• Published 22nd Dec 2023
  • 4,441 Views, 416 Comments

The Group Chat - TheKing2001

When Sunset is framed for posting peoples secrets, the ones who framed her accidentally posted the wrong image and Sunset is pissed.

  • ...

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Chapter XV

Lavender Lace

I yawned and winced slightly as sunlight from Sunset’s kitchen blinded me.

“Stupid sun,” I grumbled under my breath. Lucky bastard, Sunset is. Every apartment I’ve ever been in didn’t have no sunlight. Benefits of her living on the top floor. I blinked a few times as I grew used to the light, looking around as my eyes widened at Trixie and Sunset hugging each other as they both snored. “Ayo, look at this!”

I pushed Cloudkicker with my boot as she moaned and gave me a dirty look.

“What?” Cloudkicker muttered as she sat up rubbing her eyes. I pointed to our two friends and she stared with wide eyes. “Woah.”

“I know right?” I snickered as I stood up and stretched. “Come on, let’s take a few pictures. This is so awesome.”

Cloudkicker rolled her eyes with a smirk as I took several pictures before saving them and setting my phone back down.

“Sunset! Trixie! Wake up, love birds!” I shouted as the two grumbled and opened their eyes, staring at each other.

“Oh this is embarrassing,” Trixie muttered and rubbed the back of her head. “We didn’t do anything, I swear!”

“We know. We would have heard if you two did,” Cloudkicker said as she yawned and cracked her neck. “I’m getting some breakfast delivered, what do you all want?”

“Wait don’t!” Sunset said hastily as Cloudkicker paused with her phone in her hand and she gave Sunset a confused. “If someone from school delivers it, they will know where I live and it’ll be over for me. Why don’t we just go out somewhere?”

“There’s a Perkins down the street,” Trixie chimed in.

“God I haven’t been there in ages,” I mused as Cloudkicker nodded. “I’m down with that.”

“Same,” Cloudkicker agreed before narrowing her eyes at Sunset. “You’re gonna have to get off your fear. You can’t just stay inside forever like this.”

“I know,” Sunset sighed as she picked up her phone. “I’m gonna go brush my teeth. Spare tooth brushes are upstairs and your guys clothes are in the dryer. Well, minus your underwear and bras of course. You’re on your own for that one.”

I turned red faintly as I face planted back on the leather couch as I listened to the sink turn on in the kitchen and a pair of clothes hit me in the head.

“Get dressed,” Cloudkicker said as she tugged her shirt on.

“Trixie!” I shouted as the blue girl dropped her pajamas off and started putting her dress back on. “I do not want to see your underwear!”

“You saw me in my bra yesterday and about ten minutes ago,” Trixie countered as I rolled my eyes.

“That’s different and you know it!”

I opened my mouth to argue but closed it as I hastily stepped into the kitchen, stripping down myself and quickly put my skirt and top on, donning my yellow jacket last.

I stepped out of the kitchen where Sunset was brushing her hair and Cloudkicker grudgingly zipping up Trixie’s trademark blue dress.

“Hey, wanna go see Blossomforth real fast?” I suggested suddenly as they all looked at me. “She lives on the first floor for easy entrance and exit.”

“Yeah we can swing by if it’s cool with Sunset,” Cloudkicker said as Sunset gave a thumbs up and sprayed some perfume on herself. “Ponies use perfume?”

“Yeah. It’s made differently back home but it’s pretty much a universal need to smell nice,” Sunset answered as the bottle was tossed around the three of us remaining.

I set the bottle down as Sunset unlocked her door and stuck a key in her pocket as I shut the door behind me. We stopped to watch Sunset lock her door and we all started towards the elevator. I’ll be damned if I’m walking down thirty five flights.

I stopped in front of the elevator and called for it as Trixie started tapping her foot impatiently.

“Can you not?” I snapped as Trixie stopped. “Thank you.”

“Sorry, tic.”

Now I felt like an asshole. I was a bit more on the mean side without coffee, especially early in the morning. The elevators doors opened and we all filed in as Cloudkicker pressed a button and the doors closed.

“At least the elevator works this time,” Sunset said as she leaned against the wall. “Last time, it stopped working for a week. I was exhausted but fit after walking up all those stairs.”

“I’d have chosen death instead,” Trixie commented casually as she pulled a hair brush from her purse and started brushing it.

I giggled slightly as Cloudkickers eyes stayed on the numbers, watching them steadily decrease till the doors opened with a ding.

Sunset pushed herself off the wall as we all exited the elevator, following my sister as we wove around the hallways.

“There’s a fifty fifty chance Blossom is awake. It varies when she has the energy to get up,” Cloudkicker explained as we stopped at a door labeled one oh seven and I knocked.

“Coming!” A cheerful voice from inside called out as I waited, listening to the sound of the lock being undone. The door opened and I looked down with a grin as Blossomforth wheeled her wheelchair back, smiling back. “Hey Cloudy, hey Lavender. Sunset and Trixie too, wow. Never had you guys visit before.”

“Hey,” I said and hugged her. “Care if we come in?”

“Of course!” Blossomforths smile grew as she wheeled further into the apartment and we all followed as Trixie gently shut the door. “So what do I owe the pleasure?”

“Just dropping by to say hi. Spent the night at Sunset’s because it was raining a bit hard. We talked about getting you but you’re usually asleep and refuse to leave the apartment past nine.”

“There’s always next time,” Blossomforth reassured us as she locked her wheels. “It’s nice to see you all again. Been doing school at home recently. It’s way easier.”

“Right,” Sunset said as we all sat down.

“How you doing? I see Cloudkicker realized she was wrong,” Blossomforth frowned at me and my sister as we both looked away sheepishly. “Can’t believe that of all things at that school is happening.”

“I’m okay,” Sunset admitted as she rested her hands on the table. “You?”

“Getting by.”

“Hey wanna join us for breakfast?” Trixie suggested as she dusted off her clothes. “We’re headed down the street to that restaurant. One of us can pay for you.”

“I’d like that. If you all are okay with it,” Blossomforth said casually.

We all looked at each other and nodded as Blossom beamed.

Author's Note:

So I've started this thing a few months ago where I give characters mottos and such, so I'll do it here too. Maybe tease future characters as well.

Cloudkicker: Truth is revealed in the smallest details.

Lavender Lace: Everyone loses if there's nothing to win.

Redheart: Life is precious.

Wallflower: You can't hit what you can't see.

Trixie: Adventure is found in unlikely places.

Sunset: Everything is worth something, even me.

Diamond Tiara: In confusion there is opportunity.

Coldheart: From caring comes courage.

Nursery Rhyme: Opportunities don't happen, you create them.

Tenderheart: The mind is my playpen.

Raindrops: Anger gets me running better than anything else.

Blossomforth: No act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted.

Carrot Top: Those who are the happiest are those who do the most for others.

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