• Published 19th Jan 2022
  • 3,505 Views, 183 Comments

Fuel the Eternal Flame | A DOOM MLP Crossover - NotAnEditor

Eons ago, in the trades of Nekravol, the great Khan Maykr sold away large stocks of worlds and planets that were once under their jurisdiction to the Dark Lord of Hell. Amongst these worlds being the peaceful land of Equestria.

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Mission 3. The Castle of Friendship


Hearing the name of this stronghold, you can’t help but cackle slightly. As you wander the Hellward streets of the fittingly named Ponyville, you see more of the strange equine inhabitants eyeing you like a monster. But you’re no demon, you’re something worse. Princess Luna informs you of the lack of demonic presence within the castle but you don’t believe it’d stay that way. So you enter, ready for the hidden slipgate that may await you.

Analyzing potential combat environment…

Loading audio systems…

Creating track…

Ambient track produced

“You have arrived.” the regal voice of Princess Luna spoke through the Slayer’s helmet, the human stepping in front of his objective.

His blade was already unsheathed, shimmering in the colorfulness of Equestria with the tall tree-like castle towering above him. His Super Shotgun rested in his right hand as he marched towards it, opening the latch just slightly to confirm a fresh batch of shells were loaded within it.

The giant castle was constructed of blue and purple magical crystals in the shape of some ginormous tree. Between the branches sat the walls of a purple fortress with a tower peeking from it. Topping the center tower was a huge, shiny star-like crystal. Much like the rest of this world, it was brightly colored and shined in such a way that it reflected in his visor.

“Once more, I apologize for the lack of quick transportation. The closest vortex area is hidden deep in the Castle of Friendship." she explained. "It will be your only way to make it to the Argent Wells to halt the flow of the demon's energy into our world."

The Slayer snickered at the name of the fortress once more, continuing to its doors. He shoved the dual gates open with both hands, boots echoing on the purple carpeted floor. The violet was altered slightly by the presentation of blood from his metal soles. The walls were dark purple with windows occasionally dotting it and pillars of crystal appearing between walls every now and then.

The floor which presented itself was a throne room of sorts. One large throne sat in front of what looked like a planning table. Several other, much smaller seats resided around the table amounting to six other thrones. He assumed it to be a war room where knights and kings of this world plotted invasions or defensives.

"This is where my sister's protege resided. Another Princess known as Twilight Sparkle." Luna explained.

He moved towards the crystal table, setting a bloody gauntlet onto it. Suddenly, a hologram of Equestria appeared before him. Hundreds of logos spread across it. They were comparable to the strange tattoo-like marks that appeared on the hips of the sentient equine.

Luna's voice crackled in his helmet. "Ah yes, the Cutie Map."

The Slayer gave the internal speaker of his helmet a 'what-in-God's-name-did-you-just-say?' Look.

"This castle was where Princess Twilight and her best of friends solved friendship issues all over Equestria." she explained, solemn forming in her voice towards the end of her sentence. "Of course, more than just friendship problems are occurring now." the numerous marks that radiated from the hologram shined brightly.

The Slayer gave a small snort of humor, swiping left on the table to dismiss the hologram, smudging it further with crimson.

He turned back to the large door he entered through, two much smaller double doors residing left and right of it. Judging by the exterior, it had to lead to the upper floors. The Slayer started towards one of the small double doors.

“Keep weary for the Princess while you are searching for the slipgate. She still could be here.” Luna informed as he shoved the doors open. It indeed led to a tall stairway which crawled up the sides of the trunk. As the Slayer navigated the keep, he equipped his Super Shotgun, keeping right hand on the handle of Lucifer’s Bane while drawing his left across the crystal walls.

He knew castles like these contained secrets. Hidden stashes had kept him alive through the pre-immortality days and it certainly aided him to this day. Occasionally he would swap the hand he used to gander across the wall to the right wall, searching for any hidden buttons.

His searches were fruitless as he arrived at the more castle-like floors of this strange crystalline keep. He slammed open a trap-door, revealing the purple hallways of the castle. The trapdoor was within a long hall, in front of him being a diverging one leading towards what appeared to be some sort of balcony.

The Doom Slayer lifted his Super Shotgun, keeping his barrel directed in front of him in a readied stance. His Equipment Launcher was also on the search for targets, whirring towards the different angles of exposure to check for threats.

The halls echoed the robotic whirrs, stirring silently with inactivity. The Slayer thought it was quiet… too quiet. He advanced, slowly and methodically towards the balcony. “I’ve uploaded the floor plan of the castle to your automap systems. It is strange, a lot of your system’s language is configured to one that is not of Sentinel origin.” Luna spoke up.

