• Published 23rd Apr 2020
  • 6,900 Views, 334 Comments

Sombra's Midnight Star - Twilighted Rose

For three thousand years he waited, mourning the loss of his mate. But now he found her but she doesn't remember what they had. Luckily Sombra has a spell to fix it.

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Gaining Two Unwanted Companions


Dazzling walked up the grand staircase. The Firstborn had called all the leaders for a meeting. She had never been in something so important. This will be her chance to show them that she was more than capable of being a leader, even though she found representing her tribe a dauting task.

“Finally made it,” she whispered as she crossed the last step. She stood in front of an ornate door with six symbols etched into it. Dazzling couldn’t make heads or tails of what they meant, but one symbol stood out to her; a cloud with a multi-colored lightning bolt striking the ground. She failed to understand why it stood out to her, but it became inconsequential when she remembered what she need to do. She pushed through the door.

She stood in yet another gigantic room. Dazzling knew from previous experiences that floor was made from the Regent of Time’s domain. Since her first trip, she harbored a secret crush on Da’lak’ar and dreamed of moving there with her family. But enough of memory lane; it’s almost time for the meeting.

Dazzling walked over to the fireplace to study it. Multi-colored gems was embedded in the white marble. A bright white flame flickered in the fireplace. Beneath it was a rug. In all her years of working in the masonry, she had never seen stones quite like these. They were translucent in nature and each one displayed a different color of Harmony. She became mesmerized with these unusual stones, lost in thought as she moved closer. The plushness of the rug barely registered in her mind.

“They are quite beautiful, are they not?” A deep voice asked, breaking her out of her trance. She turned around quickly, twisting her left hind leg in the process. She grimaced at the pain. She’s always been clumsy like that. she felt warmth on her injured leg. A tingly sensation accompanied the warmth.

“Wait… what happened?” She mumbled to herself. She tested her injured leg to find that the pain had gone away.

“Is your ankle better, little one?” the voice asked. “Do not turn around so fast. We do not want to you hurt your neck this time.” She heard a chuckle. Dazzling’s eyes widened as she looked upon the Firstborn Himself. She quickly fell to her knees in a hastened awkward bow.

“M-my Lord,” she shakily said as she trembled on the ground at his feet. She heard a tsking noise and heard hoof steps coming closer to her. She felt a feather lift her head. Her eyes met the kind, sorrowful eyes of Firstborn. He helped her to her hooves.

“There is no need to bow,” He said with a smile, “I am not one to demand such thing. And quite frankly, I despise it at times.” Sombra paused. He tilted his head as if in thought. “But enough of that, I have a task for you, Dazzling Bow.” He walked over to the white coach sitting by the fire. For a moment Dazzling became blind as his silver armor reflected the white light coming from the fire. She stumbled towards the couch as she tried to shack off the light spots. Oof. She face-planted into to coach. Dazzle heard him chuckle as felt herself starting to float in the air. He gently place her on the couch.

“Here, let me tone the Living Flame down a bit,” He said. The blinding white light from the flames gradually turned into a soft yellow light. “Now I cannot leave the Flame like this for too long or else the land will be reverted back into a frozen wasteland. Now for the task I have for you. I need you to deliver this message to my good friend Da’lak’ar the Regent of Si’kar. With his support, we just might turn the tide of the war. I know that this will be a daunting task, but I have faith you will be able to accomplish it. Your loyalty and bravery protecting your flock caught my attention. Will you do this for me?”

“Yes,” she exclaimed, “It would be an honor! But I have one question. Where are the others?” He smiled. Could a mare die from swooning? Dazzling started to blink when she saw black feathers being waved in her face.

“Sorry.” Dazzling blushed.

“No, you are alright. Midnight did say I had that effect on other mares,” He chuckled “to answer your question, the others are here but I prefer to have one on one meetings.”

“Uhh…” Dazzling raised her hoof in confusion.

“Now on to the matter of your wings,” He said as He got up from the couch, blatantly ignoring Dazzling confused look. “It will not do if my messenger cannot fly. How to fix this?” He started to pace back and forth. Back and forth. Back and forth. The back of Dazzling’s eyes started to ache from watching him pace.

“Is that a Greater Beast skin rug?” she asked to make Him stop pacing. Any moment now her head might explode.

“Why yes, yes, it is,” He finally stopped, “Wait I know! I have the perfect spell for this occasion! Dazzling, come here!” She scrambled off the couch, falling face first into floor. Dazzling stood up on her hooves as fast as she could.

“Good now stand over… no, a little to left.” He directed her with His wing, “There, right there. Perfect. Now you might feel slight pain, but it will fine. Now stand still.”

