• Published 9th Mar 2013
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Innavedr - Imploding Colon

A broken party of friends struggles to reunite. Rainbow Dash continues to fly east.

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Please, Stay Foggy

“Belle?!” Kera grunted, shoving her squinting face into the high winds that whipped around Nightshade's airship. She and the twelve foals clung to the deck's port side railing as they trudged towards the bow. “Slow down! This is getting really hairy!”

“No can do, Kera!” Bellesmith shouted from up ahead. Panting, she galloped several feet, peered over the railing, then galloped several more feet ahead to repeat the motion. “I need to find us a way down!”

“If you're looking for the bridge, aren't they—like—at the very front of these things?” Kera frowned. “I dunno! I'm a kid, not a sky pirate!”

“I'm not looking to take control of this ship!” Belle shouted back over the gale.

“Huh?! Then what?!”

Belle peered over the railing one last time. She shouted with a victorious smile, “There!” She pointed down along the port side. “Our way out!”

“Where?” Kera paused along with the foals to glance down. She grimaced at the sight of a twenty-five foot long hovercraft, rigged with manathrusters and built out of flimsy metal plates. The vehicle was affixed to the zeppelin's hull and bore the same striking indigo colors. “For crying out loud, Belle! You can barely fit five ponies in that thing, much less fifteen!”

“It's a good thing I'll be fitting foals and not adults, then!” Belle said with a psychotic grin.

“Did you break something else in your head other than your horn?!”

“She's right, though,” said a filly next to Kera. “We all rode in on a similar craft to assist Madame Nightshade.”

Kera raspberried at her. “Who told you that you could talk?!” She turned and waved her hoof dramatically at Bellesmith. “Do you even know how to fly?!”

“Why not?! I've flown over tons of mountains and forests!”


“Er... I mean... I'm pr-pretty sure I can manage!”

“Belllllllllllllllle? You're not serious about this, are you?”

“About as serious as I've ever been!” Belle motioned the group down a curved metal staircase towards the deck level where the “liferaft” was attached. “Come quickly! We need to take off before any of Nightshade's cronies catch wind of our absence. Even though it's windy enough as it is!” She giggled.

With a wincing expression, Kera said, “Belle, for real, can you just chillax for a moment and make sure your braind noodle is firmly tucked away just right—?”

Just then, a voice reverberated off the metal bulkheads of the descending corridor. “Everypony! Stop where you are!” Two uniformed stallions rushed up to the base of the stairs, wielding manarifles. “What do you think you're doing outside of the sequencing chamber?! Where's Nightshade—”

With a grunt, Belle jumped up and spread her legs apart. The mare's hooves planted on the rails on either side of the stairs. In swift order, she glided down, descending upon the two stallions like a frowning bobsled.

They were too busy gawking at the beautiful stupidity of the moment that they neglected to fire a shot until she was within spitting distance. She ducked a blast, cartwheeled off the end of the railings, and threw her flank into the chest of one guard. She slammed him down, “sat” on him, then used her lower limbs to flip the front hooves out from underneath the second guard. As he pratfalled, Bellesmith then reverse-somersaulted, bit onto the first stallion's tale, and spun around with her entire weight thrown through her neck.

“Nnnnnnnnnngh!” her voice cracked as she flung the stallion by his tail straight into the wall. “Yaaaaaugh!”

“Ooof!” He fell down hard, out for the count.

The other guard stood up, only to receive a buck to the face, followed by a headbutt to the chest. He dropped his manarifle, which Belle promptly picked up and slammed across his cheek, showering the wall behind him with bloodied saliva.

The hallway became silent, save for the subtle groans of the two guards.

Seething, panting, Belle dropped the rifle and turned towards a silently stunned Kera. She blinked, then gave a devilish smirk. “Did you happen to bring any grasshoppers with you?”


“Ah well. Let's make like a Fluttershy and leaf!” Belle galloped adventurously down the hall.

“Y'know, Belle, forget everything I just said,” Kera said with a smile as she and the other foals took up the rear. “Just be sure that if I ever meet this 'Rainbow Dash' friend of yours, I'll be wearing a helmet. 'Cuz what I'm seeing right here is dangerously badflank.”

“Well, it is my middle name, after all... I mean hers... I mean...” Belle winced, ultimately shaking her head as she rounded a corner. “Let's not talk until all the fog has cleared, okay?”

“Please, stay foggy.”

“Please be the docking station. Please be the docking station. Please please please please—” Belle reached a clearly marked door and spotted the hovercraft moored to the other side. “Woohoo! That was easier than I thought!” She motioned to the foals. “Hop on in, kids!” She pulled a lever, causing the door to the vehicle to open like a catseye aperture. “Guess we'll have to see if I'm as good in the air as I am in tight corridors!”

As they passed her, one by one, some paused to smile at the mare. A filly said, “Can you teach us some of those special moves you know?”

“Sorry. I'm an apprentice, not the master.” Belle smiled. “Step carefully. It might be a tight fit, but we're gonna get out of here.”

“But what if Nightshade's zeppelin tries to chase us?” a colt paused to ask.

“I'm sure we can totally outrun her, kid.”

“But they have cannons on this thing.”

“I'll... uhm...” Belle fidgeted, sweating as the adrenaline ran its course through her twitching body. “I'll find us a mountain to hide behind.”

“You seem used to thinking quickly on your hooves, Eljunbyro.”

“I've learned from the best.” Belle blinked. Belle frowned. “Where's Kera?!” She looked all around, panic flickering across her golden face. “Kera?! Oh blessed spark, where did she—?!”

“I'm here! I'm here!” Kera's panting voice rounded the corner, followed by her body. The filly's horn was glowing brightly through her bushy green mane. “So sorry about that. Took a detour.”

“This is not the time to use the little fillies room!”

“No, it wasn't that, ya melon fudge!” Kera grunted. “We just passed by the engine room! Nopony was guarding it, so I severed most of the sensitive manaconduits just like we had planned!”

Belle did a double-take. “You what?!

Kera's emerald eyes blinked. “Wait, you mean that wasn't part of the plan?”

Belle slowly shook her head.

“Whoops!” Kera smiled as a bulb of sweat ran down her tattooed face. “Well, uhhh, I totally severed the sensitive manaconduits powering this ship's thrusters!”

The entire zeppelin buckled. A groaning noise ran through the bulkheads as several lights flickered. The sound of panicked voices picked up in the distance.

“That's cool, r-right?” Kera squeaked.

“Go!” Belle shouted, tossing the little foal through the doorway.

“Whoah!” Kera rolled like a hoofball and bumped into the bulkhead besides the huddled kids. “Ooof!”

Belle stepped halfway into the vehicle. She paused, glancing back at the inside of the zeppelin as everything began to teeter and spark. She shook her head, chuckled breathily, and slid the door shut behind her.

Less than two minutes later, as the entire zeppelin began dropping slowly in altitude, the vehicle strapped to the portside detached with a blast of sparks. Its thrusters roared to life, and Belle spun the vehicle around until it was pointed south. Desperate to get away, the thing pulled into a steep climb, rocketing loudly away from the scene of the zeppelin's demise.

Behind the escaping craft, Nightshade's airship slowly descended like an indigo storm cloud. Bursts of mana-filled clouds erupted briefly from bow to stern, but then the ship fell silent like a giant sardine can as it grinded against the mountainside, coming to a precarious stop along the edge of a sharp cliff. As the minutes bled into hours, ponies would crawl out of the craft and work desperately to salvage the ship's dead engines.

Bellesmith and the foals, however, would be miles upon miles away.

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