The Slayer ignored her comment, opening the automap in a corner of his HUD. It was completely in English. The multi-layered building was presented, the areas he had already explored covered in his signature green. He was in the western section of the castle, full of various rooms. Luna had thankfully marked them.

The dining hall, kitchen, bathroom, an absurdly large pantry, storage room and a good dozen guest rooms lined the hall he had just passed. As he approached the dual glass doors to the pantry, Luna continued speaking. “I believe the library may be of interest to us. The princess was quite the bookworm indeed. If she was anywhere in the castle, it’d be there.”

He shoved open the dual doors, coming out onto the colorful balcony. Dozens of multi-shaded plants were placed in several plots. Flapping high above was a giant purple flag that hung above the balcony. This seemed like it would’ve been a perfect place for the princess to destress.

It also provided a good view of the dilapidated Ponyville. Some of the buildings sizzled and burned with hellfire, multiple were collapsed by missed rockets and stomping demons and the ones that still stood were heavily damaged and scratched. Dozens of blood puddles pooled on the streets along with enormous demon corpses.

The town was dead silent with little to no noise aside from the crackling of fire, not a sign of life. The sun was setting on the small, destroyed village and night was swiftly approaching. The sound of wind whistled through his helmet speakers for a moment before he turned and continued back into the castle.

As the Slayer cleared the numerous rooms of the fortress, darkness had shrouded the halls and to normal sight, it would’ve been too dark to see. However, the ruthless demon hunter’s eyes had grown used to the shady underbellies and void-like halls of the damned. Thousands of years within those lands refined his eye-sight, adapting an acute night-vision.

He marched out of another fruitless guest room. As his heavy shoes stomped out, he heard a peculiar noise be picked up from his helmet speakers. He looked to the stone wall he had just passed, walking back and placing another foot next to it.

The sound was familiar. The faintest echo of a footstep through a thick wall. He gave a thoughtful look for a moment, taking his left hand from the handguard of his Super Shotgun and drawing it over the wall. All the blood had dried now, so it hardly stained the stone. Indeed, he could feel a particular hollowness he couldn’t with the other walls.

His experience with secret hunting stuck with him for eons, following him to this dreadfully colorful land. The Slayer set his left back to his gun, preparing his right for a hard punch.

“What are thoust doi-” The wall rumbled, bricks flying away and dust being thrown in the air. The Slayer had punched a large hole in the wall. Behind it revealed a room with a short flight of stairs that led down to a couple meter long hall. The walls were a standard Sentinel gray with metal lining the stone.

When he placed a boot onto the stairs, light blue torches lit alive with wraith energies, revealing the room fully. Several embedded statues of the Maykrs and Wraiths lined the walls, alien-like holy figures to the Sentinels.

There, floating majestically in the magical grip of the pedestal hovered one of the only things that could bring a tear to the eye of such a masculine soldier. It was two tube-like structures, forged strongly with hellfire and adamantium steel. One end had a hole in it while the other appeared to have some sort of attaching structure.

He lowered his gun, staring at the object with as much physical emotion his body could produce. It wasn’t a lot. Slowly, he approached the device. The bottom of the tubes held a little plate designed to slide into and attach itself into something else, as did the top.

Luna watched on curiously as the Slayer slid away the meathook and let it dissolve into his inventory. With extreme care he lifted one barrel from the pedestal, gently sliding it onto the side of his left Super Shotgun barrel. Then, he tore the next from the levitating magic, inserting that on in until an orgasmic click echoed down the hall.

The Slayer thought these upgrades were long lost, its effectiveness questioned and methods abandoned. But there he was, wielding it in his gauntlets. Joy filled what remained of his shattered soul as he gently stared at the beauty of…

The Quadruple Barrel Super Shotgun.

His cause was just, his will was strong, and his gun had two too many barrels. He unlocked the chamber of this magnificent firearm, loading the two extra shells onto the side-mounted barrels which were miraculously connected to the gun’s receiver. It was a true miracle of firearm technology. The shells slid in satisfyingly as he threw the gun upwards to lock the loaded barrels back into place.

The Doom Slayer gave one long look to his new weapon, tilting it to the left, then the right before finally letting it rest in his hands. A wide smile was plastered on his face as he exited the room. Luna could not detect it under his helmet once he stepped back into the halls.

