• Published 23rd Apr 2020
  • 6,863 Views, 334 Comments

Sombra's Midnight Star - Twilighted Rose

For three thousand years he waited, mourning the loss of his mate. But now he found her but she doesn't remember what they had. Luckily Sombra has a spell to fix it.

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“I’m telling you reincarnation is real, Twilight!” [edit]


"Ugg… Why does everything hurt?” groaned Dash. She tried to open her eyes to see what’s going on but all she saw was red. Thick, goopy, copper smelling, red liquid in her face.

‘Wait…’ She thought, ‘Is that blood? I haven’t smelled that since going to the Factory.’ She tried to get on back her hooves, but they crumbled underneath her. Pain, thick white hot lightning from a wild storm kind of pain shot through her body. Crying out, Dash fell to the ground. She finally raised a hoof to wipe the blood off her eyes, smearing it even deeper into her fur, but that simple act felt like the hardest thing she ever attempted to do.

Crimson red eyes widened at the destruction all round her now that her vision was mostly clear of the red liquid. She was in the middle of a crater spanning 20 feet in both directions. All around her was soot and shiny white stuff. Dash thought she saw a skull somewhere. But she dismissed it, because that would be preposterous. Cries were heard off in the distance. Still not knowing where she was, Dash thought, ‘Spike! Where’s Spike?! Twilight’s going to kill me if Spike is missing!’

“Spike!” Dash croaked as she looked around the crater, but the blood kept flowing into her eyes. Dash frustration grew more and more as the minutes passed.

“Why can’t I walk?!” Dash yelled into the wind. But one answered. Pain shot through her spine, causing her to cry out. Dash started to cry to her only companion, the wind. “Somepony please help me!”

The Crystal Sentries ran towards the explosion. The whole southern sector was up in flames. Civilian ponies were running from the danger. No one knew what was going on. It was utter chaos. There was a crater where once there had been a thriving residential sector. Houses, destroyed. Parks, in flames. Families, torn apart. Ponies, gone.

“What is that?!” a sentry yelled.

“The hell if I know!” yelled another.

“Is it a monster?” The obviously rather greenhorn sentry pressed

“No, I don’t think so the Heart deters most beasts.” An older, more experienced sentry answered.

“Then what was it?”

“Something’s over here!” A scout called pointing a hoof at the slowly clearing dust and smoke from the epicenter of the crater. “I see injured! A Dragon and a Pegasus! Unsure on status!” The scout called his pegasus eyes picking out the forms.

The leader took charge motioning to four unicorns, floating medical supplies and some stretchers that just arrived.

“Somepony get down there now!”

“Yes, sir!”

“Hey they’re alive! Get the paramedics over here, now!”

A song played in the background of Twilight’s dreams. Each note brought peace to her troubled mind. Though she didn’t know the words or what language it was in, yet Twilight could have sworn she heard it before. The singer on the other hoof, she didn’t know who they were guessing it was a stallion from how deep the voice was. She didn’t want him to stop as her ears swiveled and twitched to listen to more. His voice was richer then dark chocolate, smoother then glass, and deeper then the ocean. Twilight swore she could listen to him all day.

The singing stopped. ‘No, No, No, keep singing, please!’ she begged in her mind. Chuckling, the voice continued. Feathers brushed her chest. Then the voice nuzzled her neck as more feathers brushed her chest again. It was starting to tickle. The voice stopped singing. Twilight didn’t like that at all as she made a very needy sounding whine.

“Twilight,” the voice said as he nuzzled her neck, “Twilight, love, it’s time to get up.” She just shook her and turned. “No, don’t do that, Love. Now get up.” The sheet was suddenly gone. Cold air penetrated Twilight’s once warm cocoon.

Twilight shot straight up partly from the cold and the other part to lecture at the pony stealing her cocoon, yelling the first thing that came to her mind. “Fine, jack-o-lantern! Wait… what?”

