• Published 23rd Apr 2020
  • 6,863 Views, 334 Comments

Sombra's Midnight Star - Twilighted Rose

For three thousand years he waited, mourning the loss of his mate. But now he found her but she doesn't remember what they had. Luckily Sombra has a spell to fix it.

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Let Us Return Home

Author's Note:

This chapter was a colab effort with the lovely Silverstone28001 who has been re-editing all my old chapters. I heard your cries and I have answered! I am getting my OLD CHAPTERS EDITTED BETTER! I hope you enjoy this chapter! Comments are most encouraged! Love ya!

Let Us Return Home

“I can’t believe they all left me behind!” A disgruntled Rarity grumbled to herself as she walked along the halls of the crystal palace, the current base of operations to prepare a force to find Twilight out in the tundra beyond pony inhabited lands. “Oh what I wouldn’t give to slap them all upside the heads for leaving Spike and I behind.” Rarity continued to mild rant as she explored the palace with a keen eye of the decor. Until something a miss popped out to her, something most wouldn’t even notice. “That’s odd…” Rarity muttered her interest peaked. “Perhaps I should get a guard just in case.” Rarity thought but having already missed out on the adventure to find twilight the best she could do was see where this led her.

Walking up to the wall she pressed a gem that didn't match the repeating patterns of the palace. The gem was pushed in revealing it to be a switch of some sort as the wall moved back and split down the center opening up to a dusty looking hallway as soft blue light from enchanted flames flared to life. Rarity narrowed her eyes, taking in every detail in the passageway. “This… is far older then the rest of the palace…” she noted. She recalled a spell Twilight had taught her a while back. It was a simple spell called a Horn Pulse that any unicorn could use. Twilight had taught it to her as more of an emergency measure incase something like the Diamond Dogs happened to her ever again. The only problem was that only Shining Armor and Cadence would recognize her magical Morse Code signature if she used it. “Better then nothing at this point.” Rarity huffed and sent out the pulse.

[Cadence and/or Shining Armor I found an old passageway that looks to go under the palace. I will go and investigate what is down there but keep you all updated as best as I can.]

“That should do it.” Rarity puffed out it might have been a simple spell but it took a lot of her concentration to recall the rules of magic based morse code twilight had taught and tested her on. With a nod to herself she trotted down the hidden passage in quick yet decisive steps feeling the passage get more curved while the incline seemed to increase the deeper she went.

Light began to show at the end of the tunnel giving Rarity a sigh of relief. She entered a massive cave of crystals with a massive crystal formation of a snowflake on the ceiling of the cave. The center of the snowflake had a large crystal coming down its center and nearly met the center of the floor by a few pony lengths. Rarity’s breath caught in her throat as her eyes registered what was in front of her and what was on the ground. Carved into the crystal ground were shallow channels that led to a massive network of runic circles filled with a thick red liquid that smelled of wet copper. Rarity put a hoof to her mouth as her eyes trailed higher to the center of the runic circle, her stomach could barely keep down the bile that rose in her throat at what she was seeing.

“Oh goddess….” Rarity muttered her voice echoing in the large cavern.

In the very center of the cave was a tall peach pony of about Cadence’s height. That wasn't what wanted to make Rarity retch, the pony was skeletal at best, with long black crystal spikes nailed through the pony’s hooves, knees, flanks, shoulders, and head with several hollow looking ones nailed through the pony’s back and stretched out wings. Said wings were bare of any feathers with a massive pile of said feathers on the crystal ground soaked in blood, the pony’s mane and tail were being constantly eaten away by smokeless reddish black flames while the horn on the pony’s head was covered in a familiar blue crystal that went up into the center of the massive snowflake. The pony’s face was what set rarity off, one of the pony’s eyes had a long golden crystal inside of it and the other had a long dark blue one both carved with familiar sun and moon marks, the pony’s muzzle looked to have been sewn shut with lavender crystals in the shape of a smile. Golden tears leaked out of the eyes and down their muzzle mixing with the blood.

/Help me… please… someone… help me…/ A weak female voice penetrated Rarity’s thoughts as the trapped pony’s ears twitched. The poor pony was still alive!

