• Published 2nd Jul 2023
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My Little Pony: Nine Elements Book 2 - BlueBioWolf

A continuation of version of Friendship is Magic that has nine Elements of Harmony and Spike being treated with more respect.

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Chapter 12: Hearts and Hooves Day (S2:E17)

My Little Pony: Nine Elements

Book 2

Written by Brandon Nell and Blake Hawkins

Chapter 12: Hearts and Hooves Day

It was the 14th of February in Ponyville, Hearts and Hooves Day. The town was still blanketed with snow, but, the citizens didn’t mind. The love in their hearts kept their spirits warm. Due to the snow, school was forced to start a little later in the winter to accommodate for delays. This served three little fillies well. Together, they were working on a special gift for their teacher, Miss Cheerilee. The three fillies looked it over carefully.

“Ah dunno,” Apple Bloom pondered. “Ah don’t think it’s quite finished yet.”

“I know what you mean,” Sweetie Belle said. “If it’s for Miss Cheerilee, it has to be perfect. Hearts and Hooves Day only comes once a year, after all.”

“I think we should add a bit more ribbon,” Scootaloo suggested. The other two fillies agreed.

So, together, they added some pink and purple ribbon to the project.

“Good call, Scootaloo,” Sweetie Belle smiled. “And I think it needs a tiny bit more lace.”

“A few more hoofprints,” Apple Bloom said as she dipped her hooves in paint.

“Glitter!” Scootaloo said excitedly, sprinkling purple glitter everywhere. “It could definitely use more glitter!”

The three fillies looked at their project.

“It’s perfect,” Apple Bloom smiled.

“This will really show how much Miss Cheerilee means to us,” Sweetie Belle said happily.

The project turned out to be a heart-shaped card that took up more than half of their clubhouse floor.

“Now,” Scootaloo said. “We just have to get it to the Hearts and Hooves Day party at school.”

Sweetie Belle brought a paper envelope, but, quickly realized it wasn’t big enough. “I think we’re going to need a bigger envelope.”

At that moment, Applejack arrived to escort the fillies to school. She was wearing a cornflower blue cardigan and lime green scarf. “Howdy, girls,” she smiled. “Ya ready fer some Hearts n’ Hooves Day fun?”

“We sure are,” Apple Bloom said. “But, could ya help us move our gift fer Miss Cheerilee?”

“Sure thing, sugarcube,” Applejack smiled as she carefully helped to lift the fillies’ gift after they slid it to her. “Y’all really went whole hog with this project. Make sure ya get yer coats n’ hats.”

The fillies grabbed their gear and headed for school. While they were away, Applejack turned her backside to the open door of the clubhouse. To her dismay, the doorway was still too narrow for her backside.

“Looks like ah really have outgrown mah fillyhood playhouse,” Applejack said with a sigh. “Ah, well. Hopefully, they can make the door wider.”

“Ya comin’, Applejack?” Apple Bloom called out.

“Oh, uh, yeah,” Applejack called. And she followed the three fillies.

Upon arrival at the school, Applejack gave the Crusaders their gift for Cheerilee.

“Thanks, Applejack,” Apple Bloom smiled. “Hopefully, y’all n’ Caramel have somethin’ fun ta do taday.”

“Oh, ah have a few idears,” Applejack said. “Like bakin’ a pipin’ hot apple pie.” Applejack drooled at the thought of it. “Mmm~! Just thinkin’ ‘bout it’s makin’ me hungry.” Just then, a deep, loud growl from her belly snapped her back to reality. This caused her to blush. “Sounds like mah belly’s tellin’ me ta get started. See y’all later.”

The three fillies couldn’t help but giggle. They bid Applejack goodbye and hastened inside with their gift.

“I had a feeling your sister’s plans would be about apple-related food,” Scootaloo whispered to Apple Bloom.

“Can ya really blame her?” Apple Bloom asked, also in a whisper.

“Her stomach’s almost as loud as Spike’s,” Sweetie Belle whispered. “If I didn’t know better, I would’ve thought it was some kind of beast.”

