• Published 29th Nov 2023
  • 2,156 Views, 222 Comments

Brilliant Sunburst - David Silver

Sunburst was the official crystaler. It was his job to help care for the young princess, and he had grown used to and even enjoyed the task. It was a pity, if one asked Flurry Heart, that he lacked a little trait that'd make him the best foalsitter.

  • ...

19 - Pebble Inspection

They found Fluttershy on her front lawn. She was guiding an entire flock of blue jays to sing a song that sent wonderful warbling notes towards them as they approached.

Sunburst smiled at the melody, keeping quiet until it seemed to be over. Cradling Pebble close felt like a fine way to pass the time.

Starlight was a little less patient, clearing her throat.

That sent the birds scattering into the evening sky. Fluttershy jumped. "Oh, hello." She smiled at the two of them, plus their new pet. "Hm? What's that?" She stepped in, attention locking onto Pebbles securely. "A little bunny? What did they come from?"

Sunburst shot Starlight a reproaching glance before extending their arms towards Fluttershy, brining Pebbles with it. "This is Pebbles, and they already like you."

Pebbles looked a bit more neutral on that front, examining Fluttershy and sniffing as her hoof came close, but in no hurry to leave Sunburst's safe proximity.

Fluttershy snuffled and reached for the bunny. It didn't object, so she scooped them up slowly. "Are they a new pet? They seem remarkably attached to you already." She tested how far away she could draw Pebbles, but could feel the little bunny's stress raising the further from Sunburst she went.

Starlight offered Sunburst a sheepish apologetic glance for her impatience spooking the pleasant avian choir practice. But her partner simply smiled indulgently in return.

Instead, Sunburst stepped nearer to help reassure tentative Pebble as Fluttershy continued gently gauging the young bunny's temperament and health. "We only just welcomed little Pebbly into our rather ramshackle household today," she explained fondly. "But it seems we made quite the impression!"

She chuckled softly scritching Pebble's downy ears eliciting the beginnings of a purr. "As for where this affectionate little darling emerged, well...that's a rather unique situation we were hoping you might have insight on as the resident critter care expert."

Sunburst shared a meaningful look with openly curious Fluttershy as Pebble snuggled back into her embrace. "You see, mere hours ago our new friend here was in fact...a simple rock."

She nodded letting those implications sink in before continuing more softly. "Which is why guidance from one so attuned to creature needs as yourself felt essential acclimating a bunny with such unusual origins warmly into the family." Sunburst met earnest turquoise eyes with her own vulnerable rose quartz gaze. "I want to give Pebble the happiest home imaginable no matter their quirks inherited or no. Will you help me learn, Fluttershy dear?"

Fluttershy's gaze flit between Sunburst, Pebble, and the eager Starlight thoughtfully processing this remarkable revelation before resolute compassion shone through initial startlement. "Of course I'll help anyway I can! Oh goodness, what a massive life change for the poor little dear..." She gently cuddled Pebble who arched under her soft ministrations. "But it sounds like there's no safer place to explore all that newness now than caring hooves like yours."

Fluttershy considered a moment. "Also, they are a boy bunny."

Starlight glanced back where they had come from. "Huh, Lyra did know something here. So... How bunny are they? I mean, they were a rock. Anything odd you can see?"

Fluttershy fell over, rolling really with Pebble balanced on all four hooves, elvated above her for inspection. "Mmm... I think their source shines through a little. This is a very sedate rabbit. If you let it go, it might get--" She paused for a heavy swallow. "--eaten very quickly. Fortunately, they're in your loving arms instead. It being this way may make it quite an excellent pet!"

Angel casually kicked Fluttershy in the side. "I didn't mean to imply Pebble here is the best kind of pet, or the only kind," she hastily ammended. "Angel has many lovely features that Pebble will probably never have."

Sunburst smiled gently. "So, he's healthy?"

"Oh, yes." Fluttershy sat up carefully, moving Pebble into her forehooves and arms. "Quite healthy, and happy, so long as they're near you." She gently nuzzled the new rabbit. "Aren't you--" She paused, noticing Angel thumping a foot impatiently. "Right, back to care instructions." She passed Pebble into the loving grasp of Sunburst.

Sunburst sighed audibly with relief accepting squirming blissful Pebble back into her embrace as Fluttershy affirmed the transmuted bunny's hearty constitution despite his unconventional origins. She nuzzled his downy fur indulgently eliciting an echoing coo.

"I'm so thankful he wasn't hurt by my rather, er...drastic magic." She blushed faintly at the memory of how off-hoofedly Pebble sprung into being. But with her powers stabilizing happily and an expert like Fluttershy guiding responsible caretaking steps going forward, confidence swelled they'd manage whatever unique needs arose in this pet project together!

Starlight leaned in tickling Pebble's twitchy nose playfully. "So then, what's the day-to-day care plan here teach? Our little stoneturned cottontail got some tricky dietary guidelines or emotional needs being magically awakened versus born that way?"

She glanced between the serene bunny and Angel thumping his foot, eyebrow quirked. "Cause I gotta say, he seems waaay more chill than a certain jealous somecritter already..."

Fluttershy waved her hoof placatingly Angel's way as she considered Starlight's queries thoughtfully. "I doubt emotional needs will prove too troublesome - his affectionate bond forming so readily with Sunburst hints he'll thrive off consistency and gentle attention."

She smiled Sunburst's way. "As for physical welfare, do monitor appetite and digestion closely. A gradual diet balancing greens with occasional small gems should suffice... But vet visits at the first sign of ill health, promise?"

Hearing Sunburst's earnest assent, Fluttershy nodded firmly before softening further. "Beyond that...just give him your open heart knowing you two were brought together through magical fate!" She sighed happily as Pebble nestled under Sunburst's loving chin. "However unexpectedly, this little dear found his perfect place to call home."

