• Published 9th Mar 2013
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Innavedr - Imploding Colon

A broken party of friends struggles to reunite. Rainbow Dash continues to fly east.

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Dynamic Canter System

“You want your fortune read, dipstains?!” Tweak shouted, firing a rapid volley of manablasts at the corner behind which a thick group of enforcers huddled. “You're all deader than a Sunday afternoon!” He blasted his rifle until the core emptied. “You doubt me?! Come look into my crystal balls, flankfaces!”

Pieces of the sewer chipped away. Chunks of rock flew from the impacted wall as hot steam floated across the sceen. However, as soon as Tweak's intimidating onslaught was finished, three enforcers poked their horns out, levitating mana guns that shot back with equal vigor.

Tweak flew himself behind a pillar of the aqueduct upon which he was perched, hissing through is teeth as the enemies' projectiles ricocheted off the partition behind him. “Darn it. I suck at motivation speeches...” Panting, he looked at his remaining clips and a pale expression washed over his face. “Shoot. Running thin.” Fidgeting, he tossed a sweaty glance at the trembling figure beside him. “Imre! Imre, I could use a hoof!”

She hugged herself, teeth chattering as she gazed—horrified—into a blank space.

“Hey!” Tweak kicked her lightly with his lower hooves while reloading his weapons with his forelimbs. “Sunshine! Snap out of it!”

Imre's eyes twitched. She flinched as a manablast streaked closely past her shaved head and she gave Tweak a nervous glance. “Huh...?”

“I need you to stay with me, girl,” Tweak muttered, sliding the pistol off his hoof brace. “In body and in spirit!” He glanced firmly at her. “You think you can do that?”

“I... I...” Imre shuddered, giving a forlorn glance towards the depths of the muck below the aqueduct. “Rainbow Dash's battling...” She gulped. “Battling that enforcer just now...”

“She can take care of herself!” Tweak shouted. “Odds are, he's some super mega death pony or something. That's not our concern!” He wheezed as a chunk of stone was blasted out of the stone beside his head. “These yuckle-chucks, however, are our concern! And I need your help in taking them out!” He handed the pistol out at her, freshly reloaded.

Imre looked at him, at the gun, and back at his face with a frown. “If you think I'm actually going to put a hole through another pony's head—”

“I don't know if you've noticed, princess, but they ain't hesitating to do the very same dayum thing to you!” Tweak shouted. More shots ricocheted around them, and he barked, “Look, I know you're all about saving ponies' lives and all, but there ain't no simple way for us to get out of this bind! If you don't want to kill anypony, fine! Leave the dirty work to me! I just need some cover!”

“Some... cover...”

“You betcha!” He finally thrusted the silver metal weapon into her grasp. “I'm gonna flank them from the far side. If I just trot out there all hunky-dory-like, I'll be reduced to cheese!”

“What kind of cheese?!”

“T'ain't important!” Tweak snarled. He cocked his rifle and motioned beyond the pillar with his head. “Just give them something to freak out about while I rush in from the side! They won't know how bad of a shot you are, or what kind of a stick in the mud, for that matter!”

“Right...” Imre shuddered, reluctantly sliding the pistol's brace around her hoof. Her horn glowed in little burst of energy. “Just give you cover...”

“And, y'know, keeping me from dyin' would be a plus, too.” Tweak managed a firm smile in spite of all the bulletholes forming around him. “I've got some kids to get back home to smacking around, ya feel me?”

“How...” Imre flinched again. “How c-can you be so calm in the middle of all this?”

“That's a darn good question. What say we stay alive so we can chew the fat about it! Huh?! Can ya do that?”

“You mean stay alive?” Imre fidgeted, glancing down at the muck again. “Yeah. Yeah, why not?”

“Thattagirl! Here's an extra clip!” He tossed her another cylinder of bright crystal and flexed his limbs, readying for a sprint. “Be sure to aim at them and not me!”

“Yeah. Okay. I think I can do that.”

“You'd darn well better. Aaaaaaaaaand...” Tweak clenched his eyes shut, seethed, then reopened them—bright and veiny and alive. “Now!”

“Nnnnnghhh!” Imre spun around the corner, firing several loud shots.

The enforcers flinched and ducked behind their shattered corner. As Imre's blasts landed around them, they shouted muffled words of frustration at one another.

“You going or—?!” Imre grunted.

Tweak was already sprinting along the slender aqueduct. “Ain'tnothinglikecountryairinthespring. Ain'tnothinglikecountryairinthespring. Ain'tnothing...”

Imre glanced at him, then back at the corner. Two enforcers exposed themselves, aiming rifles. She was firing before she thought about it. One of her blasts landed dangerously close to one of the soldiers, and he hid back behind his respective corner.

Tweak jumped onto an adjacent bridge, scaled it towards a ledge above the sewer, then hopped up to climb another.

Imre was reloading the stallion's pistol at this point. She looked up above the silver bits of metal and hissed, “What in the name of all that's holy...?!”

Tweak mounted the ledge, skittered over it, held his breath, and dropped down to the left side of the guards as they poked out again.

“Happy new year!” He fired an entire salvo into the group. The air behind the distant partition of brickwork went red with a bright wet mist. Five violent seconds into the act, Tweak rolled out of way, avoided a stream of returning manashots, and galloped his way towards a chunk of marble to hide behind. As he did so, an injured enforcer rolled out from beyond the corner and aimed a bloody rifle at his back.

Imre blinked, her ears flinching from the thunder echoing out the barrel of the pistol in her grasp. She gasped to see the enforcer's body falling slap, a huge hole in his chest. He flopped and fell down into the drink like the wet heap of meat that he was. The mare's blood went cold as her normally dull eyes grew moist.

She was vaguely aware of the panting, thankful glance of Tweak from afar. There was a splashing sound, and then the air lit up with more bullets and shrieks. She slumped down tight and crouched behind the pillar as Tweak and the enforcers exchanged more blasts from afar. All the while, she couldn't help but tremble and stare down into the depths below.

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