The Firstborn’s horn flared with magic. Dazzling took a step back. She suddenly felt minor pain in her wing stubs. Gradually the pain gotten worse. The pain became so great that black dots started to form in her eyes. Just when Dazzling started to pass out, the pain stopped. Dazzling felt a familiar weight on her shoulders that she never thought she would feel again. Her eyes filled with tears as she turned to find her lost wings. The once disgraced pegasus regained her honor with her wings. She will be able to fly again!

“Thank you!” She cried as she jumped into the Firstborn’s unsuspecting arms. “You have redeemed me in the eyes of my brethren. For that you have my undying loyalty.”

“Oof,” he said as he caught the green pegasus. “It is my pleasure. I would have done this sooner if I had known that your wings were taken. Take care of them, for I will not be taking them back. They are yours for the rest of your life. Now, for the little upgrade I have given your wings. To make your wings I had to give something of value up. I choose half of my speed. That means you will be able to fly faster then sound. And by doing so ,you will be able to create what I like to call sonic rainbooms. They are big rainbow circles in the sky. Now you are fast enough to create them!”



“Thank you so much!”

“It is my pleasure. I believe that Midnight would have loved you.”



“What happened!” Sombra shot out of bed in a flash. I was still freaking out bout the blinking bed fixture. I woke up to find a cute little sleeping fox statue on the headboard. But it wasn’t a statue. It blinked at me. IT BLINKED! Statues are not supposed to blink! So, I did what any respectable creature would do in this situation. I screamed… and scared the living daylights out of an adorably cute sleeping Sombra. What? He’s cute when his fast asleep. Don’t judge me.

“Midnight, what is going on?” Sombra asked, as he grabbed me.

“T-the s-statue b-blinked at m-me!” I stammered as I point at the fox, “It’s haunted!”

“Statue?” Sombra looked confused as he turned toward to the statue. “What… Oh! Pierre, please come down and calm the fears of my mate. Prove to her that you are not a haunted fox statue.”

“Why certainly, my Lord,” said the fox. It jumped down with ease. Its white wings flapped in the air as it made a graceful landing. Big honey-colored eyes stared at me as the fox bowed. Three white tipped maroon tail swayed gracefully as it completed its bow.

“My Lady, it was not my attention to scare you this morn,” a deep sultry voice said. A shiver ran up my spine at the sound of the voice.

“Can you repeat that again?” I sighed. I thought a heard growl, but I must’ve been mistaken. I must hear this beautiful voice again.

“Umm… uh… Ok?” The kinku looked confused. He started to rub his hands together in a nervous manner. “M-my L-Lord, is she in good mental health? I am rather uncertain of the soundness of her mind. For she hath asked of me to repeat my previous statement.”

“I will vouch for the soundness of her mind.” Sombra said as he plucked me from the bed. Then he promptly dropped me on the floor. “Although she is quite capable of bouts of ridiculousness. Of such this is a fine example. Now sit. And stay.” So, I sat. and I stayed.

“I will go on record,” I stated quite professionally. “I am only half as ridiculous as you are unreasonable.”

“I am reasonable!”

“No, you’re not!”

“Yes, I am!”

“No, you ARE NOT!”


“Ah, young love,” the beautiful voice said. “Is it not such a wonderful thing.”

“Say what now?” I looked at the fluff ball in confusion, “What did you say?”

“Nothing,” Sombra said quickly as he grabbed the fluff ball. “Pierre said nothing. Absolutely nothing. Do not listen to him!” Pierre started to squeak. Poor kinku. I will go and save him from Sombra’s death grip. I got up and walked over to Sombra. His eyes narrowed at me. What did I do to deserve this treatment? I grabbed ahold of Sombra’s front leg. I pulled as hard as I could, but he wouldn’t budge.

“Why won’t you budge!” I groaned. I suddenly found myself hanging by his leg. Pierre continued to squeak while I hung precariously over the floor. I cast my eyes towards Sombra. He wore a look of utter resignation.

“Sweet, Harmony,” he sighed. “How did my life end up like this? How is this my life?” He looked up and groaned.

“Um… Sombra?” I asked meekly.

“What?” He groaned.

“Will you put us down?” I pleaded sweetly.



We finally left Canterlot after what felt like hours. Pierre would not stop taking my stuff out of my bag and reorganizing it! Why? On the bright side my bag has forty present more room as of now. And Midnight did not help. She would grab him, then he would squeak in protest. He would squirm out of her arms then run back to my bag then she would grab him. Repeat. And repeat. It stopped when I grabbed Midnight and put her back where she belongs. Pierre, when he was finished, jumped on top of my head and purred. Kinkus apparently purr when happy. Who knew?

“So, Pierre, what grammar rules do you know?” Midnight ask. Oh, no, Midnight, you are going to make him go off on a rant.

“What is it you want to know, my Lord’s Lady?” he ask. I felt him turn his whole body turn completely around, “There are many things I know! Grammar as happens to be one of my favorite topics.”

