• Published 2nd Jul 2023
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My Little Pony: Nine Elements Book 2 - BlueBioWolf

A continuation of version of Friendship is Magic that has nine Elements of Harmony and Spike being treated with more respect.

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Chapter 26: A Canterlot Wedding - Part 2 (S2:E26)

My Little Pony: Nine Elements

Book 2

Written by Brandon Nell, Rachael Ravens, and Blake Hawkins

Chapter 26: A Canterlot Wedding - Part 2

Twilight had come to after wrapping her head around what transpired throughout the past day. It all started with a train ride to Canterlot for her brother’s wedding. The next thing she knew, she was in a dark cavernous place. Since there was no natural light, she illuminated her horn. She saw various reflections of herself on the walls of the caves.

“Hello?” Twilight called, her voice echoing throughout the caverns. “Is anyone there? Where am I? Where are my friends? Where is my son?!”

"Ah, you're finally awake," a familiar voice cruelly taunted, before suddenly a projection of a very familiar looking alicorn appeared everywhere. "And how is my little prisoner doing?"

“Spare the faux sentimentality, Chrysalis,” Twilight snapped. “What is this place?”

"It's no surprise you don't know where you are,” Chrysalis said. “Hardly anypony remembers this place. It was a mere stroke of luck that I found these caves, but, they make the perfect hiding place for ponies who try to interfere in my plans!"

“Plans?” Twilight asked. “What plans? Does that explain why you’re pretending to be somepony you’re not?”

“It absolutely does,” Chrysalis smirked. “The love that your brother has for his bride-to-be is so satisfying that I can’t stop absorbing his love now~! The best part is that he has no clue about either my brainwashing him or the fact that I planned Blueblood’s escape to distract the princesses!”

This revelation angered Twilight. “Don’t you dare hurt my brother or the princesses, you… you witch!”

The impostor Cadence just laughed, even as one of the crystals projecting her image was shattered. "The only way to stop me is to catch me! So, come get me, if you dare! I'll be waiting."

Twilight was so angry at Chrysalis and her threats that she charged her horn and fired a powerful burst of magic that shattered one of the walls. What she saw before her were her friends and Spike covered in a sickly green goo. Seeing all of her friends and her drake son instantly calmed Twilight down. She ran towards them, careful of the sickly green goo that they’re caked in.

“Spike, everypony!” Twilight said with elation. “Are any of you hurt?”

“We’re fine,” Spike said.

“We’d be even better,” Rainbow said before glaring at Applejack. “If somepony didn’t give us away!”

“Rainbow, please,” Twilight said, using her magic to free them from the sticky green goo. “I know you’re upset about being down here, but, you shouldn’t focus all of your anger on Applejack. There are more important things to worry about.”

“Twilight’s right,” Fluttershy said. “We need to focus on getting out of here and stopping the wedding before Shining Armor is married to that… um…. That…”

“It’s okay, Futtershy," Spike said. “You can call her a monster. She’s more of a monster on the inside so I’ll allow it.”

“Wait,” Pinkie said. “How do we know this is the real Twilight? For that matter, how can she be so sure we’re the real us-es?”

Twilight considered this. She then gasped. “Oh, no! You may be right! This may be another one of Chrysalis’ traps! What if I really did come across duplicates and I’ve been manipulated this entire time?!”

“Twilight, it’s okay,” Applejack said in a soothing tone. “Ah can tell that it’s y’all. Ah recognize that worrisome tone o’ yers.”

“We can prove we’re the real ones, too,” Spike said. He then cleared his throat and said the information he gave the others. “Cadance went to the Fall Formal dance with Buck Withers, but, she ended up leaving the Fall Formal with Shining Armor. I’ve heard the story several times, mom.”

Twilight hugged the young drake tightly. “Son… it really is you.”

“The imposter sent us here last night and replaced us with our own imposters,” Spike said.

“I had a feeling that was the case,” Twilight said. “Those of you I saw at the rehearsal abandoned me when I called Chrysalis out as if the Smarty Pants incident never happened.”

“That is because those imposters aren’t as true friends to you as we are,” Rarity said. “We shall always be by your side, Twilight.”

“And so shall I,” said another voice.

The ponies and Spike all glanced over. Trotting over from behind some rocks was a pink alicorn with a mane and tail of pink, purple, and yellow, all matted and unkept. Beside her was a smaller creature that looked like a mix between a pony and an unspecified insect. That creature had eyes of vivid opal all around, a chitin of sea greenish black, a dark arctic blue carapace, and a dark arctic bluish gray neck fin.

