• Published 22nd Dec 2023
  • 4,441 Views, 416 Comments

The Group Chat - TheKing2001

When Sunset is framed for posting peoples secrets, the ones who framed her accidentally posted the wrong image and Sunset is pissed.

  • ...

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Chapter XXXIV

“Wallflower went that way.”

Cloudkicker pointed down a hallway as the two of us sat in a dark classroom. The hallway was thankfully empty except for her and I inhaled, walking out into the hall.

“I got this. Go to class Cloud,” I said as she raised an eyebrow. “Don’t be late.”

“Okay just be careful,” Cloudkicker said and looked around quickly before kissing my cheek and I turned red. “See you at lunch.”

Cloudkicker waved as she disappeared around a corner and I shook my head. I don’t mind the attention just not in ya know, public where my enemies could see.

I watched as Wallflower opened her locker and started picking up books. She had various plants pictures decorating her locker and a few plant seeds in bags.

“You’re a hard girl to find,” I said casually as she jumped and spun around with a nervous expression. “Relax, I’m not going to hurt you. I’m just here to talk.”

“You actually want to talk to me? No one has ever really wanted to talk to me before. Except well, Diamond Tiara.”

“Well, I do,” I admitted as I sat down against the lockers and patted the spot next to me. “Sit.”

Wallflower eyed me cautiously before she sat down slowly next to me.

“Why do you want to talk to me? I said I didn’t like you, doesn’t that make you hate me?” Wallflower asked as I laughed softly.

“No. Plenty of people here didn’t like me and I never hated any of them because them not liking me was justified. While I don’t necessarily know what I did to you, I know what it’s like to be lonely and well, I wouldn’t wish that on anyone.”

“Hm,” Wallflower groaned and stared at me. “How did you even find me? Nobody ever finds me, I find them.”

“It was difficult,” I admitted as I dusted off my skirt. “But we figured you’d stay in hallways people don’t really go to. Once we knew what to look for, it was pretty easy. You’re the only girl here to wear a striped sweater and have messy green hair.”

“Well shoot. So you’re not going to hurt and you want to talk. About what exactly?” Wallflower asked as she looked around hesitantly.

“Well, for starters that rock. I’ve never seen anything like it,” I said as Wallflower held her backpack tighter. “Do you care if I see it?”

“Will you give it back?” Wallflower asked as she watched me warily and tensed up.

“Yes, I’m not a thief,” I answered with an eye roll as she opened her bag and handed me the stone. I took it and ran Mt fingers over it gently. “This is Equestrian. Where did you even find this rock?”

“The garden in the back of the school. It was buried and wrapped in a piece of paper,” Wallflower answered as I handed her the rock back. “If it’s worth anything, I never take memories away from people who don’t ask for me to.”

“Except for hate mobs,” I noted with a smirk.

“Except for hate mobs. I didn’t really think you deserved this all. Especially not getting hurt over something so stupid. At first I only took memories away from my dad.”

“Uh why?”

“Because he’s an abusive bitch,” Wallflower grumbled bitterly. “Plus Fuchsia has to have surgery but he won’t pay for it. If he isn’t gonna care about his two daughters, then he doesn’t deserve know us. I’m slowly but surely making up the money to afford it. People pay me decently to erase traumatic experiences.”

I didn’t really see how much she could earn by doing that but well, if I had siblings I’d do anything for them. And there is a lot of people in this world with some pretty traumatic pasts I imagine.

“I leave it so they always remember asking me for help and coming to me including me erasing certain events but they never talk to me again. I can guarantee you will too after this.”

“Nah,” I said and shook my head. “You seem like a pretty decent girl. Just lonely.”

“I’m not lonely, I have Fuchsia. And plants!” Wallflower snapped and groaned into a hand. “That sounded a lot less lonely in my head.”

I gave a laugh as Wallflower smiled faintly and zipped her backpack up.

“Can you show me this garden?” I asked Wallflower gave me a doubtful look as her smile faded slightly.

“No offense but you don’t seem like the plant loving type. I guess I can show you it after school.”

“I’m okay with plants. I don’t know much about them but well I can always learn. You just leave them outside, water them if they’re inside and boom, you have a plant,” I waved a hand nonchalantly as Wallflower raised a finger.

“That’s technically not true. Different plants require different types of assistance. Some grow better in arid climates and some grow in snow,” Wallflower answered as she paused and looked at me as I gave a smug grin. “You did that to get me to open up, didn’t you?”

“Yeah, I did,” I admitted. “It worked. I don’t do it often but well, you looked like you needed it. What plant even grows in snow?”


I mentally made a note to look at that. I will admit, I don’t know much about plants. I never really cared about them before. They were always just things around me, nothing to truly care about. I do think some are nice at least. Sunflowers are my favorite out of them all.

“Do you want to eat lunch with me and my friends?” I asked suddenly as Wallflower stared at me.


“Why not? You yourself said you were lonely. My friends are pretty open to anyone, I’m sure they wouldn’t mind. And besides, I want to make up for not seeing you before. You’re a fairly nice individual once you open up.”

“I usually eat in the garden. It’s nice and quiet and well, only me and Fuchsia are usually there. I’d be careful though, she and Trixie aren’t on speaking terms right now still. I’ve tried to convince her to talk to her but well, Fuchsia can be stubborn at times.”

That sounded pretty damn familiar. Rainbow used to be the most stubborn person I ever knew.

“We will be there. If you don’t mind of course,” I said as Wallflower paused before smiling again.

“I’m fine with it. Just go out the doors and past the soccer field. You can’t miss it.”

Sounds simple enough. It is a bit cold outside but well, it’s worth it if I make a new friend. Being lonely is probably something I can relate to the most.

I just hope the others are truly okay with it.

Author's Note:

I'd like to introduce everyone to my favorite video on the internet right now.


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