• Published 9th Mar 2013
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Innavedr - Imploding Colon

A broken party of friends struggles to reunite. Rainbow Dash continues to fly east.

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Horses for Courses

"This one, infernal metal mare has plagued us time and time again, stealing our loved ones and leaving our town in shreds," Tweak muttered. The setting sun glinted off him and the shiny bodies of several other crystal ponies as they gathered around the general store, putting out the last of the flames and smoke. He turned and looked at Crimson with a weak smile. "If somepony told me that this was all some elaborate April Foals' joke, I just might have the inclination to believe it."

Crimson slowly nodded, gazing at the crumpled sight of Aeterna lying against the bent flagpole to which her armor-stripped body was bound. "I must admit, I found it surprising just how swiftly she went down."

"In that, you're alone, good sir," Tweak muttered. "You unleashed the wrath of alicorns on her, I swear." His eyes narrowed. "Where did you learn to fight like that?"

"I watched a living rainbow do something like that while I was dangling in a metal net."


"Don't bother," Crimson grumbled, leaning against the wall of a building in the center of Aurum. "I'm still reeling from all of this." He turned and glanced curiously at the farmer stallion. "Just what did she want from you and your neighbors just now?"

"The same thing she has always wanted," Tweak said. "She attacks the village every moon or so to grab one of us and haul him or her—mostly him—down south to 'Searo's Hold' or whatcrap."

"And you've not been able to stop her until just now?"

"Goddess knows we've tried." Tweak gulped. "Quite frankly, that was the closest I ever got to her myself. And it nearly cost me my neck." He sighed, his head hanging. "Not to mention a future spent with my family and foals." He turned once more to gaze at Crimson. "You have quite literally saved my life and household in one fell swoop." Tweak took a deep breath and spoke with utmost sincerity, "I'm sorry I ever doubted you, sir. You have my respect... not to mention my devotion."

Crimson patted his shoulder and said, "I don't like innocent ponies being bullied."

Tweak smiled bitterly. "I wouldn't exactly call myself innocent, but I'll just take that as protecting my whole village."

"Whatever works." Crimson hobbled forward, staring at Aeterna's limp body. He rubbed his chin with one good hoof, his face scrunched in thought.

"What's on your mind?" Tweak asked.

"You said she'd show up here every moon, right?"

"Just about. She was quite regular with her violent attacks."

"What brought her here exactly?" Crimson inquired.

"What ever brings a metal mare from point A to point Z?" Tweak shrugged. "An aircraft of sorts. Mana-powered. We barely get to see any sign of it, though, considering it arrives and takes off too swiftly and thunderously for us to intervene."

"So, you must know where it lands..."

"Everypony does!" Tweak exclaimed. "The thing sounds like it's run by a legion of cackling demons!"

"Well, it's not gonna take off again anytime soon." Crimson turned towards Tweak. "Where was it heard landing today?"

Tweak blinked. He glanced at Aeterna, then squinted back at Crimson. "Listen, friend, even if we could locate the craft, there's no possible way we could open the thing. Word is the Searonese have those things armed to the teeth, and it will kill any unarmored equine that tries in vain to open it from the outside."

"I'm quite well aware of that," Crimson said in a grumbling tone. "But that doesn't change the fact that it's here and it can stand to be elsewhere."

"Like where?" Tweak asked.

"A place where my friend has gone," Crimson remarked. Hobbling, he turned about and limped towards the edge of town. "You feel like you owe me? Then do me a favor."


"Summon several more stallions, and let us all meet up where the aircraft last landed."

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