• Published 23rd Apr 2020
  • 6,869 Views, 334 Comments

Sombra's Midnight Star - Twilighted Rose

For three thousand years he waited, mourning the loss of his mate. But now he found her but she doesn't remember what they had. Luckily Sombra has a spell to fix it.

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You will be Okay

My hooves clacked against stone floor as I once again entered the cave. Every night since I’ve begun this journey, I’ve been having the same blasted dream. I go into a cave, hear a foul sing, feel excruciating pain along my body, wake up extremely sad, and forget about all about it. It’s a very vicious cycle. I hide my pain because I don’t want Sombra to freak out. He already has a lot on his chest. No, need to add more. I’m just so tired of this dream. It hurts. Emotionally and physically hurts me. I just want it to stop. Please just make it stop!

Wait! What’s this? The floor changed! It’s no longer stone! Am I…? walking on stars? No, that can’t be it. I know that this was a dream and all, but this was ridiculous. The whole place looked like the night sky. Millions of stars swirling around in a dance to a song they could only hear.

“Mam!” A tiny voice in the distance cried. My hooves took me towards the voice. Not again! “Mam! Look what I have found! ‘Tis not pretty?!”

“Be careful, my boy, or ye might break it. ‘Tis very fragile.” A gentle motherly voice echoed across the starry landscape. The voice sounded vaguely familiar. “For if it was to brake, then it cannot be fixed.”

“Why is it so, mam?” The little voice asked.

“Your Nain a taid willed it so.”

“Why does Nain a taid ignore me?” The little voice asked in sorrow. My heart aches for this little voice. “Why do they never acknowledge my existence? Am I invisible to them?”

“My dear Sombra,” Wait, Sombra? “The First Being sees ye as my act of disobedience and believes if they ignore thee then ye will go away. But thou shan’t go. I will not allow it. Thou art mine and my sole reason to exist. I love you, fy ngwas i.”

“Love you too, mam.”

“‘Tis time to sleep, fy ngwas i. Come here.”

“Will you sing for me?”

“Yes, my little one,
‘It always seems more quiet in the dark
It always feels so stark
How silence grows under the moon
Constellations gone so soon’”

I stopped in my tracks. The voice was heavenly. Each note sung made the cells in my body dance with joy. I had to hear more! I must find the pony who is singing! I started to run.

‘I used to think that I was bold
Who knew that love could be fun
Now all my stories have been told except for one’

My hooves pounded on the stars as I ran towards the voice. My soul was crying out to see the owner. I just had to find them! Just had too.

‘As the stars start to align
I hope you take it as a sign
That you'll be okay
Everything will be okay’

I skidded to a stop in amazement. In front of me was a cloud of glittery star in a vague shape of six-winged alicorn. Purple, blue, orange, pink, yellow, and white slowly swirled to the sound of their voice. In between the cloud alicorn’s leg was a small red and black alicorn. He was so adorable! His wings were bigger than his body. So cute.

“Do you like what you see?” A gentle-motherly voice asked, causing me to jump and squeal a little bit. I turned around to find Harmony giggling into her into her wing.

“I must apologize, my dear,” she giggled, “but I saw an opportunity and took it.”

“Huh? What? H-how are you even here?” I was so confused. “How are you in my dreams?”

“Easy, my little bright eyed Ethereal, I casted the Dreamwalker spell!” She gleefully clapped her hooves together while flashing me a smile that was brighter than the sun. “Though you are not really mine anymore now that you are an Ethereal. But I do not care! Void can eat their own tail! You hear that, ye old Cat, I still claim her!”

“Say what now?”

“Oh, Sombra did not teach you this spell?” Harmony frowned. “I am disappointed with that boy. He should be teaching you these types of spells. Shame on him. I am going to have some choice words with that boy.”

“He was kinda busy. So don’t get mad at him!” I said coming to his defense. “He did teach me a lot of spells!”

“Busy you say? Humph!” She snorted. “That is no excuse for neglecting one’s mate! He should not be too busy to stop teaching his student magic! He is so getting the spray bottle! Oh! And he is so grounded! Busy! Hah! He is so going to get it!”

“Wait! Wait a minute! I thought that he was an adult! And wasn’t his fault!”

“Three hundred and fifty years is still a child to me!” She stomped her hoof.

“Then I must be a babe still.” I grumbled. Harmony just tilled her head to the side, giving me a completive look.

“I will admit that I might be a little bit delusional,” she said, “thinking that Sombra is still a child. So instead of grounding him, I will instead give him an earful!”

“Oh, boy.”

“But enough of that!” Harmony said, clapping her hooves together and jumped to her hooves. “Do you want to see more of little Sombra?”

“Uuhh… Sure?” I am so confused right now. What just happened? Am I still dreaming or…?

