• Published 9th Mar 2013
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Innavedr - Imploding Colon

A broken party of friends struggles to reunite. Rainbow Dash continues to fly east.

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Itchy Trigger Hoof

"Just down this corridor," Imre said, stumbling as the bowels of Searo's Hold shook all around them. Rainbow Dash helped her up as the two galloped down the passageway, approaching a thick metal door. "The Hold has never been invaded before, so I don't think we'll run into any guards here."

"Any chance we'll find some forceps to remove the stick up your flank?" Rainbow asked.

"Not likely."

"Drat." Rainbow stood before the door, panting. "So, what's up with this? Is the thing locked?"

"There's been a power flux," Imre said. "I can feel it through my leylines: something has disrupted the energy in every metal mare's suit, as well as in the conduits channeling mana from the central core before us here."

"A little less brain noodle and a little more muscle macaroni," Rainbow said, pointing with a metal horseshoe. "How do I get the dang thing open?"

"We... will get the dang thing open," Imre said, already concentrating magic through her horn.

Rainbow raised an eyebrow beneath her helmet. "You sure you don't wanna just sit here and stew in your own bullcrap for an eternity instead?"

"Please. There's something in here that will be of interest to you, and it's only fair that I let you see it," Imre said, her meditative facing tensing even more. "At least, I think you'll give a crap."

"Why wouldn't I?"

"That's a good question. You just strike me as a pony who'll do stupid things to save the day."

"Yeah, well, nobody's perfect."

A loud clicking noise emanated from within the metal body of the door. Imre relaxed with a heavy exhale.

"Was that it?" Rainbow asked.

Imre motioned with her weary head. "Give it a go."

So, Rainbow did, shoving up against the door with her metal-reinforced forelimbs. After a few seconds of strain, the unlocked door swiveled up within its frame. Warm air jetted out. The interior was dimly lit with a red aura.

"Yeesh! Smells like an unwashed bathhouse in there!" Rainbow waved a hoof before her helmet and leaned forward. "You been in here before?"

"Personally, no. Spark be praised. I only know from what I've been told..."

"Guess it's gonna be an eye opener for us both." Rainbow Dash stepped in slowly, taking cautious glances left and right. "Ugh, I dunno if I told you this or not, but cramped underground darkly-lit rooms and I have a nasty history..."

"Hey. You asked for me to bring you here."

"I know, it's just—" Rainbow's ears perked. "Somepony's in here..."

Imre said nothing.

Rainbow strolled in. She saw a circular chamber, laced with complicated instrument panels. Knobs and levers and dials dotted the walls. Hanging above were several dangling cables that brimmed with errant sparks of electricity.

"Right... well this is translating to a whole bunch of nothing to me."

"Are there any holding chambers at all?" Imre asked, trotting up behind her.

"Huh?" Rainbow glanced over her shoulder. "You mean like cages or something?"

Imre slowly nodded.

Rainbow glanced at the walls again. She trotted along the segmented partitions, then noticed a huge lever hanging off the middle. She thought she heard a shuffling noise on the other side. With a confused mutter under her breath, she reached forward and yanked at the lever. With a loud hiss, four layers of metal walling slid down beneath the floor. The air filled with coughing, wheezing sounds. Rainbow gasped to see no less than seven stallions in the middle of collapsing within a barren compartment, their front and rear limbs bound in tight metal wires.

"Ah, jeez!" Rainbow rushed forward and helped the first of many to limp out into the much cooler, less confining chamber. "I dunno who arranged the slumber party from Tartarus, but at ease, guys! Rescue's here!"

"R-rescue...?" One stallion wheezed. He squinted at the sight of the unicorn and the armored pegasus. "I... I don't understand? You're... y-you're not Searonese, are you?"

"Spark, I hope not," Imre droned.

"Hey..." Rainbow Dash leaned forward, and she saw her reflection doing the same thing. The stallion's coat was polished like a mirror, this was because his body was composed entirely of organic crystal. "I saw you earlier! Down in the hallways near the arena! A mare was leading you somewhere..."

"I-I was being examined..." He hissed, wincing in pain as Rainbow Dash steadied him.


"For potency..." He started to catch his breath, though he shuddered no less. "I was deemed to still be seventy-five percent conductive. That's why I wasn't thrown into those arena pits along with you..."

"I don't get it..." Rainbow Dash muttered. "Conductive for what?"

"You mean... you don't know?"

Rainbow Dash slowly shook her head.

The stallion looked at her, then over at Imre.

Imre gazed quietly back while helping two other stallions.

"Her..." The stallion pointed. "I've met her before..."

"Then I'm sorry for how depressing your existence must be."

"No, she's..." The stallion gulped. "She's good. She's taken care of us since we got here... as much as she can afford to. She's managed to buy us all more time out of the focus chamber..."

"Focus... chamber...?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"She found a way to take samples of our blood," another stallion said, trembling. "Apparently the metal mares can use it to do the same stuff that they use us for..."

"Wait, blood? Using you? Huh?" Rainbow Dash blinked awkwardly at the group. "Just what is going on—?" She paused, glancing over their shoulders.

A large door rested against the far end of the circular chamber. From beyond, a loud hum emanated, bleeding bits of bright light through the edges of the doorframe.

Rainbow Dash blinked, then winced at a startling thought. She spun about. "Imre. Could you help me with the door here?"

"I don't have enough energy to open the Focus Chamber," Imre said. "That would take the power of three unicorns at least."

"Well, is there another friggin' way inside it?" Rainbow asked. "If things are bad enough here, I hate to think about what it's like inside—"

Just then, all seven stallions flickered with light, as if a gold beam swam through all of them in a straight line. Their eyes widened in surprise, and yet a bizarre strength returned to their features.

Rainbow squinted at them. "Uhhh... did you guys just colletively fart or something—?"

"Hiyaaaugh!" A muscular body pounced on her from behind.

"Horsefeathers!" Rainbow grunted as she was shoved into a metal wall. She tried bucking the pony off, but the weight of him was too much. "Okay, which one of you dudes threw a sweaty boulder on me?!"

"I-I got her, Tweak!" A male voice grunted from behind. "Take the shot—"

"Nope." Rainbow fired her thrusters. The two glided across the room and slammed into the far wall. The pony atop her back took the brunt of the impact.

"Ooof!" He fell to the floor.

"Alright!" Rainbow hopped up, spun about, and ground her hooves. "Somepony just bought a one way ticket to Buckville and I'm all outta—" She froze, her jaw dropping beneath the shattered edge of her helmet. "...Crimson?"

"Mmmmf—Sp-Spark!" He sputtered, wincing as he sat up. He took one look at her and squinted. "Rainbow... Dash...?"

She grinned wide. "Holy cow!" She practically frolicked over to his fallen figure. "Crimson, it's you! It's totally you! This is the best thing that's happened in—"

A rifle blast exploded against Rainbow's helmet.

"Gaaah!" She pratfalled, her legs sticking up. "Sonuva—"

"She's a tough one, Crimson!" Tweak stood in the doorway, recharging his gun. "About half a charge should light her up!"

"Dammit, Tweak, hold your fire!"

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