• Published 19th Jan 2022
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Fuel the Eternal Flame | A DOOM MLP Crossover - NotAnEditor

Eons ago, in the trades of Nekravol, the great Khan Maykr sold away large stocks of worlds and planets that were once under their jurisdiction to the Dark Lord of Hell. Amongst these worlds being the peaceful land of Equestria.

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Codex/Demons III

Forged from Hellfire, the Archvile is feared among lesser demons for its innate ability to channel and manipulate the unholy powers of Hell magic. Descended from the eldest race of demons, the Arch-vile has long held a place within the ruling caste of high-born demon lords. Possessing superior intellect among the demon ranks, the Archvile's psycho and pyromancy powers make it a natural-born ruler of the savage and primitive beasts of Hell, capable of bending weak-minded underlings to serve its will. They are physically gifted as well, able to survive the most lethal of blows.

Cursed Prowler
A binding curse of necrotic poison drips from the claws of the Cursed Prowler like venom. Known in Hell to be one of the most treacherous forms of blood magic, only few have the teachings to conjure such sorcery. Yet, Prowlers from the deepest and darkest hell-pits have evolved to naturally produce such power from their fingertips. One swipe curdles the blood of their victim and drains them of their essence with each heartbeat. The only way to cease the curse is to cease the caster.

These demons are similar in form to its original counterpart however slightly larger in stature and colored in a noxious green. Poison actively drips from their claws and when they screech it spews from its mouth in spit.

Unlike most demons, the gargoyle is said to be native to the world of Sentinel Prime, where they have plagued the Night Sentinels for centuries. They were well known for their ability to fly over the city's walls, taking any available opportunity to massacre a great number of people before returning to their native wastelands. It required vigilant and skillful marksmen to intercept them.

Hell has now adorned their front limbs with long slicing blades to replace their hands, using them greatly in swift hit and run assaults. On occasion they may take flight to launch a devastating barrage of acidic spit at its target mid-air.

When a unicorn proficient in telekinesis is corrupted by Hell, they become mindless, stumbling drones. They are comparable to their Unwilling cousins, however they obtain one very obnoxious ability. The ability to jam and or disable your firearm. If one is kept near your proximity long enough, it will hold your weapon’s trigger, mechanism or even projectile in place with its magic and prevent you from firing.

As civil war consumed Argent D'Nur, the Night Sentinels Guard was quartered by their faith. Torn between serving the Khan Maykr or revolting against that which they swore to protect. Those most disillusioned forswore their oath to the Sentinel royalty, abandoning their pact of allegiance made to the throne.

These hardened warriors joined the separatist group led by the exalted Priest class, allying themselves with the Maykrs and their devout acolytes in an attempted coup against the Sentinel royal house. Those Sentinel warriors who fell in battle, having sided with the Maykrs, were ultimately denied finality in death. Resurrected by the Divinity Machine of Maykr design, these fallen Sentinels were returned from the dead, transformed by Hell's power, and recreated with a singular purpose: to hunt the Slayer, now reborn as Knights in Hell's army.

Unlike other demons, the Marauder has a large variety in both appearance and weaponry. Some are standard with energetic axes, Super Shotguns, and impenetrable shields. Most of the time however, they may come in cybernetic forms, more prestigious armor, different colored clothing, Sentinel blades and hammers and many more variations in both dress and weapon.

However, they almost all fall under the same tactic when dealing with the Doom Slayer. Unlike most of its demonic allies, these former Sentinels block almost every attack dealt to them. The key is to wait for a strike to counter and then deal damage while it is stunned. The other option is getting up close and personal to bypass any blocks however it is a very dangerous strategy.

Demon Lords to the black soul pits of Babel, the Tyrants have long served as wardens and slavers of the infernal pits. Weaponized and cybernetically altered by the UAC, the Tyrants are tasked with overseeing the collection and extraction of sin-branded souls from the mortal world, their role in Hell ordained by the unholy sigil of the Elder Hell-gods. A sadistic master of lesser demons, the Tyrants are feared for their cruelty and malice.

These monsters are tall and giant. They are pinkish-tan in color and their bodies are absurdly durable. Certain limbs and sections of bodies were replaced with cybernetic enhancements and most commonly those include: a right arm replaced with a rocket cannon, an energetic source on the left wrist that extends a ginormous orange energy blade, a cybernetic right leg, and a portion of its face replaced with a robotic eye to easier identify targets. Between its big piggish face adorns two man-sized horns ready to pierce any nearby foe.

A Tyrant is a slow-moving powerhouse, extremely tough and able to dish out high damage, with its main weaknesses being slow turning speed and a large body that makes it an easy target. It shares some characteristics of the cybernetically enhanced Baalgar demon, or Cyberdemon as the UAC referred to it.

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