• Published 22nd Dec 2023
  • 4,441 Views, 416 Comments

The Group Chat - TheKing2001

When Sunset is framed for posting peoples secrets, the ones who framed her accidentally posted the wrong image and Sunset is pissed.

  • ...

Chapter LXX


I stared nervously up at CHS, shouldering my backpack as Diamond Tiara, Lavender and the others stood by my side.

“Are you sure about this?” Cloudkicker whispered and she kicked a pile of snow across the sidewalk. “Winter break may be over, but we can head to your place. Hot chocolate, movie and wild sex with Trixie and myself. Might even use a gag to keep you two quiet.”

I shook my head slowly. I was tempted by that offer, I’ll be honest but I couldn’t avoid this place forever. I would have to come back and face my classmates sooner or later.

“No,” I answered finally. “Let’s do this. Diamond Tiara, why don’t you an Alula run on ahead and get to your lookers?”

“Yes ma’am,” Alula nodded respectfully my way as Diamond hugged me. I bent down to hug her with a smile.

“Have a good day and behave,” I warned after she let go of my waist. “And maybe I’ll let you have ice cream after dinner.”

Diamond’s eyes lit up as I ruffled her hair and she took off running after Alula.

“Time to face them I suppose,” I sighed as Lavender and Fuchsia both nodded, opening the doors for me, Wallflower, Cloudkicker and Trixie. “Thank you. Nice to see you finally discharged.”

“It’s nice to be out of that hellhole,” Fuchsia scoffed and I watched Redheart wave at me from down the hall along with Cheerilee, Luna and Celestia. “Uh, everyone’s staring at us with weird looks?”

“It’s called regret,” Wallflower answered quietly as I watched her grip her backpack closer that held the memory stone and I placed a hand on her arm, shaking my head. “Okay.”

I strode past my classmates watching me sadly. Flash, Captain Planet, Derpy, Vinyl and Micro Chips watching me quietly as I approached my locker. Derpy was holding a plastic container and staring at the ground with Vinyl next to her.

I stopped at my locker and idly listened to someone walking behind me that wasn’t anyone I knew.

“M-muffin?” Derpy asked nervously as she held out a container. “P-please?”

Trixie and I examined it warily before I nodded and accepted it. Derpy and Vinyl treated me with the most respect outside of my girlfriends, Lavender and the rest of my friends.

“Thanks,” I took it as Derpy beamed. A very small amount of classmates talked badly about her but a majority I knew loved Derpy. She had a very warm smile that was admittedly adorable.

“I’m so sorry I was not doing anything to stop them,” Derpy muttered and I inhaled internally before I hugged her.

“It’s okay. I’ll forgive you and Vinyl because you two never thought it was me at all during this. Cloudkicker only thought it was me for a few days so it’s different with her. She changed her mind unlike everyone else here,” I scoffed and pointedly ignored several others looking down at their feet. “Join us at lunch today. You and Vinyl please.”

Derpy smiled warmly as Vinyl gave a thumbs up, pulling her sunglasses back down to cover her red eyes.

“I’d like that,” Derpy admitted as I opened my locker with my spare hand that wasn’t stuck in her hug. “Uhm, we will see you then.”

“See ya,” I waved as I set the muffin on the top shelf in my locker.

“Surprised you aren’t mad at her,” Wallflower commented idly.

“It’s hard to ever truly be mad at Derpy,” I chuckled and opened the container and bit into the muffin. “Mhh, chocolate chip and blueberry. Even back when I was the Alpha Bitch of CHS, I never truly hurt or got angry at Derpy. She stayed far away from me and I stayed away from her. And hey, maybe you can be friends with her and expand the gardening. You two are both pretty shy.”

“Derpy cursed a couple of days ago,” Lavender said and shuddered slightly. “It was scary as hell.”

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. I highly doubted Derpy of all people would cuss. I don’t even think she knows a single curse word in general honestly. I’d put money on Fluttershy cussing first and I know she has because I’ve heard her mutter damn once after dropping a pencil.

“Oh shit we gotta get to our lockers,” Cloudkicker grumbled and looked at her phone. “I’ll see you two at lunch. Love you both.”

