• Published 2nd May 2017
  • 9,822 Views, 2,622 Comments

Fading Suns: A New World - David Silver

A new jumpgate is discovered, or rather a very old and decayed one that had been brought back online. House Hawkwood sends a bold explorer through to discover what riches await on the other end. He did not expect equines to be the result.

  • ...

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78 - The Sun Rises

Spike, Gregor, and his guard all sat around the table with its offerings of light snacks and refreshments. Gregor nodded to his guard. "Go on." He was looking to his guard, gesturing to the food.

It was both a kindness and practicality. The guard was being invited to eat and enjoy, but also to test for any crude poisons that could harm his superior. He did not hesitate, reaching to try the pony-provided food. He was brave, or trusting of their hosts.

Spike thrust a thumb back towards the door they had come through, closed as it was. "She's being told we're here, I bet. As soon as she's available, she'll come striding in."

"I would imagine being a monarch is quite taxing on one's schedule." Gregor did not touch the food, half an eye on his guard and what they tried. He could not assume what Spike ate was safe. There could be things that were harmless to dragons but deadly to humans.

As it turned out, the guard did not show signs of illness or poison. On the contrary, the food provided was quite delicious, and the tea simple and refreshing. The sweets melted easily on the tongue and had just the right dash of sugar. "(They have good chefs,)" quietly complimented the guard, reaching for something new. He never went for the same thing twice, that would diminish what Gregor could eventually try for himself.

"Never tried it myself." Spike shrugged softly. "But yeah, she's busy more than she's not. Twilight's about the same way, but she does that to herself. What about you, how busy is, uh, priesting?"

"When am I not a father?" Gregor finally reached for one of the little cookies, one of the first things that had been sampled. "It is a state of being, and one I welcome."

"I hope I have not made you wait too long." A door opened that was not the one they came through. There was Celestia, entering with a casual pace to her steps. "As always, a pleasure to see you, Spike. And you would be...?" Her eyes were on Gregor as if she somehow already knew the guard could be ignored.

Gregor dipped his head towards the ruler of the land. "Father Gregor, humbly at your service, Your Highness." He gestured across the table. "Our compliments on the hospitality you provided."

"Sometimes it is the simple things that can put a day on the right path." She sank down at the table, wings folding against her back. "I am Princess Celestia, though I feel you are aware of that already. Princess Twilight was quite explicit, as is her nature. Tell me, you are a guide of your people?"

"A humble shepherd," agreed Gregor, a hand at his chest before gesturing towards Celestia. "Much like yourself, though far less grand in station, if what I hear is correct."

Celestia smiled, a gentle touch on her face. "I lead by example, and by ensuring Equestria is handled with care, that my little ponies can live in it with joy. You are not from any one world, your feet stepping from one star to the next. It must be quite trying, to tend to such a large flock, so far and distant away."

He had not expected to be approached in such a way about his travels, not so quickly or in such a manner. "I am a wandering priest, as you have guessed. I do not have one 'flock' save those that travel with me. It is my duty to greet warmly."

"A diplomat," she discerned. "A pleasure to meet you then. Tell me then, since you sought me, what is it you truly seek? I do not believe it is simply to say hello, as charming as that is."

What exactly had Twilight written in her letter? He could not know. Honesty felt like the right course. "I had wished to find the source of light, the brilliance that echoed in the people of this land so clearly. Your ponies are almost bedazzling in their clarity of purpose and lack of strife. Even when trouble does arise, they handle it with a child-like eagerness."

Celestia nodded as he spoke, her horn glowing a golden shade as a kettle lifted and poured herself a cup of tea, then floated the cup to rest just in front of herself with a clink of china on china. "It was not always so peaceful, but it is with great pride that we reach ever upwards towards it. There are ponies who work diligently to keep it that way." She leaned forwards softly. "How do you 'bring light' to your own people?"

Gregor's guard was tense. It was his job to protect Gregor, and the large magical horse they were speaking to was a little intimidating. Unlike the 'little ponies', she was fully the size of a horse, and her glowing horn made it clear she had magic, and wings in addition.

The diplomat himself did not allow any nervousness to show. "I speak the Good Words and offer counsel to those that will listen. The great light of the Pancreator does shine down on me, and I humbly offer a reflection of it onto those I speak with, that their life may be so brightened."

Celestia raised a fine brow. "Tell me of this Pancreator. Is that a philosophic construct, or something more?"

"Ah, now there is a question." Gregor smiled warmly as he made a wide sweep of a hand. "Ask ten priests and you may get ten subtly different answers. I serve Sanctuary Aeon, following the teachings of Saint Amalthea. I walk in his kind light to show the light of the Pancreator, that which created us all, to all of his creations, humans or not. If the light of intelligence burns in their eyes, they deserve to know of this light, to bathe and be comforted in it."

