• Published 9th Mar 2013
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Innavedr - Imploding Colon

A broken party of friends struggles to reunite. Rainbow Dash continues to fly east.

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Yup Yup Yup

A sickly crunch echoed across the tiny concrete niche.

"Mmmfh...mrrmmff..." Kera chewed and chewed, squatting over a tin case full of legless grasshoppers. "Y'all want some? Mmmf! They got some sun so they're extra crispy!"

Phoenix smiled nervously and said, "I... do believe we are fine, Miss Meh."

"It's Mehjj!" The filly frowned. "What, are you deaf?"


"And didn't I tell you to call me 'Kera?'"

"Hey, did you...?" Bellesmith spoke up, blinking. "Uhm..." The adult mare was standing by the alcove's edge, gazing directly out upon the mana-lit street at fetlock-level. A thin space afforded her a glance at Blue Nova's mightier spires in the distance. "Did you ponies hear something?"

Kera took another crunching bite. Phoenix glanced over at the foal before returning a thin-eyed gaze at Belle. "Nothing unusual for a hole in the ground like this."

"Mmmf—Hey!" Kera glanced up, frowning. She spat out a segmented leg and barked, "You want I should make a hole in your face!"

"I seriously doubt you could, kid."

"Older colts have lost their teeth for saying much less!"

Belle blinked. "Is there a storm passing through? I heard thunder... or something like it..."

"Ms. Belle...?"

"Nothing. I'm just..." Belle sighed and ran a hoof through nonexistent bangs. "I'm tired. So very tired."

"Well, why didn't ya say so?!" Kera used a beam of telekinesis to fling a moth-eaten canvas blanket in the mare's direction. "Roll up and catch yourself some z's, lady! There's no rent in this hotel! Ha!"

Belle took the blanket graciously. She paused, however, and leaned forward to squint at the fabric. She spotted several bulbous pale things crawling up and down the material.

"It's best to let some of the ticks suck your blood," Kera said from the other end of the infested blanket. "They'll make for a finer breakfast in the morning."

Belle shuddered and immediately rolled the thing up. "I do believe I have some strength in me to last a while longer." She slide the item out of sight. "Thanks anyways."

Kera shrugged. "Your loss." She bit into another grasshopper, dusted her hooves off, and closed the tin case. "Better get used to your new lap of luxury. Things don't get shiny on their own. You gotta work to make 'em bright, if ya know what I'm saying."

Belle exchanged quiet glances with Phoenix before clearing her throat. "Ahem. Kera, I... I have to ask you—"

"No, I haven't."

Belle blinked. "'No, you haven't' what?"

"Ever murdered a pony," Kera said.

Even Phoenix blanched at that. "The heck made you think she was gonna ask that, kid?"

"Because my magic is so awesome, I'm suprised y'all think I haven't summoned a meteor onto this whole town by now!"

"Would you want to?!" Belle remarked, suppressing a smile.

"If it'd get me bits, I'd smash anything!" Kera slapped a hoof against her pale chest. "What, you think I haven't got it in me?! Just you wait and see! Why, just last Friday, I summoned a flame giraffe!"

"A flame giraffe..." Phoenix droned.


"I do not think you have it in your capacity to summon a flame giraffe," Belle said with a subtle grin.

"Bite your tongue! You check this out!" Kera leaned forward, tensing her face. "Nnnngh! Hhhhhhhnnngh!" Her tattoos glowed and sparkled from top to bottom. The tip of her horn shimmered with blue light, then went dim. "Ummf!" She collapsed onto her chest, panting. "Ungh... okay, so maybe there won't be a flame giraffe today." She gulped. "But I think I just went to the bathroom inside myself." She glanced up with a nervous expression. "Is that possible?"

"It never happened to me, Kera."

"Pffft. Whatever." Kera sat up and rubbed her petite little chin. "Maybe I dreamed about summoning a flame giraffe. I did eat a lot of rhinoceros beetles that evening..."