“Love you too,” I answered and hid my blush. “You as well Trixie.”

“The Great and Powerful Trixie humbly accepts your affections,” Trixie boasted with a smug grin before hugging me. I was getting a lot today, might set a new record. Though Pinkie set a pretty high bar to beat.

“That was unique,” Wallflower muttered as she opened the locker next to me, Fuchsia opening the one to my left.

“Indeed,” Fuchsia nodded and started putting her books and backpack away. “Oh and thanks for the gifts you got me. I always enjoy getting more books.”

“You mean your sex novels,” Wallflower shot back and I listened with a smirk. “How you can read Fifty Shades Of Grey is beyond me.”

“Don’t knock it till you try it,” Fuchsia pointed out.

“Oh believe me, I am. I can loan you some of my vampire romance books if you want,” Wallflower offered and Fuchsia scoffed with an eye roll.

“Alright, calm the fuck down over there Dracula before I get out my garlic and a stake.”

“What on earth do you need garlic for?” I asked and they both gave me confused looks.

“Because garlic can repel vampires, stop them from biting people and can potentially kill them,” Wallflower recited with a small smile. “It can also ward off witches, werewolves, the fair folk and prevent curses and bad luck. Do you have vampires in Equestria?”

“Hell no. And what the hell is a fair folk?”

“Fairies,” Wallflower said helpfully and I nodded. “Vampires might be real. I mean, you’re a unicorn and real so why can’t vampires be real?”

“I don’t think the world would benefit from vampires Wally,” Fuchsia interjected with a frown. “Last thing we need is another Vlad the Impaler. Dude was fucked up.”

I watched back and forth as the two continued going off about vampires and mirrors before the two waved goodbye and I waved back, shutting my locker as the bell went off.

“Fuck!” I cursed loudly and I hastily looked around, hoping no teacher heard me. Being late on the first day back was definitely not going to be a good look.

I slammed my locker and locked it, taking off down the hall, sliding around the corner and a startled group of classmates.

“You’re late,” Mr. Doodle said flatly as I stood in the doorway panting slightly. He looked up from his desk and his expression softened slightly. “Oh Sunset Shimmer. I can make an exception. Take your seat and get your history book out please.”

“Thanks sir,” I gave him a grateful look and took my seat next to Fluttershy as I ignored her giving me a small smile that faded.

My phone vibrated in my pockets and I hastily looked around, Thunderlane gave me a nod as he shifted to block Cranky’s view as I read Redheart’s message.

Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle are back in school. Just a warning.

I scowled and tapped my finger on the screen. I faintly remembered Mom saying they would be here during the week and in Equestria on the weekends excluding Sunday.

I know.

I stepped out of the lunch line and scanned the crowd of tables, Vinyl waving me over to a table with her and Derpy.

I smiled faintly as I started walking over, ignoring everyone around me watching me quietly as I sat down across from the pair.

“Where’s the others?” I asked and looked around.

“Here,” Wallflower said quietly as she sat next to Derpy with Fuchsia and Lavender, Trixie and Cloudkicker sitting on either side of me with Diamond Tiara sitting next to Cloudkicker, setting her tray and some papers on the table.

“How was class?” I asked everyone as I examined my lunch. It was my usual, a salad and pineapple pizza with Sprite and a piece of apple pie that was suspiciously larger than normal.

“Good and you?” Vinyl asked and we all froze, giving her stunned looks. “Cat got your tongue?”

“I didn’t think you spoke in general was all,” I answered finally and shook off my shock. I’d known her for a few months and she never once spoke, not even at band practice or anything. Vinyl always texted or used hand gestures so I always thought she was mute or something.

“Yeah, most think that,” Vinyl gave a low chuckle as she dangled her pizza above her mouth. “I prefer to let my silence speak for me. Actions speaks louder than words after all.”

“True that,” Wallflower gave a brief nod. “I’m pretty shy so I just watch in the background.”

“Same I’m shy but I just give muffins as a way to get out of my shell. Might join some more clubs,” Derpy stirred her spoon in her pudding and Fuchsia smirked.

“Well Wallflower here has her gardening club,” Fuchsia flung her arm around her younger sister. “She’s also the only member. I’m sure she’d love to have you join.”

