• Published 29th Nov 2023
  • 2,162 Views, 222 Comments

Brilliant Sunburst - David Silver

Sunburst was the official crystaler. It was his job to help care for the young princess, and he had grown used to and even enjoyed the task. It was a pity, if one asked Flurry Heart, that he lacked a little trait that'd make him the best foalsitter.

  • ...

2 - Sympathetic Ears

Sunburst went home. Where else could he... she? Go? The royal couple had come home, and thus they didn't need company anymore.

Sunburst opened the door to their cluttered little abode. Something about it bothered them. "Hm..."

They took a few moments cleaning up, putting things away. "I really should..."

She let a book drop from her numb magic. "That isn't like me."

"But I refuse!" They clopped in place. "Being clean isn't just a mare thing! But it isn't, um, hasn't... been a 'me' thing... very highly."

The universe didn't care.

With a sigh, they got back to at least doing a basic tidy, with books out of the way and up on shelves. "Better."

They had taken a nap just before things happened. They didn't feel tired as a result. So they had little to do but ponder their situation.

They curled on themselves, looking over their altered form. "Why did I..." They colored a little. They were a pretty, if somewhat disheveled, mare. Then again, they never had a very strong filter.

They had always assumed about any more would have no interest in them, no matter what interest they held for the mare.

Ta da, a mare that couldn't help but echo their feelings. "Thanks, I hate it," they grumbled out at the unfeeling universe.

But did they hate it? Their body, as unusual as it was, seemed to be in good working order. It was pleasing to the eyes and even the voice was... It was nice.

They ran their hooves over their face. "Aw." They had lost their beard. Okay, they missed that a little. But it was so smooth, the fur there. That was... It had its own appeal.

Sunburst pondered her unfamiliar form, conflicted emotions swirling. In many ways, this new mare body didn't feel bad - it was sleek, graceful, pleasing to the senses. Her magic practically sung with accessible power then, too.

Yet a sense of loss persevered. They missed the familiar weight of their beard, the build of masculinity that had felt like home. And they couldn't shake the uncertainty over why all this had happened in the first place. There were still more questions than answers.

Rising with a sigh, Sunburst decided some tea might help settle their nerves. As the kettle heated, they found their gaze lingering on her reflection in the kitchen window. Rounder features, elegant neck, stylish mane...this mare was beautiful, no use denying it. A blush colored Sunburst's cheeks. Was a little vanity really so bad?

The kettle whistled, breaking Sunburst's reverie. As they prepared the soothing chamomile blend, determination solidified. Whatever mysteries still shrouded this transformation, one truth was clear - their skills, their mind, her very identity remained unchanged. Mare or stallion, they was still Sunburst.

With the first calming sip, tension eased from Sunburst's shoulders. Answers could wait until tomorrow. Tonight, they would indulge in self care - mind, body and spirit. They had earned that much. Curled on the couch with their book and tea, Sunburst felt contentment creeping back in. Everything would look brighter in the morning.

Sunburst sat with a cautious smile. They had been invited to the royal breakfast. A spread of delightful foods and drinks teased at their senses. They had been invited to such breakfasts before, but it hit them differently... It was like they could smell it.

That was silly, they could always smell the wonderfully prepared offerings. But, that day, they could smell it even more. Did mares have better scent? Sunburst swelled as they took a deep inhale, only to release it with a soft woosh. "Compliments to the chef... This smells fantastic."

Cadance smiled from a few seats around the round table. "I'll be certain to pass that along. Are you feeling better? You seem calmer."

Shining lifted an ear at Sunburst. "You were already pretty calm, relatively. I'd be beside myself right now."

Sunburst took a plate and began to serve themselves. "I keep my emotions on the inside, um, when I can... This new... body comes with a steep learning curve. Cadance, ma'am, Highness... Um... can I ask questions..." They rolled their hooves over one another. "About the mare condition."

Cadance inclined her head. "I'll certainly try to help. It would be unkind to leave you on your own after my own daughter did this to you."

Sunburst gave Cadance a grateful smile as she nibbled at a dainty cucumber sandwich. Already her new form seemed inclined towards lighter fare compared to her previous appetite. Just another adjustment on the list.

“Well, primarily...” Sunburst cleared her throat, fighting back a blush. “How do you manage...cycles?” She folded her ears back, the biological realities suddenly feeling much more imminent. “I read about such things, but living them may prove...challenging.”

Cadance nodded in understanding while Shining Armor focused intently on his plate. “There are some methods and medications that can help regulate cycles,” she explained. “But often it does require adjusting routines and mindsets when needed. Listen to what your body tells you it needs in the moment.”

Sunburst absorbed this with a slow exhale. She had a hundred academic questions, but perhaps she was better off learning by experience for such intimate matters. Still, broaching awkward topics seemed wise while she had an expert on hoof.

“And...relationships?” Sunburst ventured hesitantly. “Courting, marriage - do the expectations change?” She thought of her reflexive evaluation of Shining Armor’s appeal and flushed again. Cadance merely gave a gentle laugh.

“At the core, what you want and need from a partner should remain the same, regardless of your own gender.” She smiled at her husband warmly. “But navigating social dynamics can add complications.”

Sunburst bit her lip considering past crushes through fresh perspective. She had much to ponder and explore regarding this new incarnation of herself. But surrounded by sympathy and wisdom, she felt the future steadily brightening.

Shining coughed into a hoof. "Of all the things you could ask,you start with cycles and dating tips? Are you sure you're alright?"

Sunburst's color grew over their entire face. "I..."

"Just saying..." Shining pointed at Sunburst. "But I get the feeling maybe this isn't as bad as you thought it was, to start."