“Though she’s more o’ a gentle giant,” Apple Bloom whispered.

Before they could chat any further, the school bell tolled. They got in line for giving Hearts and Hooves day gifts. Soon, it was their turn to present a gift for Miss Cheerilee. As it was the biggest gift, it was seen by the whole class.

“Wow,” Puppy Dog Tails said in an impressed tone. “You three must have had a lot of fun putting this together.”

“We did it all this morning,” Scootaloo said. “We would’ve asked Spike to help us, but, we don’t want him trudging through the snow and getting sick for our sake.”

“Well, you three still put in a lot of effort,” Cheerilee smiled. “And I really appreciate it. It’s so lovely… and certainly big. Thank you, girls, very much.”

“We just wanted ta let ya know that we think yer the best teacher in the whole wide world!” Apple Bloom said.

Cheerilee couldn’t help but chuckle modestly. “Thank you, girls. I’m really flattered.”

“I'm sure it's nothing compared to the gifts you've gotten from your…” Sweetie Belle said, pausing dramatically. “Very special somepony.”

“That would be sweet,” Cheerilee said. “But, I don’t have a very special somepony in my life yet.”

The Crusaders could hardly believe what they were hearing.

“Really?!” Sweetie Belle gasped. “How can somepony who’s as amazing as you not have a very special somepony yet?”

“Long story short,” Cheerilee said. “When I was a filly, I had a crush on this stallion, I asked him on a date, and things didn’t really work out.”

“We’re sorry to hear that, Miss Cheerilee,” Scootaloo said. “But, hopefully you do find somepony who will help you feel better.”

“If I do, I’ll do it at my pace, with whoever he or she may be,” Cheerilee said. “For now, I’m perfectly content being single. Besides, I have a lot of good friends and I’m happy that I can celebrate the holiday with my students.” She turned to the other students. “Alright, everypony, who's ready to play ‘Pin the Heart on the Pony?’”

Most of the students clamored excitedly at the idea of playing. But, as some of the students were gathering up to the game board a lone colt approached the Cutie Mark Crusaders. He was an earth pony with a dark brown coat, short messy orange mane and tail, the top of his head adorned with a white, red, and yellow propeller beanie, and warm dark amber eyes. He hadn’t discovered his special talent yet, but, he didn’t care much about that. “Uh, Sweetie Belle?” the colt asked with a bit of trepidation.

Sweetie Belle turned to face the colt. Seeing him, she blushed slightly. “Oh, uh, hi, Button Mash.”

The colt, whose name was Button Mash, reached into his saddlebag and presented Sweetie Belle with a folded piece of paper decorated with a crudely-illustrated picture of a steam engine decorated with hearts with words saying, “I choo-choo-choose you,”* on it.

“I was, um,” Button Mash said timidly. “I was wondering if you’d like to maybe spend Hearts and Hooves Day together… as a date? If you’re not up to it, it’s totally okay, but-”

“I’d love to,” Sweetie Belle interrupted with a smile. She hugged the colt and took the card he made.

“R-really?” Button Mash said, a bit excitedly. “Great. So, I was thinking we’d meet up at the arcade before sunset, then have dinner, and see the Power Ponies movie.”

“That sounds great!” Sweetie Belle squeaked.

“Cool,” Button said. “Well, I’ll see you later.”

After school wrapped up for the day, the Crusaders made their way to the Golden Oak Library, chatting about the idea of fixing Miss Cheerilee up with Big Mac. When they arrived, they saw Spike cutting the Fire Ruby he got in Canterlot.

“Howdy, Spike,” Apple Bloom said softly so as not to disrupt his concentration.

“Oh, hey, girls,” Spike greeted. “How was your day?”

“Pretty good,” Scootaloo said before adding with a supportive tone. “Sweetie Belle has a date~”

“Well, good for her,” Spike said. “Who’s the lucky pony?”

“He’s a colt in our class named Button Mash,” Sweetie Belle said.

“Hey, I met him at the arcade last Saturday,” Spike said. “He’s a nice guy and a great gamer.”

