors clashed. One of those watching shook his head just slightly at Bon Bon. "Pain is a valuable teacher. The stakes are high."

The soldier facing Laud pushed to the offensive with a sudden, and clearly unexpected, kick. It was all Laud could do to deflect the incoming strikes as he tried to recover from the sharp blow. The crowd murmured their thoughts eagerly.

One of the soldiers crouched down to be on Bon Bon's level. "Have you fought with a deadly weapon before?"

"Several," replied Bon Bon, only thinking of what she had admitted a moment after. She went tense. "I mean, in practice..."

Laud caught the sword against his crossguard and gave a sudden twist. The other soldier's blade few several feet to the side, but before it even had a chance to land, Laud had brought up his sword to his foe's neck.

The soldier laughed. "Bested, again. Here I thought you might have softened in this land of sugar and cream."

Laud sheathed his blade and slapped the other man on the shoulder. "It'd take another few years of this to bring me that low," he said in a joking tone. "It's good to get in a real spar."

"The feeling's mutual." Their hands met in a firm shake that turned into a half hug, either patting the other's back. "Do these ponies even know what a sword is?" Neither of the sparring men had translators on, their words solely in English.

Bon Bon pointed at them. "What are they saying?"

"Of course they do," replied Laud. "They just don't use them very often. They fight bare handed, or hoofed, as the case may be, most often. Their guards seem to prefer polearms."

The sparring partner shrugged. "Wouldn't want to be kicked by a hoof, pony, horse, or shantor. Still, it lacks reach. Their guards have a better idea of it." He turned to face Bon Bon. "I see one of them is curious about how we do it." He went for his sword to get it back in his sheathe.

"Hello, Bon Bon," spoke Laud in Pony English. "Come to see me fight?"

"I heard they were fighting with swords and wanted to see it for myself. I didn't expect you, specifically." She looked Laud up and down. "So, these are your friends?"

"Yes and no. Subordinates, but I know some of them quite well." He clapped his sparring partner on the shoulder once more before leaving him and approaching Bon Bon. "Just as I am sure Mayor Mare and Princess Celestia, and even Princess Twilight make friends and approaches people without stiff formality at times."

Bon Bon rolled her eyes. "Twilight treating things with 'royal decorum' is the exception, not the rule, and I think we both know that. She's still getting used to wearing that crown on her head." She pointed at Laud's sword. "Do you ever fight without those?"

"We did that once ourselves, if you haven't forgotten?" He patted his sheathed blade. "We can fight with our fists. It's a valuable skill. It lacks the grace that a blade brings, however, and some beasts are unimpressed by a punch, but think twice when sharpened--"

"Laud," barked one of the many soldiers. "--pardon the outburst, Sir, but we can't understand a blasted thing you're saying to the pony here, just her half of it."

Author's Note:

In this chapter, no huge bombs are dropped on the narrative. The humans are mingling about Ponyville, and nobody or pony, has been brutally murdered. Success! Now if those humans could be talked into slicing the typos for me...

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