• Published 19th Jan 2022
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Fuel the Eternal Flame | A DOOM MLP Crossover - NotAnEditor

Eons ago, in the trades of Nekravol, the great Khan Maykr sold away large stocks of worlds and planets that were once under their jurisdiction to the Dark Lord of Hell. Amongst these worlds being the peaceful land of Equestria.

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Mission 1. Canterlot Walls

Author's Note:

(Mission chapters are quite different from other chapters in the story. They exclusively follow the Slayer and put demon murder in the forefront. They are also very long as well. If you are here for the demon murder, then this is the place. The Briefing section below is for readers who have decided to jump to the violence and need a refresher and once the combat begins a battle track will be linked to fit the action. It's up to you whether to listen to it while reading or not. If you do decide to listen to the track, make sure to put it on loop.)


Princess Luna has awoken you from your tomb and brought you to her kingdom. She has called upon the Slayer to defend her kingdom’s walls from the reorganized legions of Hell.

The Slayer could feel hundreds of eyes on him, giving fearful and confused looks. There he walked on the stone roads of Canterlot, arms strongly resting near his sides, Doom Blade unsheathed and his Equipment Launcher activated. It automatically locks onto the potential nearby threats of the surrounding ponies, the alien device striking fear into them.

He was unsure if these equine-like beings were a threat as he side-eyed them. Many peaked out the corners of windows, some stood frozen on the side of the street, most hid in the colorful and prestigious looking buildings of this pristine kingdom. It was clear that they assumed him to be some sort of monster.

The appearance of Princess Luna right next to him certainly didn’t help the inhabitants of Canterlot’s curiosity. After giving one mean glare to one of his associate’s subjects he casted his sights towards the sky, seeing the kingdom surrounded in a pink aura. He had seen something like this, a spell of protection Sentinel mages would cast on fortresses and cities.

He set his eyes back forward, still making his way to the front gates of this polis that his associate referred to as Canterlot. The gates had several ponies in front of it, arguing and confused about what was going on. On the walls above the doors stood another alicorn which the Doom Slayer assumed to be Luna’s ruling sister. She spoke with several much more armored and battle-ready equine.

“Are you sure you should have your weapons readied in such a way?” Luna asked. “It unnerves my subjects.”

The Slayer completely ignored her, continuing on with his weapons ready.

Princess Luna frowned. “Or do not.” she carried herself to her wings, deciding arguing about such a small detail would be useless. “Meet me atop the walls, I must speak with my sister.” Princess Luna flew off, heading towards her sister.

He watched her fly away, before continuing off towards what seemed to be a flight of stairs that led to the top of the wall. However, as he came closer he noticed two more of the equine species, both adorned in gold-colored armor with stiff manes pointing through their helmets.

The Doom Slayer eyed the spears that stood proudly, spotting the threat. The arguing civilian ponies had stopped a while ago at the sight of the Slayer behind them, pointing and muttering silently about the foreboding figure. When he was a couple meters away from the crowd, he simply glared at them before walking over to the nearby stairs.

The guards had also seen him, a similar estranged and partially scared look growing on their face as his loud bootsteps stomped ever closer. He made his way up the stairs, stopping in front of them and glaring down at the two much shorter beings.

His equipment launcher’s tip bursted to light in a tiny, yet ragingly hot flame that even the guards could feel so low below him. It robotically whirred to stare down at its direct target. They swallowed a little, shakingly lowering their steel-tipped spears in front of him into a defensive X.

He looked down at the X, gripping and easily tearing one of the spears out of the guard’s hand. The pony was stunned by the Slayer’s force, surprised at how strong he was. The Doom Slayer felt the spear in his one hand, tightening his grip before he felt a hard crack come from the handle of the weapon.

The Slayer opened his hand, letting the two now splintered and separated halves of the weapon fall out. The steel spear head clanked to the ground, the fearful yet determined look on the guard’s face giving way as the Slayer tore the other spear out of the remaining guard’s hoof and made his way up the stairs with it. The shoulder-mounted launcher turned behind him to keep its aim on its previous target.

He rose over the stairway, making his way to the ruling sisters with spear in hand. “You are sure that he will not harm our subjects, right?” Celestia queried.

“Yes. He has done almost nothing to our subjects so far… Well, besides walking in a threatening manner.” Luna answered.

