• Published 23rd Apr 2020
  • 6,863 Views, 334 Comments

Sombra's Midnight Star - Twilighted Rose

For three thousand years he waited, mourning the loss of his mate. But now he found her but she doesn't remember what they had. Luckily Sombra has a spell to fix it.

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The Void Creature's Attack


Dazzling zoomed east with the message buried deep in her bag. The roar of air rang in her ears as she flew. She tried to fly faster as two raging Alicorns that had been tailing her for last fifty heartbeats. Dazzling could make out the colors of the Alicorns. In her opinion, they were the ugliest Alicorns she had ever seen. Dazzling did a loop-da-loop to get better glimpse at her would-be attackers.

She snickered at the sight of them as she looked at them from behind. The one on the left looked like a unicorn’s coat change gone wrong. The front of this Alicorn, along with its wings, was burnt orange with red polka dots, making them look like every fashion designer’s nightmare come true. Their hindquarters look like they decided to wear pistachio green plaid pants. Now the one on the right’s coat was mustard brown pinstripes and filly barf green paisley mixing together. Their manes were absolutely horribly terrific. Their manes looked like it was hacked off by a filly with shears. Unfortunately, her snickers alerted the fashion disasters to her location. Their growls permeated the air as their mauve and magenta eyes lock on to her. They did a three-sixty and zoomed towards her.

“Eek!” she said as she did a nosedive, barely missing a polka dotted wing. She heard a boom and in the corner of her eye she saw a band of green trailing behind her. Dazzling knew that she had hit max speed; the Firstborn told her that this would happen. She smiled at thought of losing them. Surely, they would not be able to catch her at this speed. For what seemed to be hours, Dazzling decided looked behind her to make sure that she lost them. Shock coursed through her veins at the sight of the two Alicorns still trailing her. But she stayed on course.

“’Fly East and cross Si’karlian Sea,’” she said under her breath to remind herself the instructions that was given to her. “When the sun touches the horizon, the land of Si’kar will rise from the red waters. There you will find the city Amser. Find the tallest tower there and there you will find the Alicorn of Time, Da’lak’ar. Bring him the… Ouch. What was that?”

She turned her head to where the pain emanated from. Dazzling found that her right leg was bubbling like a boiling pot. She saw yellow and red liquids flowing behind her from the wound. A pink light flashed into the corner of her eyes.


Dazzling screamed as she dropped from sky. Tears streamed from her eyes as she plummeted towards the strange ruby waters. Just before she hit the stormy waves, Dazzling spread her wings and caught herself. Another boom sounded as she took off. Dazzling heard the frustrated screams of the pursuing Alicorns. Off in the distance, she saw a peak of a blue tower. She was almost there. She faltered in her flight as she felt invisible claws dig into her side and drag down her flesh. Black dots filled her vision as she passed the first large, narrow boat.

Red ships as far as she could see were heading toward a white port. Strange blue birds flew between white sails. Dazzling felt the stares of the inhabitants as she weaved through the ships. She passed over an enormous and opulent gate guarding a city of light. A city so bright that Dazzling was nearly blinded. She squinted her eyes to find the tall blue tower. Shouts of alarm sounded across the light city as she flew across. In the corner of her eye, she saw the pegasus guard being shot down by pink and mauve magic.

“There,” she whimpered when she spotted the tower on her left. She changed her trajectory and aimed for the blue and white tower with a stained-glass ceiling. She notice a blue Alicorn coming out of the tower on to one of the four balconies. This Alicorn matched the description that the Firstborn gave her. She shot towards them. Magic hit her, breaking her spine with a crack. The blow threw her into the balcony with a resounding boom. The last thing Dazzling saw was blue hooves running towards her before her world went black. But right before her body went numb, she felt soft paws lifting her up and cradling her to soft chest.

“Rest now, little one,” a gentle cat-like voice purred, “Your journey at this time is over. Now to prepare you for the next one.”


Celdestria. Why did she come? She better not try and steal my Midnight, or we going to have words.

“Firstborn, I need to have a word with you,” Celdestria said as she tromped over the green grass. “Are you still holding on to your slave? Why do you not release her so can she be free from your miserable presence?” Anger flashed deep within her as she smiled cheerfully. She tilted her head in question while she awaited a response. I narrowed my eyes at this blatant act of defiance. I never ran across an alicorn who had the nerve to do something like this. I find this most curious.

“Now why would I do that,” I asked, “when I find her presence most pleasing?” I smiled sharply, warning her to back off. Even though I did find Celdestria behavior most curious, I will not tolerate it for long. Heads will roll if I do not receive the respect that I deserve.