He started off, approaching the next room. It was the library that he was coming upon. Before the Doom Slayer was a couple feet in front of the door, he heard the sound of muffled stomps. It got closer, crashing through the ground in another hall opposite of the door. He turned, readying his shotgun.

The purple wall was blasted through, a Hell Knight-like demon tearing through. Before he could squeeze the trigger on his shotgun, he was charged into the wall. His body broke the stone behind him, the momentarily dazed Slayer viewing his enemy.

The demon was rather short, but wide with muscle mass. Its head was equine-like but its legs were broken and torn into a bipedal shape. Its hooves were slowly forming into what appeared to be a pair of terrifying, keratin-like hands, however it was half in the process. You could see the small excursions of hoof attempting to transform into digits. Its skin was now hard tan hide, with bits and tatters of colorful, faded coat drooping from it.

Before the Hell Paladin could’ve lifted its hooves into a stomp, the Equipment Launcher spewed thousand degree flames into the face of the demon. It staggered back, fire consuming it as the demon attempted to wipe it all away.

Its torso was shot through by the wall of lead the Quad Shotgun provided. The demon collapsed to the floor, incapacitated as the shot-through torso revealed a bloody and cracked spine. The Slayer cackled for a second, looking down at his new weapon. Sure it chewed through ammo, but it was very satisfying to use.

On the floor, the dying demon wailed and whillied, holding its torso in pain. Tears of agony poured down its face as torment consumed it. This too provided to the Slayer’s cruel grin as he slowly approached it.

Princess Luna could feel herself cringe as the Doom Slayer watched the demon squirm on the ground for the remainder of the beast's fading life. Its neighs of affliction were comparable to that of a normal pony. After another few seconds, she couldn’t bear it. “M-May you please put it down?”

The Slayer considered it for a moment. He lifted a boot as the wide-eyes of the horse-demon stared up at him. His stomp broke through the demon’s skull with a hard crack before he lifted his foot up to stomp down once more just to be sure. He twisted the boot into the brain-matter to ensure the kill.

The moon princess swallowed nervously before continuing. “The library is just to your right.”

The Slayer glanced at the larger doors. It seemed rather important. “If you see a purple alicorn, do not, I repeat, do not harm her.” she warned as the Doom Slayer loaded the next four shells into the chamber of his new weapon modification. Once finished, he set his gauntlets on the twin doors, shoving them open.

He advanced in steadily, keeping barrels pointed ahead. The shady library was a dark purple, crystal support sprouting between the large, book-filled shelves embedded in the violet walls. It was a very cozy room, several tables with multiple chairs at them.

The demon hunter prowled through the room, clearing it. He noted a soft area of the area, a burgundy carpet with red cushioned chairs atop it along with a comfortable looking sofa. As he glanced at the setup, he heard a magical swoosh come towards him.

A table crumbled over his armor, his green armor meter on his HUD chipping down. He glared behind him, pointing his Shotgun towards the culprit. Standing before him on the other side of the library stood a lavender colored alicorn, horn extending high and wings expanded out. Fury burned from her violet eyes as she lifted several other tables into the air, preparing to hurl them at the suspected demon.

Slung to her back was some sort of saddlebag containing a large and heavy ancient book.

The Slayer barely squeezed the trigger. His gun blasted no pellets and his trigger failed to move back. He lifted to view the gun curiously. Of course. The trigger was once more jammed by the magic of the pony. He holstered the weapon, readying his fists.

Another table crashed into the Slayer. He flinched, the alicorn rushing towards and through a broken window above the tall shelves.

He watched her fly away, tearing out a splinter that got between the cracks of his armor out from his shoulder. “Ngh…” He grunted in mild pain.

“So she lives. I’ll inform my guards to keep an eye out for her.” she informed, writing something down. “Remain focused on the primary objective.”

The Slayer gandered around the library, looking through the bookshelves. He knew secrets hidden by both demon, human and Sentinel all too well. The good old book-switch trick was a common trope.

He lifted a finger to a book for a moment, beginning to test one and see if it would reveal some hidden hall or room, until he realized a much more efficient tactic. Forming with a blue light in the Doom Slayer’s hands was the large frame of the Mobile Turret, the Slayer backing off before unfurling all twelve barrels to maximize fire.

The room lit with blue muzzle flash, bullets ripping through dozens of books. The gunfire could probably have been heard from hundreds of feet away. He couldn’t help but smile maliciously as he destroyed the dozens of books within the library.

“Why in Celestia’s name are you doing such a thing?!” Luna attempted to shout over the ear-splitting gunfire the M220 Chaingun provided with the addition of 11 more barrels. Even if the Slayer could hear, he wouldn’t have responded as dozens of the books flew away from the shelves or were eviscerated into shreds.