“C-Cadance…” stammered Twilight. “Is that…”

Sunshine, sunshine,
ladybugs awake
Clap your hooves…

And do a little shake.” Twilight finished the rhyme with her. Beaming, the purple unicorn embraced her old foalsitter… her real old foalsitter.

“Cadance!” cried Spike. “Oh, it’s great to see you!”

“Hello, my nephew-in-law-to-be,” Cadence said as she pulled Spike in close.

“Everypony, this is the real Cadance,” Twilight proclaimed proudly. “Cadance, these five ponies are my best friends. That white unicorn is Rarity, the yellow pegasus is Fluttershy, the blue pegasus is Rainbow Dash, the orange earth pony is Applejack, and the pink earth pony is Pinkie Pie.”

“A pleasure to make your acquaintances, girls,” smiled Cadance. “Twilight and Spike told me all about you in my letters.”

“And Twilight and Spike spoke fondly of you too,” said Fluttershy. “It’s so nice to finally meet you. The real you.”

Rainbow eyed the other creature suspiciously. “Who’s the bug pony?”

“My name’s Thorax,” the creature said in a small, timid male voice.

“Hi,” said Spike. “Uh… what are you doing down here with Cadance and us?”

“I was stationed here to guard the prisoners my grandmother* sent here,” Thorax explained. “But, as I got to know Princess Cadance, I realized I didn’t want to do anything to cause real harm. To be honest, I was against the invasion in the first place, but, I couldn’t really do anything about it. So, I volunteered to guard the prisoners so they don’t get too badly hurt.”

“So,” Twilight said. “Do you think you can help us get out of these caverns, Thorax?”

“I can certainly try,” said Thorax. “We have to be very careful. The wedding could be crawling with Changelings. They’re already chipping away at the shield around the city.”

“Changelings?” Rarity inquired.

“That’s what my species is called,” Thorax explained. “We’re called that for our shapeshifting magic.” To demonstrate, Thorax was surrounded by a pillar of green flame that vanished instantly. He transformed into a small earth pony with a blue coat, a three toned blue mane and tail with a headband, and blue eyes. His Cutie Mark was a vase.** He summoned another pillar of green flame and reverted to normal.

“I see,” Rarity said.

“So, that’s why Chrysalis looked like Cadance, but, didn’t act like her,” Twilight said. “Anyway, we must hurry.”

The ponies, Thorax, and Spike all took off down the corridor.

“We’ll have a few things to contend with,” Thorax said. “Let’s just hope Mandible isn’t one of them.” The Changeling shuddered.

As the entourage ran through the crystal caves beneath the capital city, in the royal suite, Chrysalis in Cadance’s guide was adorning herself in the wedding dress. She was singing, content with her plans.

This day is going to be perfect~
The kind of day of which I’ve dreamed since I was small~
Everypony will gather ‘round, say I look lovely in my gown~
What they don’t know is that I have fooled them all~

As Chrysalis sang, Cadance sang while they were escaping the caverns.

This day was going to be perfect~
The kind of day of which I've dreamed since I was small~
But, instead of having cake with all my friends to celebrate~
My wedding bells, they may not ring for me at all~

Before Pinkie could question what was going on, Chrysalis sang another verse.

I could care less about the dress, I won’t partake in any cake~
Vows, well, I’ll be lying when I say~
That through any kind of weather, I’ll want us to be together~
The truth is I don’t care for him at all~!

No, I do not love the groom~
In my heart, there is no room~
But, I still want him to be all mine~!

Back with the escaping party, Cadance sang another verse.

We must escape before it’s too late, find a way to save the day~
Hope, I’d be lying if I say~
I don’t fear that I may lose him to one who wants to use him~
Not care for, love, and cherish him each day~

For I oh so love the groom~
All my thoughts, he does consume~
Oh, Shining Armor,
I’ll be there very soon~!

Thorax transformed into a bridge across a gap for the ponies and Spike to use.

In the throneroom configured to host the wedding, the Cutie Mark Crusaders were laying down flower petals for the bride. Chrysalis walked down the aisle with a deviously content smile as she continued her song.

Finally, the moment has arrived~
For me to be one lucky bride~

Back with the heroes, Thorax had returned to his normal form as Cadance’s anxiety grew.

