• Published 22nd Dec 2023
  • 4,437 Views, 416 Comments

The Group Chat - TheKing2001

When Sunset is framed for posting peoples secrets, the ones who framed her accidentally posted the wrong image and Sunset is pissed.

  • ...

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Chapter XXIX

I stared at the tv in my room absent-mindedly with Diamond as Cloudkicker snored quietly in bed next to us. I idly made a note to get a bigger bed. Usually Diamond and I fit perfectly fine in it aline but it’s naturally harder with three people.

At least Cloudkicker doesn’t hog the whole bed like a certain magician I know does.

“I’m coming in whether you like it or not!” Diamond and I both jumped slightly at Raindrops shouting at my door as it swung open. I could have sworn I locked it after Cloudkicker got our pizzas.

“How in Celestia’s cake loving flank did you get that opened?” I demanded as Trixie poked her head in with Lavender, Wallflower, Carrot Top and Redheart as Trixie waved a lock picking kit in the air.

Redheart closed the door and locked it as I gave Trixie a flat look.

“Do I even want to know why you know how to lock pick?”

“A magician never reveals her secrets,” Trixie stated firmly as I raised an eyebrow slightly. “Plus, I lock myself out of the house all the time.”

I let out a hmm in response as Cloudkicker rolled over slightly and let out a soft snore.

“Nice place,” Wallflower noted casually as she examined my apartment. “Remind me to bring plants over next time. It could use some livening up in here.”

“As long as it’s nothing crazy like a plant that can snap and stuff,” I answered as Wallflower gave me a confused look.

“Do you mean a Venus Flytrap?” Wallflower asked as I nodded. “Those don’t harm humans but alright.”

“Speaking of harming and humans,” I said casually and flipped a bit at Wallflower and she fumbled with it before giving it a confused look.

“Uhm what’s this?” She asked as I shrugged.

“It’s a bit made of gold. It should be more than enough for your sisters heart surgery,” I answered as she gave me a wide eyed look.

“I can’t take this,” Wallflower shook her head as Redheart smirked slightly.

“There’s no real point in arguing with Sunset,” Redheart admitted. “Trust me, I’ve tried. Once she’s made up her mind on something, it’s very difficult to change it.”

“Why?” Wallflower asked quietly as I shrugged.

“It’s the right thing to do. And besides, you are only earning so much with the Memory Stone. And I don’t want Fuchsia to die before she’s even twenty one. I quite like her even if she doesn’t talk much.”

“Thank you,” Wallflower said as she tackled me and we all stared at her in stunned silence as I hesitantly hugged her back. This was probably the most emotion I’ve seen from here since well, this morning really.

“Think nothing of it,” I chuckled as she blushed and watched Redheart pull out her phone.

“If her sister is getting surgery, it’s always a decent idea to let them know ahead of time,” Redheart explained at our confused looks. “Especially since I’ll probably be helping with it.”

“Oh,” Wallflower mused as she looked at the coin.

“Just take that to the pawn shop down the street and keep it hidden, you will get robbed potentially if others see it. You’ll get easy over a million at least for it. Surgeries here are way more expensive than they are back in Equestria.”

“We heard about what happened,” Carrot Top as she and Raindrops shot me apologetic looks as Lavender gritted her teeth angrily. “I always knew Apple Bloom and her family were no good. But the other two, I’m shocked. Sweetie Belle was always so sweet whenever I saw her.”

“Yeah she was,” I admitted bitterly as Wallflower released me only for Diamond to hug me. “And now she is a spiteful little bitch who framed me for an unknown fucking reason.”

“I know but I’m not allowed to say yet,” Redheart admitted. “Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna made me agree to wait until the assembly Friday before Winter Break. Trust me, I’m not happy about it either. All I can say is it’s a really selfish reason.”

I let out an unhuman like snarl as I stroked Diamonds hair and the others gave each other nervous looks.

“Sorry. Didn’t mean to scare you girls,” I muttered as Wallflower inhaled and Diamond snickered quietly.

“It’s okay mo- Sunset,” Diamond muttered as she yawned.

“Someone is tired,” I teased and looked at the clock. Diamond normally did go to be around nine every night. “I am too. Oh and uh thank you girls for stopping by. The principals want me to stay home until Friday apparently. Funny considering how hard they tried to get me to come back.”

“Yeah well they are like that,” Lavender grumbled as Raindrops knelt down to tie her boots. “Celestia is the most confusing and cryptic woman I’ve ever met. It’s like she knows something you don’t and secretly holds all the cards. What if she is a villain?”

“Yeah I don’t think that’s the case,” Raindrops said finally after we all stared at Lavender in confusion. “CHS has a better chance of winning the Friendship Games over Celestia being a villain.”

“The what?”

Everyone stared me incredulously as I raised an eyebrow.

“Are you serious right now?” Trixie asked and pulled up pictures on her phone. “The Friendship Games are a huge rivalry between us and Crystal Prep-”

“-I was stuck up and even I thought they were bad,” Diamond interjected.

“They beat us at everything. Soccer, tennis, chemistry, you name it and they’ve beaten us at it,” Trixie continued and showed me pictures of Cloudkicker and Mystery Mint holding tennis rackets and soccer balls, looking exhausted next to some smug looking girls in dark maroon uniforms.

“Sounds kinda dumb to me,” I admitted after a moment as everyone stared at me.

“Dumb?” Carrot Top echoed. “This is a huge deal Sunset. Canterlot High has never once won.”

“This year will be different though!” Trixie exclaimed and grinned. “Trixie has a plan!”

We all groaned as Trixie rolled her eyes. The last time I remember Trixie had a plan, it involved her setting off fireworks inside the gym and almost burning down the school.

Someone knocked at the door and Diamond grudgingly let go as I stood up and stumbled down the stairs. I hadn’t really had the energy to get out of bed after school.

I opened the door to reveal Twilight standing in the doorway. She was the only other one outside of the current group inside who knew where I lived.

“Hey Sunset, sorry I had to go back to Equestria to visit somepony,” Twilight said as I gestured her inside. Principal Celestia stepped into view but she looked slightly different, primarily because of the white dress.

“Principal Celestia?” I gave her a confused look as she hugged me.

“I’m so sorry. I never should have left you in this world Sunset,” Principal Celestia said as I gave her a confused look.


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