In a burst of courage Rarity ran over the lines of blood over to the pony. “Everything is going to be alright dear. I’ll get you free and out of this cave.” Rarity soothed the pony as more golden tears slipped down the pony’s face. Rarity sent a powerful pulse through her horn with one word.

[HELP!] Rarity pulsed before she used her talents to find the weak points in the crystals and gave them all a good buck. “Take that Applejack.” Rarity smirked as she continued to buck the crystals until the pony was free. “It’s going to be alright, this might hurt.” Rarity stated and pulled all the crystals out of the pony’s body including the ones in her eyes and mouth. She eased the pony to the ground before she fired a spell to smother the flames. ‘Thank you Sweetie Belle.’ Rarity mentally stated as a flash of pink light caught her eye. She looked over to see Cadence with Spike on her back.

“Cadence! Please tell me if you can do or know a healing spell?!” Rarity asked as she lowered the pony to the ground to rest after popping the stiff joints and being careful to not cause more blood to pour out.

‘Fight! Fight! Fight!’ Those words rang in Pinkie’s ears echoing in her sugar honed chaotic mind as she raced down the crystalline halls. She smiled to herself. She was going to see a god fight! A bonafede real god fight! This was a chance of a lifetime.
‘This is going to be epic!’ She thought to herself. ‘Now where is that kitchen? I want some diluted rainbow coffee!’
“It is not going to be a fight, just an ungodly debate.” Sombra’s voice echoed in Pinkie’s head causing her to skid to a stop. Disappointment crashed into her.
“There’s not going to be a god fight?” She asked.
‘You could talk in your head I still can hear you. But talk out loud if you want to sound like a crazy pony.’ Sombra chuckled. ‘No, there is no god fight. I thought that I already said that. Are you dense or I did not convey my words correctly?’
“Hey! I ain’t dense!” Pinkie yelled. “I’m just disappointed and LOST! I really wanted to see a god fight!” Sombra laughter echoed across the halls. In a cloud of black glitter, Sombra appeared. Pinkie spat it out. It even got into her nose. Gross.
“Glitter?! What the fu—“
“Would you like it if I teleported you to the room where everyone is at?” Sombra interrupted Pinkie. He stood right in front of her with a toothy grin with black glitter floating around him. His head tilted to the side. “Would that make you happy?” Pinkie took a step back unsure what was about to happen. She shook her head to clear it. This was what she wanted, a quick and easy way for her to see a god fight. But Sombra said that there was no god fight. Would it be worth it?
“Yes, yes it would.” Pinkie chirped. “Let’s go! I’m so fu— Oof.”
“Hold on there, crazy one,” Sombra said, stopping Pinkie with his hoof, “there is something that I have to do first. You smell of Harmony and Discord all in one.”
“What is that?” Pinkie was getting impatient. If he was going to teleport her he should just do it now. ‘What does he have to do that was sooo important?’ Pinkie thought as Sombra’s horn lit up with red magic. It shot towards Pinkie. The magic then wrapped itself around her mouth. She tried to shake it off but the magic just stayed for a second longer.
“I dislike ponies cursing at all. It is uncouth and undignified and I will not allow it in my presents.” Sombra huffed. “ Midnight gave me the same reaction as you did, crazy pony.”

“I’m not crazy, you oversized furry balloon!” Pinkie shreaked, “How dare you take away my freedom of speech!” Her eyes blazed with fury. What he did was an invasion of her expressive freedom. That was not right. Absolutely not right.

“Furry balloon? Freedom of speech? What?” Sombra asked in confusion. “Oh, never mind. I do not have time for this nonsense right now. We are going now. I got to stop Void from messing up my kitchen because they thought Discord slighted them somehow. Let us go now.” Sombra suddenly shot out and grabbed Pinkie in the blink of an eye and teleported. Once Pinkie got her bearings, she noticed that she was back in the kitchen. And right in the middle of the room was Discord arguing with a tall, bipedal, black, grey, and white cat wearing a pair of dark green harem pants. The cat’s ears were back as if in displeasure his arms crossed while a hind paw was tapping the ground. Growling was heard from where she was.

