• Published 29th Nov 2023
  • 2,162 Views, 222 Comments

Brilliant Sunburst - David Silver

Sunburst was the official crystaler. It was his job to help care for the young princess, and he had grown used to and even enjoyed the task. It was a pity, if one asked Flurry Heart, that he lacked a little trait that'd make him the best foalsitter.

  • ...

14 - A Quick Move

Held aloft in a swirling of their magical auras, Sunburst and Starlight wrestled a great collection of most of Sunburst's possessions outside into a waiting cart, which creaked under the new weight.

Starlight nodded with satisfaction. "You were living light. When we get back, we're going to work on fixing that."

Sunburst looked over the burdened wagon. "That looks filled to me. Why buy things if I'm not using them?"

Starlight slid up against Sunburst. "It's not about buying things. It's about just a little collecting because things are happening. Your life's been almost paused for too long. I feel awful about that, but excited too. We can fix that." She nuzzled into Sunburst's cheek. "Time to live."

Sunburst smiled hesitantly as they went inside to collect the things that hadn't made it in the first trip. "It... feels odd, having everything in one place." She put the very last book on the pile. "There it is... I guess I can leave the cauldron. It's not a special cauldron, just a pot, really... I can get a new one."

Starlight offered an encouraging nuzzle seeing Sunburst hesitate over something as minor as replacing a cooking pot. She could sense old habits grasping familiar totems reflexively against rising tides carrying them irrevocably onward now.

"Hey, think of it as a great excuse to pick your perfect new wizardly cauldron!" She mimed an exaggeratedly creepy stance. "Ominous bubbling brews demand only the finest construction!"

Her theatrics won a small chuckle in reward as intended. Silly or sincere, Starlight followed sunshine smiling Sunburst's way.

"Alright, perhaps some upgrade indulgences won't go fully amiss..." Sunburst eyed the groaning cart outside dubiously. "We're traveling quite overloaded as is so minimalism may serve us best today."

She swept a final surveying glance around the now emptied cottage, exhaling hard. Then determined eyes fixed ahead. "Very well - onwards then, my dear!"

They pulled the wagon together, horns glowing as they set off for the train station.

"Two for Ponyville, kindly." Starlight slapped down a few bits on the counter. "When's the next one?"

The attendant turned his eyes upwards to the schedule, squinting a moment. "Hm." He looked to the clock, then back to the schedule. "Hm. Looks like... a minute ago."

Starlight blinked. "Wait, we missed it?"

"No." He turned back, arms on the countertop. "I didn't see a train, so it's probably due any moment now." He looked past Starlight to the burdened wagon. "Cargo?"

Sunburst bobbed his head. "This is all of it." They waved over the whole thing. "Everything." It felt odd saying that. It was everything...

"I'll get an attendant." He blew a whistle and the luggage was rolled away. "It'll get on the first train to Ponyville, which you'll hopefully be on too."

Starlight exhaled stiffly and managed to smooth her tense shoulders somewhat hearing the reassurance. This wasn't some solo journey into the unknown after all...and when had outrageous odds ever daunted her besides?

She bumped Sunburst's shoulder affectionately as the shrill whistle announced their ride's arrival. "Whatdya say Sunbeam? Up for a nice scenic trip to take in the sights together?"

Mindful of boarding passengers impatient to embark around them, she still stole a swift smooch before floating the tickets their way teasingly. "Stick with me kiddo - I know all the best caboose cars for discreet cuddle sessions..."

Sunburst raised a doubting brow. "Who were you cuddling?"

"Nopony," Starlight admitted, colored with a nervous laugh. "I was just joking... But I can think of a few spots." She got a scheming look. "That's a challenge I'm up for. Twilight showed me one that'd give us privacy almost anywhere."

Sunburst stepped with the crowd onto the train properly. "I dare to ask, what kind of spell is that?"

"It's meant to let you read a book from the inside." She waggled both brows with a lash of her tail. "But if you're inside a book, nopony can watch you, hm?" She sank onto a bench, waving for Sunburst to take up the one spot aside her. She glared cooly at another pony considering the spot, scaring them away.

"Sorry." Sunburst nodded at the frightened pony and moved to take up the guarded spot. "That sounds dangerous, right now. If we aren't here, just a book on the bench, somepony may just throw out the book."

Starlight clopped a hoof to her forehead. "Point... No intensive bookreading right now, I guess."

With a soft bump, the train started forward under them. "To Ponyville! Woo! Ponyville with my Sunny." She grabbed Sunburst, hugging them with a giggle. "I know you... may be a little scared, but I'm super excited right now."

"Scared? Psh, nah..." Sunburst waved a dismissive hoof watching familiar scenery glide past their window. If clinging just a little too tightly to Starlight belied her breezy denial, neither pointed it out.

"I mean change itself rarely stops being scary, right?" she amended, exhaling slowly. "But having your hoof to hold helps more than I can say."

Starlight gifted her a little nuzzle. "I've got you, and I mean that in a supportive way. I'm right behind you, cheering you every step."

Sunburst melted against their new special somepony. "So... am I going to get involved?"

"Involved in what?" Starlight perked an ear, sitting up a little.

"The school." Sunburst pointed ahead of them in the direction the train was going. "You're a counselor... Will I help too?"

"Sunny!" Starlight smooched her cheek, snout and ear in a sudden bout of pecks. "I'd love that, but working and loving together can get awkward. Let's just settle you in and we can explore all that. What's the rush?"

"What's the rush..." But that came easily. "We already wasted so much time... How long have we known each other, and... Um... let's be honest... loved each other, but did nothing about it?"