Sunburst nodded, heart warming as she played with Pebble with little happy noises from both sides.

Fluttershy smiled gently as Sunburst hugged happy Pebble closer, the bond clearly robust between creator and magical creation.

Starlight leaned in tickling the bunny's twitchy nose playfully again as she refocused questions regarding caretaking this unusual pet. "So, gonna need some tips here on ideal home setup too, Flutters! What's the creature comfort checklist for our gemstone cottonball beyond dietary stuff?"

She nodded thoughtfully as Fluttershy described ideal habitat temperature, nesting materials, amounts of freeroaming and exercise needed, as well as importance of a clean habitat and gentle but regular grooming. "Now, being a little stoney, Pebble likely can tolerate a little more or less, but keep those things in mind, and watch him for what makes him comfy cozy."

Sunburst listened intently with eager little nods. "I truly can't fully express my gratitude for so patiently talking us through proper protocols." Sunburst dipped her head respectfully Fluttershy's way. "You have lifted a huge worry off my mind that my lapse in judgement permanently affected this innocent creature, for the worse."

She cuddled sleepy Pebble closer as his nose nestled under her chin with a contented sniff. "Rest assured I intend to provide the absolute best life possible for this dear one who trusts me so fully." Her smile glowed softly down at him dozing against her chest. "However he came into being, Pebble deserves that much and more after the surprise I sprang on him!"

Fluttershy hummed gently. "Being born is quite the biggest surprise one might experience, but, if it helps, it is also the one we're most likely to forget, buried under so many other lovely moments." She reached out her hooves only a little. "I think they'll be far more happy with such a loving pet parent."

Starlight slid between the two. "We'd better get that bunny play-place started. Thanks, Flutter. You're the best with this stuff, and pretty great in general." She offered a hug, and the two met with a soft squeeze. "Good luck with that musical number we kinda interrupted."

Fluttershy waved at one blue jay that had landed on the roof, watching her. "Call the others, please. Let's start again, um, please." The bird took off. "They'll be back soon. Good luck with Pebble."

They took their leave, Starlight leaned gently against Sunburst. "To be honest, I never saw myself joining the 'Pet Squad', but here we are." She nosed Pebble gently. "But I feel alright with it." The bunny barely reacted, mostly asleep. "And this guy's tuckered out from an exciting first day."

Sunburst floated the snoozing bunny safely onto her back. "There you go." She nosed Starlight gently then. "Let's."

Together, they trotted back to the castle and got to work making a basic safe space for Pebble to finish their nap. "Now, you just call for me if you wake up and I'm not here." Sunburst stroked over her sleeping new pet. "But sleep."

Starlight huffed gently. "One thing. If you're going to adopt this because you made it, grand and all, kindly don't make a bunch of other stuff. One pet is the limit, you. I will not be buried in exotic critters because you felt like practicing."

"Alright alright, dearheart." Sunburst met Starlight, nose to nose. "Pebble will be my one and only creation, promise. At least for the remainder of their hopefully long and wonderful life."

"Deal." Starlight nipped at Sunburst and went for her books. "Now, I'm curious." She waved over the many tomes. "How many of these do you know, and don't know?"

Sunburst joined her to examine them. "Hm! Well." She reached up and brushed a hoof along their spines. "Read it. Read it. Read it. Ooo." She plucked one with magic free. Going along, she soon had a stack of about six books. "I haven't read these, but I want to."

"And you should," sang Starlight with a big smile. "To be honest, I'm surprised you already read so many of the others. My little Sunburst, you do love cuddling a new book, don't you?"

Sunburst colored at that. "I'm not that different from your mentor that way. Put a new book in front of me and I'm likely to read it."

Starlight burst into laughter. "Sunburst trap, new book just under a box, waiting for you."

"I'd be caught, at least until I finished the book." Sunburst rolled her eyes, imagining such a silly trap. "Now." She threw an arm over Starlight. "As fascinating as these books you've tempted me with are, I'd rather be working on something else."

Starlight darkened at the sudden intimate closeness and suggestive phrasing. "What would--" She leaned against Sunburst gently. "--that be?"

"Group spells!" As if ignorant of the expectations she had just risen, and burst, Sunburst giggled with magical joy. "Let's cast something together. I've always wanted to, with you especially. Let's me magical partners!"

Starlight flopped with a laugh. "Oh! Oh. Well, actually, that does sound pretty fun." She nipped at Sunburst's cheek. "And sweet. I'd love to be magical partners."

Sunburst crashed against her, cheek to cheek. "Partners of every variety."

"Yeah..." Starlight's eyes drifted half-closed before they snapped right open. "Wait?"


Starlight backed away from Sunburst, slipping free of their hug. "Sunny, I'm--" She took a slow breath. "--pretty sure you just proposed to me. I'm pretty sure you just did that, entirely on accident. Tell me it was an accident, or that you mean it. The not knowing is ripping me apart right now, so I really need to know, now."

Sunburst worried her hooves together, caught with her own words and with Starlight looking at her with such energy. "Well, um." She leaned in a little. "What would you say?"

"Not a fair question." Starlight prodded Sunburst in the chest. "You have to actually ask!" She stormed off with an angry huff and a parting flick of her tail.

"Oh." Sunburst sank in place. "I messed that up." She glanced to where Pebbles was napping. "You have the best idea." Sleeping felt better than facing what she had done. "Blast it all." But she stood to follow after Starlight. "I made the mess, time to fix."

Author's Note:

Um, oops? Did Sunburst just propose? On the other hoof, Pebble remains pretty dang cute.

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