• Published 9th Mar 2013
  • 9,121 Views, 10,169 Comments

Innavedr - Imploding Colon

A broken party of friends struggles to reunite. Rainbow Dash continues to fly east.

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Tooth and Nail

"..about this."

Gulping, Rainbow Dash backtrotted away from the half-dozen pack of glowing timberwolves. Menacing as the creatures were, the loud roar coming from the ring of onlooking metal mares drew them further into the center. They reared their heads and snarled, their emerald eyeslits glaring around the lengths of the arena.

With a resounding hiss, the center platform of enclosures that brought them up to the surface slowly lowered. The arena was now an even playing field for bloodspilling.

"Alright... alright..."

Rainbow Dash darted her helmeted head left and right, surveying her immediate environment. She tossed several glances over the wooden craniums of the centrally located monstrosities. Across the way, Imre stood beside her fellow victims: veritable morsels of meat waiting to be plucked.

With a rattling shuffle, Rainbow found herself standing once more amid her five fellow, trembling cohorts. "Okay, everypony," she spoke loosely. "Just stay still and be cool. No sudden movements, and we just might be able to figure a way out of this." She bit her lip beneath her helmet, staring once more at Imre's distant figure. "Step one: get Imre. Step two: avoid being mangled to death by hungry wooden death puppies." She gulped, and her brow furrowed. "Step three: kick Roarke's rusted flank from here to Neighvana."

Beside her, the one half-blade was starting to chant louder and louder. "Must pr-prove myself... must prove myself..." She gulped. "Must honor myself before the g-goddess..."

Rainbow hissed aside at her. "Look, will ya knock it off? We gotta be quiet or else—"

"My m-mentor will have me back!" the pony gasped, her eyes wide and her face brimming with sweat. Her hooves grinded against the rocky floor. "I c-can still prove myself!"

"No bright ideas!" Rainbow grunted, reaching out for her. "The only reason we're both here is because we're not wanted—"

"Blood for Searo..." The half-blade charged frantically ahead, screaming. "Blood for Searo!"

"No!" Rainbow Dash flung herself forward, but it was too late. The mare was yards ahead. "You idiot! Don't—"

"Nnnngh!" The mare was barely within twenty feet of the monsters when the timberwolves were already pouncing on her. The center of the arena was awash in screams and entrails.

Rainbow winced, squinting away from the nightmarish scene.

All six timber wolves gathered in a tight circle, their teeth digging into the succulent meat. It didn't last for very long. The first of many beasts raised its dripping muzzle from the feast. Its eyes narrowed on Rainbow's group as a prolonged growl escaped its mouth.

"Ah jeez," Rainbow whispered. "With a capital 'J'..."

Howling, the monster scraped at the ground and charged her. Two of its siblings mindlessly joined its full-speed sprint. Soon, the weight of three metaphysical blood beasts were bearing down on the pegasus.

Rainbow glanced at her shrieking group of companions. With a jolt of energy, she began running in the opposite direction, albeit slightly angled towards the creatures. As a result, they took immediate notice of her and her alone, and all three of them altered their course. She now found her vision being clouded by all three shadows. Holding her breath, she dove straight forward, sliding across the ground.

The timberwolves landed near the wall of the arena. Swiveling around, they howled and barked in fury.

Rainbow Dash jumped back to her hooves—but stumbled in the process. "Augh!" She winced, feeling a sharp pain rocketing through her left side. "Nnngh... st-still... sore..."

Her helmet echoed with the noise of her pursuers on the rebound. With no time to ache, she backflip and blindly planted her hooves down.

Luckily, her instincts prevailed; she landed on the neck of a charging timberwolf. Without hesitation, she jumped again, trying to distance herself even more from the group she had arrived with. For her noble efforts, she was awarded with a hard paw smacked across her amor. Thankfully, she took the blow on her right side, and rolled harmlessly towards the side.

"Unngh!" With a clatter, Rainbow came to an awkward stop. She stood up, and now her helmet was reflecting six sets of glowing eyes charging at her instead of just three. "Alright, you mangy mudsticks!" she snarled, then nipped at the levers inside her helmet. "You wanna play rough?! Well eat my dust—" She tugged on a knob, and her thrusters shot her in reverse. "Gaaaah!"

The image of the charging timberwolves shrunk as she scooted backwards at the speed of sound. Soon, she was slamming against the edge of the arena, much to the insane laughter of the attending metal mares.

"Frig!" Rainbow grunted. Once her lungs had refilled, she wheezed and tongued the many levers jutting into her muzzle. "Mmmmf—Which of you stupid corncobs is the one that makes me kick AAAAAAH!" She shrieked as, with one tug, she found herself rocketing forward like a missile.