‘Where the hell did that come from? That was so out of the blue even for me.’ Twilight thought in confusion. She looked around and found herself in an unfamiliar place. This was not her room nor her library, it wasn’t even a guest room at Canterlot or a hospital room. The room Twilight found herself in was one ginormous and two was like nothing she has ever seen. All around her it was black, not just the color but the actual material was this light absorbing black. The high walls that seemed to have no ceiling. But then again it might have been the canopy blocking her view.

A mural was painted on the top of the canopy. It depicted a story. In the middle was a beautiful silver alicorn surrounded by smaller alicorns, earth ponies, pegasus, and unicorns. And all were giving this silver alicorn something from their element. The earth ponies gave her fruits of the earth. The unicorn gave magic. Pegasus gave the fruits of the sky. While the alicorns, well, Twilight didn’t know what they gave. It looked like some kind of crystal. Twilight noticed that behind the silver alicorn was the Tree of Harmony.

‘What is this!?!’ She thought in shock. ‘This can’t be right! The Tree’s not supposed to be here!’ But as she thought, a soft red aura enveloped her lifting her up along with the covers. Twilight took the time to look around the room thinking, ‘Well if I’m in the air, might as well see where I’m at.’ The floor was polished black marble shot through with red and silver blots of frozen lightning. A rug made out of fur of an animal she couldn’t identify was on the floor in front of her. The fur was gray with red polka dots. Twilight was pulled towards a pure white couch. A fireplace with a blazing fire roaring inside of it was right by the couch. It was so white that the flames of the fire reflected off the couch and blinded her for a second. Gently the red magic set her down on the snow white couch, wrapping her in the blanket. Finally, her warm cocoon returned. Twilight snuggled back into the cocoon. Noticing the blanket wasn’t right, Twilight started to use her magic to fix it. She jumped when she heard someone chuckle. She had forgotten she wasn’t the only pony in the room.

“Who’s there?” Twilight yelled out in both fear and curiosity.

“Shh Love, no need to shout,” the voice said with a sound of grin, “you’re safe here.” A smile was the first thing Twilight saw out of the darkness, then an obsidian hoof came next. And out of the darkness came one of her greatest nightmares.

“K-King S-Sombra!”

‘Finally, after over 3000 years my clone found her. Granted she looks different then she did last time I saw her, but that doesn’t matter. I will finally hold her in my forelegs once again. Right after the fear in her eyes is gone.’ Sombra amended in his mind as he watched her face.

“K-King S-Sombra?!?” She squeaked. “You’re supposed to be dead! How are you still alive?!?” Twilight was still trying to climb the couch but kept falling back down. Sighing, Sombra used his magic to pick the poor mare up and set her gently back on the couch. He wrapped her again in the blanket, enchanting a calming spell in the fabric. It seemed to work. She wasn’t trying to run away again. So that’s a bonus. She looked at him, locking eyes, those beautiful amethyst eyes of hers flashed with questions he could barely keep track of. She asked, “How are you still alive? I saw you turn into smoke after the Crystal Heart was restored.”

Sombra suddenly felt sheepish. He totally forgot that he destroyed one of his clones again. But at least it wasn’t a total failure, that clone did find his beloved’s reincarnation after all. “Well you see, Twilight is it?” he asked. She nodded her head. He continued, “that was just a clone. The purpose was to find the reincarnation of my soul mate Midnight Star and bring her back to me. But every time I send out a clone it gets corrupted by the barrier that She has all around Equestria. But this time the infernal thing finally did its job. It found you.”

“Me?” shocked she pointed to herself, “Why me? I’m nothing special except for being the princess of friendship. But I wasn’t back then.”

“Yes, you. You’re the rencar… wait princess of what?” asked Sombra, “Princess of Friendship? How can somepony be a princess of an abstract idea? Who gave you that ridiculous title?”