Celestia jumped a little at the sound of the Slayer’s footsteps, looking over. “Oh, erm, greetings Great Slayer!” she said nervously, making her way towards him. “Would you like any complimentary pastries?” the princess nervously lifted a plate of donuts and cupcakes to him, hoping it would be enough to keep him from harming her kingdom.

The Slayer simply stared at her with an irritated look.

“Sister? The Slayer does not speak.” the moon princess pointed out. “Nor does he eat.”

“Oh! Um, I’m sorry.” Celestia set aside the platter. “Can he not talk or does he choose to remain silent?”

Princess Luna shrugged. “We are not too sure exactly.”

The Doom Slayer ignored the two, staring off down the mountain that Canterlot sat upon. Not too far down the hill, he could see a towering beast. A titan demon, standing tall before the kingdom with thousands of demons at its feet amassed in a horde.

Dozens of ape-like Imps crawled and ran around the feet of the titan, some resting on its shoulders and legs with the rest of their comrades. Strong, brute-ish gray Hell Knights also joined them, either riding their titanous ally or traveling on foot in the horde. On top of that, there were several Barons of Hell, both armored and unarmored for war in the horde. The magma-beasts flashed their wrist-mounted flame blades to ward their enemy.

Weaving and slithering between the standard infantry demons were the much more supportive Whiplashes and Carcasses. The snake-like, half mechanical bodies of the Whiplashes slithered up the titan’s limbs and danced through the horde while its clumsy, bloated ally corpse waddled around on its multi-limbed mechanical legs.

Finally, rounding it all out were several floating angels with armor that was crimson red and wings glowing bright yellow. Angels of deceit, Blood Maykrs. The Slayer’s fist clenched at the sight of such an aggravating and annoying enemy as the smaller, much more fodder-like Maykr Drones flew beside them.

As the Slayer analyzed the thousand enemy forces, Princess Celestia began to speak. “We do not know why they are here. However for the past month they have been preparing effigies and slaughtering innocent ponies for them. We assume they used them as some sort of portal ritual.” Celestia explained. “We need you t-”

He didn’t need to be taught his own work. The Doom Slayer jumped off of the wall, landing onto the grass with feet and a fist implanted into the ground, ready to once more battle his immortal foes. His HUD lit up with a small message at the top.

Regenerating combat effectiveness boosts…

Analyzing battle environment…

Loading audio systems…

Creating track…

Battle track produced

The music blared through his helmet as he rose to his feet, starting out of the remaining protective bubble that surrounded the kingdom. He easily tore through the bubble, taking his Super Shotgun from his hip-plate and opening the chamber just slightly to check it was properly loaded.

He stared at the duo of marked shells with a maniacal grin before closing it back up, turning his shotgun over to check his meathook. It SHINK!’d with a satisfying noise, the sharp hooks spreading to ready itself to latch onto an enemy target. He was dual-wielding the Super Shotgun and the rather primitive spear.

As he marched towards the assaulting front, he could hear shocked screeches of horror from the demons, sighting the foe they thought was defeated as he raised the spear he had taken out of the hooves of those ponies.

The demons could feel their enemy's frantic grin burn into their souls as he took one bound to break into full sprint towards the demons. Fireballs began flying through the air, being tossed and missing the Slayer for the most part.

A detachment of the horde charged headfirst, two Barons leading with a pack of Imps, three Hell Knights and a Blood Maykr. The false angel rose to the sky on its energetic wings, impenetrable armor shedding as she launched several spears down at her enemy.

The Slayer kept eyes on her, dashing beside a Baron of Hell flying through the air to slam both hands straight into him. Once the attack was safely dodged, he launched his meathook straight at the Blood Maykr, reeling himself in close enough to blast her head off.

He felt a burning spear slice through his side, the Slayer wincing in pain from the attack as the yellow energy sizzled at his armored flesh. Just before she could hurl another blazing yellow spear, his Super Shotgun blasted straight into her head, exploding into Maykr energies.

His feet implanted onto the still floating corpse, the Slayer jumping off the disguised demon and readying the spear. He landed straight onto a Hell Knight’s shoulders, crashing the hellborn’s body into the ground. The look of fear scorched its yellow eyes as the Slayer lifted the spear in a reverse grip, tip pointed to the demon’s face.