The timberwolves' eyes flared for a brief second. They parted ways, making room for her to fly through the hideous pack.

"Guhhhh!" Rainbow squealed. The opposite end of the arena rapidly approached. Already she could see Imre and the other samples of wolf fodder leaping to the side. "Come on—ya crud bucket!" she shouted and started pulling on the various knobs at random. "Mmmmf—Whoah!"

Soon, Rainbow Dash was zig-zagging through the air like a winged serpent. The Searonese laughed uproariously at her plight. All the while, the six timberwolves bit and nipped at the air in a desperate attempt to cleave her in two. One actually succeeded to headbutt her armor in mid-flight. With a gasp, Rainbow Dash soared down towards the earth. Spinning until she faced the ceiling, she pulled at her controls and escaped a full-on impact with the ground by mere centimeters.

With twitching eyes, she looked up and saw herself flying directly into the pack of monsters. They leapt at her all at once. Breathlessly, she tugged on the middle-most lever, accelerating her flight. With spiraling finesse, she pulled up and burst through the mess of reaching limbs, forcing the timberwolves to collide into one another with a scattering spray of branches and twigs.

Mixed cheers and hollers emanated from the crowd. Rainbow's vaporous trail burned its away around the arena at spectator level.

Watching from beside Pestiferous' seat, Roarke gazed with slowly rotating lenses. There was a glistening sheen to her brown coat.

"What's the matter, sister?" Spoke a booming voice from beside her.

Roarke's ears drooped from beneath her helmet. She barely flinched as Terra leaned in with her massive grin.

"You seem rather tense! You're well known for your wisdom, not your anxiety!"

"I am not anxious," Roarke droned.

"Is that so?" Terra's meaty face grinned. She glanced aside.

Roarke followed her gaze, noticing how tightly her hooves were gripping the balcony's edge. She rested her forelimbs by her side and muttered, "What is the meaning of this, Terra? We've hunted and fought side by side for so long. What is this all supposed to prove?"

"Why, whatever do you mean by that?"

"You know exactly what I mean," Roarke said, controlling her involuntary twitches as her sight fell on Imre down below. "If this is something between you and me and the Top Spear—"

"When it comes to Top Spear, everything about us is concerned," Terra spat, an iron frown burning to the surface of her face. "I've known this day would come for years now. Did you?"

"I figured we'd be dead by then," Roarke said.

"Not everypony is as lucky as Pestiferous," Terra said. "Nor as short-sighted as you."

"You call me short-sighted?" Roarke droned, then gestured into the noisy arena. "I'm not the one who put lightning incarnate into a deathmatch just to ruin our Lady's expectations."

Terra blinked in confusion. "Huh?"

"Just watch, genius."

Terra swiveled to gaze upon the scene.

By now, Rainbow Dash was starting to fly evenly. She panted into the controls that she was learning, but nevertheless formed a smile. "Ahhhh yeah! Just took a little bit of fiddling around, is all! A mare could get used to—"

A leaping timberwolf smacked her, throwing her off balance. With a shriek, Rainbow Dash spiraled as her thrusters flung her once more towards the ground. With a grunt, she cut her engines before she could turn into paste. After several clumsy somersaults, she landed upside down against a wall.

"Mmmmf... Yeah, buck this." With a gasp, she kipped up to her hooves, took a galloping start, and flew over the frustrated timberwolves. Both the audience and the trembling victims watched as she made a burning beeline for Imre, snatching up the unsuspecting unicorn with a yelp.

"Wh-what do you think you're doing?!" Imre shouted.

"Blowing this bridle stand!" Rainbow Dash howled into the thunder of her rocket engines. She soared towards the back of the arena, her helmeted gaze locked on a stone hallway in the distance. "I'll drop you off and come back for as many as these poor saps as I can find—"

"No, don't!" Imre exclaimed, thrashing in her grasp.

"Luck, just 'cuz you and your captors are cool with slaughtering innocents doesn't mean I can stand for—"

"No, I mean you can't! The mana-field—"

"Mana-what?" Rainbow Dash was answered by a huge splash of blue energy. Sure enough, as soon as she flew beyond the edge of the ring, a nebulous field of light splashed to life. Flexing like an elastic band, the field flung her and Imre off in separate directions. "Unngh!" Rainbow Dash landed on her side and positively yelped from the pain shooting through her tender left wing. "Darn it! I'd give my left front hoof to be fighting normal, stupid minotaurs again..."

There was a loud shout from behind. Rainbow Dash turned around just in time to see Imre falling on her flank... and curling into a shivering ball as two timberwolves pounced on her at once.

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