“Yeah,” Apple Bloom said. “N’ what’re ya workin’ on? A Hearts n’ Hooves Day gift fer yer special somepony?” She and the Crusaders gave him knowing glances.

“Well,” Spike admitted. “It is a gift for a pony special to me, but, at the rate things are going, I won’t be able to finish it in time for Hearts and Hooves day. I’m not even sure she’ll accept.”

“Knowing who it’s for,” Sweetie Belle said. “I’m sure she’ll love it.” She knew very well who Spike’s gift was for, but, she didn’t want to let on that she knew.

Apple Bloom began looking over the books, which Spike took notice of.

“What are you looking for, Apple Bloom?” Spike asked.

“Well,” Apple Bloom asked. “Are there any love potions in these books? We’re thinkin’ o’ fixin’ Miss Cheerilee with mah brother.”

Spike immediately grew disgusted at the remark and dropped what he was doing. “Oh, no, you don’t!” he said, gathering the fillies. “You are not resorting to that!”

The Crusaders were a little surprised. Sweetie Belle found her voice first.

“Why not?” she asked. “If you knew one, wouldn’t you use it to get together with Rarity?”

Spike wasn’t so much surprised that Sweetie Belle knew about his crush on Rarity since it was admittedly not that discreet as he was more appalled by the insinuation of resorting to such a thing. “NO!!!” he said.

“Why not?” Scootaloo said. “Don’t you want to be with Rarity?”

Spike pinched his brow and took a deep breath. “Yes,” he admitted. “But, not like that. I want it to be natural, not coerced. And besides, didn’t you girls learn before that messing with potions is not a good idea after the Cutie Pox?”

The fillies shudder at the memory.

“Oh, yeah,” Apple Bloom said. “We all got into some real trouble with that.”

“Sorry, Spike,” Sweetie Belle said. “I guess we were so focused on helping Miss Cheerilee find a special somepony that we didn’t think about this clearly.”

“Can you ever forgive us?” Scootaloo asked. “We didn’t mean to make you upset.”

“As long as you remember this little piece of advice,” Spike said. “Before you start playing matchmaker, you should make sure that the one you’re playing it for wants you to.** And show some respect for them by giving them the freedom to choose. Love potions were invented by desperately lonely ponies trying to hook up with ponies they like who wouldn’t give them the time of day otherwise. If you used them, you’d be no better.”

“Yeah, you’re right,” Sweetie Belle said.

“We’ll keep that in mind, we promise,” Scootaloo said.

“With that possible crisis averted,” Apple Bloom said. “We should help Sweetie Belle here get ready fer her date.”

“What’s planned?” Spike asked.

“First, they’re goin’ ta meet up at the arcade,” Apple Bloom said.

“Then, out to dinner at Sugarcube Corner,” Scootaloo said.

“And finally,” Sweetie Belle concluded. “A movie at the Ponyplex Theater.”

“Sounds great,” Spike said. “Now, don’t be surprised if Button challenges you to a milkshake race.***”

“Milkshake race?” Apple Bloom asked. “Won’t that just lead ta brain freeze?”

“It does,” Spike said. “Which is why I don’t participate. And don’t be surprised if he orders pizza.”

“I’ll keep that in mind,” Sweetie Belle said. “I better get going.”

“Have fun,” Spike smiled.

“Let’s make sure the date goes well,” Scootaloo said to Apple Bloom after Sweetie Belle left.

“Ya mean like spyin’ on ‘em?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Hey, we want to support our friend, don’t we?” Scootaloo said.

“Well, sure,” Apple Bloom said. “But, we don’t want ta look like we’re just watchin’ ‘em.”

They headed out after Spike heard the whole thing.

“Hmm,” Spike said. “It may be cold out there, but, I should keep an eye on them, too.” He put his tools and project away before dressing up in his winter clothes. “Mom!” he called. “I’m going out with the Crusaders!” He then realized the way he said it. “By that, I mean—”

“Spike,” Twilight interrupted from upstairs. “Don’t explain yourself, you can go as long as you’re back before sunset. Make sure to stay warm.” A thermos of cocoa was levitated to him. “Here’s your cocoa, just in case.”