“I guess, crazy pony, you will get to see your god fight after all,” Sombra grumbled. He dropped Pinkie to the floor. He walked over to the squabbling gods, stepping over Pinkie in the process.

“What seems to be the problem, Great Ones?” Sombra’s voice cut through the growl. “What has caused this quarrel between the gods.”

“Parent, dearest, had gotten into my food that I was saving for Fluttershy!” Discord stomped his foot. “And they wouldn’t apologize!”

Ahh stop your complaining, boy. I left some. But you didn’t have to PUNCH ME IN THE FACE! The ground shook as the cat grabbed Discord by the neck. They then proceeded to throw him across the room through the crystal wall.

“Void! Please do not desecrate my home and memorial!” Sombra called in slight panic. He did not want his mate waking up to this.

I’ll pay for the repairs. I have been iching for a fight with this disgrace of a son! Come at me boy! Let me pumble you to the ground!

“Enough!” With a bright flash of light two black and red balls formed around the gods, keeping them separated.

A barrier, Sombra, really? Do you plan on keeping me here?

“If you will not act civil I will do what mother had done. Put you both in time out to cool off. My mate is in a delicate state and I will not have your fight kill her! Your fighting already killed Aurora!” Sombra snapped.

I did not kill her, you ingrate. That was all the Second Born’s and Last Born’s fault. Besides, she is not dead, just in pain. The Seventh can’t be defeated that easily. Did you say that Midnight’s reincarnation is her? Oh! I must go and see her! Bye! In a flash of white light the cat was gone, leaving an empty barrier bubble floating in the air.

“Well that was epic!” Pinkie piped. Sombra jumped at the sound of her voice. Discord just started to laugh.

“Uncle, shut it.”

“Hehe, never.”

“Um… Mr Sombra… uh… who is Aurora? And the cat?” Fluttershy asked softly hiding behind the doorway .

“The Seventh alicorn made and the one who’s power is in memories and healing.” Sombra answered, “As for the Cat… They were the First God Void.”

“A pain in the butt is more like it” Discord grumbled, knocking on the barrier wall, “Can you let me out please, Sombra, I’ll behave. I promise.” He stated and did the familiar motions for Pinkie’s promise that he had picked up from Fluttershy.

“Oh! He’s serious,” Pinkie exclaimed, “He made a Pinkie Promise. And if he goes back on it bad juju will happen to him!” Sombra just gave her a confused look.

“It’s Pinkie bein’ Pinkie. Don’t think much ‘bout it.” Applejack stated as she entered the room. “Save you goin’ insane later down the line. Now,” she pointed at Sombra. “Give Twilight back and start tellin’ the Truth.” She emphasized with a hoof stomp.

“I will when she wakes up! I did not know that she would be asleep this long! If you wake her up now her brain would be fried!” Sombra yelled. “What can I do to prove to you that I am telling the truth!”

“Nothin’! Absolutely nothin’ ya can do to prove that ya really tellin’ the truth!” Applejack screeched. Pinkie covered her ears

Sombra growled. “Damn, this is getting ridiculous. Fine I have nothing to hide nor anything hidden… except my mangos. Your Honesty, put that power to the test against me.And see that I am telling the truth.”

“I think that I will.” Applejack nodded.

Enough of this! Go to sleep. With that Applejack dropped to the ground.


I slowly walked Harmony towards the trees. She will need some shade and somewhere to rest. I will deal with Midnight later. Right now my mother was far more important at the moment much to my personal regret. She limped all the way there, dragging one of her back hooves along the way. I slowly placed her down near a thick and shady tree. “Here, take a rest. The next part of the journey will be jarring and subsequently make you very disoriented of things around you.” I stated to my mother in a calm and kind voice nuzzling against her cheek to give comfort and distract her from any pain she might have been feeling.

‘It’s getting worse… her mind is fraying too fast and her body is trying to correct it by grounding her literally.’ I thought as I looked her over and for the first time in my life saw my mother’s mark. It was a six pointed star much like Midnight’s except it was sectioned off into six different but familiar colors, pink, purple, orange, red, blue, and magenta. A swirl of smaller stars and bluish purple mist making a galaxy effect was behind the multicolored star. “A supernova.” I muttered softly. “Why have I not noticed that? I guess that she was hiding it.”

