• Published 29th Nov 2023
  • 2,158 Views, 222 Comments

Brilliant Sunburst - David Silver

Sunburst was the official crystaler. It was his job to help care for the young princess, and he had grown used to and even enjoyed the task. It was a pity, if one asked Flurry Heart, that he lacked a little trait that'd make him the best foalsitter.

  • ...

1 - With But a Coo

Sunburst waved at the departing princess. "Have fun."

Sunburst's horn glowed as he turned away, closing the door behind the royal couple. "Just us now."

He turned to see Flurry Heart watching him intently. "Yes, I do mean you."

He came to the filly and gently nuzzled her, ruffling her mane to her clear delight and bright smile. "As the crystaler, I am your foalsitter. You know that."

She giggled with joy, grabbing his snout and gently taking hold of it. He laughed, sitting with her perched on him at that curious attachment point. "Feeling playful. Well, fine then. Let's see how you deal with... this!"

He tickled her with gentle touches of his magic, getting her to squeal and struggle, but it was in good fun, and he was careful to always back off the moment she seemed to be approaching her limits. She was still smiling when the tickling stopped, babbling with joy.

"Liked that, huh?" But she was reaching at him, wanting something? "Are you..." It clicked. "Oh." He went to fetch the bottle. Cadance had only left him the one bottle, but that was likely enough for their time away. "Here you are."

With his magic, he warmed the milk gently as he brought the floating bottle over. "Hope you're ready." Flurry took a solid grasp, her snout seeking the teat of the bottle and gulping it down quickly. She was a growing filly, and she needed her fuel.

Sunburst chuckled softly, settling down next to her. "And now we relax until they get home." He half curled around her. Usually, after she had a bottle, she fell right to sleep. Napping with her was generally a great way to make the time go flying past. He'd wake up to find the royal couple returned, and his duty complete. Yes, that felt like a great idea. He slipped into dreams, curled around Flurry protectively.

Sunburst was startled awake by a strange sensation. As his eyes fluttered open, he realized with a shock that Flurry Heart was nuzzling against his underbelly. But something was very wrong - he had teats!

Sunburst leapt to his hooves and rushed to the nearest mirror, gasping as he saw his reflection. His muscular stallion body had been replaced by the slimmer, curvier form of a mare. His mane was longer, his voice higher-pitched. "Wha-what happened?!" he, she? squeaked out.

Behind him... her? Flurry Heart cooed happily. Sunburst realized with embarrassment that she must have accidentally transformed him with a surge of her unstable alicorn magic while trying to get his attention.

"Oh dear, they aren't going to like this," Sunburst fretted. He focused, trying to cast a counter spell, but nothing happened. His own magic had always been weak, but now he found even simple spells were beyond his new mare body's abilities. A different horn he wasn't practiced with didn't lend itself to his magic.

Flurry Heart crawled up to him, looking pleased with her work. She nuzzled against his underbelly again, searching.

"No, no, none of that now," Sunburst admonished gently, but couldn't help blushing brightly. This was going to be difficult to explain when Cadance and Shining Armor returned!

"What am I going to do?" Sunburst sighed, cradling his head in his hooves. This had to be fixed before the royal couple came home! But how? He went still, entire body going rigid as a new sensation ran over him... no, that was 100% a female sensation. No stallion had any reason to know that one.

Stallions did not have teats. Mares did. She had a little filly nursing eagerly at her. "N-not... Now..." Her complaints felt weak even to herself. Why did it have to feel so good? It wasn't an exciting good. It was like everything was just... so... perfect. She felt like her entire world was just in the right order. She was feeding this child, and there was no better place for her to be.

Sunburst sank with a sigh, the fight beaten out of her with the flood of strange chemistry, insisting she was doing things right. "Flurry," she complained without bite. "I'm you're foalsitter, not your wet nurse..."

Flurry had no compassion, only hunger. For better or worse, she gorged to fullness and rolled over, going right back to sleep.