“Thanks, mom,” Spike said as he headed out.

“No problem,” Twilight called.

Meanwhile, Sweetie Belle made her way to the arcade. To go with the occasion, her mane was fastened with a lime green bow, though she still was wearing her winter attire. Button Mash was inside waiting for her.

“Hi, Sweetie Belle,” Button smiled warmly. Next to him was a burlap sack half his height.

“Hi, Button,” Sweetie said. She was curious about the sack. “What’s with the sack?”

“Oh, these are my arcade tokens,” Button explained.

“Wow,” Sweetie Belle said with amazement. “They should last us a good while.”

“Which do you want to play first?” Button asked.

Sweetie Belle looked around the arcade. She soon came across a game that caught her attention. It was a dancing game. “Prance Prance Revolution.**** That looks like fun.”

While Sweetie and Button played the game, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo entered the arcade.

“Okay,” Apple Bloom whispered. “So far, so good.”

“Look at that sack of tokens,” Scootaloo said.

“Looks like he’s been savin’ a lot,” Apple Bloom said after an impressed whistle. After the two took a seat, Spike, moving a bit stiffly, entered the arcade. The inside of the arcade was comparatively warmer than outside. He sat at the table neighboring the one occupied by Apple Bloom and Scootaloo.

“Okay,” he said. “No one’s really interfering or anything. Good.”

“Spike?” Apple Bloom said. “What’re y’all doin’ here?”

“I came to keep an eye on things,” Spike said. “I know you two were worried about Sweetie Belle’s date with Button Mash, but, I wanted to make sure there wasn’t too much interference.”

Then, a thought occurred to Scootaloo. “Did you trudge through the snow to do that?!”

“Yeah,” Spike said. “I do have some hot cocoa and I’m all bundled up to make sure I don’t collapse in the snow.” Apple Bloom and Scootaloo moved to sit on either side of Spike.

“We know yer always lookin’ out fer us,” Apple Bloom said. “N’ we appreciate it, but, at the cost o’ yer own well-bein’ is mighty dangerous.”

“Looks like it’s our turn to look out for you,” Scootaloo said as her body came in contact with Spike’s left side.

They embraced Spike so that he was warm and toasty. “Thanks, girls,” Spike said.

“Anythin’ fer y’all, Spike,” Apple Bloom smiled. She nuzzled the drake. She suddenly noticed that Sweetie and Button were missing.

“Hey, where’d they go?” Scootaloo asked.

“They musta moved on ta Sugarcube Corner,” Apple Bloom noted. “They musta went through that big ol’ sack full o’ bits already.”

Meanwhile, Sweetie Belle and Button were on their way to Sugarcube Corner.

“Whew,” Sweetie Belle said, slightly catching her breath. “That game of Prance Prance Revolution was a real workout.” Her belly gave an audible grumble. “And an empty stomach.”

“I could spend a long time in an arcade,” Button said. “But, even I know when to take a break when I need some food. So, it’s a good thing we left when we did.”

They entered Sugarcube Corner and were greeted by Mrs. Cake, who seemed a bit pudgier than usual.

“Good afternoon, you two,” the baker mare said cheerily. “What can I get you?”

“Since it’s winter,” Sweetie Belle said. “I’m guessing milkshakes are out of the question?”

“Nonsense,” Mrs. Cake chuckled. “Ice cream is a joy any time of the year.”

“Then, we’ll have some!” Button said.

“You got it,” Mrs. Cake smiled. “What flavors would you like?”

“Vanilla for me,” Sweetie Belle said.

“Chocolate, please,” Button said.

“I’ll get them started for you right away,” Mrs. Cake smiled. “Please have a seat.”

The two did so.

“Can you believe Mrs. Cake will be having foals?” Sweetie Belle said.

“Yeah, it’s great,” Button said happily. “Though, with how much Mr. and Mrs. Cake love each other, I’m surprised they haven’t had foals already.”

“I know,” Sweetie Belle said. “They’re not exactly shy about public affection.”