I shook my head to clear it. It does not matter. Midnight does. I need to go to her. I slowly walked to the ice blue unicorn. The poor Kinku in her forlegs was causing a ruckus with all the squeaks of protest that he was making. Her poor body shook as her wide eyes tracked my movement. Her head tilted up as I towered over. Fearful amethyst eyes stared back at me. I gently exstated the tiny Kinku from Midnight. I heard him scurry to the trees, complaining all the way about the undignified acts that had occured. I gathered Midnight to my chest, hopping that my purr would soothe her.

“It is alright, Midnight,” I soothed, letting my voice calm her. “I’m sorry you had to see that… no one should have had to see my mother like that.”

“T-that was H-Harmony? W-what happened to her?” She stuttered. I sighed into her mane. It smelled good, like violets and roses.

“The price she paid for making so many Alicorns… and me…” I stated softly. “She is dying… even after reclaiming some of her scattered pieces from the Alicorns. But this time… it got much worse then before…” I stated as Midnight hugged me back with her smaller forelegs. Tears formed in my eyes. I could no longer keep it in. It was too much. I just hope that Harmony’s doctor could save her one last time. “I’m sorry… I’m so so sorry, Annwyl… I should have gotten you out of the cave before I started carving my mother from the tree.”

“It is alright, Sombra, you don’t have to apologize,” she said as she snuggled closer to my chest, “I understand that it is hard. I just can’t stand the smell of blood. It reminds me of when I was attacked by those alicorns. Say what happened to them. I didn’t see them when we left.”

“Oh, to put it bluntly, I ate them.” I shrugged. ‘Maybe I shouldn't have said that.’

“WHAT?!” Definitely shouldn’t have said that. “You did what?”

“To be more specific, I ate the two hearts for an Alicorn, anything less than eating the hearts and they regenerate in a matter of days.” She looked at me and blinked, “What? It was good! Like rare stake. Not only that but they hurt you. I will not let that stand.”

“Meat eater. Gross.” She hissed and started making gagging noises.

“Plant eater. Gross.” I countered her words with a snort. “I don’t know why you don’t eat meat. Mother made it so you are able to eat seafood and some types of livestock.”

“Meat is gross! How many times do I have to say that it is gross!”

“I’m in love with a vegetarian.” I mumbled. My horn sparked as I cast a small spell over Midnight's mouth and nose. A simple air purifying spell that will stop her from smelling blood for a few days. “And now that you're calm and cannot smell blood anymore we might want to collect Pierre and Mother.”

“Ok, Meat Eater!” She chirped. “Can you please let me go?”

“Again with that name? I thought that I gotten rid of it!” I groaned she was going to be the death of my meat heavy diet I swear. I reluctantly released her from being close to my body. Sigh… but I don’t want to. She smiled at me. She lifted her hoof to my face and gently wiped it.

“It is alright to cry, Sombra,” she said softly, “you have been going through a lot, your mother is very close to you… even if you both act weird when near each other.” Midnight stated nuzzling my chest as my tears continued down my face.

“She doesn’t remember me, Midnight… she doesn’t even recall the current language correctly.” I nearly choked out as my tears continued down my face, looking similar to small rivers of liquid silver. As was a quirk Harmony gave Alicorns, to have colored tears to show when they are truly sad or filled with joy. Always with the quirks. I smiled at this memory. She does have ways of making herself known through the smallest thing. As I was enjoying being comforted by my mate I heard distant rustling. A distinctive sound of an annoying voice fluttered into my ears. She sounded about a hundred miles give or take, so we might be able to leave before she gets here.

“Celestia, I think that you have gone overboard with this spell,” Luna said, sounding way too close. “A tracking spell is utterly ridiculous. Let the poor unicorn go and leave him be. It is almost like you are obsessing over him winning Midnight. … I AM RIGHT YOU ARE OBSESSING OVER HER REJECTION! I AM YELLING BECAUSE YOU ARE FAR AWAY! Oh, hey, Sombra, nice seeing you here. And where is Midnight?” Luna said coming out of the tree line. Her smile was still cute as ever.

“Sounds like someone overshot a teleport.” Midnight noted blandly pulling her head from my chest fur she had dived into to muffle the sound of Luna’s voice.