At some point, the gunfire was as if a light had been flicked on in the room. Piles of bullets surrounded him as he began rotating to get all the shelves under fire. The room’s floors were either covered with blown through pages, destroyed book covers or steaming ejected cartridges.

Eventually, his bullets covered a book that stood steadfast, simply retracting into the wall. Once the Slayer noticed it, he stopped firing away. As it slid in, a large click echoed through the room, past the slowing down barrels and the clinking bullet shells on the ground.

Once the barrels clicked back into regular place, he refolded the gun into its normal form before tossing it away, his inventory systems catching the object and dissolving it into one of his waist packs. He re-equipped his Super Shotgun as the bookshelf creaked, crystal and dust sprinkling around it as it shook heavily. The ground rumbled as the shelf lowered slowly.

The Doom Slayer prepared his shotgun as the wall descended to reveal a large, dark hall. Once the shelf fully inserted into the ground, a bright, shimmering light glowed from far within. There, a dark blue portal glowed brightly with light, illuminating the entire hall. Before he could step a boot forward, a mechanical noise echoed down the hall.

Rey-roo! Rey-roo! Rey-roo!

He could’ve recognized it anywhere, the robotic workings of the legs of the signature spider demon. The Arachnotron. Another pair of eight robot legs began working down the halls too, at least judging by his ears. Much later he could hear the more obscure stomps of a Baron. He readied his weapon as two Arachnatrons edged around the corner of the dual doors, looking in curiously before freezing up at the sight of the Doom Slayer.

It appeared that they were not prepared for him as a Fireborne Baron of Hell followed behind them, blue energy swirling within the demon. It was possessed and empowered by a Spirit.

Analyzing combat environment…

Loading audio systems…

Creating track…

Battle track produced

He fired his four shells away at the three demons, plasma shots raining on him from the Arachnotrons. A speedy Baron hurled a flaming fireball at him that the Slayer narrowly dodged. He fiddled a bit, shoving the next pair of shells into the chamber.

The next shot was fired once more into the right Arachnotron, the demon stumbling away and trying to gather itself. Before it could reach back to the battle, the Slayer hopped into the air and crushed into the brain of the demon-spider. He lifted his Doomblade into position, jamming it into the head of the Arachnotron.

It roared as blood spewed. He tore the blade out, before the feeling of a large fireblade slamming into his back interrupted him. He was hurled across the room, the force of the Possessed Baron knocking him into a bookshelf. The Slayer shouted in pain, relentless plasma firing continuing to rain on him from the remaining cyborg.

Plasma burned and sizzled through his armor as he rose to his feet, loading another round of shells before holstering his gun and equipping the glorious Paingiver. He dashed to the left, out of the way of a right swipe from the quick moving Baron.

As he locked his barrage on the monster, it leaned back, clinging its hands together to prepare another fireball. It hurled the ball of hellfire at the man, missing as legions of rocket trinities hammered into it. The will of the Spirit kept it from flinching however.

The Slayer dashed away from a fiery blade slash of the Fireborne Baron, quickly switching to his Machine Gun to blast away the turret of the Arachnotron with the Precision Bolt. It roared as its main source of long-ranged weaponry was destroyed.

Once the turret was out of question, he selected his Plasma Rifle, using the Microwave Beam mod to stun the Possessed Baron for a moment before hotswapping to his Rocket Launcher to blast it away. The combo was presented, the Microwave Beam stunning the demon just long enough for him to get a rocket in with his other weapon before stunning it again.

The Baron was stun-locked, only barely advancing towards the Slayer as it was stunned and rocketed over and over again. The mold of lava-rock chitin was being chipped away, revealing magma flesh underneath dark exterior.

He paid close attention to the health of the Baron, the Microwave Beam’s connection to it presenting its life-force in his HUD. Just as he saw the beam nearly be full and the demon be ready for the finishing blow, he felt his feet leave the ground with immense force.

The Slayer once more crashed into the bookshelves, losing grasp on the Paingiver He quickly gathered himself, leaving the Rocket Launcher behind as he saw the approaching Baron sprint unrelentlessly to him. He only casted a glance at his health and armor bars, noticing how truly desperate he was for health, all the way down to 73.

He rolled out of the way of another flame blade before being back-handed by the large demon. He only stumbled backwards, lifting his Super Shotgun to blast away into it. The unsatisfying click of his gun went off, the Slayer finding the trigger unable to be moved. He was getting very annoyed at this new demon.