"Really?" Sunburst sat up, running a hoof through her longer, but still frizzy, mane. "Now's the time you sleep..." Still, at least she wasn't paralyzed anymore. She could consider what had happened and why. Surely it wasn't just a random... event... "Right?"

Sunburst paced back and forth, mind racing as she tried to make sense of the bizarre situation. There must be an explanation for why she was suddenly a mare - magic as powerful as this doesn't just happen randomly.

She thought back to everything that had transpired before the incident. Cadance and Shining Armor had left her in charge of babysitting Flurry Heart. The young alicorn had accidentally unleashed her magic before, but never anything this drastic. Still, it stood to reason her developing abilities were involved.

Sunburst's own magical talent had always been lacking. But now, she could feel something new flowing within her changed body. An unfamiliar power that tingled through her horn. Was that even related, or just a coincidence? She was lacking in information.

"Okay, logic." She clopped her hooves together with an unsure smile. "I fed you." She pointed at the slumbering filly. "But you were hungry when I woke up. So we know you were still hungry..." She reached down and poked at her new udders, slender, but present. Those were not a thing a stallion should ever have!

"You were hungry... And you fixed it." She laughed deliriously. "You fixed it. You fixed me. You fixed me." She shook her head. "Calm down!" She took several deep breaths. "Calm... down. Okay. You ..." She looked to Flurry, who had no direct answers to offer. "You made me a mare. You wanted milk, you made me a mare." She laughed tensely. "I didn't know you could do that. I bet you didn't know you could do that... But you did."

She flagged her tail and curled for a peek. Yep. Mare. She was a mare in every way one could be a mare. "Yep... Oh... Is Cadance going to yell at me, or laugh at me?" Was both an option?

Sunburst paced anxiously, thinking through the implications of her transformation. The true conundrum was why Sunburst's magic had failed to revert the change. Perhaps there was more at play than just Flurry's random whims. Sunburst concentrated, horn glowing as she tried to analyze the magical energies woven through her new form. To her surprise, the spell came easily, power flowing smoothly.

There - she could detect the remnants of Flurry Heart's power, but intertwined was an older enchantment. Something deep within Sunburst had been unlocked when she took on the role of a nurturing mare. This dormant magic had been drawn out and magnified.

Sunburst bit her lip. Cadance would surely be shocked, but may also have insight into this phenomenon. She was Flurry's mother, after all. Who else would know how to deal with her wild magic?

Sunburst perked with an idea. "I never could get that spell right!" But she had a new horn, and new power? She focused on it, playing the magical song with her horn. Her old self draped over her new self. Sure, it was entirely an illusion, but she was back to looking like a he. It was a fake. She knew that.

Anypony that touched her would know that. She was still a mare. She was a mare in every way that counted. She tucked her tail just thinking about it. "Easy. We wait for them to come home." She went to the window and peeked out across the Crystal Empire. Somewhere out there, Shining and Cadance were having a wonderful evening out.

She thought of Shining and felt heat grow. He was a dork, but she liked dorks. He was fit, strong, powerful... He was everything she wanted.

Sunburst shook her head rapidly. "Whoa there!" Sunburst was a stallion that preferred mares, um, comparatively.

But she wasn't a stallion. She was a mare. She was a mare thinking about how she was kinda attracted to Shining Armor. "He's taken!" she wailed to nopony there. "And he's a... he." Her body didn't care. Her inner self somehow didn't care. He was a fine potential mate, and worthy of consideration.

"Fine, considering. He's taken. End consideration." Sunburst drove a hoof down with a loud clop.

The door suddenly opened. "We're home," called Cadance, Shining a step behind her.

Sunburst froze, her illusion faltering as Cadance and Shining Armor entered. She quickly strengthened it again, hoping they hadn't noticed anything amiss yet.

"Oh, you're back earlier than I expected!" Sunburst said, trying to sound casual.

