• Published 19th Jan 2022
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Fuel the Eternal Flame | A DOOM MLP Crossover - NotAnEditor

Eons ago, in the trades of Nekravol, the great Khan Maykr sold away large stocks of worlds and planets that were once under their jurisdiction to the Dark Lord of Hell. Amongst these worlds being the peaceful land of Equestria.

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Mission 2. Ponyville Part 1


A small town not too far from Canterlot has become overrun with demonic forces. With this town as a vital stronghold for the demons, it would make continuous assaults on the capital of Equestria dead simple. Princess Luna requests of you to eradicate the demonic presence of this town.

The Doom Slayer’s footsteps left massive imprints in the grass as he made his path towards the town that the alicorn had directed him. The Slayer was reduced to strolling along the grasslands of this exotic world, looking across the pretty and vibrant colors of Equestria. This world hardly had any slipgate points that he could plant vortexes too, meaning walking was one of his only options.

The land he trekked through was filled with bright green grass, naturally grown with happily colored flowers, reeds yellow as the sun which had begun to set in the sky that slowly turned a warming pink.

He enjoyed the colors of this world, reminding him much of the less corrupted portions of Argent D’nur, vibrant and bright from the sentinel energies within the land. That was probably the same here, he could feel the wraith magic in the earth.

The only thing that broke the illusion of this peaceful paradise was the sky in the distance. Dark, ominous clouds swirled around his objective. They were struck with red and lighting exchanged across the fluffy tufts.

He was a good five hundred meters from his objective according to the marker the princess had planted on his HUD. The Slayer felt the weight of his Super Shotgun as he stared at the thin line of trees that separated him from the town.

His shoulder cannon reared around, looking about the area swiftly for any closeby enemies to target its Frag Grenades upon. It whirred robotically, the small flame tipping it hissing in wait for a flame blast upon an enemy demon.

“Ponyville is the closest demonic origin point to Canterlot. There are many sources of invasion and dozens of other gore nests, however if we allow the one here to thrive, then the continuous assaults on Canterlot would be easier than ever for our enemy.” Princess Luna informed.

He made his way closer to the treeline, opening his weapon wheel to insure that every weapon was in place and at full ammo. He could feel the Sentinel Hammer swirling with energy on his back.

Analyzing combat environment…

Loading audio systems…

Creating track…

Battle track produced

The Slayer moved a group of branches aside, walking towards one of the edges of the town he had been assigned too. A shady maroon was cast across the town from the angry red clouds above.

The town itself seemed comparable to that of most villages under Sentinel culture. Bleach white wood made up the walls of multiple houses with darker, stronger wooden frames. The roofs were covered in simple thatch and the windows were all stained a particular purplish-pink tone.

Suddenly, the shoulder cannon jumped to attention, locking onto a batch of enemies just ahead. The Slayer averted his vision to the large group of demonkin. Just ahead was a horde of equine stumbling about and groaning mindlessly. Their formerly colorful coats now stood faded, hanging loosely off them.

Princess Luna unmuted her connection to comment. “Is this what the demons do to ponies? Turn them into slogging beasts unable of freewill?” there was a heavy presence of sympathy in her voice.

The large group of zombified ponies looked over at the Slayer, groaning. Looking a little closer, he noticed some Imps weaving through the crowd.

“Interesting. It is rather sad to know that these were once my subjects.” Princess Luna sighed as the Doom Slayer dashed towards the large group. “D-Do with them as you wish, just make it quick.” she urged.

He launched a bout of flame towards the demons, the ponies burning up. The Equipment Launcher proceeded to blast forth a frag grenade, the shrapnel flying through the crowd and eviscerating most of them.

An Imp launched itself, just dodging the explosion. It landed in front of the Slayer, gripping his left wrist. He kicked the small demon away, unsheathing his Doomblade and bisecting the fodder.

Hearing another approach, he swapped grips on his Super Shotgun and aimed in the direction that he heard the pitter patters of the Imp’s feet. He dug his hand around the demon’s throat, it screeched in both horror and pain before he chucked it in the air and blasted it into flying meat confetti with his Super Shotgun. With a lot of the crowd cleared he could see more demons that were unlike the surrounding Zombies.