The Doom Slayer blasted a bout of his Flame Belch at the Baron, dashing away further and throwing a couple of grenades. He had to play defensively with this low of life in him. While managing and dodging the attacks of the Baron, he spotted the arriving enemies from the door. Trying their best to approach him was a legion of six Hell Paladins, all in a bull-like charge to bash into him with their equine heads.

Sitting far back behind them was a Maegus, the mindless unicorn standing there sluggishly. Saying that the Slayer hated the Maegus was an understatement as he dodged another blow from the powerfully quick demon.

The obvious realization hit him however, Hammers don’t have triggers. He equipped the Sentinel Hammer in one hand, his Doomblade shooting out with a nice SCHLINK! With one hand he rammed the head of the Hammer straight into the side of the Baron, letting the pink energies do their work as he swiftly drew his wrist-mounted sword across the neck of it.

The head flew off, magma blood spewing from the neck hole as he thankfully helt his health restore to a comfortable 200. He watched the Spirit float away out the castle, not wanting to risk a fight with the Slayer. The Doom Slayer felt his head move painfully as a large hoof was smacked into his helmet. He saw a crack slice into his visor, armor faculties dropping low.

He glared viciously up at the Hell Paladin before dodging the next strike it was trying to propose. The Slayer rounded behind the demon, seeing the five other brethren of the brand new monster. He growled, jumping into the air and gripping the handle of the Hammer with both hands.

The signature scream of the Sentinel Hammer echoed through the relatively small room before it was plunged into the ground. A large crack was formed into the library floor and several of the wooden boards were broken to reveal crystal underneath it.

The powerful Sentinel energy crawled through the floorboards, trailing towards the Hell Paladins and remaining Arachnotron who had been attempting and failing to strike the Slayer with its mechanical legs. The demons roared in shocking pain, lifting heads to the sky in a symphony of suffering, totally stunned.

Once the Slayer reached the ground, he truly began the brawl. He stuck the energy-less Hammer to his back, Using his now free right hand to rear a mighty right hook and slam it with all of his force into the head of the closest Hell Paladin.

He witnessed the spine of the demon crack out of place, force applied to the head leading it far out of the torso. The head went flying as the Slayer spun around to lead a multitude of punches into the torso of another Hell Paladin behind him.

All the demon could do was barely watch as its body was being eviscerated by an unending series of furious blows and gnarly slices. Fists hammered on the body, then the head, the cracks of bone breaks and muscle tears roared through the air as he unleashed fury on the demon.

Finally, to finish the job, the Slayer kicked the bottom hoof of the bipedal pony demon, launching it off its feet. Before the former Earth pony could reach the ground, its head was bashed through with one final punch.

The Slayer tore his arm from the confines of the demon’s skull and brain matter, spinning to slice his Doomblade where a Hell Paladin was attempting to sneak a weak hit in. The arm of the demon was sliced clean off, artery breaking and blood fountaining from the limb.

The Doom Slayer landed a bone-breaking punch into the rib-cage of the Hell Paladin before he grabbed the neck of the demon. Using his strength, he lifted the monster off the ground and squeezed with all of his might. It’s neck contorted in an unhealthy manner, a gnarly snap echoing through the room.

As he mercilessly slaughtered the three, his Equipment Launcher was putting in work as well. It had spun behind him, stunning the other Hell Paladins with a couple of frag grenades and another bout of flame.

Finally, once the kill was over and the Slayer decided his next target, the shoulder-mounted AI stunned the three with a bone-chilling Ice Bomb, the demons now stuck in place. He growled with barbaric rage as he looked over to the Maegus, horn shining across the room.

The glow was a bright magenta and its pelt was a faded azure. The demon was miniscule compared to the Slayer, stringy light blue hair barely hanging on by a thread. The Slayer rushed to it, gripping the horn as hard as possible before tearing it away from its head with relative ease. He lifted his Quad Shotgun, the magic dissipating from the trigger as he blasted its head into viscera.

The body fell to the ground unceremoniously, the Slayer jamming another four or so shells into the chamber of his newly upgraded Super Shotgun. He turned, beginning to dash towards the unfreezing Hell Paladins.

Just before they broke from their icy prisons, the Slayer snuck in a shot on the far right one, watching it explode into frozen shards. The one in the middle shattered through the ice, being met with a fine how-do-you-do from Lucifer’s Bane after a swift reload by the Doom Slayer.

