• Published 22nd Dec 2023
  • 4,441 Views, 416 Comments

The Group Chat - TheKing2001

When Sunset is framed for posting peoples secrets, the ones who framed her accidentally posted the wrong image and Sunset is pissed.

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Chapter XI

Author's Note:

Earning that red tag this chapter

I stretched slightly in my seat at the mall as I waited for Cloudkicker to get here. I examined the semi busy place as I watched various employees hanging up Christmas decorations. I had completely forgotten I was supposed to be with my friends this year for Christmas but that plan was canceled evidently.

I sighed and looked away as I wiped a tear out of the corner of my eye as a chair was scraped back and someone plopped in across from me.

“You good?” Cloudkicker asked as a spitting image of Cloudkicker sat near me. I gave her a weary look as I vaguely recognized her as the girl from Trixie’s band. Mainly as the one who had tried hiding her laughter at Snips and Snails “rapping.”

“I’m okay,” I lied and shrugged as the other girl gave me a doubtful look.

“Uh huh. This is my twin, Lavender Lace. Lavender, Sunset,” Cloudkicker pointed at us both as I waved timidly.

“Yo,” Lavender said as she leaned back I’m her chair with a grin. “How’s it hanging?”

“She’s going through a phase,” Cloudkicker rolled her eyes. “Hence the sunglasses, thinks it’s make her look more gangster looking. Consider yourself lucky you didn’t have to listen to her rap the whole way here.”

“I am not!” Lavender snapped with a blush as she took her sunglasses off and stuffed her in her jacket.

A loud popping sound followed by a bunch of smoke made us three start coughing.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie!”

“Of course,” Cloudkicker coughed into her fist before she glared at Trixie with a raised eyebrow. “Did you have to do that now?”

“Yes,” Trixie said as she sat down with four milkshakes. “Trixie brought everyone milkshakes but if you’re gonna be a bitch Cloudkicker, Trixie will give yours to a random child.”

“Okay,” Cloudkicker admitted after a moment. “Sorry, I’ll take the shake. But giving one to a kid does have it’s appeal.”

“It does,” Lavender admitted as she accepted her shake gratefully. “So uh, tell me about yourself Sunset.”

I idly felt like I was at a job interview now. Especially with all three of them looking at me as Trixie loudly slurped at her shake.

“Well I’m a pony-” I started.

“Everyone knows that,” Trixie interjected as Lavender slapped her upside the head. “Ow!”

“Well, I play guitar and sing for money at a nearby bar,” I said with a shrug. “They pay me to keep people coming. The others used to sometimes perform with me but I just do solo now. Gotta pay bills after all.”

“Trixie knows the one. She’s seen you there. You’re definitely the best of the Rainbooms but it’s not hard to be better than them,” Trixie said with disdain. “They’re behind all this in general.”

“You of all people are on my side?” I asked in surprise as Trixie nodded with a shrug.

“Trixie didn’t really know who else believed her so she couldn’t do much. But yeah, she is. She didn’t wanna risk losing her friendship with Lavender.”

I suppose that made sense. Trixie and I didn’t really talk much but she wasn’t all that bad. Especially considering since I was alone except for a few people.

“Anon a bitch,” someone snickered as a group of girls walked past and I stiffened up as my other friends gave the other group dirty looks.

“Typical,” Lavender snorted as she pushed her chair out. “What’s up Aqua Blossom?”

Our classmate stopped and looked back as I vaguely recognized Aqua Blossom, Rainbowshine, Cloudchaser and Flitter.

“Nothing. Just wondering why you’re with the likes of her,” Aqua Blossom pointed at me with a sneer as Lavender narrowed her eyes.

“Because she’s my friend, now fuck off unless you wanna go outside,” Lavender cracked her knuckles.

“Leave it Lavender,” I sighed and shook my head. “It’s whatever.”

“Yeah listen to her,” Flitter snickered as Cloudkicker and Trixie glared at her.

“Trixie thinks you’re the most annoying on the planet.”

“Yeah well Flitter thinks you’re a retard for talking how you do.”

Trixie’s face fell as Cloudkicker stood up.

“That’s enough,” Cloudkicker said coldly as I watched with narrowed eyes. “Trixie can talk however she wants.”

“Hmph,” Flitter said as Rainbowshine snickered and slapped Trixie’s ponytail and well, everything went to hell.

Trixie spun around and slapped Rainbowshine across the face as I stood up hastily as a crowd gathered around.

“Don’t fucking touch me,” Trixie said quietly as she stood next to me.

“Back off,” I warned as Aqua Blossom helped her friend up. I clenched my fists and spread my feet slightly as Cloudkicker and Lavender joined Trixie and myself.

Cloudchaser inhaled and swung as Lavender leaned back and swung back, punching her in the jaw as Flitter ran at Cloudkicker.

I narrowly avoided Aqua Blossoms fist as I watched Cloudkicker pick up Flitter and bodyslam her on the ground as the crowd gasped.

I winced in pain as Aqua Blossom punched my jaw and I stumbled a bit into a table.

I grabbed my shake and slammed it into her head as I tackled the girl and we went rolling into a wall.

I yanked her hair and slammed her head into said wall before punching her in the face as she gave a pained cry.

“I’ve about fucking had it with people recently!” I snapped and continued punching her as Aqua weakly grabbed my face and kicked me between my legs.

I slammed her head again as she moaned in pain and I released her as Lavender was thrown into a table and Cloudchaser glared at her.

“Oh fuck,” Lavender moaned as she held her side. I stood up shakily to help her as Trixie swung a chair into Cloudchasers head and the girl fell in a pile.

“Hey!” Flitter shouted angrily as she punched Cloudkicker who quickly returned the punch and Flitter fell to the floor. “I’ll call the cops!”

“Your girl started this,” Cloudkicker retorted as Trixie turned to continue fighting Rainbowshine. “Touching Trixie was instigating. It would have been between them two but you all had to get involved.”

“Cops have been called already!” Someone from the crowd shouted.

“Stop fighting!” Derpy shouted from the front of the crowd as the normally shy girl looked green and about to cry.

“Oof!” Trixie grunted as Rainbowshine kicked her to ground. Cloudkicker glared at Flitter rolling on the ground as I faintly realized I was bleeding from the nose.

Rainbowshine punched Trixie as Cloudkicker kicked Rainbowshine in the face and the girl cried as she fell onto her side and I helped Trixie up as Lavender stumbled over.

“Police, freeze!”

A few police officers started pushing through the crowd as we all froze and looked at the girls. Aqua Blossom was sitting against a wall and wiping blood off her face as Rainbowshine and Flitter picked up an unconscious Cloudchaser.

“We should probably run now,” Trixie noted dryly. “I’m not really interested in going to jail for assault and disturbing the peace.”

“We agree on that at least,” Cloudkicker admitted as Aqua and the other girls ran off in a different direction.

“And I’m from a different world. I don’t wanna risk becoming a lab project.”

“Bitches man. I just wanted to enjoy a shake with my new friend,” Lavender grunted and wiped some blood off her face. “We should probably run like Trixie said.”

“My place,” I said immediately. “Redheart can help us.”

“Good idea,” Cloudkicker answered. “Car is parked near the entrance just next to Golden Oaks Library.”

We took off running as Cloudkicker carried a half conscious Trixie behind her.

Why must my life be so damn complicated?

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