It lifted a muscular hand for just a moment in hope of mercy before the spear was jammed into its head with spine-breaking force, blood spewing out and body convulsing before he cranked the spear just one more time to make sure it was dead.

The Slayer suddenly felt a hand slam into his back, him flying forward and sliding onto the ground a couple meters away from the Hell Knight corpse. He rolled on the ground for just a moment or two before finding his footing and ending the series of slides on one of his knees.

There he glared at the culprit, a Baron of Hell charging towards him. The Slayer rushed to his feet, sprinting at the building sized enemy. He reared a ginormous punch, sentinel energy swirling in his left hand as he haymakered into his enemy as hard as possible. The demon slid back from the Blood Punch, its enemy switching his weapons to the Chaingun.

It unfolded into its four different barrels of the Mobile Turret mod, blaring and blasting dozens of gauss powered shells into the stunned Baron. His Equipment Launcher joined in the barrage, blasted a flurry of a thousand degree flames into the demon. Blood flew everywhere as the bullets tore every bit of skin, flesh and vein the giant demon offered. A grenade was occasionally lobbed, contributing to the legion of stunning blasts to the demon.

As he focused his fire on the Baron, he felt a rumbling of marches cascade towards him, the Slayer dashing backwards to avoid yet another mighty smack from the Baron’s sibling. He readjusted his focus, his shoulder-mounted launcher hurling a remaining grenade straight at the brother Baron.

It bursted into shrapnel, staggering the demon and leaving it open to even more gunfire. The Slayer advanced with every step, watching its armor-like skin crumble away from the weapon in satisfaction. Finally, once he was close enough, he lifted the Mobile Turret over to his side and slammed it straight across the Baron’s legs, sweeping it off its hooves as the Slayer put away his weapon.

Once his enemy was on the ground, he marched up on top of it and grabbed one of its horns like it was a misbehaving bovine. He twisted the horn, causing a roar of agony from his enemy before pulling with all his might to tear away the gnarled piece of keratin.

Before the demonkin could retaliate, the Slayer swiftly lifted it over his head before driving the horn into the demon’s face a multitude of times, crushing its head and covering himself in his enemy’s oozy black blood.

He lifted the horn from the Baron, dashing off of it just in case any other demons would attack him after the glory kill. He was correct in his assumption as he sighted two Hell Knights following over the Baron and after him.

Still holding the horn, he crashed the make-shift weapon into one of the brute’s sides, knocking it to the ground. With that attack, his Equipment Launcher lobbed a nade at the other Hell Knight to stagger it.

While its partner was gathering itself from the grenade blast, the Slayer dashed to the Hell Knight he had just hit. He slammed the horn two extra times into the demonkin’s horrific face, grinning to see its skull cracked and smashed into unrecognizable mush by the attack.

The Slayer quickly turned, assuming the dead demon’s ally would attack just then. He felt the Hell Knight slam his fist into the Baron’s horn, the attack being blocked. He saw the keratin crack before him, falling out and snapping in half from the airborne smash.

He threw the blunt end of the horn straight into the demon’s face and watched it crumble into many more pieces before readjusting the grip on the bit of remaining horn to jam straight into the Hell Knight’s stomach. The curvature of the object made the pointy end dig up and into the demon’s chest cavity, piercing straight through the hellish heart.

He let out a monstrous, yet satisfied growl as he saw his enemy’s life fade. He let the demon and the horn drop from his grip. Once that foe was dealt with, the group of Imps came just late enough to aid the now dead Hell Knight.

The Slayer launched a frag grenade at them, lighting the whole crowd ablaze. He watched with joy as the crowd of fodder bursted into demonic energies that could restore his suit’s faculties.

He spotted a remaining imp, stuck to the ground with a severe lack of legs after the blast of shrapnel, crawling desperately away. The Slayer brought his Chainsaw out from his inventory systems, revving it up and diving at the Imp.

The Doom Slayer dug the Chainsaw into the demon’s back, lifting his enemy up with the gnashing and growling chains. It roared in pain and agony as the relatively small demon was lifted for all to see from the demonic crowd. Its arms thrashed wildly and its screech pierced the air.

Eventually, the upper torso and head that remained of the demon stopped, its screams dying down and its thrashings halting. The Slayer lowered his chainsaw, stomping the corpse off of his weapon before glaring around viciously for any new enemies.

