• Published 19th Jan 2022
  • 3,505 Views, 183 Comments

Fuel the Eternal Flame | A DOOM MLP Crossover - NotAnEditor

Eons ago, in the trades of Nekravol, the great Khan Maykr sold away large stocks of worlds and planets that were once under their jurisdiction to the Dark Lord of Hell. Amongst these worlds being the peaceful land of Equestria.

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Attention Canterlot!

“Attention Canterlot!” Celestia exclaimed from her castle, hundreds of ponies standing before her as she gave the speech. “I am sure all of you have had your attention on the current happenings in our home.” her white wings were stretched confidently and her head was raised high.

Worried words mumbled between the crowd as they listened to their royal leader. The crowd was like an exotic painting of hundreds of different dotted colors. Like a jar of many variantly painted candies.

“The roaming beasts outside the walls of our city as well as the loud noises you’ve heard.” she began. “And I know that you have witnessed one of our more alien allies. I’m here to assure all of you that it will all be okay.”

The small words halted. “Thanks to the noble Prince Shining Armor,” to her right, the unicorn advanced next to the alicorn, horn glowing brightly from the casting of Canterlot’s protective barrier.

The crowd cheered for him. “Thanks to him, Canterlot has been safe from our enemies.”

“What about the two-legged thing?!” a voice spoke up from the crowd.

“He is of no concern to us. In fact he is here to aid us.” Celestia began. “He may seem threatening on the outside however he is with us in our fight against the monsters.” she explained. “My sister has been working with the Great Slayer and commanding him to help us in our time of need.”

A much darker alicorn approached. “I believe I can take much of the questions from here, sister.” Princess Luna headed out next to her royal sister. “Any questions about our enemies as well as the Great Slayer I can answer.”

Princess Celestia held back an annoyed glare, only glancing at her slightly.

“What is this ‘Great Slayer’ exactly?” a nasally voice spoke up.

The moon-princess cleared her voice. “He is not of this world. An alien planet who has also been attacked by these monsters. He knows the enemy inside and out and will do anything to stop them from ravaging our home.”

“Does that mean aliens are real?” a blue colt spoke up, jumping between his parents. The mother and father ponies calmed him down, giving scolding looks.

Luna nodded, closing her eyes as she explained. “Indeed. Our enemies are of the same sorts too.” she opened her eyes. “As I command the Great Slayer, Equestria is being made safer every moment by our efforts and soon this issue shall be resolved.”

“What about our friends outside of Canterlot?” a yellow, red-maned mare adorning glasses raised her hoof speculatively.

“Their status is unknown. The Slayer has simply been clearing the fields of Equestria, where they most congregate. From what I know, they are safe.” Princess Luna lied convincingly to the group of subjects. “I am still receiving letters and messages from Ponyville, Cloudsdale, Broncolyn and many more.”

A loud sigh of relief fell over the crowd, before another question was raised. “This Great Slayer, how do we know that he’s trustworthy? What if he turns against us?”

That question caught Luna just a little off-guard. “Err, If he were to betray us, he would have no idea how to properly traverse and fight in Equestria.” she came up with. “And besides, there is no reason he should shift his focus from the monsters to ponies, they are the larger threat to both him, and his home.”

Silence hung over the crowd for a while, the sight of the fear-striking Slayer prowling down the roads of Canterlot in search of enemy ponies stuck in their minds.

Princess Celestia smiled awkwardly. “Any more questions?” she asked the crowd.

They didn’t respond.

“Then this concludes our announcement. Stay safe, everypony!” the sun princess wished them with a wave, turning and guiding her sister and the unicorn inside.

The three returned into the fantastically colored castle. A sigh broke from Shining Armor, the unicorn rubbing his head. “This is like the wedding all over again.”

“We have to thank you.” Celestia spoke. “You practically saved all of Equestria with this spell. Again.”

He nodded. “Yeah, yeah. It's not too much of an issue, the emergency portal between here and the Crystal Empire made the trip easy.” the unicorn gave a worried look to the ground.