Stomping through the horde was a Hell Knight encroaching to brutalize the Slayer. His HUD flashed with ‘MISSILES TARGETING’ suddenly. The Slayer instinctually dashed back from the lock-on of two rather distant Revenants. Tall demons resembling a humanoid skeleton with two large missile launching turrets on their shoulders.

Thinking quickly, the Slayer began charging for the Hell Knight, jumping up and over several Unwillings. He started using them like stepping stones toward the enemy. As he did, he brought out his Heavy Machine Gun, locking the aim of its Precision Bolt to one of the cannons of the Revenants and cracking through one with an ear-piercing shot.

The distant roar of one of the Revenant’s could be heard as he shot off the remaining turret on the one he first targeted. As he rushed over the horde, he set his Machine Gun back into his inventory, once more setting his firing hand on the handle of his Super Shotgun.

He took a particularly large bound off of one zombie, reaching into the air above the Hell Knight and stomping downwards into the demon’s shoulders. He set the dual barrels right between the eyes of the demon before blasting its head away, pulp remaining on the stone ground.

With the horde of Unwillings behind him, he didn’t even cast a glance as his shoulder cannon reared around mechanically and repeated the fire and frag combo it had done earlier, removing the remaining close-by threats.

Once more noticing the warning message at the bottom of his HUD, he dashed out of the way of several lock-on missiles meant for him. Glaring over, he saw the other Revenant screeching at him.

The Slayer bounded furiously towards the remaining demon, pointing his shotgun’s Meathook at his enemy before blasting it towards the monster. It sunk into the mechanical core of it, the Slayer reeling himself towards the now stunned Revenant.

Once close enough, he let his fist leave the handle of his double barrel and charged it with a hardy batch of Sentinel energy. His gripped gauntlet tore into the mechanical torso of the skeletal demon, going right through it and out the otherside.

It screamed out in its death, the Slayer gripping a handlebar on the demon’s chassis to stabilize the extraction of his fist from the torso. Dark crimson blood dripped from his knuckles as he stepped away from his dead enemy.

Just before he could switch targets, the Slayer felt an intense hit in his back. The force driving him off his feet and rolling onto the ground. He dropped his weapon, scrambling to his knees to look up at just what had charged into him.

A raging Pinky glared back. The dog-like, armored demon skidded a hoof on the ground to prepare another charge towards the Slayer. Thinking swiftly, he rolled out of the way of the enemy’s attack. He heard the ground shake behind him as he turned to see the stunned Pinky, shaking its head from ramming it straight into one of the houses of Ponyville.

It had crashed through the front, slowly gathering itself in the living rooms of the house. He picked up his Super Shotgun and sprinted towards the demon, jumping on top of it and forcing it to the ground. He gripped the top jaw of the demon, squeezing the bottom jaw.

With his unimaginable might he ripped the Pinky’s mouth way farther than it should’ve gone, tearing its mouth apart. It screamed in pain, blood spewing from its maw and into its lungs as it drowned from just how much fluid spewed down its throat.

As he stepped away from the Pinky, the Slayer felt a pair of eyes on him. Watching. They were wide, and fearful, sitting in the corner of the abandoned living room that surrounded him. The blood covered, armor clad man slowly looked over to the location, seeing the bright and colorful coat of the town's inhabitant. The bright, vanilla colored fur of the pony was clear in the shady room.

Sweetie Drops stood deathly still, hoping the alien figure wouldn’t lay harm to her. The Slayer did the same, just staring to see if she would do anything in return. His Equipment Launcher whirred over to look back at the giant hole in the wall the Pinky caved in, the Slayer following the gaze of what looked like his second head.

Leaning in, glaring at the Slayer, towered another Hell Knight. The Doom Slayer glared back at it, unlocking the hook from his Super Shotgun. The demon charged at him, the Slayer sliding under a mean haymaker it prepared before quickly jumping on its back, gripping the meathook and jamming it repeatedly in the back of the neck.