“Princess Celestia of course,” His beloved stated matter of fact. Sombra’s blood turned to ice at the mention of that name. He barely heard her speak over the blood rushing in his ears, but some of her rant, “It’s not a ridiculous title! And for your information friendship is power.” She huffed as she turned away, “So what were you going to say before you insulted my title, hmm KING Sombra?” she said with all the sass in her little body. Like seriously, he could wrap his wing around her, and she’ll disappear from the world. ‘Come to think of it, that didn’t sound like a bad idea. Oh! She asked a question. Gotta answer.’ Sombra thought

“As I was saying. Oh, sweet Harmony, give me patience. You, Twilight, are the reincarnation of Midnight Star.”

“Say what now?”

Did she hear right? Did he really just say that? It officially he’s bonkers.

“Wait did you just say that I’m the reincarnation of Midnight Star? Who happen to be your soul mate? And how the hay do you know that?” Twilight asks in suspicion. She looked straight into his ruby like eyes to catch him in a lie. Oh, how she wanted him to lie. Because if he is lying then all she was taught is true. And Princess Celestia is not a liar. And if Princess Celestia is not a liar then all of Equestria is safe and all is right. Besides her mentor would never lie or betray her, right?

“How do I know you ask.” he said in his deep sultry voice, “I know because of your eyes.”

“My eyes? What about my eyes?” she asked, ‘Great, this guy should belong in the loony bin’ she thought as she studies him some more. And the more she studied him the more things didn’t add up. First thing she notice is that the helmet he always wears is gone. She finally can see his face. He had white patch on his nose amidst the obsidian fur. And instead of a gray body and a black mane everywhere was black except for his nose and the tips of his mane. They looked like they were dipped in the blood of the innocents. And his horn wasn’t curved but looked like a spiraling piece of obsidian glass.
There was also a weird design on his shoulders that had a metallic sheen to it. “Wait a minute!” Twilight exclaimed, “You have WINGS! How do you have wings!”

“Oh, these things?” he said as he lifted one up showing off the large wing. “As far as I know I always had them.” The wing was massive. It stretched all the way to the fireplace and was barely touching the fire. And from where he was sitting that’s about nine steps for a mare of Twilight's height, give or take a few, to the fireplace. The tips of the wing looked like it had been dipped into red a deep as molten lava. It clicked into her head ‘He’s an alicorn! But only Celestia, Luna, Cadence, Flurry Heart, and myself are the last of the alicorns! But here he is, proof of a male alicorn!’ Twilight thought as her world was pulled under hoof like a rug she had been told was genuine only to find out it was a fake.


‘A male alicorn. How could this be?’

“Twilight, love…”

‘This can't be true. Princess Celestia said that there’s none left.’

“My Love, are you ok?”

‘Could she have been lying the whole time?’

“Oh, no, not again. Twilight! Come back to me!”

‘No, I wouldn’t do that. Princess Celestia won’t lie to me.’

“Twilight, my love, please come back to me! Don’t retreat to your mind!”

‘This is a dream. Yes! A dream!’ Twilight thought in her mental breakdown. She would wake up in her library in her bed surrounded by her books. Spike would run in her bedroom saying that Princess Celestia… warmth surrounded her as downy feathers brushed her fur. Obsidian legs encased around her sides and chest as it brought her to a soft surface. Something heavy landed on her head and a purring sound came from the soft surface. Anxiety immediately flew from her body. But now she faced a different problem. Twilight was becoming hot. Like being in an oven and turning into a pastry kind of hot. She tried to move but those obsidian legs won’t let her go. And the purring increased. That purring was going to turn her into jelly if she was not careful.

“Are you feeling better now?” said the purring mass. She wiggled some more.

“Yes… no… maybe… gah!” she said through the rivers of sweat the heat messing with her mind she wanted to cast a spell to cool the air around her but couldn’t concentrate enough to recall it. “Please, get off me. You’re literally a walking oven for your information.” King Sombra finally got off of her, but he left one of his wings covering her. She looked at the wing. Then she looked at him. Looked at the wing. Looked at him.

“No, I’m not removing it.” Sombra stated with a playful smirk.