Wallflower gave her a flat look as Derpy smiled warmly.

“I’ve always liked plants,” Derpy thought aloud as she tapped the table. “I could use the time away from Amethyst and Dinky. Much as I love my sisters, they’re a handful at times. Especially Amethyst.”

“I suppose you can join,” Wallflower sighed and made eye contact with Derpy. “It’s winter so I don’t do much about in the garden obviously, but I’ll show you it later. Where’s the other two you run with?”

“Octavia and Lyra?” Derpy asked nervously and scrunched up her nose. “There’s Bon Bon too so there’s three but I’m not really friendly with them right now.”

“No, Raspberry Fluff and Blueberry Pie,” Wallflower clarified as I examined Diamond Tiara’s math work.

“Carry the five,” I whispered and she nodded.

“I don’t know, they’ve been staying home since their secrets came out,” Derpy admitted.

Those two’s secrets hadn’t honestly been that bad. Apparently something that happened in elementary school about peeing their pants or something.

“Oh. You can join, I’m fine with it. Might make life a little bit less lonely,” Wallflower answered before hastily looking at us all. “N-not that I don’t appreciate you all, of course!”

“Don’t worry, we know,” Diamond commented and bit into her apple.

“When’s that due?” I asked and leaned around Cloudkicker.

“Tomorrow after noon,” Diamond answered as she erased something. “Saw Silver Spoon earlier today at breakfast.”

“Eat first and I’ll help with your homework at home after I get mine done,” I answered before picking up my pear. “I was actually gonna try to become your friend but a bunch of stuff happened.”

“It’s okay,” Derpy waved a hand dismissively. “I understand. Is that your sister?”

“Not really. I’m her guardian so I suppose daughter would be more appropriate here,” I answered as Derpy gave me a confused look that felt a bit forced before she nodded. “I’ve been dealing with so many people trying to apologize to me, it’s been so annoying. I just wish they’d leave me alone.”

“Don’t worry, I got this,” Lavender cracked her knuckles. “Diamond, cover your ears.”

“What are you about to do?” Cloudkicker asked warily as Diamond covered her ears and we all watched Lavender stand on her bench. “Oh boy.”

Lavender stuck her fingers in her mouth and whistled, causing everyone to stop and stare, including Rainbow Dash sitting nearby at my old table with Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie, and Applejack. Pinkie’s hair seemed off and not poofy as usual. She was also lacking her normal sweets she had on her lunch tray.

“Leave Sunset the fuck alone or else we fighting!” Lavender shouted at the top of her lungs, making us jump. She glowed a faint blonde color, her hair spilling down her back in a long pony tail as my eyes widened.

“Would you sit down?” Fuchsia hissed angrily and rolled her eyes. “Cheerilee is coming, you crazy girl.”

“Oh, fuck me,” Lavender groaned and jumped off the bench before sitting back down. “Hey, Miss Cheerilee. How was your Christmas?”

“It was okay. Please refrain from standing on the lunch table.”

“But I wasn’t on the table-” Lavender started and Cheerilee gave her a look that practically left no room for arguing. “Yes ma’am.”

“Are we gonna talk about the hair and ears shebang?” Vinyl asked and gestured to Lavender still glowing. “I thought only Rainbow Dash and the other Rainbooms could pony up.”

“I have no idea,” I answered finally and Derpy lifted her ponytail. “I’d assume magic in general is affecting you when you do something you are good at.”

“This happened the other day too,” Lavender admitted. “When I was building a firework for a magic show for Trixie.”

“Your cutie mark is a fireworks in Equestria so I assume that’s your special talent. Interesting,” I muttered and leaned foreword. “Maybe you going to Equestria and then you your doing special talent here triggered something?”


I shrugged and continued eating. I’ll figure it out later.

This is a problem for future Sunset, not present Sunset.

Author's Note:

Lmk if you want me to do bios for the characters that appear like I've done in the past stories.

Comments ( 3 )

Eagerly waiting for another girl fight hehe I'm awful

There probably won't be any till the Friendship Games segment. This is going up till the season nine finale of the show so

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