• Published 23rd Apr 2020
  • 6,864 Views, 334 Comments

Sombra's Midnight Star - Twilighted Rose

For three thousand years he waited, mourning the loss of his mate. But now he found her but she doesn't remember what they had. Luckily Sombra has a spell to fix it.

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Locked In

Author's Note:

I am so sorry for making y'all wait for this chapter. I had horrible writer's block and work got in the wat but I have finished it. FINALLY!!! So without further ado enjoy.


Water sloshed on the crystalline floor as Pumpkin lugged the dirty mop water towards the outdoors. She groaned at the mess that she had made. It took her hours to mop the floors of the Haven and now she made a mess just as she was about to finish. Leelee was not going to be happy about her being late. The Kinku, who became her adoptive mother when Pumpkin came to the Haven five years ago, was a stickler for being on time. She was also a sticker about proper grammar and speech patterns. It certainly made for some interesting conversations.

“By the three gods assholes, dis is ridiculous!” She screeched as she stomped her hoof in agitation. Plants started to sprout around her hoof. She had to get a handle on this new ability or else she’s going to have an unwanted garden on her hooves. She found out that earthponies do have magic. They were just being repressed by the Alicorn Regime. Hehe, she knows fancy words now.

“It is ‘By the gods’ assholes, this is ridiculous’, Miss Pumpkin,” a stern motherly voice gently chastised Pumpkin, “if you are going to use profanity use it correctly, my sweet child.” Pumpkin smiled as she watched a six tail royal blue Kinku glide towards her. Pink flashed under the blue in a hypnotic dance with every step she took.

“Mama Leelee!” Pumpkin squealed in excitement, dropping the mop water as she ran towards the beautiful Kinku. Leelee lifted the grown brown pony with ease and spined her with glee. Laughter filled the crystalline hall as the duo spined.

An onyx and ruby being smiled down at joyous sight. Although he was a little miffed at the mess that laid in front of his doorway. He walked towards the mother and daughter. He felt the love and joy radiating from this little family in front of him. This was why he worked, sweat and tears to keep the Haven safe. Safe from the scourge of the alicorns and their despicable leader. The family separated and the daughter saw him. She squealed and ran towards him.

“Sombra! You’re here!” She said as she tackled him with a hug. He smiled as he hugged her back.

“Yes, I am here.” He said, chuckling. “Where else would I be? This is the only safe place outside of the barrier within thousands of miles.”

“I thought that you had left for Amser with a message for the Regent there?” She chirped, dancing around him. Flowers bloomed where her excited steps once were.

“No, I have sent a messenger in my stead.” He said, tilting to the side. “Though I do not remember telling you this. How in Harmony’s good name did you hear about that?”

Pumpkin had the decency to look ashamed. She shuffled back and forth, refusing to look him in the eye. Sombra’s eyes narrowed.

“Ok, ok, I’ved over‘eard from ‘ne of Leelee’s conversations and… and I gotten excited… and… and….” Pumpkin squirmed under the judgmental gaze of Sombra. His lips were pursed in displeasure.

“You know that it is consider rude to eavesdrop on other creator’s conversations?” Sombra gentle chastise. “I will allow it to slide this just this once. Do you understand?” She nodded mutely as she staired at the ground. Sombra did not like that one bit. He slowly approached the distraught pony.

“Pumpkin, will you look me in the eye?” He asked as he tenderly lifted her head. Her green eyes were a wash with tears. A pang of regret shot through his heart at the sight. “Y-you a-are not in trouble o-or anything like that!!” Sombra stammered. “I j-just wanted you to k-know not to eavesdrop again! P-please s-stop crying!”

Pumpkin started to giggle. Sombra sighed with relief. Crisis adverted. Well mostly. He now has a angry Kinku glaring at him. What did he do now?

“Sire, no one is going to take you seriously if you keep on caving to the female tears.” Leelee admonished. “It is not a good sign of a leader who squirms…” Her words faded into white noise as he saw two cat walk out of the wall. Their aquamarine eyes glinted in the fading afternoon light. The white cat lifted a claw to its mouth as a smile grew on it black spotted face. A resounding boom sounded across the Haven as screams rang out. Sombra turned towards the sound and watched with horror as crystalline towers formed out the ground. Alicorns of many different colors raced out of the monoliths. They went on a war path, obliterating everything they set their eyes upon.