“Dang,” she swore, “Hey, why can’t I cuss?”

“Because I forbade it… a long time ago. No cursing in my home or in my presence.” he answered.

“And who gave you the right?” she countered. ‘Who does he think he is! Taking away my ability to cuss. I can talk however I want.’ She thought with a huff. She tried to shake off the wing, but he will just put it right back on top of her. After the fifth time she tried to get it off her, King Sombra just pulled her closer to his side with his wing and wouldn't budge.

“I’m not getting into this argument with you again, Twilight.” He sighed.

“Excuse me?!” she yelled, “Again!? This is the first time we had this discussion. And if it’s because of reincarnation then I am calling BS. And by Celestia, get off me!” She bucked. This was her last ditch effort to get him off of her. ‘And by Celestia’s mane, he’s coming off.’ Came the thought.

King Sombra quickly turned around and pinned her on her back to the sofa. His red eyes flashing. Magic rising in his horn. Twilight didn’t notice this before, but his eyes didn’t have green around the iris nor did purple smoke come out of his eyes. Black magic wasn’t present in his eyes. The red magic pulled her front legs above her head. He got close to her face.

“Twilight, pay attention to what I am about to say.” He commanded as his breath caressed her face, “I’m telling you reincarnation is real, Twilight. And you are living proof. How do I know this? It is your eyes. Your eyes are the same from one reincarnation to another. And another thing, stop calling me king. That is a grave insult. I am an alicorn, the only Demigod! The only Demigod! I am the first! The first being Harmony created. The first creature to walk the land. And to call me king would be spitting in her face and all she stood for! So, don’t you dare call me king! And do not ever speak that traitor’s name in my presents again.”

Fear laced its way into Twilight’s bones. Not only was she under an enraged alicorn, but she couldn’t move. Fear was her name now. She shut her eyes hoping he couldn’t hear her galloping away from her chest. `Please don’t kill me.’ she thought as she waited for the final blow. But it never came. Instead she felt something nuzzling her neck. She slowly opened her eyes and saw that King- err no, Sombra’s face was buried into her neck. She started to squirm when he started kissing her neck. It felt weird and right somehow all at the same time. Like she did this before.

“Hey, K… I mean Sombra?”


“What are you doing?”


“If you don’t know then could you please get off me. You’re really heavy!” She tried to push him off, but he wouldn’t budge. She would take the wing any day over this. “Are you purring? I didn’t know ponies could purr.”

“The purring, as you call it, is only affiliated with male alicorn when they are either: courting their given mate, preparing their said mate, or calming and or comforting their mate. And right now, before you ask, I am calming you down. Your heart rate was too erratic. I couldn’t stand by and watch it happen. And still your heart rate is still erratic. So, to answer your question about me getting off you. No, I will not. You are still in no shape to walk around right now.”
She just glared at him.

“Horsecrap!” she exclaimed, “The only reason that my heart rate is up is because you’re on top of me! And how do I know you’re not going to kill and eat me!” He just laughed. She was serious and he just laughed. How inconsiderate of him. His red eyes twinkled with mirth.

“Sweetheart, I’m not going to eat you, at least not the way you’re thinking. But saying that you’re not in shape to walk around was just an excuse. The truth is that I like being on top of you.” He said with a toothy sharp smile, Twilight noticed that all of his teeth were like daggers. And that same familiar feeling came creeping up, fear came knocking. Blood was rushing in her ears as she heard Sombra say, “but I can see from your point of view. A stranger claiming that you are his reincarnated mate suddenly is on top of you. I do not blame them for freaking out. But what I do not get is this. The first thing to pop into that beautiful head of yours is not rape but that I’m going to kill and eat you. Why? Why did you think that?”

“Uhh… I-I don’t know.” Twilight stammered as she looked into his eyes, “It was the first thing to pop into my head and I said it. Rape didn’t occur to me. But now that you said it. Are you going to rape me then kill me and eat me?”