Celestia brought up her metal-clad hooves and touched one to the other. "I like what I hear of your particular order, but, and forgive me for my assumptions, but your words imply there are others. Tell me plainly, in what danger are my people?"

He touched the tips of his fingers to one another from one hand to the next, imitating Celestia's gesture. "I will not deny that." It would be folly to do so, he quietly decided. "Your people stand at a critical juncture."

"And should we fail?"

Spike glanced back and forth between the two powerful personalities that clashed and dueled at the table he was seated at. "Uh..." He did not entirely grasp what was being said between them. "Fail what?"

Celestia reached a hoof, resting it gently on Spike's head. "Mind us not, Spike. We are speaking of weighty things."

Spike frowned at that, sitting up. "Weighty things I should know about. I'm a squire now, you know."

Celestia drew her hoof back, surprise showing a moment. "Truly? And to whom are you squired to?" She knew all the knights in her kingdom. There weren't terribly many of them. She turned the same hoof to show to Gregor with the flat of it. "My apologies."

"It is no trouble." It was a moment to think. He did not argue Spike's interruption.

Spike hiked a thumb in a strong jerk. "I am a squire of Laud Mountbatten, of the Hawkwoods, husband of my adopted sister." He hopped up suddenly, standing on his chair and bowing properly as Laud had taught him. "I am still in training, but I hope to, you know, not embarrass him."

Celestia's smile deepened a little. "You will make a great and glorious knight, noble and kind in equal measures." She gently ran a hoof over his cheek and lifted his chin towards her. "I would only ask that you never forget what makes you special, Spike."

Spike's cheeks warmed at her words. "I'll do my best!" He snapped a sharp salute before sinking back onto his seat with a happy little smile.

Gregor detected the distraction had ended. "It is not my place to make the judgment, but judgments are being made. The exact nature of your people before the Pancreator and the nature and purity of the souls that inhabit your forms is being questioned."

Celestia's left ear lifted towards him. "How does one measure the purity or nature of what one cannot see? The philosophy of the soul of a pony is long and storied, and I should imagine it is equally thus for humanity. What makes a pony who they are, beyond the gross requirements of the flesh? Are these mysteries that you have the answers to?"

Gregor sat up, his hands moving to fold on the table before him. "There are mysteries that are beyond the measure of us mere mortals. We can only see and consider."

"And judge," added Celestia. "You have seen my people. Do they measure favorably in your eyes?"

"In my eyes, they are wide-eyed children, to be protected and cherished. Even the most recalcitrant soul on this world seems laughably naive, in need of a stern talking to at worst."

Celestia rose to her hooves. "I feel you would benefit from knowing more than Ponyville. I have heard your people have a myth, a tale of a place of fire and misery where the worst are cast, forever separated from what is good and whole. Are you familiar?"

Was she... "Do you speak of Hell?" That was not where he imagined the conversation going. "What of it, Your Highness?" He did not rise as she did. Assuming one should stand in the presence of royalty was a bad habit.

She turned in place, her glowing horn opening a window. "I do, though ours is far less philosophical. Would you care to visit it? I would show you the darkness we have done battle with. It becomes far too easy to assume we are guileless children who have not known what it means to struggle."

Gregor's mien cracked. His guard, trying so carefully to look un-noticable and unpresent, was focused with wide confused eyes. Was he being literally invited to pony hell? "I... Forgive me, but this is simply not a possibility I was prepared for." He laid his cards out cleanly. "I am attached to my physical presence, though I know my soul will endure in the light, I am rather fond of it, and would continue to serve my people."

Celestia spread her wings. "I will protect you from harm, I promise. You are my guest. Come." She gestured at her own back with a wing. "I will carry you. A rare honor, I should add."

Spike's expression agreed with her. Beside himself once or twice, he hadn't seen many ponies get a Celestia ride. "Woah, uh, you'll bring him back here, right? I'll wait."

"Please." She nodded at Spike, then looked to Gregor's guard. "You are also welcome to enjoy our hospitality until we return. Spike can show you where things are."

Gregor did stand then, it would have been rude not to. "Is it by magic that you will protect me?"

"There should be little need. We have secured the darkness." She inclined her head towards her back. "Come, I will show you. Know that I am aware of your friends above us and have little desire to give them reason for offense. This is not an attempt to harm you."

Would he trust her? She was their source of light, the tender of their sun, with a kind smile and beloved by her people. She who was inviting him to visit their literal hell planes. He hesitated. "I would be the first of humanity to see this, I should imagine?"

"You will be, and I can think of few others that would be more ideal. Come, see, and you may cast your judgments." She lowered one of her wings and tilted, making it easier for him to access her. "Think of me as a horse, if that helps. I will carry you."

Author's Note:

What is Celestia thinking with this detour?

Is this madness, or genius?

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