“Have you ever asked yourself, my lord?” she said with a false smile, “’Does Midnight want come with me on this journey?’ Well, Sombra, have you?”

“Taking her with me is the only way I can protect her!” I growled. Who does she think she is, saying those things? My patience was beginning to wear thin.

“That is laughable!” She said. “Then why did you sanction the massacre fifty years ago?”

“What massacre? What are you talking about?” I asked. “What does that have to do with Midnight?”

“Oh, you do not get to act innocent with me,” she accused, “You sanction a massacre on the day that Antares went into office! I was there! I saw! I heard! Do not deny it! Antares had all the Regents come to Harmonia. Antares had us Regents stand to the side as she gathered all the leaders of the clans and their families in her so call throne room. Once she had them there, she declared that the leaders are not needed. To our complete horror she proceeded to devour the leaders and their families! If you are such a benevolent leader, then why did you allow that to happen?”

“I did not…”

“Sombra!” I heard Midnight yell.

“What?” I answered back not caring that my unwanted companion and I were having a conversation. I really do not want to talk to her about this or to her in general. Clearly, she has it set in her mind that I am the bad guy, that she will protect Midnight, my Midnight, from me. Once I have figured out what Midnight wants, I am going to lose Celdestria and her so called little sister and find Harmony. Gah!! I do not have time for this!

“THE GROUND IS ON FIRE! AND IT’S THE SKY’S FAULT!” Wait, what?! I looked around to find the once green field a blaze. Red and yellow light ate the green life and spewed out black charred remains. Blood like rain gave life to the flames. Only one thing could do something like this.

“Void, why did you make these things?” I said as my horn flared in magic. I turned to Midnight as I directed my magic towards her. “RUN!” I yelled as I casted a spell to get her far away from here as I possibly can. The last thing I saw before I turned away was Midnight’s retreating form with Pierre on her back looking me in the eyes. I know I would survive this and the other two alicorns could also, but I cannot live in a world were Midnight was not in it. She would not survive this. No pony or mortal living creature could survive this attack, except for Farthingharth Star, but he was to stubborn for his own good. Sounds like somepony I know. Hehe.

“What is going on!?” Celdestria yelled over the roar of the flames that became obvious, “Why is the ground on fire?!”

“It is because of a Void creature,” I answered as I ready my stance for a fight. “I should have known what was on going on. The first sign was right in front of me, but I became distracted.”

“What sign?” a small voice asked. I turned my head to find the small blue alicorn that always accompanied Celdestria, Luna. Her eyes were filled with questions. I took pity on her and answered her question.

“Right before you two showed up, Midnight started to act weird. She also said that she smelled blackberries and licorice.”

“What does that have to do with anything?” Celdestria snapped. I just rolled my eyes.

“Quite a lot,” I said. I will not stoop to her level, “It is the first sign of a Void creature’s presents. The next sign is---”

“Void creatures are just a myth,” Celdestria interrupted while rolling her eyes, “They are not real. You just cast a spell to kill Midnight were nopony could see. You cannot have your perfect image tarnished, now can you? But I will not---”

“Quiet!” I roared. Fear bloomed into her eyes as rage filled mine. “I will no longer tolerate your blatant disrespect! Nor will I stand by and listen to your slander! When this is done and I know that Midnight is safe, I will administer the punishment you well deserve. This is my promise.” At that I turned and faced the billowing clouds, “Let us hope that is not Leo that is coming towards us.”

“Why do we wish to not meet this ‘Leo’?” Luna’s soft voice carried over the wind. “Who is this being you speak of?”

“Leo is the most powerful Void creature that was ever made. Leo is the embodiment of pride. For what is a more devastating flaw to have then pride? Only the most humble can defeat Leo. Pray that is Pisces for they are laziness personified. It would much easier just subtly direct them somewhere else, but if it not, well…”

“So we are screwed,” Celdestria grumbled.

“Oh, now you’re listening to me?” I snapped. “After everything you said earlier? You choose now to listen to me? The nerve! If it was not for the imamate threat bearing down on us, I would call you to Diditionem in front of all, Regent! Know your place or I will make you! That is a promise! Now prepare for battle.”

“I will never submit to you in Diditionem,” she declared, “And when I defeat you, you will leave Midnight alone.” The arrogance! That is it! I am going to demand Diditionem of her and then Antares! This has gotten out of hoof. No one has ever shown the me this level of disrespect. It is almost like some writer out there is making my life as miserable as possible at the moment. I have a void creature coming towards me and a disrespectful alicorn!