It staggered back, the Slayer quickly swapping to his Ballista to land the near finishing blow on the Hell Paladin. The demonic equine fell on its back, roaring in pain. As it was stuck on the ground, the Slayer traded his Ballista for his Rotary Combat Shotgun as he looked at his rather low shell count in his HUD.

The Equipment Launcher fended off the third Hell Knight with several frags as the Slayer approached the grounded demon. He slammed a boot into its chest, pumping a good couple of rounds into the horrified pony’s head. He watched his blasts of shells shred the head of the monster, skull fragments flying all over. His ammo count ticked up a couple shells with the Full Auto mod kill.

Once more he swapped to his new toy, having to load the next round of shells before spinning and shooting through the final Hell Paladin. It shouted in pain as it was launched back a couple feet, body knocking into the wall painfully.

It was stuck to the wall for a while, finding difficulty in reaching back to its hooves with its blown out legs. The Slayer ominously approached the Hell Paladin, gently and methodically loading individual shells into the chamber of the upgraded Super Shotgun.

The Hell Paladin possessed a strong red coat and a pair of horrified sap green eyes. It hoped for a moment that maybe the demon purger would make it quick and finish it off with a single Super Shotgun blast. However, this was not the way of the Slayer.

He holstered his freshly loaded Super Shotgun on his hip-plate, the quad barrel steaming heavily. The Hell Paladin watched as the lightning-speed punch was drilled into the demon’s head, forcing it back to stare at the wall.

The Doom Slayer gripped the head of the Hell Paladin, slamming the pony-like head into the wall. Agony exploded in the mind of the demon, before it was exemplified further as the Slayer dug his gauntlets meatily into the back of the demon, gripping the cervical spine and tearing it out of the body with all his might.

The Slayer lifted the ponified head, glaring at the fading light in its eyes before tossing it to the ground disrespectfully. Once the spine clattered to the ground, he gandered around the library. There was no sign of demonic presence. He turned, heading back towards the portal-containing hidden room.

His footsteps echoed over the magical hum the vortex produced. He equipped his Hammer from his back, preparing for combat as he advanced through the hall. “Go quickly, before more demons appear!” Luna encouraged.

Just as the Slayer was about to enter the slipgate, it began flickering in and out. It was heavily unstable. He began charging towards it, rushing with the glorious Hellbreaker in hand. Just before he could swish through the slipgate, it dissipated, the Slayer grinding to a halt. The suddenness of his stop made his shoes slide, him tripping up and falling to his back.

He grunted for a moment as he stood back up, grumbling the faintest breath. Slipgates did not collapse like that naturally, even aged ones. This one appeared to be just as old as the one that resided in his Fortress of Doom.

The Slayer spun around at the sound of crackling fire. On the ground sat a demonic pentagram being burnt into the gray brick floor with hellfire. He readied his energetic Warhammer, watching as a large figure slowly rose from the circle.

Two hands the size of the average man lifted through the portal, a large, helmeted and horned head rising from the pentagram. Fire scorched and danced from the finger-tips and palms of the digits. The Archvile ascended through, crimson armor locked across the giant alien form, comparable to the fortifying blue metal the Armored Barons adorn. It wore a facemask shaped like the front of a human skull forged from silver.


The Slayer blasted a shot towards the demon's head, the bullet being halted by the armor and the demon hardly flinching. He growled, one-handing his Precision Bolt with his Hammer in the other hand. He tossed the gun away, it dissolving back into his inventory.

His head tingled for a moment. UNAUTHORIZED BREACH DETECTED. His helmet read.

"Who is th-" Luna's voice fizzled into a crackling fire.

"Good evening, Slayer." The voice was breaking and cracking, the words being transported via telepathy while his helmet's comm system attempted to kick the demon out.

He growled, unsheathing his Doomblade and rushing the armored Archvile. His Hammer was readied in his right, Doomblade charging towards it. The demon began performing special hand movements, gracefully flowing through the air. Two lines were moved downwards, burning with fire magic before being circled and spiraled into two closed fists. Suddenly, he forced his hands forwards, flames rising from the ground all across the room in front of him.


"AGH!" The Slayer flung back, getting thrown away by the impassable wall of fire. It stretched all across the room and up to the ceiling. Hellbreaker fell from his grip, deactivating before he got to his knee. His shoulder was burning brightly with hellfire. He patted the flame away, grunting in pain.

His health was low, clinging at 63 with no armor. "I respect your fervor. I have seen and heard great things about you. I am sure you appreciated my legion you encountered in the Holt."

The Slayer despised that area with all his immortal life.

