• Published 22nd Dec 2023
  • 4,441 Views, 416 Comments

The Group Chat - TheKing2001

When Sunset is framed for posting peoples secrets, the ones who framed her accidentally posted the wrong image and Sunset is pissed.

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Chapter LXII

Apple Bloom

I nervously followed the green earth pony into a large garden outside the castle. Wallflower hadn’t entirely said much or well, anything at all. She reminded me of her human counterpart that we saw briefly back home.

“Do you like plants?” Wallflower asked finally as she tugged at her sweater with a hoof.

“Ah like em. Depends on the plant of course, ah hate poison ivy and oak,” I answered as she frowned. “What about ya?”

“I love all plants, even the poisonous one.”

“Uh why? Aren’t they bad for ya?” I asked as she nodded slowly.

“A lot of things ponies like can be bad. Caffeine, drugs, alcohol other stuff. They’re just plants and they have a job, like every other living thing on this planet,” Wallflower answered as she picked up a watering can.

How she did that with hooves, I’ll never know. I can barely pick up a fork or make my bed.

“And what exactly does this have to do with me?” I asked as she gave me a flat look.

“Normally I wouldn’t have even agreed to show you around but mom begged me so. I’m more than happy to be by myself working in the background as I always do but mom wanted me to so here we are.”

“Why does your mom want you to show me around?” I asked as I sat next to her and she shrugged.

“Probably because my mother is with the unicorn filly right now?” Wallflower offered as she stood up. “Whatever her name is.”

“Sweetie Belle.”

“Yeah her.”

I sat quietly as Wallflower continued watering her plants, occasionally whispering to them as I watched. It wasn’t too weird for her to talk to her plants, we do that on the farm all the time. Mainly Big Mac, believe it or not.

“You don’t talk much, do ya?” I asked finally as her brown eyes looked at me.

“Not really. I prefer silence. Don’t really have many friends so there’s nothing much to say,” Wallflower commented idly as she set down her can. “You?”

“Ah had friends,” I answered and kicked the dirt. “Ah fucked up.”

“I don’t understand what that means,” Wallflower said after a moment as she tilted her head. “Is it bad?”



I watched in silence as Wallflower grunted and lifted a large tree with her back as my eyes widened before I glanced back at my own back.

“Don’t try it,” Wallflower warned as I jumped. “I know you’re thinking about trying to lift a heavy tree but don’t. I’m older than you.”

“Yes ma’am. Why don’t you have friends, you seem nice,” I pointed out as she gave me a small smile.

“Thanks. I just don’t really get along with most ponies. I’m really shy. Fluttershy is nice, she’s my pen pal,” Wallflower said as she tossed the tree into a nearby pile. “When I was six, I had a birthday and I invited a bunch of my classmates. Nopony showed up except my family and I was crying. Mom was furious and was threatening to fight their parents. My older sister gathered up her friends instead and they sang me happy birthday.”

“That’s awful,” I commented and scratched my mane. “Ah’ve never been through something like that. Ah can be ya friend if you wish.”

Wallflower stared at me before she hugged me.

“What did you two get up to?” Sweetie Belle asked as I continued practicing picking stuff up with my hoof like Wallflower instructed me to do.

“Talking mainly. Planting and stuff. You?” I rolled a ball back and forth before picking it up with a smile.

“Berry and Raven helped teach me magic,” Sweetie answered as she yawned and curled up in a ball. “I’m exhausted. Using magic is hard. I passed out and fell asleep after. They carried me to bed.”

“You look out of it,” Scootaloo commented as she hovered above the bed before crashing into it with a grunt. “Buck.”

“Still having trouble flying?” I asked as she nodded.

“I can hover for a few seconds like Blitz taught me but I caught fully fly yet. She said it would take practice and it was the best feeling. Did they talk to you about ponies touching your horn, Sweetie?”

“Yeah but I don’t know why,” Sweetie answered as she tried to look at her horn. I gave a shrug and trotted over, placing my hoof against her horn as she made a weird purr. “That felt weird. Kinda like I was being electrocuted. Berry and Raven told me to tell them immediately if someone touched my horn.”

“Same with Blitz,” Scootaloo said as she slid under her sheets. “She said to tell her, Raven, Wallflower or her sister immediately if anyone touched me wings.”

“Wallflower only told me about ponies touching my flanks and that was it,” I answered as I removed my hoof from Sweetie’s horn. “Which is the equivalent of our ass in the human world, which ah don’t really have that problem to begin with back home or else AJ and Big Mac would have to bury a body.”

“So maybe somebody here touching our wings and horns is their equivalent of like assault?” Scootaloo offered as we both gave Sweetie stunned looks.

“A-Ah didn’t mean to!” I stammered with a blush as Sweetie Belle rolled her eyes.

“It’s fine. I didn’t even know that would happen. You two miss home at all?”

“Yeah,” Scootaloo and I said in unison. “I mean, sure we fucked up and Equestria is eh but it’s not home. Berry and Blitz seem friendly.”

“Even if Rarity hates me and I’m not happy with her either doesn’t mean I don’t kiss home. We never should have framed Sunset, we should have posted it on our accounts and just not cared what our sisters thought. Maybe Sunset wouldn’t justifiably out for our heads,” Sweetie sighed. “Then we’d only have three embarrassed girls, not a hundred embarrassed students. And a depressed, enraged Sunset.”

“Meh,” Scootaloo hummed as she stared at the ceiling. “At least we’re stuck here together. We could have been separated on purpose as punishment.”

“Damn right,” I agreed and kicked the ball at the wall. It was not so difficult like I thought. I still have no real clue how ponies can hold stuff but hey, maybe it’s one of those mysteries where it’s better to not question it.

“I’m glad you two are here with me,” Sweetie admitted as she hugged me. “At least we go down together I suppose.”

“Agreed. Now I’m gonna go to sleep, goodnight yall,” I jumped up onto my bed and curled into a ball.

At least I don’t have any nightmares anymore. They weirdly stopped when we came here.

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