It screamed, trying to tear him off as he stabbed it more and more, riding it’s back. Blood flew everywhere until finally, with both hands he drove a final stab of the flaming prongs through its nape and out the front of its throat. The Hell Knight crumbled to the floor, the Slayer tearing the meathook out one more time before letting it reattach to its base point on his Super Shotgun.

He felt his strength replenish after the brutal slaying of the demon. The Doom Slayer gave one last glance at the pony in the corner. It whimpered in terror as it hid, hoping that the unintentional glare of the Slayer hadn’t noticed her.

He simply turned, locking his Super Shotgun into place on his hip mechanism. The Slayer marched out slowly, heading back to the large group of dead fodder, Revenants, Imps and other demons. As he did, he made sure to equip his Ballista. The heavy weapon was held strong in his grasp, right on the large top handle and left on a secondary handle to heave the rest of the large energetic cannon.

The Slayer simply walked past all of them, towards a road that led deeper into the town. Multiple buildings and alleys marked left and right, his Equipment Launcher whirring all around in search of its next target once more.

Strolling zombies slugged along the sidewalks, glancing at the Doom Slayer for only a moment before continuing on. Like regular Zombies, their pony variants were rather passive, so he didn’t do much outright unless they’d be a nuisance in combat or he required a boost in health or ammo.

Speaking of which. The Slayer reviewed the weapon wheel for his ammo counts. They could use a pick-me-up. He stopped in front of a lone Unwilling. It was frail and old looking, a faded light green tinge on the elder. He half-hazardously tossed the heaving ordnance weapon at the small framed pony.

It stumbled backwards, falling to the ground with a mindless groan. The Slayer pulled out his chainsaw, pulling the starting handle with a strong yank as it lit to rumbling life. He plunged the rotating blades into the former-pony’s stomach, revving the blade up through the chest cavity. The Unwilling only responded with soulless groans as blood splattered all across the road.

Finally, after a while of the pony squirming on the ground and the threatening chainsaw roaring, it fell limp lifelessly. The Slayer tore the chainsaw out, feeling the pain of the demon be converted into refilling ammunition.

Princess Luna spoke up. “I understand that my former subjects are no longer who they once were, but I request that you utilize more restraint with how you deal with them.” an annoyed tone entered her voice.

The Slayer lifted the no longer revving chainsaw, sending it to his inventory before making his way to the Ballista he had tossed to disrupt the Zombie. He appeared to care very little about Luna’s input.

‘TARGET IDENTIFIED’ his HUD exclaimed as his second head stared into one of the alleys between the many buildings. He quickly picked his Ballista up, spotting a Mancubus standing in a challenging manner with a legion of Imps trailing behind and climbing over it.

The Mancubus demon was a tusked, horrific mass of fat and flesh in a bipedal, humanoid form. It was augmented with hell cannons on either arm meant for blasting hellfire and fireballs at its enemies.

‘ADDITIONAL TARGETS DETECTED’ The Slayer followed where his launcher aimed, glaring at the alley on the other side of the road. The flaming wrist blades of a Baron of Hell burned in the shadows as it marched out, ready to battle.

The Mancubus aimed its cannons at the Slayer, blasting a duo of fireballs as a horde of Imps encroached on him. He dashed out of the way of the hellfire, blasting the Ballista into one cannon and rotating off to his Heavy Machine Gun to shoot away the remaining one.

The large demon staggered as its smaller allies charged forth towards the Slayer. With the batch of fodder, he simply cast out a bout of flames before dispatching them with a Blood Punch.

Finally, he pulled out his Rocket Launcher, locking it onto the Mancubus before firing away the volley of fireballs. They bursted around the hulking demon, exploding into many bone shards, organs and gore.

Once the shrapnel settled, he could feel the ground rumbling as the Baron of Hell approached behind him. Before it could get a swipe in, the Equipment Launcher spun behind him swiftly and shot out an Ice Bomb at the tall demon.

It was engulfed in freezing gasses, forming into a statue of ice. The Slayer quickly brought out his Chaingun in exchange for his HMG as he turned around. He unfurled the numerous barrels of the minigun, the weapon roaring strongly as it shed away the ice consumed flesh and chitin of the Baron.