"I witnessed what was done to my master. But, I have trained my whole life to battle you. You caught Davoth off guard. Such cowardice." He lifted both of his hands, looking at the ceiling as the fiery forms of Immoran Troopers began appearing around him. "But we are prepared this time, leading a legion more powerful than you have ever faced. And now, you shall perish!"

The summoning spell was casted, dozens of Immoran Troopers trapped with the Doom Slayer along with a duo of Arachnotrons. The Immoran soldiers trembled as they began shooting their hell-weapons at the Slayer. Powerful Hell magic swirled through them as they launched their firepower at their enemy.

As the plasma flew past him, he ran towards his Hammer, sliding before swiping it off the ground and leaping into the air. The couple of Troopers that surrounded him exploded into armor and sizzling gore, the ones nearby were flung off their feet from the force of the blow. The nearby Arachnotron was stunned by it as well.

His armor was covered in viscera once he hit the floor. His Hammer's head retracted into the handle as he stashed it away on his back. He spun to the unstunned spider demon, shooting its laser cannon off of its back with the Ballista before swapping away to his HMG and cracking through the turret on the frozen spider monster. He holstered, lifting up his Doomblade in preparation for CQC.

He launched a nade to his left and right to both sides of the room. Several more Troopers were slain by the explosion. Blood flew through the air as he jumped off a corpse of an armored soldier, propelling himself on top of an Arachnotron. He growled as he jammed the blade repeatedly into the monster, spewing flames into it with his Launcher. The occasional weak plasma round chipped his health, but it was quickly repaired by the health and armor gained from the slaying of the beast.

Once its robotic legs went limp and body crashed to the ground, he jumped off and leapt onto an Immoran Trooper. He slammed him to the ground, forcing a Doomblade through the humanoid’s torso before gripping his head and tearing it away from his body.

The remaining group of Troopers, which amounted to seven, stared in horror as the Slayer slowly stood with a helmeted head in hand. The Slayer presented himself there, waiting before finally the group turned and bolted through the demonic wall, being let out by their archdemon lord.

The Archvile lifted his hands, summoning further and more powerful demons. Two Cybermancubi and three Dreadknights. One of them was possessed. As his enemy developed the spell, the Slayer rushed behind the slipgate, looking behind it in search for a way to fix it. There were hundreds of cords digging below the ground, those among them that caught his eye being a section split apart, glowing bright orange from flames.

Recalling his knowledge on slipgates, he’d remember that almost all the cords were designed to transfer Sentinel energies into it to activate and power the vortex.

“I may be able to repair it while you battle.” Princess Luna stated over the comms as the demons slowly summoned into the arena. The branches of the circular structure lit with a dark blue aura, magic emanating from it intensely. “It will take a moment to introduce a proper charge from s-such a distance. However I may manage it.”

The Slayer turned at the deep roar of a Cybermancubus, buffed and full of empowering energies from the Archvile. His Launcher shot an Icebomb at the nearby demon, freezing it as well as the smaller Dread Knight. He ran up, Blood Punching the armor away from the Cybermancubus and blasting it away into tiny ice chips with his beautiful new weapon modification.

He had to move his head out of the way to dodge an absurdly quick projectile, produced from the blades of a Dread Knight. The Slayer found trouble keeping up with the dexterity of these buffed demons.

Before the ice could break or crack, he dashed off and sent a volley of rockets with a quick switch of the Paingiver to the frozen Dread Knight, joining its fatter ally in death. His Equipment Launcher lobbed a nade to an absurdly fast approaching Dread Knight from behind, staggering it as the Slayer spun and sliced the arm of the Dread Knight away from its shoulder with the Doomblade.

Blood spewed like a fountain as the Slayer loaded his next four shells to shoot into the monster, however the slowness of the process caused him to be attacked while reloading. A fellow Dread Knight sliced through the shoulder pad of the Doom Slayer, a burning slice sizzling on the armor piece with roasting flesh beneath. The one-armed Dread Knight had been spared for the moment.

He dashed away from the Dread Knight, jamming the last shell into the Super Shotgun before swapping off to his Chaingun. He launched a fury of gauss-powered bullets, piercing through the demon’s hard flesh and bone. It tripped and staggered as it rushed at the Slayer before collapsing to the ground.

The Doom Slayer rushed up and jammed his foot through the head of the ground-residing monster. He felt his boot land through the skull, touching the roasting acids of the radioactive goo burning through the sole. He glared at the culprit, the extra Cybermancubus sticking out of the fight and sitting in a corner to bother the Slayer from afar. His shots were fast as ever thanks to the aid of the Archvile buff.