Meanwhile, Belle quietly turned her head to gaze at the child's flank. A mess of cyclical tattoos strategically covered the filly's coat where a cutie mark might appear. Under the dim shadow of night, it was too hard to see much of anything as it was.

"Kera, were you... I mean..." Belle took a deep breath and managed to say, "Were you ever inside the Nightshade Industries skyscraper?"

"We both were, weren't we?"

"No, darling. We weren't," Belle remarked in a gentle voice. "I mean to say that I wasn't. Nor was Mr. Phoenix here. This is our first time in Blue Nova ever."

Kera stared awkwardly at Belle, her head tilted to the side, her mouth hanging slightly open.

"Does this surprise you?" Belle remarked.

Kera's eyes squinted even harder than they previously were. "Nopony's ever called me 'darling' before."

Belle blinked.

"Well, not here, at least..." Kera unrolled the infested blanket and laid it out across the ground. "And certainly not at Madame Nutshade's place."

"What were you doing there, if I may ask?"

"Pffft. Saving my horn, for one!"

"Saving your horn?" Belle paused. She felt the stub at the end of her forehead with a soft hoof. Biting her lip, she hesitantly asked, "Were they... doing things to your body?"

"Ha! You kidding?" Kera grinned. "I was too fast for them! My parents didn't hold me back! Where I came from, I could toss stones over rooftops without lifting a single stupid hoof!"

"And summon flame giraffes," Phoenix added.

"You shut your face!" Kera squeaked, frowning. "I've gotten more powerful since then! I bet I could tosses houses over stones—or maybe into you!"

"Sounds like a good time."

"Phoenix..." Belle glared aside.

"What?" Phoenix shrugged, smirking. "I genuinely wanna see her do something like that. The kid's got a lot of spunk."

"Nah, no boring, cruddy building could ever hold me," Kera said. Stifling a yawn, she spun in three circles then squatted down on the blanket. "I bolted out of that place as quickly as I could. If the others couldn't make it—pffft—that's cuz they weren't strong enough."

Belle did a double-take. "Wait... there are others?"

"Yup. Well, at least I'm guessing. They weren't talking to me much at the time. I went back once or twice to see if they wanted to leave too, but it was too late. They didn't wanna leave. But, heck, I wouldn't wanna leave if my horn got lopped off too."

Belle covered her mouth with a hoof. "Foals... g-getting their hooves dismembered?"

"Nah. It's not that bad!" Kera smiled with tired eyes and pointed up at Belle's forehead. "After all, you still get around, right?"

Belle let loose a shuddering sigh. "Kera, ever since I suffered this injury, I've been incapable of performing the rudimentary magic spells of a unicorn. I can't even lift the blanket you offered me earlier."

"Something tells me you wouldn't touch it anyways," Kera said, giggling.

"That's not the point—"

"Wait a second." Phoenix trotted into the center of the conversation. "Kera, did you say that you went back to the building with the foals?" He narrowed his gaze. "After you had gotten out the first time?"

"Yup yup yup."


"Ungh..." Kera rolled her eyes and stood up halfway. "Same way I got you two sad-sacks into Blue Belly, of course!"

"Your magic?"

"I know the security mechanisms of these lousy walls inside and out! Heck, you think I always wanted to eat grasshoppers? For the first week, I fed myself by sneaking into the back of a restaurant two blocks down! They couldn't stop me from entering, so they just moved the food storage to the other side of the building! Pfft... lousy cheaters..."

Phoenix glanced aside at Bellesmith. "She can get into the building."

"Yes, and?" Belle returned the look.

Phoenix merely raised one eyebrow.

Belle's face took on a twisted expression. "Certainly not! Who knows what's being done to these poor foals in that place! We're not bringing Kera anywhere near there!"

"But what if there's a connection to Rainbow Dash?" Phoenix asked.

"How on earth could there possibly be a connection to—"

"'Rainbow Dash...'" Kera spoke up. "Is that her name?"

"Whose name?"