“I bet,” I grumbled as I tromped over the green pastures. It was quite beautiful. The open fields and fluffy clouds. I could build a nice little cottage out here with Midnight. Our little foul could run wild and enjoy the openness. That was what I am going to do. I am going to have a life out here with Midnight. We will…

“Pardon, my Lord?” Pierre interrupted my thoughts. I started to growl, but stopped myself, for was it no fault of Pierre’s for my bad mood. He just talked at an inappropriate time.

“It was nothing, Pierre,” I grumbled. I have no idea why Midnight like his voice so much.

“Oh, well, where to begin,” Pierre started, “I know the perfect topic. Let us talk about your excessive use of contractions. Contractions are commonly used in layponies’ conversations to hurry the dialog along when time is of the essence. Contractions largely serve their purpose best when the speaker and listener, or listeners, have prior understanding of each other’s lexicon, idiolect, and syntax. Only when there is unspoken knowledge of another’s use of language will the use of contractions be tolerated. Further more…”

He went on for hours! I nearly fell asleep a few times, I think. I do not remember. Well at least his voice was very soothing. His voice lolled me into a sence of tranquility. I began to relax. This reminded me of time few years before this world was created. When Void tolerated me at best. They would sit me down and teach me the wonders of stars. Pierre’s voice reminds me of Void’s voice when they are calm. When I was still under Void tutelage, I would do things to frustrate them so I could hear their high pitched fast voice. I got a kick out of it. I believe that was one the reasons why Void detest me.

“Sombra?” Midnight whined.

“What?” My tranquil moment ruined.

“Did we invite more creatures to join us from Canterlot?” She asked with concern laced in her voice.

“No,” I answered. “Do not be absurd. You and Pierre are my only companions. If I receive any more Void would win.”

“Win what?”


“What?!” Midnight squeaked.

“What do you mean ‘did we invite more creatures to join us from Canterlot’?” I asked as I turned my head towards her ignoring her question. I noticed two silhouettes walking in our general direction. I focused in on the silhouettes while keeping our destination in my periphery. Celdestria and Luna came into focus. I skidded to a halt, throwing poor Pierre off my head. I turned to face them as I heard angry squeaking in the background.

“Oh, Pierre!” Midnight cried. Somehow, she jumped off my back and ran to Pierre. Great now I have two problems. How am I going to get my wayward mate back were she belongs and deal with these infernal alicorns? Did I mention I hate alicorns?

“Midnight, get back here! Right now!” I yelled as I stomped my hoof.

“NO! You hurt Pierre!” She shouted back. “I’m makin’ sure that he’s ok!” She turned attention away from me and back to the now grumbling Kinku. “Now, Pierre, tell me where it hurts.”

“My Lord’s Lady, hearing you speak those Discord forsaken contractions is inflicting a far greater pain upon me than the fall itself.” Pierre replied, “Did you not listen to my lecture on the proper usage of contraction? Need I repeat myself? I will go over my fifty points again. Well, My Lord’s Lady?”

“To tell you the truth,” Midnight admitted. “I only asked to hear you speak. Sorry.”

“My voice?” he asked in bewilderment, “Why my voice when my Lord’s voice is more soothing than my own?” I chuckled at this. What a wingman! Where was he three months ago?

“I beg to differ… most of the time,” Midnight said. “He complains about the dishes. Complaints aren’t soothing.”

“Well, who’s fault is that?” I asked.

“No one’s. Complaint just are not soothing. Just saying,” she shrugged.

“Thank you,” Pierre purred at the proper usage of grammar.

“As Sombra would say my pleasure,” she said with a bow.

“Children,” I groaned. Why do I love her? Why? Oh, right… She turns my grey world into color.

“What do mean children, old man?” She taunted.

“Ah young lo—”

“Shut up!”

“Sombra! Not again!”


Sombra held Pierre tight with his mouth covered. Didn’t we do this before today?

“Sombra!” I yelled in my motherly voice, “Put him down right this instant.”

“You are not my mom!” He yelled. “So, stop acting like it! And I will put him down as soon as I want to!” I started to hear Pierre squeak. This situation was so shaping up to be like this morning.

“I will stop acting like this when you stop acting like a child!” I countered. Pierre’s squeaks became louder.

“I do not act like a child!” He bellowed, a look of indignation crossed his face, “How dare you accuse me of that!”

“Well if the shoe fits!” I threw back at him.

“Why I never!” He said with his hoof crossed his chest.

“Please let me down, my Lord,” Pierre pleaded. “I very much do not like being held or touched or petted for that matter. It is quite undignified.” He started to squirm out of Sombra’s embrace. So, I decided to distract him so Pierre can make his grand escape.