“Yeah, Sister, always goes overboard with her spells. Oh! Midnight, I did not see you there.” Luna said. She skipped over to where we were. “What are you doing there hiding under Sombra?”

“Uhhh…. hugging him?” Midnight asked. I chuckled. This, this right here was what I needed. Some light hearted fun and Midnight’s confusion. It was just so funny when she became confused. Hehe.

“Oh? You are hugging him? I thought that you decided to hide under him.” Luna tilted her head to the side.

I watched midnight turn completely red from horn to hoof. I think I also saw steam and possibly smoke coming from her ears and mane. I started to belly laugh. I laughed so hard that I fell on my back with sapphire colored tears streaming down my face. I heard Midnight growl and a second later felt a small weight on my chest.

Midnight started to pound at my chest while yelling, “You jerk! How can you laugh about this?” Which in turn made me laugh even more. I wrapped my forelimbs around her and nuzzled her head.

“I thought I heard a ruckus coming from this direction.” I groaned as I heard Celestia’s voice. Yellow glitter rained down around us as Celestia came into view. Her look of displeasure was apparent. “Is this what the First Born does in his free time?”

“You overshot by ten miles.” I ignored her question. She scowled in my direction. “Midnight, let's get you and Harmony home.”

“Harmony? Harmony is here?” Celestia squeaked. She started to look around, turning her head this way and that. I was secretly hoping that her neck would snap.

I rolled my eyes. “Luna, you still wish to learn magic from me, correct?” I asked while Midnight got off me to find Pierre. That Kinku was here somewhere. I located him curled up on Harmony’s head. Harmony had a blank look on her face as she survade the arria. I nudge Midnight in the direction of those two. She gave me a nod and started to walk towards them.

“Yes! Yes! Please, sister, let me go. Please.” I heard Luna say. ‘I think I might have to use Mother’s method to teach her.’ I thought to myself as we neared Harmony. I nuzzled her forehead as I listened to Luna. “This is my chance to learn from my ideal!”

“Think carefully Luna.” I threw over my shoulder, “I will be hard and strict on you more so then I am with Midnight. Your talent is in the moon and the night with that there are things not even I can teach you but I have the books to help you make your own magic reality.” Dead seriousness dripped into my voice and tone. She needed to know that if she continued she wouldn’t be able to turn back.
“No, Luna, you cannot go.” Celestia said, “Unless I can go.” Her smug tone of voice was heard all the way over here. By Void, I detested that alicorn. I shook my head as I helped Harmony back to her hooves.

“No. Have you ever heard the phrase ‘flying too close to the sun will get you burned?’” I asked her.

“What?! How… How dare you!” Celestia screaked. Her eyes blazed with malice. I just gave her a deedpaned look.
“You are burning your sister’s chances at personal growth.” I reprimanded her. “To the point where you are acting more like a pegasus parent coddling her foal.” I told her the harsh truth.
“I-I do not. That is preposterous! I am only trying to protect her!”
Midnight nugged my side. I ignored her. “The only thing you are doing is smothering her and leaving her to get killed by another Alicorn!” Midnight nudged me again much harder this time. I looked at her. “Yes?”
“Can you please just bring her along? She is just going to follow us anyways.”

“Can you please just bring her along? She is just going to follow us anyways.” I pleaded. It was for Luna’s sake more than anything really. That girl needed a break from her sister.
Sombra smiled and said “Alright, Midnight, let us return home.” His horn lit up and in a cloud of red glitter our rag tag group teleported. Celestia, Luna and I started to cough up the glitter that went down our throats. Why does it do that? Uggg… As I was asphyxiating on the teleportation glitter, I heard soft murmur coming from the kitchen. I coughed the last bit and jogged towards the kitchen.
“I think a little bit of nutmeg would do wonders for this recipe, don’t you agree?” The gentle motherly voice floated towards my ears. Wait… that voice… It sounds familiar… Can’t be… Is that…?
“Mom?” Mom jumped in surprise at my sudden declaration dropping her spoon in the process. She turned around.
“M-Midnight?” Her voice croaked with emotion as her lilac eyes filled with tears. “Midnight, baby, is that you?”
“Yes, Mom, it is. I am home.” I said with a smile. I took a step towards her but stopped when I saw the alicorn behind her. The alicorn had amethyst, gold, and black tri-colored mane that covered their right eye. The alicorn’s cream colored coat glistened in the sunlight as they silently watched me freeze.
“M-mom, who’s that behind y-you?” I stammered. Mom turned her head to look behind her. And she then turned towards me and smiled.
“Oh, Honey, this is…” she began before was cut off by Luna.
“Aurora Light, what a pleasant surprise!” Luna exclaimed as she entered the kitchen. “I did not know that you were here? I thought you were in Da’lak’ar’s territory.