Sombra looked appalled that Twilight would even say that, “No way in Tartarus would I ever do such a foul thing! I would never rape you nor will I kill you! Why in sweet Harmony’s name would I do that?” he exclaimed.

“I don’t know,” she shrugged her shoulders, “Evil diabolical plan, maybe?”

“Sweet Harmony, give me patience.” He mumbled into her shoulder. He really liked putting his head there.

“Hey, Sombra?” she asked,” Who’s Harmony?”

“Geez having a conversation with you is giving me whiplash,” he grumbled again, “do you remember the mural on the bed over there?” she nodded. “Well the alicorn in the middle is Harmony when she walked the land. Harmony is the creator and sole provider of Equestria. And the Tree of Harmony is her body turned into a tree after she let her spirit go to Void to manage them and rule The world from that side. When she gave up her spirit, she gave the ponies and other creatures a chance to find their own paths.”

“But what about the Elements of Harmony?” she asked, “Because I’m the element of magic.”

“The Elements of Harmony,” he started, “they are the aspects of Harmony’s magic and personality. The reason I believe that you are an element is because you are on your seventh reincarnation which is unheard of. Considering that all ponies reincarnate six times. And six times their spirit goes back to Void to be recycled so it can be turned into a creator soul. And before you ask, a creator soul is a soul that has not been reincarnated. They are rare now and very powerful but there are some out there somewhere.”

“How do you know that I was reincarnated seven times, not twice or four times?”

He just smiled, “how do I know? Well by looking at your soul and seeing that the six-sided soul crystal -that everyone has- all of its sides are glowing. Meaning your last reincarnation should have your last. And if you die right now your soul would be recycled. But be rest assured I will never let you die again. I am never going through that again.” Sombra stated going a little on a tangent while poking his hoof at her cutie mark, urking Twilight’s intellectual mind.

“You saw me die, didn’t you?” Twilight asked in barely a whisper.

“Yes, I did. And for you to remember me. To remember us. You will too.” He said with unhealed sorrow and grief in his voice. His red eyes glisten with unshed tiers. He closed his eyes to stop them from falling. Twilight wanted to comfort him, but not only did she not know how but she physically couldn’t because he had her hooves pinned down.

“Sorry,” she barely heard him. He opened his eyes. Determination flooded his gaze like a dam opening its flood gates. With a quivering voice she asked him, “How are you going to make me remember?”

“A spell!” he answered with an almost mad pony grin. “A spell by Harmony’s design that will take you back to your first reincarnation. You will relive your life as Midnight Star until her death. And when you come back you will remember everything. You will remember what we shared, that our minds were one. Because you are my soulmate, you will also receive my memories also. This is the only way. It will not hurt.”

“Wait a minute, how do you know you’re not projecting her memories onto me?!” she asked in a panic. The walls were closing in. Sombra was getting heavier. She was trapped! She had to get out of there!

“Shh it is alright. No one is going to hurt you.” He whispered in her ear. The purring increased in tempo causing her bones to turn into jello. “You are safe here. It is ok. Sleep and remember.”

Red magic flashed into her eyes causing them to droop. A song started to play as images flashed before her eyes. Twilight fell asleep… and she started to remember.

Sombra smiled at Twilight’s sleeping face and got off his beloved. Using his magic, he gently levitated her up and set her down on the bed fixing the blankets to keep her warm and cozy before he crawled into bed with her. Sombra curled himself around his love like a lion protecting his mate as the spell worked its magic on her. As he laid there listening to her even breathing, he studied Twilight. The difference he found was that Twilight purple fur, the light purple and magenta streak in her mane while Midnight had oceanic blue and a light blue steak. He smiled as he cuddled closer to her. She might look a little different but she was Midnight Star through and through his own proof, was that no cursing order tied to her soul. He laid his head on her neck with a wing over her back intending to never let her out of his sight again.

A vision of a blood soaked road, a crying filly and an unmoving blue mare on the ground flashed in his mind.

‘Never again.’

Author's Note:

Arc one complete Edited by Silverstone28001