“Leelee, get Pumpkin to a saf…” He shouted but watched in horror as a periwinkle crystalline tower pierce through Pumpkin’s stomach, taring her in half. Her top half land in front of Sombra. Blood slashed onto Sombra’s face as he watch her try to reach for him. He ran towards her, reading his magic to save her. He will not lose another close friend. He will not! The white spotted cat stepped into his path.

“Get out of my way, reaper,” He growled, “or I will use force to remove you.”

‘First Ethereal, it is time for her rest. You will not interfere. Go save those who you can. Leave the dead to rest. If you are so inclined to interfere, I will have no choice to cut you down.’ The reaper growled as a silver rapier appeared in its paw. The reaper pointed it at Sombra with a twitch of its lips. ‘And what would happen to those who are meant to survive? Will you take responsibility for their deaths? If so then go ahead. Let us fight! We know who will be the victor here. Ah, wise decision, First Ethereal. You will not regret this. With a smile the spotted reaper lowered it weapon. Go be the hero you were meant to be and leave the soul work to us.

Sombra growled at the apparent disrespect. But he could not do anything about it now. He must go save the rest of the Haven. He cannot get distracted. Sombra turned around and was about to take flight but stopped when he heard. ‘None of this if he protected our Ethereal better. And he had the audacity to loved her? But he let her die? The ner…’

Sombra attacked.


Clop, clop, grumble.

Clop, clop, grumble.

It has been three days of this noise.

Clop, clop, grumble.

Clop, clop, grumble.

He’s been doing this for three days.

Clop, clop, grumble.

Clop, clop, grumble.

It would have been a peaceful three days if he had just stopped with the pacing! My ears are twitching with every clop, clop, cloppity, clop… AAHHH!

“Oh, Great and Powerful One,” I seethed as I slammed my book shut, “would you so kindly stop with the pacing?” It seemed that my words fell on deaf ears, for the pacing and grumbling continued. I sighed as I got off the comfy couch. It was such a comfy place to sit. Whenever I sat in it, the couch seemed to embrace me in a warm, soft hug, inviting me to stay in its arms for eternity by reading and relaxing. So one could imagine my disappointment as I rose up from this fantasy to confront the Great Pacer. If I were to return to my glorious time on the couch then I must make him stop.

“SOMBRA!” I yelled, jumping in front of him. He stopped and looked up at me. His whole body started to vibrate and ripple. His ears twitched. Fear clouded his eyes as he stared past my head. I know this look. I have seen it on everypony’s faces in Harmonia. I get that look when I smell blood. He’s locked in the past. I moved out of his way and he resumed his pacing. On his second journey I joined him. On every pass of the couch I gently nudged him towards it till finally it impeded his path.

He looked up and blinked, noticing the couch in his way. The clouds in his eyes slightly parted as he stared at it. He blinked again and the cloud rushed back to their place. He then turned abruptly to the right. He took a step to resume, but I jumped in front of him.

“Sombra,” I said as I gently placed my hoof on his shoulder, “ why don’t we sit down for a bit, hmmm? Doesn’t that sound nice? Here the couch is right here. Why don’t you have a set?” I joined him and started to rub his back. He stared into the fire with hollow eyes.

“Do you want to talk about it?”

“Not really.” His voice cracked. The husky sound rumbled from the disuse. “It is not something I like to discuss.” He shook his head and started to rise. I placed my hoof on his shoulder to stop him.

“Please tell me.” I pleaded. “I want to know.”

Sombra sighed and sat back down. He cleared his throat a few times, stalling. I kept quiet because I knew that it would be hard for him. I mean I went through the same thing before. I kept rubbing his back, giving him my silent support. We sat in silence for what seemed like hours. His eyes continued to glaze over more and more as the time went on. I nodded off and on while using him as a pillow.