None charged after him, the demons remained reserved and fearful around the Titan. An idea formed in his mind. If he can take out the Titan, that would most likely make the demons retreat. Better yet, force the larger demon to crumble on its allies.

With this thought, he pulled out the largest weapon in his inventory. Almost as large as himself. The gigantic, titanous, soul-crushing and absolutely devastating, BFG-9000. Its ginormous blocky frame appeared in front of him, the Slayer wielding it with his mighty strength. Green lights shined brightly from the gray weapon’s corners and frame, glowing with the strongest energies in the universe.

The Slayer squeezed the trigger of the big flabbergasting gun. He watched as the weapons charged up with a futuristic noise, the claws over its receiver which contained a giant green orb extending out. A tube sat behind the orb, rearing back to let the energies charge further and further before a huge blast of green energy blew out from the cannon towards the horde.

Thousands of the demons exploded into viscera, the floating orb of devastating energy extended tracers across the large group of enemies. Many of them perished, exploding into several piles of gore and bone. However, the much heavier demons of the Barons and Blood Maykrs remained, simply stunned by the energy.

The Doom Slayer huffed a moment of air, glancing down at the now energyless weapon, no more ammo residing in its chamber nore his reserves.

“Great Slayer, I prefer you minimize the use of that weapon. It could’ve harmed my subjects in the area.” Princess Luna warned in a defensive tone.

He tucked the BFG away with an annoyed look, rushing towards the much smaller horde and towards the leg of the Titan, still unaffected by the BFG’s tendrils. He rushed passed and dodged several of the still stunned demons, weaving through the many of them and up to the feet of the much larger demon.

He jumped onto one of the Baron’s shoulders, using that to dash upwards and onto the Titan. He leapt off, unsheathing his Doomblade and jamming it in as hard as he could into the Titan demon’s leg, lifting his fist up to jam that in as well. He rammed his punch in, gripping onto a strong bit of flesh within its leg to get a good hold.

The Slayer was now on the Titan, glaring up on his enemy. Dozens of demons still remained on its tall shoulders, too far from the trail of destruction the BFG left. He cursed under his breath as he felt a burning hot fireball fly past him and into the demon leg, the Slayer having to climb up swiftly on the demon.

He tore out the Doomblade, lifting himself up and slicing it into another higher portion of the demon. He did the same with his fist, using the Doomblade to rear himself to a higher position and jamming his hand once more into the leg. It was like climbing with an ice pick, but much more gorey and with much more effective tools.

From this distance up the Titan, the demon’s accuracy with their fireballs were way off and the Blood Maykr’s spears almost missed completely. Although, more threats stood to oppose him.

“Great Slayer, what are you doing on the Titan’s leg?” Princess Luna questioned within his helmet, him staring up at a duo of Whiplashes slithering down to meet him there. “Do you wish for death?!”

He tore out his right hand, reaching to his hip-plate to detach his Super Shotgun and aim its hook at one of the snake-like demons. The Meathook cracked through the air, landing into the flesh of one of the demons. He tugged the shotgun to himself as hard as he could, tearing his Doomblade out of the Titan and launching himself up above the two snake monsters.

Mid-air, he stashed his Super Shotgun back to his hip and presented his Heavy Machine Gun. He scoped in swiftly, blasting at one of the demons before swapping to his Ballista swiftly and blasting the same one with a devastating wave of Sentinel energy all while still mid-air.

Once committing that attack, he jammed the Doomblade back into the titan before aiming his Ballista once more at the damaged and shaky looking Whiplash to finally completely blast off the demon’s upper-half with it.

“I understand that you cannot speak.” Princess Luna began, a bit of worry in her voice at his plans. The Slayer didn’t seem too bothered, swapping out his Ballista for his Combat Shotgun, waiting for the Whiplash’s partner to slither up at him. “But I wish for some sort of communication!”

The Slayer flashed the objective marker on his HUD, a message at the top left which Princess Luna could read. ‘Kill the Titan.’ “Oh, I did not notice the capabilities to see your HUD.” She realized as the Doom Slayer revved up the Full Auto mod on his Combat Shotgun, blasting waves of pellets into the approaching Whiplash.

The hammering of shotgun shells into it, made it recoil back, breaking up its smooth slithering motion and causing it to stagger and eventually fall off of the Titan demon. Once she had fallen off, he growled, continuing on with his climbing motion.

