• Published 29th Nov 2023
  • 2,160 Views, 222 Comments

Brilliant Sunburst - David Silver

Sunburst was the official crystaler. It was his job to help care for the young princess, and he had grown used to and even enjoyed the task. It was a pity, if one asked Flurry Heart, that he lacked a little trait that'd make him the best foalsitter.

  • ...

4 - Crystaler

"I'm so glad you could make this." Cadance was hurrying around, checking herself in a small mirror and primping herself. "We shouldn't be gone long."

Shining chuckled as he slid up next to Sunburst. "You sure you're up for this? Last time you watched her..."

Sunburst huffed, stepping away from Shining. "I am still her crystaler... It's my fault for falling asleep around a foal like that. She could have hurt herself... I'm glad that didn't happen..."

Cadance swept Sunburst into a sudden hug. "You are the best pony ever!" She squeezed Sunburst warmly. "You have no idea how happy I am to hear you say that, even if I'm still sorry... about that... I left two bottles of milk." She inclined her head towards the kitchen. "In case she gets hungry."

Shining snickered softly. "Are you sure you have to worry about that? Sunny here has all she could want."

Sunburst colored at the implication as Cadance began striking him with a scepter. "You are lucky I already made those reservations or I'd consider cancelling the whole thing," she boomed, half-chasing him from the house.

Shining's teasing words echoed in Sunburst's mind even after the rulers had departed. Was she truly so well-equipped now if Flurry grew hungry again? The notion left her blushing faintly as she straightened her glasses.

"Well, no use fretting about hypotheticals," Sunburst murmured, making her way toward the nursery. "I'm sure Flurry will be on her best behavior this..."

Her voice trailed off as she entered the nurstery. Toys were scattered everywhere, books yanked from shelves, and in the midst of the miniature disaster zone sat Flurry, chewing contentedly on her crib bars.

Sunburst sighed, magic lighting to begin repairs as she glanced wryly at her charge. "Then again, I suppose expecting 'best behavior' is rather optimistic given past precedent, hm?"

Flurry blinked innocently around her mouthful of wood. But her eyes shown with precocious alertness...and was that a hint of mischief? Sunburst had a distinct notion this would be anything but an uneventful evening.

"Hey there, kiddo." Sunburst sat just in front of the crib and reached over the top of it, horn glowing to help scoop Flurry into her arms. "You're looking ready for some fun."

Flurry babbled, the words lacking meaning, but her joy clear enough. She grabbed one of Sunburst's arms and snuggled against it with the pure happiness only a child could have.

Sunburst smiled, the tension of the day melting at the display. "Happy to see you too..." Whatever worries had been there just faded away as she hugged Flurry back carefully. "Such a good little filly you are."

But her mood was anything but stable. Wanting to play, she wriggled from Sunburst's grip, landing with her wings out to catch herself on a smooth trip to the ground. With an adventurous squeal, she began powering out of the room.

"Woah, hold up there," laughed out Sunburst, following right after her. "We can't have you getting hurt."

Sunburst trotted after the exuberant Flurry as she zipped through Cadance and Shining's royal apartments. The filly nearly upended an end table in her quest for adventure. Sunburst swiftly caught the wobbling artifacts with her magic.

"Careful through here, Flurry! We mustn't damage your mother's things."

Spying a flash of gossamer wings up ahead, Sunburst entered the sitting room after her young charge. She found Flurry already attempting to scale the tall curtains framing a wide window overlooking the glittering city.

"Oh goodness, let's leave those be," Sunburst gently levitated Flurry into her forelegs instead, summoning over the toy cloth ball she'd spotted earlier to distract the rambunctious filly.

As Flurry romped after her bouncy new playmate, Sunburst relaxed onto the plush couch with a small sigh, keeping a watchful eye on the energetic little princess. The city lights outside the window beckoned dreamily...so much activity out there while they enjoyed a quiet evening in.

Flurry displayed her growing flying and magical abilities with equal measure, testing Sunburst's ability to keep up as she squealed and played. Young unicorns, alicorn or not, were potent in their barely controlled magic.

Sunburst had to duck an incoming bolt and navigate a room that was chocolate sauce for a fleeting moment or two. Such were the hazards of minding such a magically skilled, but unrefined, little future wizard. "I'm looking forward to showing you so many things."

Sunburst rubbed her hooves together. "You're going to learn so many spells!" She pounced Flurry with a happy cry from both of them, wrestling on the ground in an end to the spirited chase. She hugged Flurry close and warmly, happily almost purring at her captured filly.

She was not expecting Flurry's nuzzle that made Sunburst jump. "Hey." It was a reminder that she was a she. "Your mother left some for you."

But the child didn't care about that. There was a source there, and she casually made herself welcome.

Sunburst flicked her tail, but settled in place. Fighting the child away from their supper felt... wrong.

It didn't help that it still felt... She spent some time considering it. It...

It wasn't the best thing ever. It wasn't even especially super amazing. It was just... good. Good. Good like eating a nice bit of food or figuring out a hard arcane puzzle, or... Just good.

She was satisfied. She liked it...

And that was not a thing a stallion should ever do. Stallions did not have those. Stalllions did not do that.

But there she was, being alright with it. "Maybe... I'm alright with this." She reached to ruffle Flurry gently, turning into a hug. "I swear... I feel certain the role of a crystaler did not originally include these duties."