Starlight tapped at her chin lightly. "Point... Still, rushing won't get us anywhere. We're together now, and I plan to enjoy that."

"True... True..." Sunburst fell against her and they settled companionably as the train carried them off to warmer climates.

Both started when a conductor called out for ponies looking to get off in Ponyville to get ready to disembark. As the din of disembarking passengers slowly filtered away, she blinked surprised finding the car practically empty and Starlight's grinning face filling her vision.

"Hey sleepyhead, looks like it's our stop!" Her eager companion pressed an offkilter wizard's hat firmly atop Sunburst's rumpled mane. "Let the grand tour commence!"

Starlight fetched the cart from the cargo being unloaded from the train and began pulling it into Ponyville properly, humming joyfully.

Trailing after the bubbly Starlight, Sunburst shook off remaining grogginess and allowed the expectant atmosphere enveloping them wash over her senses. The very air seemed saturated in vibrant energy there quite distinct from crystalline radiance back home.

"So...this is Ponyville proper huh?" She surveyed rustic buildings and colorful characters milling about the modest station. "Quainter than I pictured from your stories, but I admit it has undeniable rural charm!"

Starlight beamed proudly. "Just wait 'til you've seen the best spots! Plus Twi seriously souped areas up lately - especially that school you already brought up." She nudged against Sunburst. "And there's where we'll live." She pointed ahead at Twilight's towering castle. "Right there."

Sunburst craned their head back to take in the whole of that crystal tower. "Wow. It's... actually like a bit of home. It's all... crystally." He wobbled hooves, trying to capture that essence of crystal. "I... actually... I'm kinda happy."

"Only kinda?" Starlighttouched her nose to his cheek, just to whirl in place. "Pinkie!"

"Star!" The two crashed in a warm hug. "Ooo, and a Sunburst." She grabbed Sunburst with a flailing hoof and hauled them into the group hug. "You don't come here often, what brings ya by?!"

Starlight backed a step and pointed at herself. "I brought them by. Say hello to my special somepony." She tossed her head at Sunburst with a triumphant grin.

Pinkie gasped loudly. "Wow! Really? Neat!" She bounced around Sunburst with a great grin. "That's amazing! Is that why you look a little different now? You were a he, but now you're more of a shi, I think."

"Shi?" Sunburst inclined her head. "What's that?"

"Shi, Hir." Pinkie waved at Starlight's general frame. "You are right in the middle. Neat! I never thought I'd get to use those." She whirled on Starlight. "Do they have everything?"

Sunburst blinked owlishly, cheeks darkening as Pinkie's questions hit unexpectedly close to personal places transitional vocabulary still struggled encapsulating. But any fumbling found itself preempted by her simply grabbing them in another hug.

"Whoopsie, looks like I mis-stepped there!" She chuckled. "No biggie! However the whole you feels comfiest being addressed is a-okay by me!"

Sunburst exhaled, tension easing at the breezy acceptance rolling on. "I suppose 'they' suits me fine generally Pinkie Pie. I appreciate you asking actually - means more than you know being seen wholly." She rubbed her cheek. "Or she, um... I never heard of those other ones."

Starlight swooped back in judiciously as Pinkie finally released the slightly smooshed newcomer. "And we can catch up on the finer physiology points later when these tired travelers have rested some!" She steered them towards the towering crystal palace nearby.

"Right now though, how about helping get Sunny acquainted with the castle while I track down our wayward hostess??"

They didn't run into her until they were safely inside, and they didn't even see her first. Spike was there to see them, walking past the entryway. "Oh, woah."

He hurried over to help pull the cart up that last step. "Wow! Look at that. You'd think somepony was moving in with all of that."

Sunburst tensed. "Um, does he not know?"

Starlight laughed a little hysterically. "Spike! Buddy!" She waved at Sunburst. "I went to the Crystal Empire and... you remember Sunburst, don't you?"

Spike looked Sunburst over curiously. "They look a little different. You alright?"

"I'm better than alright." Sunburst smiled at the little dragon. "But I have been through a few changes."

"Cool." But his attention was on Starlight. "So what's up with this?" He pointed at the filled cart.

Starlight rubbed behind her head. "Sunburst is my special somepony now... I brought them back with me."

"Oh." Spike was still a moment. "Wait... Twilight didn't mention that. Did you talk with her?"

"Not exactly..."

Sunburst swallowed heavily. "We came all the way from the Crystal Empire and you didn't talk to her?!"

Starlight crashed to her haunches. "I was focused on getting you here! It'll be okay. This castle has tons of room, waiting for a pony or two."

"Not cool." Spike shook his head, walking away. "Twilight hates sudden change, especially where she lives."

Sunburst met Starlight's cringing gaze with exasperation plain across her face. For all the meticulous overplanning her friend could commit towards improbable schemes, glaring logistic holes somehow persisted plaguing practical partnerships puzzlingly often.

"In all our moons together have you ever just...talked things out fully beforehand versus plunging in hooves first?" Sunburst sighed fondly, nudging the sheepish unicorn sprawled awkwardly over their luggage cart.

Rubbing the back of her neck self-consciously, Starlight never got a chance to reply as distant hoofsteps rapidly closed in...

"Spike, what's all this I hear about some ponies trying to move into...my...castle..." Twilight's incredulous tone registered fully before the scene itself struck her stunned eyes: friend and former student beaming excitedly, A familiar pony far out of place, grimacing with apology, and heaped household items implying permanence poignantly evident.

Silence stretched taut.

"Starlight Glimmer, what in Equestria have you done now?!"

Author's Note:

Twilight is very adaptable, until change comes crashing into her house. 12/14

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