“I was barely past my first quarter century when it happened,” His voice pierced the silence, waking me up with a start. “Some of my companions wanted to go to a place called The Twilighted Falls with me but were too impatient. They left without me while I dealt with one of Void’s whims. They were gone a few days when they should have been back in back in a day. So I set out to look for them. I was a young foolish thing, thinking that nothing can harm me and that I was unstoppable. Oh, how wrong I was. I later learned that I can be harmed, badly, but I cannot be killed. I looked at the land around The Twilighted Falls but they were not there. Not in the villages. Nor in the forests, camping. So I went into the cave that housed the Falls.” He took a shaky breath. “But all I found was blood, bone and a bull. A fat, satisfied black and purple bull picking its teeth with a rib bone. Scattered around it was the pelt of my lost companions. Laid as if the bull was using them as a bed. The purple light from the Fall cast the scene in an eerie light. His red eyes gleamed with malice as he watched my entrance into his temporary domain. I remember demanding him tell me what he had done and who he was. He said, ‘I am the feeling when you are provoked. I am the feeling of wanting things now. I am Impatient incarnate. I am Taurus!’”

‘I remember the ground shaking with every word spoken. I remember falling to my knees before him. And I remember wanting the bull dead now, not later. Before Taurus finished saying his name I cast my first attack spell. My aim was true and I hit his face. I was rewarded for my effort with horror and blood for the five years…” he trailed off and shuddered. He started mumbling about fangs, a splitting mouth and a cave in. His wings twitched. I leaned on him, giving him some moral support. It seemed it did not work. I had try something that I always wished somepony do for me.

“Did you know that butter makes your cookies hard and shortening makes them soft?” I blurted out randomly. Sombra blinked. It worked!

“But you were terrible at cooking.” He stated as fact. Rude. I looked up at him and glared. “What? It’s true. You are terrible at cooking.”

“Well you did not have to state the obvious.” I grumbled. “Besides, I am great at baking!”

“Since when.”

“Since always! You just don’t have a sophisticated palette enough to appreciate my culinary mastery!” I said triumphantly. He just rolled his eyes. How rude!

“Sure, sure, says the unicorn who would eat burned noodles with red sauce.” He shot back. Before I could formulate a retort my stomach made itself known, growling its protest to the world. Sombra chuckled at my reddening cheeks. “Somepony is hungry.”

“Says the pony that hadn’t eaten anything for three days!” I snapped, not happy about being called out. I get angry when I’m hungry. Sombra calls it my hangry mood.

“Well I can and have gone without food for years before.” He shrugged, ignoring my outburst. Knowing what it was. Nothing. “It’s not a big deal for me. But you, fy seren fach, need to eat or else you can and will bite my head off.” He chuckled as he got off the couch and walked over to the doors. He tapped it three times. In a cloud of silver glitter a covered tray appeared in front of him. He picked it up and brought it over to the table.

“So the story?” I asked as he placed the tray down. He shook his head and sat down.

“Let me eat my sandwich, fy seren fac,” he chuckled, “I’m hungry and so are you. Eat.”

“Fine but I want a story to go with my food.” I grumbled around my sandwich. His ear twitch as he fought a reluctant smile. With a sigh, he leaned on me, resting his head on mine. I got crumbs on my face but I was happy. It was the kind of peace that I love. It seemed that I could only achieve this with him. Huh…

“I love this.” Oops did I say that out loud?! Uhh… Sombra chuckled. With his wing he pulled me closer. He started to purr, turning my bones to jelly.

“So do I.” He said as his warm breath washed over my head. “But I still hear the gears grinding in your head. You are still curious on why I can’t stand being locked in. Since I know that you will not stop pestering me until I finish. Harmony knows how you get with an unfinished story.”


“What?! It’s true! Now where was I?”

“You shot first and teeth and claws for five years.” I answered with a nod.

“Ah, yes, that,” He grumbled. He pulled me closer, caging me with his arms. “For five years I was eaten, torn apart, and had my bones used as tooth picks to pick my meat out Tauris’s teeth. Now you know that I am a prideful being and rightfully so. Before this incident, I was also impatient. Did not even know the definition of the word patient. If I wanted it, I got it. But with Tauris, I had to learn it and fast. Too bad I’m stubborn. I attacked It every chance I got. Impatient to get out but to stubborn to realize my problem. It was a vicious cycle, but after braking my leg and managing to hide I came up with a plan. I would wait Tauris out. I would be patient and wait for him to leave. Unbeknownst to me this would be Tauris’s down fall. I became in that moment what he was not. The moment I decided to be patient, Tauris began to scream. The ground began to shake as a funnel of white light form towards my heart. Words flung from my mouth that I never knew. As I spoke bits and pieces of the bull flew at me at brake neck speeds. I tried to get away but it kept following me. When the fist bloody piece hit me it turned into silver metal that clung to me like a second skin. The metal burned me as it formed, creating an armor that at the time I could not get off. The burning stopped when Tauris last screams sounded, and was heard was the sound of the Falls. I collapsed in exhaustion. I stayed that way for a long time. Day even, but I couldn’t tell. I started to move when the wall started to close in. I tried to find an exit with no avail. In my panic state I had the bright idea to dig myself out, totally forgetting that I could teleport out. In hindsight, I could have avoided the whole ordeal if I teleported out. So I dug and dug and dug until I found the sun. And that day forward I vowed to always have an exit.”