“Um, the rain stopped,” Luna whispered. “Why are you arguing with each other? We should be on the same side! Please stop fighting.”

“Luna, this does not concern you,” Celdestria said, “Please go and join Midnight. We will handle the Void creature.”

“No, I will not!”

“Yes, you will! Go now!”


“Luna, do not argue with me for once! Just go!”

“You never---”


The ground began to shake. I turned towards the sound and saw the land rolling like a stormy sea. This was bad. If were Pisces were there would be water, but instead, the land is turning like the sea. And only one could do something like this.

“Brace yourselves,” I yelled as I ready myself. “It is upon us!”

“Who?” cried Celdestria as she lost her footing, “Who is upon us?”




My legs were moving on their own and I have no control! What is happening? The sky is burning the ground and Sombra is in the middle of all this mess. How am I going to get to him when my hooves won’t stop? And on top of everything, my back hurts. Pierre is not making it better by pulling on my mane ither.

“Keep running, my Lord’s Lady,” Pierre said as his grip grew tighter, “There is no time to waste.”

“Well, I can’t even if I wanted to,” I snapped, “I have no control over my hooves!”


“Good! What do you mean good?” I yelled, “Sombra is in the middle of that mess and I can’t help him because I can’t stop, and you say good? What is wrong with you?”

“Sombra is the Firstborn, an immortal, He cannot die,” he said, “You on the other paw are a mortal. You can die. What can a mere mortal do that an immortal being cannot?”

“I’m a Star, a direct descendant of Farthingharth Star, the first unicorn,” I said, “and because I am a Star that means on my honor I don’t leave anypony behind. I need to go back!”

“No!” Pierre yelled, “Sombra sent you away to protect you. This is the only way! Do not squander this! What would your mother say?”

“MY MOTHER?” I screeched. “she would say ‘How dare you leave somepony behind when you have the ability to do something about it!’ and then she would proceed to jump into fray. My mom would do everything she can to help those in need. And she taught me to do the same. So I can’t abandoned Sombra in his time of need.”

“He will be fine,” he countered. “You will not! Do not be stupid. Live, so you can fight another day.”

“Oh, look the sky is blue,” I said, ignoring what Pierre was saying.


“The sky is blue,” I repeated myself, “and the grass is green. So that means we’re safe. We’re in the clear.”

“So, it seems.”

“Yes, it does,” I agreed. I felt the control of my limbs come back to me and a plan began to form. I magicked Pierre off my back and gently place him on the ground. I then cast a spell that read in a book that should make me fireproof. I never got the chance to test it out. I found this spell so I wouldn’t get burned while attempting to cook. I hope it will not backfire on me. Pierre gave me a confused look as my magic coated me in its protective film. I look down to find my hooves glowing a faint purple light. I guess it worked. The book did say that’s a good sign.

“Pierre,” I said as I looked him in the eye, “Stay here where it’s safe.”

“Wait, what?”

Then I took off. I ran through the flames. I didn’t feel the heat coming from the inferno. I retraced my every step as I ran towards Sombra. I will never leave somepony behind. Not even the son of my creator. It doesn’t matter that he dragged me on this quest without my permission, though at the time I was excited to go. It doesn’t matter that I miss home and I might never see my mother again nor will I be able to eat her cooking. No, none of that matters if I don’t do everything in my power to save those I care about. I will save Sombra. I will defeat whatever causing this. If I don’t, then I can’t face mom ever again.

I skidded to stop. There where hills were there was flat land moments ago. Charred ground laid before me. But what made me stop was not the strange hills nor the charred ground. No, what made me stop, was the creature right in the middle of it all.

The creature was black as a starless night with wings of a bat that beat in fury. Its three head tilted up, its noses touching the clouds, in a mighty roar that shook the ground I stood. I notice three flying specks shooting light at the being’s heads. Red, gold, and blue lights shot towards the being, managing to hit their mark. But the being just looked annoyed. I shook out of my stupor and started to run. This what Sombra needs help with and with little strength I have I will lend it to aid him. For I am a Star, and I need to start acting like one. For too long I have stayed cowering in the side lines and went through the emotions. My mom never did, and I will no longer do so! Bring it on!

I picked up speed as I watched the beast swipe at the three flying specks. Hill after hill I crested as I neared the beast. I was beginning to grow tired, but I could not falter. Sombra needs me! I finally cleared the last hill when a black and red blur was thrown in my path. Wings so familiar pointed towards the blacken sky. Once a silver tree on a black backdrop was stained by rivers of red.

“Where’s his head?” I cried. “Where…? no. NOOO!!!”