“What seems to be the matter?” Luna queried the Royal Guard.

“It's just…” he looked up at the princesses. “Twilight, I haven’t heard a word from her.”

Celestia rested a hoof on his armored shoulder. “I’m sure that your sister is just fine.”

Shining Armor rolled his blue eyes. “Listen, princess, I know that all the messages and letters from Ponyville is bologna.”

The sun princess nodded, solemnly admitting it. “Your sister is a bright pony, and a princess. If anypony could handle her own against them, it’d be her.”

The unicorn frowned angrily. “And what if she can’t? You’re just going to sit back and leave her in danger? Not even going to check on your apprentice?”

Celestia sighed. “Look, Shining Armor, I understand how this can seem like a cowardly play, but I am thinking of the safety of all of Equestria here. Without me, we would be severely weakened.”

“Oh, so you’re saying that you’re more important than Twilight? Aren’t both of you princesses? Shouldn’t you at least be sending people out to search for her?” he argued.

“You know that every patrol we’ve sent was decimated by the demons.” she replied. “And the farthest ones hardly even made it to Ponyville.”

“And what if those demons return?” Shining Armor started. “The only reason they didn’t get into Canterlot was because of that robot ape thing. Who’s to say that now, without him, that maybe they’ll just break right through? They have a lot more than the Changelings had and they made it by.”

Princess Celestia gave her points a moment or two of thought. “...Y-You’ve had practice with it by now, y-your spell is much stronger!”

The unicorn shrugged. “I have, but with how many they had the first wave, Cele-you know that with that many of them they could walk through it like saran wrap!”

The alicorn stared at the floor, guilt filling her. She had been neglecting her subjects. Her kingdom was not just the city of Canterlot. Tens of thousands, even millions of ponies could be suffering under the demons and she was doing nothing.

“And Luna, what’s stopping you from looking into her dreams and stuff?” he asked.

Luna sighed, shaking her head. “I can’t view her dreams. Her sleep has been too heavy to facilitate dreams.”

He provided a furious look. “Maybe you all need to take more action.” the prince turned, heading off and out of the room that led to the balcony. “I have soldiers to command.” he said before leaving the doorway.

Once the room filled with silence, the two slowly looked at each other. Animosity was found more so in Celestia’s gaze.

Luna knew what her sister was about to say. “Celestia, you can’t leave Canterlot.”

A mix of guilt and self-loathing was felt by the sun princess. “I can’t neglect my subjects anymore.”

The fellow princess shook her head. “Sister, you are not neglecting them. If you were to go out and protect them, then who knows what could harm you!”

“Like what?” she challenged her. “I am one of the most powerful ponies in this land! What could kill me?”

Luna shook her head. “Celestia, for what the demons do, I think killing is a very minimal punishment of theirs.”

“I am the leader of my people! I should be out there stopping the enemy threat, not waiting for some mysterious ancient being to do it for us.” she replied. “I have seen the recordings from the Slayer’s helmet. The things they do against our people is disturbing! I can’t let it stand any longer.”

“Yes, but if you go out there you may join them!” Luna argued.

“What do you mean?” Celestia asked.

Princess Luna sighed, looking for a way to best describe it. “Demons don’t just kill their enemies. They corrupt them, turn them over to their own side and use their abilities to their gain! If you go out there, the likelihood of the demon’s corrupting you is high!”

“I can’t just hide here though.” she argued.

“If you don’t, then the demons will turn you against our ponies.” Luna pointed out. “Now, with both of us in power and the Slayer doing his work, we have a glimmer of hope. But if they get their hooves on you and use you against us, we stand no chance.”

Celestia rolled her eyes. “I am above the corruption of them.”

Luna shook her head. “Perhaps the lesser demons, but the archdemons, masters of Hell magic, do you think you would be able to overcome them?”

The white alicorn turned. “Maybe you have a point… but if the legion returns and we have no Slayer, what are we to do?”

Princess Luna also feared that prospect as her sister walked out of the room, going off to answer further questions. Maybe she was being too protective of her sister.

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