The entire town was filled with the Mobile Turret’s quaking noises. It drowned anything that it came in contact with, even the music blaring from the Slayer’s helmet. Eventually, it clicked with a lack of ammunition, the Slayer storing it back in as the Baron broke from its icy prison.

It staggered to the cobblestone path in the middle of the road, stunned from the fury of damage. Its full front was now an exposed, blood-magma-engulfed skeleton. The Slayer rushed towards the struggling demon, giving it a whooping punch to the face. The Baron fell to its back, holding its lava-covered face as the Slayer climbed onto its chest, reaping punch after punch over its bone-exposing head.

Crk! Crack! Kck! Schk! Brutal, chunky noises broke out after each hit with his powerful gauntlets. It was a brutal beatdown, the flowing hot magma staining his fists as he refused to let up until the roaring demon perished.

The Fireborne Baron of Hell suddenly felt the agonizing punches halt, opening its savage glowing white eyes to see the Doom Slayer gripping both of his hands together. Finally, the demon purger gave a giant slam of both of his balled hands into the demon’s head, magma flying everywhere and the skull collapsing in on itself.

He lifted his fists from the demon, breathing heavily. The Slayer stepped off, moving away from the body. He slid Lucifer’s Bane out of its locking mechanism and glared at the remaining demon. There, frozen in horror at the sight of such a brutal takedown of the Baron stood a Dread Knight. An offshoot of the Hell Knight, bred and augmented for maximum killing efficiency.

Dual energy blades shimmered from each mechanical hand of the monster, its entire upper head fully augmented to a mechanical variant for both defense of the brain and to increase the demon’s perception of its environment. This cybernetic Hell Knight however appeared to be malfunctioning, too filled with fear to react to the demon killer.

Before it could manage its terror, the Slayer dashed right in front of the demon, impaling his Doomblade into the monster’s chest, tearing it upwards to reveal the gaping ribcage. It screamed, hands raising to the air as the Slayer gripped its beating heart that sat right between the lungs of the beast.

Blood spewed as he squeezed the alien heart, tearing it off the arteries. The demon crumbled to the ground, gasping for air and setting its large hands against its chest in a vain attempt to halt the pain.

The Doom Slayer stood, glaring around for any enemies. He stared into the surrounding alleys, seeing only the minimal threat of ponies overtaken by Hell. He was about to move on, before spotting a bright-colored pelt near a trash bin, a light gray pony leaning slightly out to stare at the Slayer in horror with a pair of strangely positioned amber eyes.

He looked at her, eyes locked before squeezing the still beating heart he held with all his might. The organ swiftly burst into viscera in his hands, covering his visor in the blood of his enemy. The pony jumped in terror before returning behind the trash can as quickly as she could.

“Must you strike such fear in my subjects?” Princess Luna asked as the Slayer continued his way down the street, making sure to step over the Dread Knight’s corpse disrespectfully. He could see what could be a decorative fountain not too far down the road, positioned in the center of town nearby many abandoned market stands. Among them were many zombies, limping about.

The Doom Slayer wiped the dark blood from his visor as Luna continued. “Down the street you will encounter the town center. From there, you can get rid of the rest of these demons as well as their source.”

He equipped his Super Shotgun, stopping as he felt an energetic feeling scourge through his body. The feeling that would indicate the opening towards a high level demonic presence. He looked up, staring at a swirling red vortex, ripe to drop a super heavy demon right above.

The Slayer swiftly dashed out of the way of the portal, a giant beast landing right where he stood. It resembled a Baron of Hell, however it was heavily armored in a layer of magically enchanted armor.

The armor was blood red and mechanical and swirling with protective spells the Dark Lord himself casted. Where its right hand should be sat a morning star, ready to be charged and launched at the Slayer like a speeding bullet.

The Armored Baron stepped forward, swiping its large mechanical morning star at its enemy. The Doom Slayer backed away, equipping his Heavy Machine Gun. As the large demon made the attack, he heard the sound of a distant jet before a large, mechanical voice spoke out.

“SLAYER IDENTIFIED.” The voice boomed as a Doom Hunter floated out of one of the alleys to aid the Armored Baron.

