• Published 19th Jan 2022
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Fuel the Eternal Flame | A DOOM MLP Crossover - NotAnEditor

Eons ago, in the trades of Nekravol, the great Khan Maykr sold away large stocks of worlds and planets that were once under their jurisdiction to the Dark Lord of Hell. Amongst these worlds being the peaceful land of Equestria.

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Codex/Demons IV

These brain demons inhabit a metallic, spider-like body. The older UAC models now phased out and replaced with stronger Immoran metal. It is still equipped with a tall plasma turret on its back and grenade launchers on the side of its chassis. They provide a tough ranged role on the battlefield

Hell Paladin
When earth ponies of impressive strength are transfigured, they may form into a Hell Paladin. The argent energy stimulates growth in the pony’s body, bringing it to a greater and more muscular size. Along with this, the hind legs of the earth pony may be reallocated to a bipedal purpose, forming a horrific, two legged beast comparable to Hell Knights. They are much weaker, but have much more of a speed and numbers advantage. Be careful, they often hunt in large packs between 3 to 8.

Immoran Trooper
The former Immoran guard now travel across the savage lands of Jekkad, searching for home or seeking shelter with accepting demons. They were displaced by the Battle of Immora, most of them being slaughtered or held captive by the Sentinel legions who hold a strong grasp even now on Immora. Many of them joined the Arch-legion after the death of Davoth, swearing to bring their lord back.

In the arch-legion they serve as intelligent mechanics, shipmasters and fodder. Although they are highly ineffective against the Doom Slayer, their ability to communicate with the equine is vital in most patrol squads of demons.

They are commonly seen with two weapons, the standard issue Reaper rifle and the energetic Hell Pike. The Reaper rifle is a gun created from demonic, fleshy material with a Lost Soul embedded inside it to use as an energy source. It shoots blasts of red plasma balls at a rapid rate, similar to a sub-machine gun.

The Hell Pike is a long, ceremonial melee weapon. The top end is designed like a small two headed axe with a spear-end jutting out. The blades of the axe and spear are created by red Hell energy, capable of searing through steel and blocking weapon fire. At the bottom of the handle is a metal spike designed for stabbing if the business end ever runs out of power.

Spirits are the deathly essence of slain Summoner demons, a rare caste within Hell. After falling by the Slayer's hand their hatred for him fuels their ghostly state, giving shape to their discorporate essence. Unable to affect the physical world in their new forms, Spirits exist as soul-devouring parasites and rely on others to wreak their violence. Flowing into the bodies of other demons, a Spirit fuses its own essence with that of its host, gifting it with strength and speed. Even after ejecting from a slain host, Spirits cannot be harmed by conventional firearms; only sustained and concentrated energy can affect their essence and grant them a second death.

Incendium is an Archvile demon that leads the Dread Legion. In combat, he is a sly beast with more alternative and experimental strategies against the Slayer compared to their average strategies. He lays out devious traps and ambushes, like locking the Slayer in a cage of impenetrable hellfire to battle endless waves of demons. His creativity in battle is unmatched.

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