The Alicorn, Aurora gave a soft and kind but small smile. “I came to see Big Brother and Mother Star. Brother Dala said it was better for me to come visit for a few months then wander the lands to heal other creatures. Has Celly been taking that herbal tea I gave her for her cake cravings?”

“She enjoys them. A bit too bitter for me.” Luna replied.

“Good. I’ll see about making something sweeter for you Lulu.” Aurora stated setting down the cup. She stood to all fours slightly shorter in height then Luna. Immediately my eyes went to her flanks only to wrinkle in confusion to find them blank of any cutie mark.

Aurora seemed to notice my silent inquiry. “I don’t have a cutie mark because I represent and connect cutie marks to Momma.” She
explained slowly trotting over and looking at my own flanks. She gave a kind smile. “Beautiful… You Sister Midnight are living proof that Momma’s children are on the verge of evolution.” Aurora said before squealing in pure delight hopping around me, that calm almost kind healer persona melting away to reveal an excitable and happy filly in a mare’s body. “Oh Momma’s going to be so happy!”

“Who put caffeine in your drink?” I deadpanned to Aurora.

“Midnight, I taught you better then that.” My mother lightly scolded me.

“What did I do?” I asked my mother a bit offended before Aurora saw something and barreled right into it revealing it to have been Sombra.

“Kkwy! Your home!” Aurora snuggled Sombra much like a filly would an older sibling and since Sombra was much bigger then her I could see why she settled on calling him her big brother.

Sombra looked down at Aurora and smiled, “Well hello, Bubbly One, how is my favorite healer?” He asked as he squeezed her back.

Aurora lit her horn as it swirled in a rainbow of colors setting them back on their hooves. She grinned up at him. “I’m doing fine. I got your letter from Brother Dala…” her happy demeanor seemed to deflate a bit before she looked over his shoulder. “Hi Celly, your flanks are bigger then last time. I warned you too many sweets are gonna make you fill out in the wrong places.”

Celestia gave a snort. “I have been cutting down on my sweets.” Celestia retorted.

Aurora simply hummed. “Oh! I have some baked cookies in the oven that my newest helper and I made! Brother Sombra, would you like some while I tend to Momma? Sister Midnight?” Her smile grew wider as hope filled her eyes. I just found another adorable alicorn. How did that happen? Sombra did a happy dance. Aurora giggled along with my mother.

“I thought you did not want me to eat sweets?” Celestia asked with her forelegs crossed.

“I do not. I am putting you on a diet. These sweets are for Brother Sombra, Lulu, and Sister Midnight.” Aurora stated simply. She nudged my mom. Mom nodded and walked around the counter. Mom’s lemon colored coat glistened in the sun as she walked over to the oven. Sombra leaned over and whispered into my ear, “Are you sure you are related to this god of the kitchen?”

“What do you mean by that?” I whisper-yelled back. My eyes narrowed at him. He shrugged and then had the audacity to say, “Well your mother can turn anything edible in just a few short hours, while you have only figured out how to burn water. So I was wondering if you two were truly related.”

“Do you want me to cut off your mane again? OH WAIT! You don’t have a mane any more, Baldy.” Sombra just gave me a look. I smiled sweetly back.

Aurora giggled softly at that. “I can fix your mane Brother, but you might end up with a puffy coat. It’s a spell I learned from my little Umbrums.” Aurora chirped. Her smile grew bigger.

“I will think about it,” He answered, “but I believe that someone wants to talk backwards again. Hmm, Midnight, I distinctly remember that you enjoyed that part.” He gave me an evil smile.

