• Published 29th Nov 2023
  • 2,157 Views, 222 Comments

Brilliant Sunburst - David Silver

Sunburst was the official crystaler. It was his job to help care for the young princess, and he had grown used to and even enjoyed the task. It was a pity, if one asked Flurry Heart, that he lacked a little trait that'd make him the best foalsitter.

  • ...

23 - My Son

"All of it?" Twilight touched her hoof to the ingredients lined up along a lab table. "What was your original plan, anyway? Did you need all of this?"

Sunburst smiled to herself. "I wanted to be prepared for any eventuality. I was expecting to work with the spell for a lot longer to fine tune the outcome, but now, with you, and the others, we can go directly to the final step." She waved her hoof over the assembled material. "Let's finish turning a rabbit into a pony."

Starlight dropped a hoof on Sunburt's shoulder. "Doesn't it bother you a little?"

Sunburst flicked an ear at Starlight, turning to her. "What? We're fixing my mistake, right now."

Starlight waved at the table of ingredients. "I more meant, you're doing what your mom did to you. You made a rock have to worry about breathing and eating, and then you showed it the pony life. Fortunately, they seem to want to go ahead, now, but this is all asking after the fact. You were happy going on being a stallion for a long time, I remind."

Sunburst nodded. "This is different. It wasn't until recently that I really got to know Pebble. I can't say for sure, but I'm pretty sure they understand what's happening to them, even if they don't say much." Sunburst sank to her haunches heavily. "I want to help her."

Starlight lifted her shoulders gently. "Your mom thought she was helping you. Look, I know it's not exactly the same." She cycled her hooves in the air over one another. "But at the least, you owe her a bit of an apology. You two are cut off the same tree."

Sunburst colored at that. "I am aware. It's not an easy thought to live with."

Twilight leaned in closer to the table. "Well, I think we've dawdled long enough." She touched a hoof to the largest ingredient, a crystal flower that glowed with the collected potential of all the smaller stones around it. "This is what holds the spell, yes?"

Sunburst took a deep breath. "That is the central ingredient, yes. Let me get the subject. Pebbles!" She trotted off in search of her pet that would be her son. "Pebbles?"

Starlight lifted her hoof. "I'll help." She hurried after Sunburst with the other mares. "Where would he be?"

Sunburst considered with a frown. "Let's start with the obvious." She led them upstairs to the penned area, but there was no stone rabbit there. "Hm. Who took them out?" She trotted back to the lab, stopping at the table. "Hey, the flowers are missing."

Twilight pointed at the ceiling. "Follow the sparkles, I'd say. I'm pretty sure I know what's going on here." She turned and trotted along the hall with a smirk.

Starlight followed after Twilight. "Uh, okay. Lead the way, I guess."

Sunburst trotted after, eyes scanning for hints of Pebbles. "What left that trail? On the ceiling no less."

Twilight giggled to herself. "They call themselves the Sparkle Census, I think, but I usually call them the pixies."

Sunburst tipped her head back, following the glints up to the rafters. "Pixies? I haven't seen one of those in, um, ever? You have pixies?"

"I didn't, until somepony gathered so many sparkly magic things in one place." Her smirk didn't ease, looking far more amused than actually annoyed. "They adore that. I've seen them sitting around and polishing up rocks, just to drop glitter everywhere. But this? This is something more." Twilight shook her head as she approached the door to the outside. "It was probably our dear Pebble who was the catalyst."

Sunburst blinked at the thought. "Why? Wait—" She stopped near the door, staring up at the trailing gleams of light. It led away from the castle towards the forest, easily seen from there. "The Everfree?!"

Twilight turned back. "Trust me. Just follow." She walked on out the door with a swish of her tail, leaving the other two unicorns to follow after.

Sunburst hesitated, glancing back at Starlight. Starlight gently shrugged and nudged Sunburst into motion, the two following after Twilight.

Fortunately, they didn't have to go far into the foreboding forest, coming on a clearing of sparkles in the trees and grass. The glimmer of stars painted the landscape, fading in and out of being.

The three unicorns emerged in the field, walking among the flashing lights of the pixie colony.

"What do you want?" demanded a creature, so small as to be barely visible. Male, female? It was hard to tell from the squeaky voice. "We're busy, so if you can't see, that's our business!"

"I know, I know." Twilight swept her gaze over the tiny bodies of the pixies. "And you stole one of my subjects. Where is he?"

"Don't know what you're talking about, horsie." The voice didn't seem to be the same one as before. "Go away."