Oh, the wedding we won’t make~
He’ll end up marrying a fake~
Shining Armor will be-~

Chrysalis unknowingly finished the song. “Mine. All mine.” She chuckled wickedly.

Meanwhile, the heroes came upon Minuette, Twinkleshine, and Lyra. All three of them now had a sickly green glow over their eyes, indicating that they too had fallen victim to the impostor's brainwashing. All three unicorns said at once, "You're not going anywhere."

“Try and stop us!” Rainbow said.

“Wait!” Thorax said. “They’re brainwashed! They don’t know what they’re doing!”

“What do we do?” Fluttershy asked nervously.

The three brainwashed mares began firing bolts of magical energy at the heroes. Pinkie took that moment to comment. “You know,” she said. “For a trio of brainwashed ponies who don't even know what they're doing, they seem really good at doing it!”

They carefully dodged the magical energy bolts being shot at them. Thorax’s horn radiated the same brilliant green aura as Chrysalis as the Changeling strained. For a few seconds, the brainwashed ponies seemed to be freed from the spell. “It’s no good,” Thorax said. “My grandmother’s spell is too strong!”

Cadance put a hoof to her chin. “If they’re brainwashed bridesmaids… Ah ha!” she quickly whipped out a bouquet of flowers. “Come and get this!” She tossed it off the cliff.

“I want it!” Lyra, Twinkleshine, and Minuette all charged after it.

“Did you…” Fluttershy began.

“Don’t worry,” Cadance assured. “There’s water at the bottom.”

“Come on,” said Rainbow Dash. “Let’s get to the top!”

Back at the wedding, Princess Celestia (while sneaking a few suspicious glares at “Cadance”) had finished asking the bride and groom to say “I do.” The process would’ve gone smoother

“Stop. The. Wedding!” Twilight shouted as she, Spike, and the other Guardians burst through the door. The ponies in the crowd looked back and forth between the Guardians and the imposters at the altar in confusion.

“Ugh!” groaned “Cadance.” “Why does she have to be so possessive of her brother?” She started shedding crocodile tears. “Why does she have to ruin my special day?

“Because it's not your special day!” shouted another identical sounding voice. “It's mine and Shining Armor’s!”

Cadence revealed herself to all in attendance.

“What?!” exclaimed the fake Cadance. “But, how did you escape my bridesmaids?”

“The bridal bouquet,” Twilight said simply.

“Hmph. Clever,” snorted the fake Cadance. “But you’re still too late.”

“Ah-ah don't understand,” stammered Apple Bloom. “How can there be two Cadances n’ two o’ each Guardian 'cept Twilight?”

“The ones at the altar aren’t the real ones!” Thorax said as he revealed himself. “They’re Changelings. They’ve taken the form of one you love and gain power by feeding off your love for them!”

The fake Cadance began growing nervous. “The jig is up, Chrysalis!” Twilight said. That struck a chord with Celestia.

“You can’t prove I’m fake!” the imposter said.

“Oh?” Twilight said. “Then, let me ask you something only the real Cadance would know the answer to. What school did I enroll in?”

The crowd turned to the fake Cadance, awaiting her answer. “Uh…” she said. She clearly didn’t know.

The real Cadance answered in her stead. “Princess Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns. All my time foalsitting her showed me why.”

The imposter snarled. “Why couldn’t you be a good prisoner and stay in the caverns?!”

“Because I love Shining Armor!” Cadance shouted. “I refuse to let you take him away from me! Show everypony who you really are, Chrysalis!”

“Very well,” smirked the fake Cadance. Her body glowed green as her transformation began. A twisted body of a very dark gray chitin and a carapace in a gradient from dark arctic blue to moderate green filled with holes came up and her mane and tail became a dark cerulean. Her horn and wings became more gnarled and insect-like. Her eyelids had eyeshadow of very deep opal before they opened up to reveal her moderate harlequin eyes with dark grayish opal pupils. Her pony teeth were replaced with fangs.

Now revealed to all, the Changeling queen let out a wicked laugh as she gazed at the pony she'd been impersonating until just recently. "Right you are, princess. I see you learned a lot about me in the time you spent down in that cave. But, you should know." She smirked and boasted. "You're not dealing with any ordinary Changeling, you're dealing with their all powerful leader: Queen Chrysalis."

Cadance scoffed in indifference. “You won’t get away with your schemes! The Guardians of Harmony have defeated powerful enemies in the past and they’ll certainly stop you!”