Button couldn't help but chuckle to himself. Neither seemed to notice Spike, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo entering the bakery.

“Looks like they’re getting along,” Scootaloo whispered.

Spike drank from his thermos. “Ah,” he sighed contently. He then noticed his thermos was empty. “Uh-oh.”

“What’s the matter?” Apple Bloom asked.

“I drank the last of my cocoa,” Spike said.

“That’s an easy fix,” Scootaloo said. “Mrs. Cake makes great hot cocoa.”

“Is there anything she makes that isn’t great?” Spike asked rhetorically.

So, taking care to make sure Button or Sweetie didn’t see her, Scootaloo snuck passed the two foals and made her way to the counter. At that moment, Mrs. Cake came out of the kitchen with two milkshakes on a platter.

“I’ll be right with you, dear,” Mrs. Cake said. She then delivered the milkshake to Button and Sweetie Belle. “Enjoy.”

“Milkshake race!” Button said.

“You might win this one,” Sweetie Belle said.

Button began quickly drinking his milkshake. But, he didn’t drink too much as he began to experience a brain freeze. He screamed in agony before falling onto the ground. Sweetie Belle couldn’t help but roll her eyes with a smirk. She helped him back up. “Try pressing your tongue against the top of your mouth,” she advised. “It works for me.”

Button considered this and he gave it a try. After a few seconds, his cold headache dissipated. “Thanks,” he said in relief.

“What did we learn from this?” Sweetie asked.

“Don’t challenge anypony to a milkshake race,” Button said with a noticeable sweatdrop.

“That’s right,” Sweetie said. “I would’ve also accepted ‘don’t drink milkshakes so fast.’”

“Okay,” Button said. “Thanks again.”

Meanwhile, Mrs. Cake made her way to Scootaloo at the counter. “Sorry to keep you waiting,” she said. “How can I help you?”

“Can you refill Spike’s cocoa thermos?” Scootaloo asked.

“You got it,” Mrs. Cake smiled. She gently took the thermos and went back to refill it. She was able to get the recipe of Spike’s prefered cocoa from Twilight, so she was quickly able to make it. She even gave him a cinnamon roll fresh from the oven for good measure. “There you go. Have a good day.”

Scootaloo returned to Spike and Apple Bloom at the table.

“She even threw in a cinnamon roll on the house,” Scootaloo said.

“Wow,” Spike said. “I was starting to get hungry.”

“She’s good,” Apple Bloom said, impressed.

“Guess it comes with working in a bakery,” Scootaloo said as Spike ate the cinnamon roll.

“Mmm~” Spike said, happily enjoying his treat.

Sweetie Belle and Button Mash had a pizza for dinner and made their way to the Ponyplex Theater. They saw the poster for the Power Ponies movie and they noticed the G rating.

“Good thing my mom gave me extra gold bits,” Button said.

“Good thing indeed,” Sweetie said. Button paid for tickets for both of them. “Thank you.”

After they went in, Spike paid for tickets for himself, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo.

“Thanks, Spike,” Scootaloo said.

“This movie has the villain, Heartbinder*****,” Spike said. “She’s supposed to-” Before Spike could continue, he stopped so that he wouldn’t accidentally spoil the movie’s plot. “You’ll see in the movie.”

The two fillies nodded as they headed inside the theater.

During the movie, they sat a couple rows behind Sweetie and Button. The villain of the movie was a unicorn mare in a skintight bodysuit covered in hearts.

“Hearts and Hooves Day,” she said via monologue. “A time of love and friendship. Well, the one I loved never gave me a chance. He went off to some other mare. Well, I’ll see that his love finds somepony else. And anypony who stands in my way will be forced to fall in love with somepony else! Soon, every newly formed couple will be so long in each others’ eyes, Maretropolis as a society shall crumble! And I, Heartbinder, shall rule!”

The Crusaders watched as Heartbinder cast love spells on unsuspecting ponies and began to realize Spike’s point.

Good thing Spike talked us out of finding a love potion, Sweetie Belle thought to herself. I don’t want to be like her.