On the positive, Flurry rolled over and fell asleep the moment she had enough, satisfied with things completely.

Sunburst gazed out the window as Flurry napped in her forelegs, crystal buildings glinting under the stars. She felt settled in a way her old self never quite achieved - an anchor to this now slumbering filly lending weight and purpose.

"Is this what it means to be maternal?" she murmured. "Finding a part of oneself in another's joy?" Nuzzling Flurry's downy fur, she pondered her own mentor. If she could nurture others even a fraction as well as Cadance had nurtured her...

The sparkling vista held no answers, yet somehow, Sunburst didn't feel she needed them just now. She brushed a feather-soft kiss over Flurry's horn, heart full to brimming.

"Sleep well, little light of mine," she whispered through a smile. "The future looks bright enough for us both."

Her thoughts wandered along towards other parenting figures. The image of Stellar Flare popped up. "Mom..." She hadn't been the most maternal figure...

Imagining her just doing that felt... alien.

Surely that mare would have popped a bottle in Sunburst's tiny snout and went on to other business. She had no time for fussing.

She only missed Sunburst after Sunburst moved away.

"Hmm..." What would she think of Sunburst now? Would she be upset? Angry?

She swayed an ear to the side. Would she be happy? Maybe she had always wanted a daughter... That might explain a few things...

Sunburst shook those thoughts free of her head. "I'm being uncharitable... She is a mare of tomorrow. She'll probably be alright. She'll probably parade me around town, crooning about how progressive she is." She chuckled at the mental image of it. "Mom..."

A sharp cry jolted Sunburst from her reverie. Flurry it seemed had enjoyed quite enough rest and was eagerly ready to resume play. Sunburst swiftly conjured a few miniature illusory butterflies to dance around the room, delighting the awakened filly.

"Ah ah, do be gentle dear," Sunburst chuckled as Flurry flapped after the shimmering insects. A lesson on compassion was perhaps in order. Settling Flurry onto the plush rug, Sunburst summoned a menagerie of fuzzy creatures to march and frolic about.

"Even little ones need care," she explained, letting Flurry curiously handle a tiny bunny. The alicorn nestled it to her chest with instinctive concern, eliciting Sunburst's smile. Nuzzling her student playfully, the two laughed as stuffing scattered during an unfortunate squeaky manticore mauling. Some wisdom came slowly, but the seed was there.

Later, with a soft knock, Cadance peeked in to find Sunburst reading, and Flurry between her legs in as close to a lap as a pony was likely to have outside of poorly designed chairs. "Aw..." She scooted in, Shining trailing after her. "You two are so cute... No problems this time, I hope?"

Shining walked past into the kitchen. "Hey."

Cadance frowned at the shout. "She's sleeping."

"She's hungry." He popped his head out from the kitchen. "Looks like the bottles weren't touched."

Sunburst colored at that. "Um, she ate..."

Cadance coughed into a hoof. "I see... If you're going to put a hoof on those duties as a habit, we really should give you a little more for it."

Sunburst smirked at that, hovering Flurry gently into Cadance's grasp. "You already don't pay me."

Cadance rolled her eyes at that. "I could make an exception for my child's wet nurse and favorite foalsitter. Surely there are things you might want?"

Sunburst tapped at her chin. "Um... There are a few books I wouldn't mind..."

"Nerd." Shining came out fully into the room. "Not an insult. I'm one too." The two shared a chuckle at that. "Alright, a book or two. Anything less nerdy?"

Sunburst perked. "Oh! A train ticket to and from Sire's Hollow. I really should tell my mom about this."

Cadance's eyes widened. "That is both a great and possibly worrying idea." She excused herself to put Flurry safely away.

Shining nodded. "Not sure how my parents would take me coming home looking more like Twilie, and being alright with it. I might make poor dad pass out."

As Sunburst made her goodbyes for the evening, Shining lingered by the door. "Seriously though, Sunny, you're taking this tremendously well. Here's hoping I roll with the punches that gracefully if life tosses me any curveballs."

He gave her an earnest smile filled with admiration. Sunburst found herself blushing, though with less flusterment than once she might have.

"I simply take things as they come," she replied. "But know I couldn't manage it without supportive loved ones around me." With an affectionate bump to Shining's shoulder, she headed off into the night.

The future remained uncertain, her transformation still leaving ripples of change to navigate. But surrounded by caring allies, Sunburst felt able to face whatever arose with optimism. The rails were being laid with each new day. All she need do was enjoy the ride.

She walked down the evening road, the stars twinkling overhead as she walked. It was peaceful and a little chilly. That made her all the happier to get into her own home and its warmth. "This is nice..."

Having things straight made getting around so much easier. She didn't have to bob around obstacles, making her way to the bathroom and throwing off her cloak. "Bath time!"

She hadn't always bathed every day, and coming home late at night would have been a great excuse to put it off, maybe for the next morning... or longer...

Becoming a mare, it just... felt natural? "No." She refused to blame that on being a mare. There were clean mares and messy mares.

Mare Sunburst was cleaner. She made that choice, as Sunburst. She nodded firmly as she slid into the warm water and let out a happy sigh. "Mare Sunburst is happy with a bath." She sank into the suds with a smile.

Author's Note:

Sometimes some gentle reflection is good, I say. 2/14!

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