“They can’t stop me now,” Chrysalis said. “I’ve fooled all the ponies in this city!”

“You haven’t fooled us, Chrysalis!” Luna shouted from the rafters before she swooped down with Canis on her back. “I was able to inform Twilight of your identity. I also learned that you were responsible for Blueblood’s escape!”

“Even with your meddling interference,” Chrysalis said. “Everything has gone according to plan. I have Shining Armor in my control and with every moment I’ve absorbed his love for Cadance, I’ve left him and his spell weaker.” At that moment, the Changleings impersonating Twilight’s friends turned into their true forms (which looked identical to Thorax) and seized the Crusaders.

The normally docile Canis saw this and began to snarl. “I won’t let you get away with this!” He jumped off Luna’s head and charged at the Changelings while shouting a battle cry. The Changelings assumed he wouldn’t pose much of a threat, only to be proven wrong as he kicked the one holding Apple Bloom in the abdomen with a sickening crunch. The Changeling released the filly in a pain-stricken state. Canis then grabbed one of the hindlegs of the Changeling holding Scootaloo and began twisting it. This Changeling released her while hissing in pain. Canis then threw that Changeling at the one holding Sweetie Belle. The projectile caused the standing Changeling to release the unicorn filly. “Get to safety!” he told the three fillies before Chrysalis caught him in her brilliant green aura.

“Hmm,” she said. “A doll made of heartfelt. This one’s absolutely saturated with love.” She then opened her mouth and began sucking a pink vapor from the plush dog, who groaned in agony.

“Release him!” Luna said, blasting a magical burst from her horn at the Changeling Queen.

“Very well,” Chrysalis said as she casually dodged. She then threw Canis to the floor as the last of the vapor left his body. The plush dog landed on the floor and went completely lifeless before the eyes of all present.

“Canis!” Luna said, holding his lifeless body with tears streaming from her eyes.

“He tried so hard,” Chrysalis said. “But, in the end, it didn’t even matter. My victory is assured.” She gestured to the brainwashed Shining Armor. “Isn’t that right, dear?”

Shining Armor, in a brainwashed state, nodded compliantly.

“No,” Princess Celestia said sternly. “Your victory is not assured. You may have made it impossible for Shining Armor to perform his spell, but, I can protect my subjects from you!” She flew upwards and fired an intense magical beam of brilliant yellow.

Chrysalis countered with a brilliant green beam. Celestia remained focused, looking unfazed by Chrysalis’ efforts. However, she was quickly overwhelmed in seconds. Seeing this, Luna quickly fired her own moderate cobalt blue beam beside her sister. However, Chrysalis seemed to grow even stronger. Both alicorn sisters were weakened by Chrysalis’ magic. Their crowns were knocked from their heads as they fell to the ground with singe marks on top of their horns.

“Princess Celestia!” Twilight exclaimed.

“Princess Luna!” Spike exclaimed.

The guardians rushed to help the two alicorn sisters as Chrysalis reveled in her own victory.

“Shining Armor’s love for Cadance alone has made me strong,” Chrysalis said. “But, not strong enough to accomplish that.”

“The Elements of Harmony,” Princess Celestia said softly. “You must get to them and use their powers to defeat the queen.”

“But, we can’t access them without you or your sister!” Twilight said.

“That safety measure was revoked,” Celestia said. “Now, only those I deem worthy can unlock the room with the elements.”

Twilight nodded understandingly, believing that Princess Celestia deemed her worthy. So, the guardians charged out of the throne room and out of Canterlot Castle with Spike on Twilight’s back and Thorax following (the latter of whom was subtly given an amulet by Rarity to tell him apart from other Changelings). Queen Chrysalis laughed menacingly.

“You can run,” she taunted. “But, you can’t hide!”

The Guardians, Spike, and Thorax made their way through the streets, rushing as fast as they could towards the vault where the Elements of Harmony had been moved following Discord's defeat. As they ran through the Canterlot streets, Chrysalis’ Changeling minions managed to shatter Shining Armor’s force field. They charged themselves at the entourage of heroes in an effort to stop them.

“Keep going!” Twilight exclaimed. “We can’t stop now!”

One Changeling crashed into a crater right in front of them, hissing audibly as he bore his fangs. But, Rainbow, undeterred, stomped on the Changeling’s head as a way to make him dizzy. They then ran towards the chamber, only to be stopped at the bridge entrance by a large crowd of menacing-looking Changelings. Thorax stepped up to them.