Sunburst sat, spreading her forehooves. "Please. Pebbles doesn't just 'belong' to me, but I care about him a lot. He's a living creature."

"So?" This seemed to be a new pixie. "They wanted to be a pony. We heard. We granted a wish!"

Starlight stared down at the swirling mass of colors around their hooves. "You did?" She leaned in closer to Sunburst. "Did they do our work for us? Can Pixies do that?"

Twilight smiled, reaching her hooves out. "Do you mind? We're here to collect our friend."

A multitude of voices sounded out, most shouting to get out of the way.

Sunburst pinned her ears. "Foalnapping somecreature isn't very nice. Please, let me see Pebbles."

The crowd of pixies parted, revealing Pebble, no longer a rabbit, but a healthy pony colt. They were curled up under the protective hold of several pixies, all clustered in to give Pebble warmth and company.

Sunburst blinked in amazement. "Pebbles? Pebbles!" She set her hooves down and hurried towards them, only to be blocked by a cloud of pixies. "Let me past!"

"Mine," chirped a pixie, apparently ready to fight over this.

Starlight touched Sunburst on the shoulder. "He doesn't belong to just you, remember?" She smiled faintly, eyes flicking to Pebble. "Pixies, wake Pebbles up and let them decide where they want to be."

There was a chittering from the pixies.

Twilight sighed. "Please."

In unison, the pixies rolled their eyes. A number of them went over to Pebble, nosing them until the foal stirred, rising to a stand. He rubbed at one eye with a forehoof before opening his mouth wide in a yawn.

Sunburst smiled radiantly at each motion. "Pebbles," she barely breathed out, amazed at the presence of her new son. "Mommy's here."

Pebble looked up at the word, eyes sweeping the scene. They locked eyes with Sunburst. "Mom?"

"Yes," whispered Sunburst, leaning forward to touch hooves with Pebbles. The pixies swept out of the way as the two came together in a warm hug of love and family.

One pixie sighed. "Fine, you keep him. We keep other shinies."

"They're not alive," added another. "So ours now."

"Good day," finished a third tiny pixie.

Twilight stepped to Sunburst and Pebbles, gently tapping the colt on the shoulder. "How are you feeling? Are you alright?"

"Hungry," said Pebbles softly, as if still unused to speaking.

Sunburst grabbed Pebbles in her magic, gently lifting the colt onto her back as she turned back towards the castle. "Let's go home and we can have some tasty food. Mmm, how old are you?"

Starlight made an unsure noise. "As a rock, he was centuries old at least! As a rabbit, a moon at most, and as a pony, newborn." She reached up to stroke Pebbles. "Old enough to talk."

Pebbles hummed in thought, rocking a bit on Sunburst's back as they trotted on back to the castle. "Rabbit? No, I don't like rabbits. Ponies."

Sunburst laughed at that. "We won't make you a rabbit again, I promise."

"You still have a mark." Sunburst gently pet Pebble's rabbit-like tail and worked through the glittering parts of his pelt, where some stone and crystal remained despite everything. "But that's okay. You're a special pony, a magical pony."

Starlight crept in closer. "I never heard of a rock rabbit becoming a pony. Did you, Sunburst?"

Sunburst laughed at that. "I did not, but I am the one that made it happen, so I can't pretend to be surprised." She turned to Twilight. "Thank you, even if we didn't get to cast the spell ourselves."

"You did something far more magical today." Twilight smiled at the new family. "You have a new life, and a new beginning, together. " She nuzzled Pebbles as they passed. "As their aunt, of sorts, you can call on me if anything comes up."

Starlight leaned on Sunburst's shoulder, keeping close. "I'm Aunt Starlight, got that? Just don't go and start calling Twilight mom." She giggled at that thought.

Sunburst pet over Pebbles with her magic, getting happy murmurs in reply. They slipped into the castle and Twilight trotted off to make breakfast. Sunburst moved Pebbles into her hooves, hugging and nuzzling her new child. "You are not my pet anymore, just so we're, um, clear. You are my son. You are her son too." She pointed at Starlight. "We're a couple, so if one of us has a child, we both do."

Pebble hugged Sunburst. "Happy."

"Me too." Sunburst gently set Pebble down, touching their muzzle together. "I'll never hurt you, Pebbles. I know I messed up a little, but I'll do better." She turned to Starlight. "I messed up with you too, Starlight, I'm sorry."