“Eep!” I squeaked and rushed to hide behind Aurora. The poor Alicorn was so confused but at least she hid me with her left wing. Sombra chuckled.

“Do you think that is going to help you, Annwyl?”

Aurora gave Sombra a small scowl and summoned a familiar spray bottle. “Down boy. I have a weapon and will soak you if you try it.” Sombra blinked and then narrowed his eyes. He summoned his own spray bottle. Oh, no.

“Try me.” He challenged. Famous last words. I ran for cover as the water fight ensued. They began spraying each other and getting others wet in the process. Celestia’s shriek and Luna’s laughter was heard over the ruckus. Mom just rolled her eyes as she hunkered down with me.

A hoof tapped me on the shoulder. I whirled around and saw a small filly version of Aurora beside me. “Hi. Can you carry me to Momma Harmony? Mama Star is coming too.”

“Uhh… Sure? How are you so small?” I asked the filly. Aurora just smiled. She does that a lot. She must be a very happy being.

“Well, I’m a clone with a shared connection to my original. My size and abilities are all determined by how much magic goes into the material to create me.” Aurora stated.

“Can you teach me that spell?” My thirst for knowledge was never quenched. I must know that spell!

“You need to learn the principles of Pegasus and Earth Pony magic first.” Aurora chirped. “You do not want to make a Pegasus clone that cannot fly and an earth pony clone that has no strength do you?”


“Trust me. Mama Star was just like you while she was in my care. I always tend to pick motherly ponies that need protection for their foals.” Aurora said.

“Really? Interesting. So you need me to take you to Harmony?”

“Yep! My original will keep Sombra from brooding and getting all depressed.”

“Ok.” I chirped. I slowly got off the floor and peaked behind the island. They were still going at it. Luna and Celestia seemed to have joined in. The water had gotten up to my knees somehow. I magiced the little clone onto my back and slowly walked to the door. I hoped not to get sprayed in the process. Mom just clicked her tongue. She was not impressed.

“Oh that will drain once it reaches this mark here.” Aurora stated pointing a small hoof to a nearby ruler with a red mark set at four inches.

“I was wondering what that was for. Sombra never told me.” I grumbled. Mom just shook her head. Sombra was so getting an earful when this was over. We waded towards the hallway, dodging streams of water flying here and there. My mom yelled when she got blasted with water. A shy ‘oops’ was heard. I guess that Luna had sprayed Mom. Hehe.

“He was learning a water spell and ended up flooding the kitchen. Mother installed it afterwards so he wouldn’t be able to do it again.” Aurora explained. “Ruined a lot of Mother's sketches and plans she had to recreate from scratch.”

“Sounds about right,” I said as we crossed over into the hallway, which was remarkably dry. I turned around and saw a small wall of water at the doorway. It amazed me to no end.

“This house is huge,” I said to the clone, “Can you direct me to Harmony’s room?”

“I can do better.” The filly stated as she climbed up and tapped her horn against mine. A white light flashed on her flanks as a pale purple starburst with a pale brown spell book was shown on her flanks. “Follow the ribbon!” Aurora stated as a shimmering ethereal ribbon in Harmony’s colors appeared looking to be feathered to my chest somehow. A red and black shimmering ribbon went backwards followed by a blue ribbon with moons on it. A very faint white ribbon with small suns on it followed the other two. “These are the ribbons of bonds. The more solid the ribbon the stronger the bond… I’m sorry but I had to tap into your soul crystal to reveal them.” The filly stated sheepishly.

“Well it doesn’t hurt so let’s go.” I stated and trotted after the Harmony ribbon. ‘I saw the spell she used forming in my mind. I’ll write it down later. It must be a side effect of her tapping into my soul crystal.’ I thought to myself taking three turns and coming to a set of double doors covered in silver paint. A six branched tree was etched into the middle of the two doors with the seam of the door looking to have been carved to match the almost bark-like trunk of the tree.

“Midnight your spacing out.” Aurora called.

I blinked. “Oops, well let’s get inside and get you to Harmony.” I pulled open the left door with my magic and boy was it heavy! I managed to open it enough for my mother and I to squeeze through before it swung shut behind us.