“Out of the way, traitor!” snapped one of the Changelings at Thorax.

“No!” Thorax snapped back. “These ponies and this dragon are my friends and I’m not going to let you hurt them while you’re serving under Chrysalis’ reign!”

“Then,” hissed one of the other Changelings. “We will have to destroy you first.”

As the Changelings fired magical blasts at him, Thorax jumped into the air and transformed into a hawk as big as the ponies with him.

“We’re not afraid of you!” Rainbow snapped. “We’re going to get to the Elements of Harmony one way or another!” Rainbow was about to attack one of the Changelings, but, it transformed into an exact copy of her. The other Changelings all transformed into exact copies of the ponies and Spike.

“They’re Changelings, remember?” Twilight said.

“They’re Changelings, remember?” the Changelings that took the appearance of Twilight repeated.

“Don’t let them distract you,” Twilight advised. “We need to get to the Elements of Harmony. They’re our only hope.”

It wasn’t long until the mares, Spike, and the Changelings began fighting each other. Unseen by either party, though, Thorax transformed into a mosquito and left cross-shaped scratches on each one of his friends’ right shoulder before the fight started. During the fight, Thorax turned into a rhino and plowed through several Changelings that looked like his friends. He was careful to avoid the genuine ones.

“Don’t worry,” Thorax said, retaining his voice in his rhino form. “As a Changeling myself, I can see through the disguises of other Changelings. But, to help you out, I left cross-shaped scratches on your shoulders.” The ponies and Spike noticed the scratches.

“Thank ya kindly, Thorax,” Applejack smiled as she was bucking off Changeling copies of herself. “Yer a real lifesaver n’ a mighty good friend.”

As the fight went on and the Guardians started to get overwhelmed, Spike felt something awaken inside him.

“I feel…” Spike said as this new sensation overtook him. “I feel so…!” He then let out a loud shout as his mouth glowed with emerald flames, his irises turned red, and he began acting uncharacteristically feral as he jumped at Changelings. Twilight took notice.

“Spike?!” Twilight exclaimed.

The other Guardians took notice as well. Spike was faster, stronger, and more durable than he was previously. Needless to say, they were bewildered.

“Whoa!” Rainbow exclaimed. “I knew Spike could get angry at times, but, nothing like this!”

“That’s what worries me,” Twilight said in a concerned manner. She levitated the mirror Jinshu gave Spike. She recited the spell and the mirror activated. Jinshu’s face appeared in the mirror. “Jinshu, we need some information.”

“Tell me what you wish to know,” Jinshu replied.

“Well, we’re hoping for an explanation for why Spike’s acting like this,” Twilight said before turning the mirror to show Spike fighting Changelings.

“Ah,” Jinshu said. “Spike’s combat instincts have awoken. This happens whenever a Bulk Buster or Mountain Horn feels their treasure is threatened.”

“So,” Twilight said, putting the pieces together. “If he’s fighting like this, then, that must mean… he must consider us to be his treasure.”

The Guardians felt touched yet humbled by this. “Ah never knew we meant that much ta the li’l feller,” Applejack said.

“But,” Fluttershy said. “Can this ferocity be stopped? I do appreciate that he’s doing this for us, but, can he stop himself from attacking like this?”

“He has some control in this state,” Jinshu said. “Though, there’s a bit of a trade-off.”

As Spike continued fighting, his breaths became heavier.

“Whatever is happening?” Rarity asked.

“It takes a great deal of energy to maintain that state,” Jinshu explained. “The longer he’s in it, the more exhausted he gets.”

“So,” Rainbow concluded. “We should help him as much as he’s helping us.”

“Indeed,” Jinshu said. “If he’s hit hard enough, he’ll automatically come out of that state. I’m certain you’re aware of how durable he is normally. In his current state, that durability is doubled.”

“Thank you, Jinshu,” Twilight said. “We would discuss more of this, but, we have friends we need to help.” She canceled the spell and stored the mirror away as the Guardians got back into the fight.

Everyone put all of their efforts into the battle and eventually, the attacking swarm was defeated. The heroes stopped to catch their breath.

“Well…” Rainbow said between breaths. “We won.”

“Not yet,” Thorax said. “That was just the first wave for this area.”