“You should listen to him, Sombra,” I said as a strange scent entered my nose. A smell of blackberries and licorice permeated the air. “It would make me very happy.” I don’t know why I said that, but when I did, I felt and saw a faint purple-black smoke come out of my mouth. It was as if somepony had taken over my vocal cords and made me say it. My whole body started to move on its own. My body moved in a way desperate creatures I saw moved on the corners of the red flame district of Harmonia. I don’t like this. Sombra gave me a look of sheer confusion, Pierre forgotten.

“Are you alright, Midnight?” He asked concern lacing his voice. “You are acting weird.”

“I am perfectly fine,” I purred as I shook my head no. “There is no need to worry.” My hips were swaying, and my hooves were moving in weirdly sensual steps. I let my fear show in my eyes as I neared Sombra. I snapped out of it when I felt a sharp pain in my hind leg.

“Ow! What was that for?!” I screeched as I turn to find Pierre. He just looked at me with those big auburn eyes of his. One of his ears flopped to the side as he tilted his head to the side.

“You were not comporting yourself as per your usual behaviors, My Lord’s Lady,” Pierre answered, “but let us continue this conversation about how you are not comporting yourself on daily basis in a manner befitting my Lord’s Lady.”

“By Sombra’s mane, what do you mean by that?” I asked. I tilted my head. Frustration and embarrassment of what I did still coursed through my body like a tidal wave. My body shook like a leaf in the harvest seasons.

“Now is not the time for etiquette lessons, Pierre,” Sombra snapped. “Midnight, did you smell anything unusual?” His eyes flashed with concern as he looked me in the eyes. I racked my brain for anything unusual.

“Blackberries and licorice,” I whispered.

“What about blackberries and licorice?” a lyrical voice asked causing me to jump. I turned to face the owner of voice. My face split into a grin as I spotted Luna. I squealed and clapped my hooves in delight. I ran towards her as Sombra gave a shout. I tackled her with laughter. Her laughter sounded like the Nightingales that once grace Harmonia. I always stayed up as a filly, listening to them sing to the moon. Ever since I first heard Luna laugh, I made sure to find every reason to make her laugh. I noticed that there where feathers underneath her. I pulled a feather with my magic.

“Ow! That hurts, Midnight.” Luna exclaimed. I scrambled off her, apologizing profusely. Luna rose to her hooves with such grace; compared to my bumble self was so unfair. She nimbly extended her wings and gave a great big flap. Wait… WINGS?!

“Well, that was adventurous,” Luna said with a laugh, “Midnight, are you alright?” I shut my mouth a when I noticed it was hanging opened.

“You have wings!?” I shouted in surprised. Devastation started to sink its claws into my skin as I looked upon her in a new light. “Since when?”

“Since as long as I remember,” she answered simply. “Did you not notice I was an alicorn three nights ago? You were wee bit distracted by night market. I hope this does not impede our friendship. For I truly treasure it.” She looked at me with puppy-dog eyes and a pouty lip. Well I can’t say no to that face.

“Well, you are right about me being distracted that night,” I laughed. “In truth, I’ve had really bad experiences with alicorns. Mainly them trying to kill me. Hehe. But you and Sombra have proven that there are exceptions to this rule. Now, can you tell me what’s up with those two?” I said as I watched Sombra and Luna’s sister bickering about something.

“I really do not know,” Luna said as she turned towards the bickering alicorns. “Celestia has it set in her mind that Sombra was and always will be lazy. So she is probably trying to convince him to, in her word, ‘get off his pompous ass and do something about the state of Harmonia’ or something to that affect.”

“Wait a cotton-pickin’ minute,” I said. “Sombra is not and never has been lazy. He is the hardest working and the most caring individual I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. He is just on vacation at the moment. Though in my opinion fifty years is a bit excessive. But you try working for three hundred years without pay or gratitude. Ya know what! I’m gonna to go give her a piece of my mind.” I stomped off towards the squabbling alicorns.

“Ouch!” I felt stinging burn on my back. I turned my head to see what hit me. I saw a bright spot on my back. It start to blister. A blood red drop of liquid fell on me. Shouting in alarm, I jumped in surprise. I looked up to the sky to find angry swirling black clouds that had not been there two minutes ago. Blood red drops sprinkled here and there. The once green grass started to catch fire were ever the drops land.



“The ground is on fire!”


“THE GROUND IS ON FIRE! AND IT’S THE SKY’S FAULT!” I yelled as I ran towards him. His eyes widen as he looked up to the sky. He whipped his head towards the south.

“Void,” he said in horror. His horn flared up with magic and suddenly I no longer felt the burning rain. Sombra turned to me as I felt a small weight settling on my back, causing my burns to scream. I hissed in pain at the sudden pressure. But Sombra didn’t notice the sound as he was yelling at me to do something. I didn’t hear him over the roar of the rain. His horn flared up again. And then I heard him say…