Harmony’s room was huge! Its ceiling was barely visible from where we stood. The walls were made out of silvery crystal that flashed her colors. The floor was a white marble with red and black lines flowing through it. As I walked further into the room, I noticed that the walls were like mirrors! ‘Geez, I need a bath. I look horrible.’ Mom nudged me, breaking me out of my thoughts. My mouth hit the floor at the site of the bed. It was a massive silver tree with its branches as the canopy. The leaves were a dark silvery blue. In between the leaves were little multicolored floating lights. Some of them were floating around the twisted trunk which had the bed inside. There in the middle was Harmony, fast asleep. Pierre was still on top of her head asleep also.

“Pixies!” the clone squealed, “I haven't seen them in ages! Only those of a gentle soul can see them.” She managed to hop down and scramble to the bed. I had to hold back laughter. While I looked like a foal to Harmony the filly looked like a newborn as she got closer and flapped her small wings to hover up to the bed. She plopped down on the bed before trotting over to Harmony and booping the sleeping goddess on the nose.

“Harmony, it’s time to wake up.” The filly said as she boop the goddess’s nose again.

“Goodness, don’t you know that it is rude to wake somepony up from sleeping?” Mom exclaimed, “That is not how a filly should act! Get down from there right this instance.”

Aurora instead put her whole body on Harmony’s snout. “MOOOOOM!”

Harmony woke up with a shout, tossing Pierre into the headboard. She frantically looked around the room and poor Aurora hung on her snout for dear life.


“What? Oh, Seventh thou art here! Pray tell why is thou hanging onto my nose?” Harmony gently magiced Aurora off her nose and placed her on the white sheets. “Have thou come to play? I do not believe my son Sombra is in the mood.” She patted Aurora’s head in a motherly fashion.

“Sombra asked me here… don’t you remember my naming ceremony?” Aurora asked.

“Naming ceremony?” Harmony asked in confusion. “But you are too young for a naming ceremony.”

Aurora gave a sad smile. “You can’t tell I’m a clone? My original is currently with Sombra.” Harmony blinked. The look of utter confusion grew as time went on. Harmony’s eyes glazed over. She got a distant look in her eyes. She tilted her head to the side.

“Who art thou, little filly?” She asked with an echoey voice.

“Aurora Light, your doctor.” Aurora said with a watery smile. Golden tears began to trail down her face. “And I am here to heal you, Great Goddess.”

Aurora looked over at Harmony’s flanks and her small horn began to glow, her flanks turning blank once more before a small beam of light floated up and touched Harmony’s horn. The clone’s eyes went wide then completely white as a pale version of Harmony’s mark appeared on the clone.

The door opened as Sombra entered carrying the Original Aurora whose face was covered in tears as well, eyes a silvery white with an exact copy of Harmony’s cutie mark on her flanks. Sombra gently placed her beside Harmony. Aurora curled into the dazed goddess as her clone vanished, becoming a simple piece of Aurora’s mane. “Mommy…” Aurora hiccuped softly.

Sombra stepped back and wrapped his wing around me. I snuggled closer to him, lending him my strength. This reminded me too closely of my grandmother. At least she died of old age unlike what happened to my dad. Tears formed in my eyes at the memory. No, it was not the time to cry. Sombra needs me to be strong for him. I must be strong.

“No, fy un bach i, you don’t have to be strong for me.” He said as he pulled me into a hug. “It is all right to cry.” So I let the tears pour.

Aurora calmed down after a few minutes looking up from Harmony’s fur and locking sad eyes with Sombra. “I’m sorry… I… I can feel our mother falling apart… her physical body… too much has been lost to keep it alive in this form…” Aurora hiccupped to Sombra before shaking her head and looking at Sombra with the sad yet old eyes of a doctor. “This won’t last long, Sombra, she is dying. We only have a year or more left until she is gone from the physical realm. Void wants her to come home and I cannot go against their wishes. I am not an Ethereal. Unlike your mate, I have to obey the First God’s ruling. It is time to let her go.” She stated her voice cracking as she gave her diagnosis and the verdict. For you see…When the One who was truly wronged forgives then Harmony will return.”