"Shining!" Cadance gently bonked him with a floating ladel. "You're being rude. Now, just to be clear." She cleared her throat, just to be extra clear. "If you are comfortable as a mare, then we welcome you, as a mare. If you still wish to explore ways to return to being a stallion, then our efforts will continue to find that answer. You, Sunburst, are a valued and beloved pony of ours. That hasn't changed."

Sunburst felt twin surges of embarrassment and relief at the royals' words. She offered Cadance a timid but grateful smile.

"I admit, it may sound odd, but being a mare hasn't been entirely unpleasant so far," she acknowledged, blushing. "It will undoubtedly pose unique challenges I've yet to discover. But thus far, I can't claim to hate it."

She bit her lip. "Yet at the same time, the thought of remaining changed forever feels...daunting. I don't wish to make any permanent decisions prematurely before I've fully grasped what path is best. Does that make sense?"

Cadance nodded. "Of course! This is a major adjustment. Take all the time you need to process it without pressure. Just know we support you either way."

Sunburst returned the smile more readily. It was reassuring to have such open-minded ponies in her corner rather than facing the situation alone. She spared a wry glance for Shining Armor but found only sincerity in his gaze. Her nerves settled - with true friends around her, she could handle whatever came next, stallion or mare.

"Now!" Cadance gestured to the laden table. "I insist you try the potato frittata muffins. The chef outdid herself today..."

The conversation turned to lighter topics, and Sunburst found her appetite returning. Today was the start of a journey, but the first steps were looking brighter and easier than she had dared hope yesterday. But questions lingered...


Cadance patted Sunburst's shoulders. "You know us more than that. You can call me Cadance."

"Cadance... ma'am..." Sunburst worried her hooves fretfully. "When... Flurry availed herself to the milk, yesterday... I felt... very good. Is that normal? Um... I mean this without prurience..."

Cadance hiked a brow at the question. "Shining, dear... Are you done with breakfast?"

"Huh? Mostly Why?" He sipped from a tall glass of juice, looking between the two of them. "Oh... See you later, okay?" He put the cup down, kissed Cadance's cheek, and made himself scarce.

Cadance leaned forward, hooves clasped under her chin. "Such contact, by its nature, is a very intimate connection. It isn't the lewd thing I think you're worried about."

"Um, good...." Sunburst tapped their... her... hooves. "But I mean it... It felt like, uh... Like everything was right?"

Cadance inclined her head slowly. "It sounds like you had a very strong reaction. I feel satisfied... happy, when I know I'm feeding Flurry..."

She glanced at where Shining had been. "This could just be you feeling such a new part in such a strong way. Or more... I wouldn't rush to decide so quickly."

Sunburst absorbed Cadance's words with a slow exhale, both reassured and slightly unnerved by the intensity of what she had experienced. To feel such an innate sense of rightness and satisfaction over something so new and foreign...it hinted at changes running deeper than she had grasped.

"I suppose such a fundamental alteration courtesy of Flurry Heart was bound to impact me significantly across the board, emotions included," she mused. "Even if the means were quite unconventional."

She let out a small, self-conscious laugh. "Forgive my candid curiosity. As a stallion, the workings of the female form were purely academic. Living them has been quite the education thus far."

Cadance smiled warmly. "It's perfectly understandable! I'm happy to answer any questions I can. And I have resources we can review as needed to fill in gaps."

She gave Sunburst an appraising look. "For now, just focus on tuning into what your body and instincts tell you, without shame. The rest can come in time. And if anything gives you real concern, my door is always open."

Sunburst nodded, some tension leaving her shoulders. She had not expected to find such immediate acceptance and support. But trusting Cadance's guidance would make walking this strange path much smoother.

"Thank you, Ca...Aunt Cadance," she corrected with a small smile. "I'm lucky my circumstances led me here, however unexpectedly. Now...I don't suppose the chef could be persuaded to share her scone recipe?"

Cadance burst into light laughter. "Aunt? Me? You silly dear..." But still, she didn't fight the title being given. "Aunt..." It was like she was tasting the word, and she didn't seem to mind it. "Now, magic. Your magic. I'd like to know how yours is feeling. Is it better today?"

The recipe would have to wait... "Um... I confess, I've been distracted." Sunburst lit her horn with the most basic light spell. The room was bathed with the light of that glow, far brighter than she had planned. "Oh!"

"Impressive." Cadance leaned back away from the luminous display. "How hard are you trying?"

"Not very..." Sunburst cut the light. "Sorry, I wasn't trying to blind you."

"You'll have to try harder than that." Cadance winked. "Why don't you try experimenting? See if you can get a hoof on things and use all the spells you knew before, gracefully?"

Sunburst perked up at the thought of experimenting with her enhanced abilities, scholar's curiosity rising to the fore.

"An excellent suggestion!" she declared. Focusing, her horn lit up once more as she conjured several illusory duplicates of herself, each one moving about the room independently. The spell had only worn Sunburst out when she attempted it as a novice. Now it scarcely took any effort.

"Fascinating!" Sunburst grinned at her handiwork, each illusion mimicking her expressions. With a wink, one duplicate briefly took on Shining Armor's appearance before reverting back.

Cadance broke into fresh giggles at the harmless trick. "It seems your skills have grown exponentially. But do take care not to overwhelm yourself as you explore the limits," she advised warmly.

Sunburst dispersed her magical copies with a nod. "Of course, pacing myself would be wise," she agreed, still alight with scholarly fascination over this whole affair. She had much yet to learn about her transformation in all regards. But some parts were proving most intriguing indeed!

Author's Note:

With some magical lubrication, this egg is hatching. Sunburst has a thousand questions, but not all with a sheen of nervousness. Posting this early as the story had been delayed as we waited for the cover art.

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