Spike took deep breaths as well. His eyes retained his normal emerald color, but, he collapsed from exhaustion. Twilight cradled him in her forehooves. The ponies then heard the sound of buzzing. As Thorax expected, the second wave was flying in. Twilight put Spike onto her back and the mares ran across the bridge to the chamber doors. Twilight and Applejack were able to open the door with their strength, only to be met with an unpleasant sight. A large group of Changelings was already waiting inside. They turned around and saw more Changelings blocking their exit. The mares and Thorax were powerless against the swarm.

A short time later, back in the throneroom, Princess Celestia awoke to find herself in a green gelatinous cocoon hanging upside down from the ceiling. Princess Luna was also in one of these cocoons, still clutching onto Canis’ lifeless body. The Crusaders and Caramel were also in such cocoons. Princess Cadance’s hooves were stuck in the sickly green goo.

Chrysalis stepped up to Celestia’s cocoon. “It's odd,” she said. “Last time we fought, Celestia, you seemed MUCH more powerful. The way you were flinging those fire spells and levitating massive rocks, I would think you'd be powerful enough to destroy a city twice the size of Canterlot if you went all out.” That’s when she had a moment of realization. “Of course - I should have thought of it before. You WEREN'T going all out. Last time we fought, there were no innocents in the figurative and literal line of fire. You actually care too much about these pathetic lesser ponies to use more than the smallest possible fraction of your full power in a fight when there is a room full of innocents. It's not just Armor's love for Cadance that made me stronger than you - it was YOUR OWN love for your little ponies in general.”***

"You think you're so smart?!” Cadance said. “Twilight and her friends are out there! You'll see! You won't have anything to smile about when they get back with the elements and kick your sorry butt!"

Unfortunately for Cadance, her aforementioned friends were led back inside the throneroom by Chrysalis’ Changeling minions. Spike was still wiped out, so he was still resting on Twilight’s back. Thorax had parts of his carapace dented.

“It seems my ‘sorry butt’ won’t be kicked after all,” Chrysalis said in a smarmy tone, making air quotes with her hooves and swaying her hips. To the Guardians of Harmony, she said, “You do realize the ceremony has been canceled, don’t you?”

The Guardians wore defiant expressions.

“Even with all of you gaining suspicions of my motives,” Chrysalis said. “Everything has gone according to plan. All of Canterlot will be mine in no time. And the best part is that Prince Blueblood sold you all out to make it possible!”

Rarity growled to herself. “What did I ever see in that bastard?!” She looked around, expecting one of the ponies to call her out on her language. None did.

“Well, he is one,” Pinkie said. “Whatever that means.”

“Whether you get the definition of that word or not doesn’t matter,” Chrysalis said. She then walked towards a nearby window and began to sing of her victory.

This day has been just perfect~
The kind of day of which I’ve dreamed since I was small~
Every pony I’ll soon control~
Every stallion, mare, and foal~
Who says a girl can’t really have it all~!

The studious unicorn then took notice of something that Queen Chrysalis apparently wasn't aware of. Princess Cadance was using what magic she still had to try to free her hooves from the goo. Sensing an opportunity for a distraction, Twilight spoke up. "You know something, your majesty?" The last part of the sentence was practically dripping with sarcasm.

“More than you ever will in your soon to be cut life?” Chrysalis responded, not even turning to face Twilight.

With a grin, Twilight declared, "You talk too much. Are you that in love with the sound of your own voice? Or do you think somehow it intimidates your enemies? Because I can tell you, all your rambling and prattling doesn't scare me. You're just an overgrown bug with a big mouth and an ego to match!"

“Bug?!” Chrysalis snapped. She then turned around to face the purple unicorn mare. “How dare you call me that! I shall have to-” But, she was caught off guard when she realized that Princess Cadance was freed and Shining Armor’s brainwashing wore off completely.

Princess Cadance shed a single tear as she threw her hooves around Shining Armor and hugged him tightly. "Oh, thank goodness! I feared I'd lost you forever, Shining! That I'd failed to save you!"

Shining Armor wrapped his hooves around Princess Cadance gently. “Save me from what?” he asked. He was still a bit dazed from coming out of his brainwashed state. He looked around and grew more confused. “What happened here?”

“The Changeling queen happened here,” Princess Cadance explained. “She took my place, hid me away, and she brainwashed you into thinking she was me.”

“You even uninvited me from the wedding,” Twilight said.

“I what?!” Shining said in disbelief. “I don’t remember doing that!”

“That’s because you were still brainwashed when it happened,” Twilight said. “So, I wasn’t really hurt from that.”