“But right now you don’t, do you?” I asked as I rubbed his arm.

“No, I do not.”

“It is my fault that you are lock in here.” I said sullenly, snuggling further into his embrace. Maybe if I wasn’t here he…

“No, fy un bac I,” His deep voice interrupted my thoughts, “it is not your fault. I have question for you.”

“Hmm…? You do?” I said looking up at him. The corner of his lips lifted in a half smile. Then he snuggled his forehead against mine. I heard him say cute under his breath with a chuckle. “Umm… the question?”

“Do you know what soulmates are?”

“Soul- what – now?”

“Well that answers my question,” He said with a chuckle. “Soulmates are two halves of a whole.” He scratched the back of his head. With a grimace he added, “ Umm.. Harmony made it, actually …um… asked for it to be made that way? That’s right! It’s because she’s a romantic at heart and decided that it would make sense if creatures would have half of their true soul until they found their other half.”

“And this pertains to me how?” I asked. That concept sounded absolutely ridiculous. Half a soul. Hah! The Cat would have told about that right? Right?

“It pertains to you because we’re soulmates!” Sombra said. “S-o-u-l-m-a-t-e-s! You and me! You and I! The other half of my soul is you! There I spelled it out for you! Harmony knows.. wait scratch that Harmony is too flighty the past few months to re… anyways not important! Void knows how many hints I threw at you!” He groaned, throwing up his arms. “I swear that you’re sometimes denser then a rock sometimes. I’ve been giving you hints for months now!”

“Months?!” I squeaked.

“Yes, months.” He said, “What do think fy un bac I means? It means ‘my little one’. Mine! Because I don’t share!” The he pulled me close and buried his head into my neck. Grumbling and huffing the whole time.

“R-really?” I stammered. “Y-you are not m-messing with me, are you?”

He placed his head on my shoulder with a huff, “Now why would I go and do something like that, hmm? Do you take me for a playboy? Some creature that goes around and plays with feeling?” In the corner of my eye I saw one of his eyebrows lift and a mischievous grin form.

“If that’s true th-th-then…” I stuttered. I nervously tapped my hooves together. Sombra gently pulled them apart and wrapped them around my middle, effectively trapping my arms under his.

“Then what?” He prompted. “Breathe and then answer. I’m not going anywhere, so breathe. Inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale. Good now finish your sentence.”

“Then what about Anteras?”

“What about that narcissistic- can’t- take- a- hint- know-it-all?” He asked. “What does she have to with you being my mate?”

My eyes drilled holes into his arms in hopes of burning a hole to escape. Instead of that happening he tightened his grip and bite my ear.

“Ouch!” I screeched while rubbing my ear, “What was that for? That hurt!”

“I felt you drilling a hole into my arms and plus you didn’t answer my question,” Sombra huffed, “so answer it!”

“Alright, alright! I will answer! I will answer!” I giggled as he obsessively started to poke me. “Just stop poking me, please!” He continued for a few more minutes until I ran-out of breath. His chuckles as pulled me closer.

“Isn’t she your mate?” I whispered very quietly. I closed my eyes shut, not really wanting to hear the answer.

“No,” Sombra rumbled, “just no. That is beyond disgusting. Why would my little sister be my mate. Now I’m into a lot of thing but incest is not one of them. Now where did you hear something like?”

“She told me…” I whisper but was caught off when I heard a growl, “Sombra, wha…”

Sombra flipped around to face him. His red eyes burned with passion and with out warning grabbed the back of my head and kissed me.