That wouldn’t last long as an explosion of shrapnel stunned the monster, the Slayer jumping high into the air and blasting through the armor with a heavily charged Blood Punch. He landed his shoes into the shoulders of the giant demon, boots tearing into the muscle of the monster.

He stood on the demon, the thousands of kilometer per hour bullets tearing through the skin, flesh, muscle and bone of the monster. Eventually, the Cybermancubus’ skull was torn away by the armada of speedy rounds.

Once the demon died, he felt a strong hand wrap around his ankle, him being thrown away by the Dread Knight and hitting the ground hard, dropping his Chaingun. The Knight mercilessly rushed at him, blue essence swirling around the demon as it attempted a stab at the back-laying Slayer.

He rolled out of the way of the empowered demon, cracking a punch into the arm of the monster as it attempted to tear its energy blade from the ground. As it struggled, he brought out his Super Shotgun and shot his quad of shells into its torso. It hardly flinched, glaring with eyes that swirled with foreign light blue.

The Slayer deflected the other roaring energy blade with his own Doomblade, slamming the Super Shotgun into the demon before rolling away from under it. He holstered Lucifer’s Bane, standing up and equipping his Ballista. He hopped onto the back of the Possessed Dread Knight, forcing it to the ground with his weight.

It roared in pain as energy began shocking and shooting through the arches of the giant weapon. The limbs widened, the chains growing in tandem as it hauled an extreme energy.


The satisfying roars of his weapon was music to his ear before he launched the Destroyer Blade through the neck of the Possessed Dread Knight, decapitating it cleanly. Once he was done with that demon, the alien form of a Spirit emerged from its corpse.

He hotswapped to his Plasma Rifle, preparing the Microwave Beam and unleashing it upon the spiritual demon. It began shrieking in agony as it was frozen in place. He watched the bar slowly tick up with every second as the screams began climaxing. Finally, it bursted into bright blue energy, swirling through the air and ending into the ground.

“The portal is almost finished, Great Slayer! In a couple of seconds it should activa-”

The Slayer’s connection to Princess Luna was cut as he felt spine-tingling energy scourging through his form. Mainly from his back and through the center of his chest. The Slayer gasped, taking a half-breath as he stared at the wound.

The attack was too quick and the demon too fast for him to have reacted to the energy sword being driven through his torso. He was lifted off the ground for a moment, seeing his health reach a horrid 10. His armor was gone as the Dread Knight knocked the Slayer off his blade in front of the slowly activating portal.

He coughed, seeing blood paint the interior of his chipped visor. Even more crimson was pouring from the gaping hole in his chest as he sat up a little to confront his enemy. The Slayer clenched the shaky fist his Doomblade was mounted near, grabbing the Ballista with his right hand as he heard the buffed Dread Knight approaching.

He saw the absurdly fast, one handed demon approach. It lifted its energetic sword over its head and drove it down to finish the Slayer. Before it could, he timed his slice just at the right moment to cut clean through the arm, the demon’s remaining limb flying off with the energy blade.

Before it could react and further, he finished it with a weakly aimed Ballista shot. The demon exploded into viscera from the beam. The Slayer growled between pained breaths, setting a hand to stop the bleeding of the wound. He could feel it seal only slightly from the kill, but he was still hemorrhaging profusely.

He heard a voice crackle over his broken voice comms, a lot of the circuiting damaged from the critical hit. “I̷̻̯̔t̷̛͔͝-̵̧̗̥̆̏i̴̢̹̾-̵͕̆̐̃o̷̧̠͔͘” the HUD flashed Luna’s face as he turned to the swirling portal, lit with dark blue magic.

The armored Archvile glared at the Doom Slayer. “We will meet again, Slayer.” It said, drained from spells as he climbed to his feet slowly, the Ballista scraping the floor as he dragged it towards the portal.

He wheezed a little as he quickly hauled himself into the portal, transporting to the location. The demon grumbled angrily as the slipgate closed itself, decasting his remaining spells. One of the remaining Troops returned to the Archvile’s side.

“Track his whereabouts. Tell every bit of my legion to keep an eye out for him, Equestria or Hell.” he commanded.

A slimly built Immoran Trooper nodded, bringing up a device on her left gauntlet and tapping it. “Yes sir.” A hologram was brought up, the humanoid speaking in. “Keep all eyes out for the Doom Slayer himself. Equestria or Hell. He has just used a slipgate and is gravely injured.”

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