“Brainwashed?” Shining said as he started piecing everything together before angrily facing Chrysalis. “So, that’s why my brain’s like Swiss cheese and I don’t remember anything!”

“Guilty,” Chrysalis smirked. “But, it’s not like you can do anything about it. I’ve drained more than just your love for Cadance. I drained some of your magic as well.”

And indeed, Shining Armor soon found that he could barely get his horn to spark. "My power is useless now. I don't have the strength left to repel them anymore."

“My love will give you strength,” Cadance said, comforting her groom.

Chrysalis laughed. “That’s an utterly ridiculous sentiment,” she said. “In the 2,011 years I’ve lived, the only thing love gave strength to is us Changelings. We even introduced you feeble ponies to the concept of love potions for the purpose of feeding us.”

“Wait, that was you?!” Pinkie asked in alarm.

But, Shining Armor and Princess Cadance still did their best. They both illuminated their horns and brought them close together. Magenta magic auras began to surround the two. The two then began to levitate in the air. They were then surrounded by a growing magical bubble.

Chrysalis stomped a hoof down as her horn was now fully charged. "Enough of this madness! I'm putting you both down! Then, after I drain all of your combined love, I will destroy your entire world piece by piece!" She fired off a powerful burst of brilliant green magic, only to find it effortlessly deflected by the growing bubble. "W-what?!" She stuttered in disbelief.

“That is the real power of love!” Twilight exclaimed as the light from the magic became more intense.

The bubble kept growing, eventually reaching beyond the reaches of the throne room and all the way to the horizon. This forced all of the Changelings away. Unfortunately, this also meant that Thorax was also caught in the magical blast.

“You haven’t seen the last of us!” Chrysalis shouted before she disappeared into the distance.

Shining Armor and Princess Cadance powered down their magic and they nuzzled each other lovingly. The force evaporated all of the green sickly goo that was in Canterlot, leaving the princesses and the innocent citizens freed. Spike was able to recuperate, slowly getting up.

“Did I miss anything?” he said.

“Quite a bit,” Rarity said, gently hugging him. “But, thank you.”

Spike was somewhat puzzled. “Uh, you’re welcome, but, you may need to fill me in on what happened.”

“I must admit,” Princess Celestia said to Cadance. “I’m impressed by how you exceeded my expectations of your magic potential. To think you started as a pegasus.”

“Shining Armor is all of the magic I will ever need,” Princess Cadance smiled. She nuzzles him lovingly again.

“What now?” Spike asked. “Is the wedding canceled? Do we have to wait and start over again?”

“After a lot of cleaning up,” Princess Cadance said. “There is a real wedding to be had.”

“Hopefully,” Rarity said. “Without Blueblood’s involvement.”

“Ironically,” Celestia said. “I was going to put him up for parole about a week later before he escaped. Had he just waited, he wouldn't be in even more trouble now."

“Guess Queen Chrysalis was good for one thing,” Rainbow said. “Getting Blueblood out of our manes.”

“Escaping has already warranted an extension to his punishment,” Celestia said. “His act of treason is the clincher.”

“So, what are we waiting for?” Pinkie asked. “Let’s put on the real best wedding ever!”

“Wait a minute,” Twilight said. “Has anypony noticed that Flash is missing?”

At that moment, Flash Sentry entered the room. His armor was dented and scratched.

“Sorry if I’m late,” he said.

“Flash!” Twilight exclaimed. “What happened?!”

“The imposter gave me quite a thrashing,” Flash explained. “When I came to, I was stuck in some kind of cocoon in a broom closet.”

“Oh…” Twilight said sheepishly, sucking in her breath sharply. “Sorry about that.”

“It’s fine,” Flash said. “I fought as hard as I could.”

“I still commend your efforts on helping my little sister and her friends,” Shining Armor nodded understandingly. “In fact, how would you like to be the stallion of honor?”

“Me?” Flash smiled. He then genuflected before Shining Armor. “I would be honored, Captain.” He looked at Cadance. “Uh, is she–?”

“Yep,” Spike said. “She’s the real deal.”

“Oh, thank goodness,” Flash smiled.

“Can we get started now?” Pinkie asked. “It feels like we’ve been dragging this on.”