Spike had work to do with not only keeping an eye on the two foals, but, he also watched the movie. He was a huge fan of the Power Ponies comics, so he had been looking forward to seeing the movie already.

After the movie, Button and Sweetie stepped out of the theater. Spike, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo followed afterwards and saw Miss Cheerilee with a few mares. Miss Cheerilee noticed.

“Ah, hello,” she said in a friendly manner. “How are you enjoying the holiday?”

“Yeah,” Apple Bloom said. “What’s with these mares?”

“Oh, these are some of my friends,” she explained. “Like me, they didn’t really have plans, so we decided to spend the day together as friends. We call it Mare Moments.”

“Is it going well?” Scootaloo asked.

“Oh, yes,” Cheerilee smiled.

“Good,” Spike said. “And no potion required.”

“Didn’t need one,” Cheerilee said. “Although, Apple Bloom, I did spend some time with Big McIntosh earlier today.”

“Really?” Apple Bloom said. “Huh. N’ here we were fixin’ ta play matchmaker with the two o’ ya. Even thought o’ usin’ a love potion.”

“Spike talked us out of it because we thought we would be helping you rather than ourselves,” Scootaloo said. “But, we saw in a way what would have happened if we did.”

“So, uh,” Apple Bloom ventured to ask. “How was yer time with mah brother?”

“It was alright,” Cheerilee said. “I didn’t really feel a spark, but, I do still appreciate him as a friend.”******

“Good,” Scootaloo said. “I don’t know if we could take mushy nicknames.”

Cheerilee chuckled. “Well, I’d better get going, but, I’ll see you later. Enjoy the rest of your day, everyone.”

A little later, Sweetie walked Button home.

“Thank you for asking me out, Button,” Sweetie said. “I had a great time with you tonight.”

“Same,” Button said. The two hugged before Button went inside.

“Okay, you three,” Sweetie Belle said. “You can stop hiding.”

Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Spike fumbled out of a nearby bush.

“You knew we were there?” Scootaloo asked.

“We were all in open spaces,” Sweetie said. “Plus, you were all speaking at normal volume. How could I not know you were there?”

“Ah knew we shouldn’t’ve done this,” Apple Bloom said.

“I can understand why you did,” Sweetie Belle said. “You’re all older than me and you wanted to look out for me.”

“Yeah,” Scootaloo said. “And we’re glad to see that you are okay.”

“Still,” Apple Bloom said. “We’ll make sure ta be there fer ya if things don’t go okay. We won’t spy on ya no more.”

Spike shivered a bit. Sweetie Belle took notice. “Spike, we better get you back to Twilight. It’s getting late and it’ll get colder.”

The three fillies escorted Spike back, making sure to keep their warm-blooded bodies against him for warmth. Soon, Spike was safe inside the Golden Oak Library. Twilight was waiting for him.

“Hi, Mom,” Spike said. “Sorry to keep you waiting.” Suddenly, he burped up smoke that formed into a scroll. “Excuse me.”

Twilight read the scroll and squeed. “Shining Armor just proposed to Princess Cadence and she said yes! My brother and my old foalsitter are finally going to tie the knot!”*******

“That’s great!” Spike said.

“I know!” Twilight said happily as she hugged Spike lovingly. She then turned her attention back to the Cutie Mark Crusaders. “Thank you for bringing Spike home, girls.”

“Can we have a sleepover tonight?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“I’ll allow it,” Twilight said. “But, please make sure your families are okay with the idea, too.”

The Crusaders went to their respective families.

As Apple Bloom made her way to Granny Smith, she saw Applejack and Caramel at the dining room table. On the table was an empty pie tin. Applejack, the little filly observed, was sporting a slightly rounder belly that the farm mare contentedly rubbed.********

“Ate most o’ the pie, didn’t ya, sis?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Yeah,” Applejack answered.

“I didn’t mind, really,” Caramel said. “I know how much Applejack loves all kinds of apple treats.”

Apple Bloom continued on her way to Granny Smith. She was reading a book by the lit fireplace with content. “Granny?” the filly asked.