The Doom Slayer made his way up the skyscraper sized demonkin’s leg, passing up the demon’s hips and up to its stomach with little conflict, however as he arrived closer to the shoulders of the demon, he began witnessing the sight of several Imps be shoved off the edge and fall down past him.

He stopped for just a moment, realizing the demonkin’s strategy. The bigger Hell Knights and Barons, in their panic, began hurling their much smaller allies down at the Doom Slayer. The Imp’s screeched past the Slayer as he began climbing faster, trying to avoid getting hit by one of the ape-like creatures.

The meaty smacks and tears of his climbing method became rhythmic below the screams of the damned falling to their doom. It wouldn’t be long before the larger demons would gain better aim, he would have to be swift. Suddenly, once he made his way to the giant demon’s chest, he felt several painful claws and stabs at his back, a heavy weight clinging to him.

The Imp screeched in absolute genuine horror. It had just been betrayed by his allies and thrown off a thousand foot drop, just managing to cling onto one of the most deadly beings in the multiverse. The Doom Slayer glared back angrily at the Imp as it clawed as fast as it could at the Slayer’s almost unbreakable armor.

He threw one of his arms behind his head, gripping onto the Imps nape as hard as he could and hurled him up into the air. The Slayer quickly brought up his Super Shotgun and blasted his Meathook at the demon, using him as an anchor point to yank him up much farther ahead on the titan. Just for insult to injury, on his way up he shot his duo of shells into the Imp, blasting it into sizzling meat confetti.

The Doom Slayer flung through the air, landing right onto one of the demon’s shoulders in front of many Barons and Hell Knights. They all stared in terror, the Slayer unlocking his Super Shotgun’s chamber and injecting a duo of new shells into the smoking barrels.

Just as one of the Barons lunged at him, he launched his freeze bomb at it, six or so demons in the general radius being engulfed and trapped into the freezing gasses dispersed by the bomb. The Doom Slayer blasted the shells into his now frozen enemy.

He watched a bit of the flesh chip off from it as he reached to his back and brought out his Sentinel Hammer. The Doom Slayer rose high in the air, dropping it down as hard as he could onto the shoulder of the Titan. The air exploded with a wave of screaming sentinel energy, paralyzing most of the already frozen demons and damaging them further.

Before the demons could unfreeze, he quickly equipped his Heavy Machine Gun, cracking his Precision Bolt’s fire mode into one of the Fireborne Barons before switching off to his Rocket Launcher and shooting off an explosive fireball, comboing in a duo of frags.

He repeated the combo to the group of demons, watching a multitude of them crumble into ice shards from the extreme amounts of damage. Once the freezing effects wore off, only two Fireborn Barons, one regular Baron of Hell and a handful of Hell Knights remained to battle the Slayer.

The Slayer interrupted his weapon combo to bring his Super Shotgun, latching the Meathook to a Fireborne Baron of Hell and launching himself up and above his enemies. Now with the aerial advantage, he began raining down the hellfire of Rockets and 7.62x51 down into his enemies. The barrage led to two of the remaining Hell Knights to perish from the extreme amounts of shrapnel that had been launched into their strong bodies.

When he did start getting close to the ground, he switched the combo away to bring out Lucifer’s Bane yet again. He swiftly reloaded it, falling right onto one of the Baron’s of Hell. His weight and power made the large demon crash into the ground that was the Titan’s shoulder.

It stared up at him in terror, several portions of its face shredded and torn off to reveal the skull. The last thing it saw was the Slayer’s Mark engraved just below the two barrels.

The Baron’s face exploded from the shotgun blast, the Slayer quickly dodging a swipe he predicted from one of the attacking demons. He reloaded while turning to face the other Baron and its partner. He blasted his Super Shotgun into one, launching a Frag Grenade at it before charging a blood punch in one of his fists to interrupt an incoming attack from the other demon.

The Slayer suddenly felt the fist of a Hell Knight punch into his right arm, his grip loosening and failing on his Super Shotgun as it fell out of his hand and flew off the shoulder of the Titan.

He growled at the Hell Knight, landing a right hook into its face before jamming his large gauntlets into the demon’s chest, gripping around the interiors of the Hell Knight’s rib cage before tearing his two hands away from each other. Its chest cavity ripped open and out of its body, the Slayer quickly grabbing the demon’s jaw before moving its body to his left in front of the Fireborne Barons who had just regrouped from his attack.