Kera pointed at the satchel hanging off of Belle's flanks. "The colorful pony in the photographs you got in that ugly green book."

Belle nervously ran a hoof along the top of Luna's container. She gulped. "You... you looked at it?"

"Pffft. I stole it, didn't I? Not like I was gonna marry it..."

"There's a pony I know named Rainbow Dash and... well..." Belle sighed. "She and I got lost, and I'm trying to find a way to get in touch with her again. And right now, I have nothing to go on. All I know is that there's something inside the Nightshade Building that may shed more light on... on... unngh..." Belle face-hoofed, stifling a moan. "It's very complicated, you see..."

"So, you know winged ponies?" Kera asked.

When Belle didn't answer, Phoenix answered for her. "Ahem. Just one, really..."

"Cuz I've always wondered..." Kera gestured why speaking. "If Nightshade is so interested in winged ponies, why bring over a bunch of 'magical savages' from the east instead?"

"Nightshade knows something about pegasi?" Phoenix asked, then did a double-take as he heard himself exclaiming, "Wait, all of the kids are frickin' Xonans?!"

"No, we're not fricking any Xonans. We are Xonans, ya dumbflake!" Kera gawked at Belle. "Where'd you get this guy?"

"He's got a couple of good questions..."

"Ungh... Ya know what?" Kera smirked. "If you're dying so much to know, how about I just take you there tomorrow? Maybe you'll make hooves or tails out of it. I know I can't! None of the other kids know crap either, but—hey—they've been doing the study lessons a lot more than I ever did by now. Maybe they know a thing or two after all."

"Study lessons...?" Phoenix repeated out loud.

"Kera, it's..." Belle sighed. "This is all too much to take in! We can't possibly get you involved anymore than you are!"

"Oh come on!" Kera beamed, her eyes wide. "It'll be totally fun!" her voice cracked and her mouth froze in a sunny grin. Then, in the space of three milliseconds, her body kerplunked on the blanketed ground, instantly snoring. "Znnnnkkkt—chkkkt—chuuu..."

Phoenix blinked. He turned towards Belle.

She sighed and sat back, folding her forelimbs and shivering.

Quietly, the stallion trotted over. His voice echoed within their end of the claustrophobic alcove. "Miss Belle, our options are limited."

"It's just... It's just all so wrong..." She sniffled. "This Confederacy... this horrible country..." She gulped, her eyes growing teary. "What did I ever see in it?"

"You were raised in it," Phoenix said. "Second to family, the hardest thing to tear apart is your home, even when you know you deserve better."

Belle nodded, but sighed again. "I think I'm beginning to understand the beauty in what Rainbow Dash had for a while there. Her only home was herself. Pilate and I? We were a part of that home, and it was so... j-just so righteous..."

Phoenix stared and said nothing.

Belle rubbed her face dry. "I want to go home, Phoenix. I don't know where it is, and I doubt I'll ever find it, but I think just going someplace—anyplace—and not looking back is gonna be a great deal more wholesome than anything else I've had in my life."

Phoenix nodded and said, "Be very careful with that desire, Ms. Belle. The desire to find your way home can... c-can make you do some really wild things."

She glanced pointedly at him.

He winced slightly. Shaking his head, the stallion said, "This kid... think about what she's giving us the opportunity to do. Find out more about Rainbow Dash? Sir... but she's got a problem of her own..."

Belle gulped. "She doesn't seem particularly troubled by it."

"That's what makes it a problem," Phoenix said. "Look, I'm no hero, and I can't pretend to be righteous about anything anymore. But..." He bit the edge of his lip before uttering, "I don't think we're in this just for ourselves anymore."

Belle turned. She looked at Kera's quietly sleeping figure. Her tattooes were garish, her mane was a tangled green mess, and her blanket was covered in parasites. But she looked far more graceful than anything that city had yet offered.

"No, Mr. Phoenix, we're not in this for ourselves," Belle murmured. She stood up straight as her brow furrowed. "And I doubt Rainbow Dash was anymore, either."

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