Granny Smith looked away from her book and looked at the ribbon-adorned filly with a smile. “Wha, uh, yes, Apple Bloom?”

“Can ah sleepover at the Golden Oak Library?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Why, sure,” Granny Smith said. “It ain’t a school night, so ya can stay ‘til afternoon tomorrow, too.”

Apple Bloom hugged her grandmother. “Thanks, Granny!”

Meanwhile, Sweetie Belle went to her mom.

“Hi, Sweetie,” Cookie Crumbles said.

“Can I sleepover at the Golden Oak Library?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Of course,” Cookie smiled. “Have fun and tell Spike I said hi, okay?”

Sweetie Belle hugged her mom’s round belly. “Thanks, Mom. And I will.”

Meanwhile again, Scootaloo went to her Aunt Holiday.

“Hi, Aunt Holiday,” Scootaloo said.

“Hi, Scoots,” Aunt Holiday said. “Copper bit for your thoughts, hun?”

“Well,” Scootaloo said. “I was wondering if I could sleepover at the Golden Oak Library.”

“Of course you can, Scoots,” Aunt Holiday smiled. “Be safe and have a great time.” Scootaloo hugged Aunt Holiday. “Ah, getting a hug from the plushie aunt, eh? I’ll make sure to let your Auntie Lofty know where you’ll be.”

Scootaloo chuckled happily. “Goodnight, Aunt Holiday.”

Soon, the Crusaders made it back to the library.

“Welcome back,” Twilight said.

“We got permission!” the fillies said in unison.

“I had a feeling that was the case,” Twilight said. “Otherwise, you wouldn’t have come back tonight.”

“Can we share the guest bed with Spike?” Sweetie asked.

“Sure,” Twilight smiled. “I take it that’s a last minute Hearts and Hooves day gift for him?”

“Sure is,” Apple Bloom smiled. “It’s somethin’ we all can share.”

That night as Spike settled into the guest bed, Apple Bloom scooted up to Spike’s right side while Scootaloo did likewise against his left. Sweetie Belle laid herself on top of Spike before wrapping her forehooves around his body and nuzzled his stomach.

“This is really nice,” Spike smiled as he blissfully sighed. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo embraced Spike as well before nuzzling their respective sides of his face.

“We think so, too,” Scootaloo smiled.

“We may not be as big as Twilight,” Sweetie Belle said. “But, we hope we’re soft and cuddly enough for you.”

“You girls are doing well,” Spike smiled. In the cuddly cocoon of fillies, Spike grew a bit drowsy.

“Today has been a pretty long day,” Scootaloo admitted. “We should turn in.” No sooner had she said that than Spike fell fast asleep.

While he was asleep, the Crusaders all admired how cute he looked.

“Golly, he’s a cute’n,” Apple Bloom whispered happily.

“I have an idea,” Sweetie whispered. “Let’s all give him a good night kiss!”

“That’s my job, girls,” Twilight said from the bathroom, where she was tending to personal hygiene.

“Okay,” Scootaloo replied before she whispered. “How does she do that?*********”

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle shrugged. Twilight came into the room and saw the fillies wrapped around Spike.

“Looks like Spike enjoyed the gift you all gave him,” she whispered. She then gave him a goodnight kiss on the forehead. “Goodnight, Spike. Goodnight, girls. Let me know if you need anything.”

Twilight made her way to her bed and the Cutie Mark Crusaders started to drift to sleep themselves. As they slept, they had sweet dreams of love and friendship as they discovered the true meaning of Hearts and Hooves Day.

End of chapter.

Author's Note:

Here's the next chapter.

*Try guessing the reference.

**Idea by Comickook.

***Janimations reference!

****Try guessing this reference.

*****Idea by me and Blake.

******Sorry, CheeriMac shippers.

*******That was the REAL Cadence, BTW.

********Brick joke right there.

*********Muppet Treasure Island reference.

Shoutout to Comickook for their ideas.

If you liked this chapter, feel free to contact me via private messages if you'd like to help make future chapters.