Starlight inclined her head. "I already forgave you for that." She pet her new child. "Hey, kid. Looks like you get me for a mom. Lucky you, huh?" She laughed a little tensely. "Is it alright if I admit I'm not entirely sure how to do the mom thing?"

"Join the club," giggled Sunburst, slipping in to hug her girlfriend. "I'm excited, even if it's scary, and new."

Starlight nodded with a little laugh.

Sunburst jumped with surprise. Pebble had needs, and wasn't shy fulfilling them, attached as he was to Sunburst's teat, filling himself. "Oh." Sunburst laughed at the sight. "Guess Flurry kept that going. Um..." She felt the urge to watch her foal and another that insisted staring in that direction was wrong, warring in her.

Starlight nudged Sunburst's shoulder. "How's it feel?" She gently eased Sunburst over to a nearby bench, just to sit down together. "You got a little buddy there, mom."

Sunburst wrapped her arms around Pebble, keeping them close and welcoming them to stave off their hunger. "It's new, but not bad. I've fed a foal before." She shivered gently. "Is it supposed to feel so—" She struggled for words a moment. "Right?"

Starlight shrugged gently. "I've never fed a foal before, and I doubt I could start now. Maybe you just, you know, want to be a mom? Enjoy it." She nestled in against Sunburst's side. "I'll be the dad of this relationship."

Sunburst laughed at that, rocking slightly. "Sounds like a good plan." She lowered her head to nuzzle Pebble, who was now full. "Let's go explore the town together. Maybe get you some new toys, how does that sound?"

Starlight snorted gently. "He's fed, but us adults need food too, and Twilight's already making breakfast, remember? You'll hurt her feelings if you vanish while she's doing that."

"Oh." Sunburst blushed gently. "We can eat, then explore. Hm. Maybe we can find you a room that you feel is right for you. Your own bedroom, as part of your house?"

Pebbles shook gently, shaking his head after a moment. "Mom." He hugged tight against Sunburst.

Starlight snorted gently. "They're a newborn. They don't want their own room yet." She smiled at the two. "When they can talk a little better, we'll start working on that, right now? I think we should focus on letting them talk to us, and explore. They spent all that time as a rabbit. Being a pony is new to them."

Sunburst nodded. "You're right, thank you. I'll try to be more patient." She gave a little giggle. "We can figure this out together, but I'm going to do my best to be the best I can, for the both of you."

Starlight wrapped an arm gently around Sunburst. "I never really expected to have a family." She was quiet a long moment. "But I'm with you. I'll be doing my best too."

Pebble hummed gently and closed their eyes, going to sleep on Sunburst.

Twilight laughed to herself from the kitchen, watching the adorable trio. "Ahh, to be a student again." She emerged with a tray of pancakes and eggs, steaming with delicious smells. "Now, our new parents deserve some food, mm?" She levitated some utensils over to the threesome. "Come on, get to eating. You've got a long day ahead of you, and this is just the morning."

Sunburst smiled, taking up her fork and gently transferring it to her magic. "You are a wonderful friend, Twilight. Thank you."

Happy noises of three ponies enjoying their breakfast filled the entry hallway until new steps came from the stairs. Spike hopped down the last. "Why are you all eating out here?" He hiked a thumb towards the dining room. "Better seats over there and all?"

"Spike!" Starlight gestured wildly to Pebble. "Meet Pebble! Sunburst's son."

Spike tilted his head. "...That rabbit?"

Twilight shook her head and giggled. "Not anymore."

Spike closed the distance to peek at the sleeping colt. "This is Pebbles?" That is when he noticed the colt had a rabbit's tail. "Woah!" Not to mention the glittering bits in their fur. "This really is Pebbles!"

"The same." Sunburst used her magic to brush Pebbles' hair into place. "I don't suppose you know what happened to my other stuff? I've lost track of where it ended up."

Twilight huffed gently. "The pixies are unlikely to give back any of the other ingredients. But they did do the spell for us. That feels like a fair trade."

Pebble roused a little, their nose twitching as the smell of food met them. "Pancakes?"

"Sure, just a minute." Twilight slipped back into the kitchen, returning with a smaller plate for Pebble.

Pebble snuffed curiously at the plate before daring to try a little, only to turn up their nose and flop against Sunburst instead.

Sunburst gently hugged him. "Not ready for solid food yet? It's okay. When you're ready." Her words were gentle and loving, rocking with her child.

Author's Note:

Cute! Welcome Pebble to pony life.

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