"We finished up our dinner and came home." Shining frowned slightly. "Are you feeling alright, Sunburst? You look...off, somehow."

Cadance glanced at him curiously. "Is everything okay? Where's Flurry?"

"Flurry's sleeping just fine!" Sunburst said quickly. Too quickly. "I, uh, was trying out a new spell earlier. It must be making me seem a little strange." She laughed nervously.

Cadance's eyes narrowed, and Sunburst gulped. The alicorn's horn glowed as she focused her magic senses on Sunburst. Within moments, the illusion vanished completely.

"Sunburst! You're...you're a mare!" Cadance exclaimed in surprise.

Shining Armor's jaw dropped. "What in Equestria happened?!"

Sunburst blushed deeply, rubbing her legs together anxiously. No hiding it now. "Well, it's kind of a funny story actually..." she started explaining weakly, expecting the worse.

A sudden happy squeal drew their attention. Flurry was making her way across the floor towards her mother. Cadance rushed to close the distance, the two meeting in a firm hug. "There you are, and looking just fine." She nestled Flurry close. "Unlike you." She regarded Sunburst curiously, one ear perked, the other flattened back.

Sunburst rubbed at her cheek. "So... turns out Flurry's having a growth spurt."

Shining hiked a brow, ears flattening back. "What does that have to do with..." He waved over Sunburst's new form. "This."

Sunburst sighed, deflating with defeat. "She finished the milk you left me with and apparently wanted more. She made me into a source of more milk."

Cadance blinked with wide eyes. "Oh.... Oh! Oh." She inclined her head slowly. "I would, if we're being honest, expect you to be panicking a lot more than you are, considering."

Shining tucked his tail. "I would not be happy."

"I'm not happy." Sunburst clopped the floor. "But panicking won't help. Cadance, ma'am... Do you know how to fix this?"

Cadance looked Sunburst over with an intense gaze, horn glowing with subtle magic. "Mmmm... No... I'm afraid Flurry did something a little deeper than just flipping that switch. I presume you already tried to reverse it?"

"I didn't work," groaned out Sunburst, heavy with defeat. "Do you know why?"

"Because of your magic." Cadance waved over Sunburst with a metal clad hoof. "It's changed. You were given a new form, and your magic rushed to fill in the gaps. I can't say for certain, but I feel something like the Crystal Heart... Flurry is already tied to it, so that isn't as surprising as it could be."

Sunburst's eyes widened in surprise. "The Crystal Heart? You really think Flurry's magic drew on its power to transform me?"

Cadance nodded thoughtfully. "It's possible. The Heart has ancient magic tied to it. If Flurry unconsciously tapped into that and directed it towards you, it could explain the...depth of the changes."

Shining Armor looked between them in confusion. "Is somepony going to explain what exactly is going on here? Sunburst is a mare now, and my daughter did it because she was hungry?"

Sunburst blushed again. "It's true, I'm afraid. I was watching Flurry while you were gone. She wanted more milk, and suddenly I was...able to provide it."

Cadance gave Sunburst a sympathetic smile. "It sounds like Flurry's magic responded to her needs, and she must see you as a caregiver figure."

"But why not turn Sunburst back right away after?" Shining asked.

"The magic affected more than just Sunburst's body," Cadance explained. "It tapped into something deeper too."

Sunburst nodded. "I can feel it - my own magic has changed as well. It's like who I am shifted when I became a mare."

Cadance put a reassuring hoof on Sunburst's shoulder. "Don't worry, we'll figure this out. For now, why don't you two catch up while I see about getting Flurry settled back in for the evening?"

Sunburst felt a wave of relief. At least Cadance was being so understanding about such a bizarre situation! Now she just hoped her magic could be restored to normal in time...

One could hope?

Author's Note:

Wait, me, a gender flip story? What has gotten into me?! Madness, I tell you. This one will be going weekly, as the patron demands!

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