Doom Hunters were more machine than demon. Its legs were gone and replaced with a floating sled, several rockets and explosive weapons mounted to it. The portion that was demon had a double bladed chainsaw take up the space where its left hand would be and the Paingiver Rocket Launcher mounted to its right hand.

An energetic plasma shield engulfed the tan colored demon flesh and a cyclopsian robot eye sat just above its face. The Slayer glared as the ‘MISSILES TARGETING’ sign appeared in his HUD. His boots dashed back to avoid the lock-on, the Slayer rushing forward towards the Doom Hunter

He shot an Ice Bomb at the demon, Bood Punching it’s sled. SHING! He turned swiftly around, glaring at the Armored Baron as it prepared to launch its morning star with a green flash. He quickly aimed onto the morning star, blasting into it with his Precision Bolt. The maroon armor blasted away, the Baron staggering.

The Doom Slayer equipped Lucifer’s Bane, aiming the shotgun at the closer Doom Hunter’s sled. With that attack, the ice around the demon fizzled away. “CRITICAL DAMAGE!” It exclaimed, removing itself from the sled and floating on a couple of smaller jet boosters.

He turned away from the Doom Hunter, loading his Super Shotgun and aiming it straight at the face of the now armorless Baron of Hell, its angry red skin burning with hell energy. The Doom Slayer shot a horn off the demon, reloading it once more before shooting another Shotgun blast.

The Slayer heard the revving of a dual chainsaw behind him. He ducked, one of the saws just narrowly scraping his helmet. The demon murderer spun around, bringing out Paingiver and dashing away from the floating demon.

He enabled the lock-on mod, holding aim on the Doom Hunter. It chunked with the loading of a barrage of fireballs, launching the three. They exploded mercilessly on the exposed Doom Hunter’s torso.

Swusuwusuwususwu! The Doom Slayer heard the strange noise, glaring back at the Baron as its armor recharged back around its body. It roared, a mechanical tone to the demonic voice once the armor reformed.

The Doom Slayer dashed to the demon’s left side, unsheathing his Doomblade with a Shink! and slicing through its Chainsaw-wielding arm. It fell to the ground as its jets malfunctioned as with a small bit of effort, the Slayer heaved the Double-Bladed Chainsaw, gripping the revver and pulling it with building crushing strength.

It rumbled with great intensity as he tore it straight through the torso of the cybernetic enemy, carving a large hole in its chest as it roared agonizingly. Once the screams of the demon halted, he pulled the Chainsaw straight out of its previous user. The Slayer felt the spent reserves of his HMG and Chaingun replenish with the Dual-Chainsaw kill.

He tossed it away from the corpse, bringing out his freshly replenished Heavy Machine Gun. He held it in his right, equipping Hell Breaker in his left. The Slayer glared behind him at the approaching Armored Baron, predicting a charge of its morning star.

He dodged out of the way of the rushing demonic weapon, backing off further to prepare for the next move of his enemy. It swiped at the Doom Slayer, knocking its target back a little. He growled in pain from the sudden bludgeon of his side, keeping the barrel of his Machine Gun locked on the futurized medieval weapon.

His ears perked to the shining noise the demon made when charging its primary attack, the Doom Slayer quickly scoping on the green weapon before once again shooting through it and witnessing the armor dissipate.

Before it could grab its barings, the Slayer rushed forward and threw the Heavy Machine Gun as hard as he could into the demon's head. It stunned the monster for a moment as the Slayer prepped a mighty strike from his Sentinel Hammer.


The already bloodied torso of the demon caved inwards on its organs, engulfing in Sentinel energies. The demon collapsed forward in front of the Doom Slayer. The sadistic demon purger grinned maniacally as he deactivated his energy-based weapon and equipped his Super Shotgun.

Wasting no time, he kicked the demon heads up and shoved the barrels of the shotgun into the Baron’s mouth, pulling the trigger tightly. The demon’s head exploded in bone and blood, the monster going limp.

The Slayer took a quick couple of breaths, gently dropping the demon head to unhinge the chamber of his Super Shotgun and watch the spent rounds eject. He injected the next duo of shells into the barrels, closing it up before he continued his way down the street towards the center of town.

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