They didn’t realize the Slayer’s quick moves, bisecting their ally demon with their fiery wrist blades. The demon crumbled from his hands, the Doom Slayer grabbing his freshly recharged Hammer from his back in preparation to duel the remaining demons.

A fiery Baron leapt forward to swipe a blade at him, the heavy attack easily read by the Slayer and dodged. Before his partner could come in to aid he slammed his hammer into the demon’s hand as punishment, a screech of sentinel energy tearing through the air with the swing.

Pinkish-red energy swirled and charged up its arm, paralyzing the demon’s limb and forcing it onto its knees. The Slayer swiftly lifted a hand off his hammer, clenching it into a fist to back hand the Baron’s face. It roared in pain from the attack before the Slayer moved his hand to its horn and with much of his might, threw the demon off the edge of the Titan.

It roared horrifically as it screamed its way down to the ground. The final Fireborne Baron of Hell stood back cautiously from the Slayer, taking one step back on its large hooves ever so slowly. The Doom Slayer growled monstrously at his remaining enemy as it began backing off towards the Titan’s head.

He started marching towards it, Hammer still in hand. The Baron of Hell kept its horrified look, still backing up as the Slayer rammed forward. A paralyzing strike coursed through its stomach as the Slayer drove his weapon into the demon’s torso.

The final demon screeched in pain, the Slayer holstering the Hammer to his back once more and unsheathing his Doomblade. He dashed behind it, climbing up and onto its back and gripping one of its horns. He lifted its head to an angle where he could get a good look at its neck, glaring straight into its savage eyes before quickly and repeatedly plunging his wrist-mounted blade into its corroded artery.

Lava-blood spewed onto his gauntlet as it crumpled to the floor, dead. It squirmed and roared, covering its draining neck with its giant hands. The demon plummeted to the ground, dead. He marched off of it’s back, still glaring at it as he made it to the head of the titan. The Slayer followed the same strategy he used to get up the rest of the giant demon’s body, clawing his way up the demon’s head. Titan demons weren’t exactly the smartest of the bunch, often enslaved and used for simple labor and transport.

It hardly noticed him as he scrambled up on top of the demon's head, between its titanic horns. Once in position, he lifted the weapon high and far over his head, standing over the weakest part of its head and preparing a devastating blow to end the demon.

The Hammer screeched down and into the demon’s head, streaks of electricity coursing from it down into the demon’s skull. Its body began growing trails and veins of lethal energy. He lifted the mighty hammer in the air once more, slamming it down again. Again, and again and again the hammer would roar in light red screams of staggering electricity.

The attacks became rhythmic until finally the Titan convulsed for a moment before it began toppling over, falling over and onto all of the remaining ground-based hordes who were either cowering under the demon or climbing up it. The Slayer sprinted up the demon’s head as it fell forward to its face. Just as he made it to the back of its head, it crashed into the ground, shaking Equestria for unknown miles.

Dust settled, electricity crackled in the air, fire burned around the demon. Through the dust however, one could see that the Slayer stood over the conquered Titan, the remains of its allies surrounding its corpse. The Doom Slayer looked around slowly for any more enemies. He spotted none. The Doom Slayer returned the energy-less staff to his back, dropping down from the head of the titanic demon to make his way back to Canterlot.

“It appears the legends weren’t an overestimation.” Luna spoke through his suits communication system, a pleasantly surprised tone in her voice.

The Slayer had no response. It was a usual Tuesday as he felt the many scratches, burns, and bludgeons finally catch up to his senses thanks to the dying down adrenaline.

His ears perked at the sound of pained screams. An agonized Imp was still alive, legs pinned under a portion of the Titan and small bits of flesh missing from the demon. Within its arms, it clutched onto a hidden object. It was large and appeared that it held on to it close and tight.

It looked at the Slayer, screams turning from pain to horror as it began to further hide the object. Its shouts turned to begs in some demonic language before the Slayer, giving no mercy, crushed its skull in with a metallically armored boot. Falling from the arms of the Imp was Lucifer’s Bane.

He grinned like a goddamn maniac as he collected his lost weapon, holstering it to his side before continuing off from the slain legion and back to the large city.

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