“Yes, Midnight, darling, we are still in your dream.” Harmony waved her hoof in dismissal. “Keep up with me. We already established that fact. You are making the poor author write a lot of words! Now on to baby Sombra!” With that she wrapped her wing around my shoulder and started walking to unknown destination.


“Oh, look Sombra taking his first steps!” She squealed, pulling me towards a still picture. There right in front of me was little red and black cult babbling towards a smiling cloud of stars. He tripped a few times over his oversized wings. After a few trips baby Sombra tumbled into the outstretched arms of Harmony, giggling all the way.

“Aww, he’s adorable!” I squealed as a looked at the big ruby eyes of the giggling cult. “I want just want to squeeze him!”

“I am glad to hear that.” She smiled. “You have a question. I can see it. So, ask away, my Dear.”

“Why are you showing me this?”

“Simple! I wanted to give you a break from dreaming about my parent and your dying filly.” She said with a little dance. “You are close enough for me to be able to jump into your dream. I used to be able to jump into anyone’s dreams at a thought, but I created to many alicorns. Ah well.”

I shook my head, chuckling as I watched the goddess prance around the star scape. She kept changing the scenes. Going from Sombra taking his first steps to him chomping on The Cat’s tail. I laughed as I watched Sombra refusing to let go. The Cat kept swinging their tail trying their best to dislodge the tiny alicorn.

“Ah, yes, one of my favorite memories.” Harmony said wistfully. “Discord made a bet with Sombra to see how long the little tike could stay on Void’s tail. It was three minutes. And boy Void was mad! First time too.”

“So, The Cat doesn’t feel emotions, do they?”

“Only the extreme. But normally no, they do not. Anyway, on to the next memory.” And she was off. I swear that Sombra was the only sane one in this group. I galloped towards the skipping goddess.

“Is this what the Godly realm looks like?” I asked with a huff. I finally caught up with her. I fell to the ground? - stirring up the swirling stars. How can one become tired in a dream?

“Yes and no,” She answered, “this is the Dream scape and an echo of the Godly realm. Like I said before, I brought you here to give you a beautiful dream and to request something of you.” Her face sobered as she looked into the distance, the lights of the stars dance across her hide. A shimmering tear streaked across her fur.

“What is your request?”

“My request is this, Midnight, I want you take care of Sombra for me.”

“Take care of Sombra?” I was so confused. How can little old me take care of the Great First Born? I’m just a worthless unicorn.

“No, no, stop that.” She snapped causing me to jump. “You are not worthless. You are not a burden. And you are most definitely not a waste of space. You know what you are, Midnight? You are my beautiful creation. You are smart and tenacious. You are imaginative. And you are more then capable to take of my dorky son.” Tears filled my eyes. The creator thinks that I’m not worthless.

“But why?”

“Because I believe in you.” She smiled. “And I am about to leave the mortal plain. Sombra does not want that, and he will do anything to keep that from happening. Even going so far as making a deal with Void to stop it. Him going on this quest of Void’s just delays the inevitable. It is utterly ridiculous, I tell you! Ridiculous! Honestly, Void is being absolutely petty. Sending my son on a fruitless mission, not allowing him to talk about it. When the next time I see Void, I am going to give them an earful and they are not getting away! Anyhow I really, really need you to take care of Sombra when I am gone. Can you do that for me?”

“I-I think s-so.” I stammered. This was a lot to take in. Sombra having a deal with the Cat and going on a fruitless mission. I guess it would be wise to take of him. I mean he sorta tolerated me for the few months. I guess that I am wanted.

“Yeah!” Harmony clapped. “This makes me so happy! I feel so relieved that Sombra has somepony that genuinely cares for him take care of him in my stead. Thank you, Midnight!”

“Y-your w-welcome, Harmony,” I stammered. I shuffled my hooves back and forth feeling awkward.

“Well since that is done, it is time for you to wake up.” She smiled as she clapped her hooves together. “ And I know that dreams are fickle things, I will remind you when the next time we see each other! Ok? Ok! Let us get this show on the road!”

She spread her six wings as her body turned from a dull tarnished silver to a polished silver that shone the stars around us. With a shout she raised her voice and sang,

“And when creation goes to die
You can find me in the sky
Upon the last day
And you will be okay.”

When she sang the last note a bright white light flashed in my eyes. Blinding me for a moment. I blinked my eyes trying to dispel the dancing dots in my vision. I noticed that I wasn’t in the forest anymore and was inside of a cave. Again. Ugg… And what the heck is that smell!

Author's Note:

Poor Midnight can't catch a break with the dreams, can she? Ah, well. I plan on posting the edited version of this chapter as soon as I can but I need to post. So here we are. Hoped that you enjoyed this chapter. Sorry for any grammar mistakes. I wasn't very good in English class. Hehe.