So, everyone did their part to put the real wedding on. Applejack helped the catering ponies and Cadance sampled her bite-sized apple fritters happily. Rarity made a new wedding gown and Cadance was happy for Rarity’s efforts. Fluttershy was conducting the song bird choir and Cadance enjoyed the birdsong. Pinkie and Cadance were dancing together for the reception, with Cadance looking just as enthusiastic as Pinkie. Soon, everything was ready. The original bridesmaids, released from their brainwashed spell, were watching the wedding from the audience. Also in the audience were Twilight Velvet and Night Light, who were so proud of their son getting married. Shining Armor also wore the suit from his favorite uncle. Twilight stood at the altar as the best mare. Then, at that moment, Fluttershy conducted her songbird choir to perform the Wedding March. The Cutie Mark Crusaders entered first, laying down flower petals to the altar. Cadence then followed, looking like a beautiful blushing bride.

As Princess Cadance strolled down the aisle to the altar, ready to stand alongside Shining Armor and exchange vows with him, Twilight adjusted the badge on Shining's suit. Then, she whispered to him, "Seriously, though. I get why the queen of the changelings wanted to be with you, but, how did you ever get someone as amazing as Cadance to marry you? You struggled just to work up the nerve to ask her out for a date."

“For one thing, I realized that my love for her was much stronger than fear,” Shining Armor whispered back. “I also told her that she wouldn’t just be getting a husband. She would be getting an amazing sister and awesome nephew, too. And I know it was still her when I proposed. Those emotions couldn't have been faked by an impostor.”

Twilight smiled, knowing that he was right. They looked to see Cadance walking down the aisle, various birds were holding her train. Rarity could hardly contain her emotions, levitating a handkerchief to her eyes to wipe her tears.

When Cadance reached the altar all but a few seconds later, Princess Celestia cleared her throat. "Mares and gentlestallions, we are gathered here today to celebrate the union of the real Princess Mi Amore Cadenza–"

“Princess Cadance is fine,” Cadance corrected.

Princess Celestia smiled. She knew right then and there that this was indeed the real Cadance. “The union of Princess Cadance and Shining Armor. The strength of their commitment is clear, the power of their love, undeniable. Shining Armor, do you take this mare to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer for as long as you both shall live?”

“I do,” Shining said.

“And Princess Cadance,” Princess Celestia continued. “Do you take this stallion to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer for as long as you both shall live?”

“I do,” Cadance said.

“Then, by the power vested in me,” Princess Celestia began. “May I have the rings, please?”

Spike, having renegotiated with Shining to be the ring-bearer instead, made his way to the altar with the wedding rings on a pillow. Celestia levitated both rings with her magic and she slipped one on Princess Cadance and Shining Armor’s horns respectively, officiating their marriage.

“I now pronounce you husband and wife,” Princess Celestia declared. “You may kiss the bride.”

The bride and groom did just so as the crowd cheered for the newlyweds.

Applejack nudged Rainbow. “That’s yer cue,” she whispered.

Rainbow smiled, flew out of her bridesmaid dress, and took the sky above Canterlot Castle. She garnered more than enough speed to flawlessly produce a Sonic Rainbow that arched over the castle.

“Best… wedding… ever!” Rainbow shouted happily to herself. Few in attendance were willing to argue that sentiment.

That night at the reception, all the traditional dances started and Twilight took the microphone and announced to all, "I'd like to dedicate this next song to my big brother, best friend forever and his new wife. May they live happily ever after together for many, many years to come."

“Whoo!” Pinkie exclaimed as she stood next to a yellowish white unicorn mare with moderate cerise eyes obscured by sunglasses with lenses in a gradient from dark purple to moderate heliotrope streaks, a mane and tail of moderate cobalt blue with brilliant cyan stripes, and a Cutie Mark depicting a backwards double quaver. “Belt it, best mare!”

Love is in bloom~
A beautiful bride, a handsome groom~
Two hearts becoming one~
A bond that cannot be undone

Because love is in bloom~
A beautiful bride, a handsome groom~
Love is in bloom~
You’re starting a life and making room for us~

The song continued as the newly married couple headed down to a waiting carriage with a "Just Married" sign attached to the back of it.

“None of this would have been possible without you or your friends, little sis,” Shining Armor smiled. “I love you, L.S.B.F.F.”

“One last order of business,” Cadance said before she threw the bouquet.

Various mares clamored to try and catch the bouquet and it landed in Rarity’s forehooves by chance. As she held it, she looked over to Spike, who was innocently dancing with the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Patience, Rarity, patience, she internally told herself.

As the carriage sped off into the night, Twilight smiled as she finished her song.

Love is in bloom~
A beautiful bride, a handsome groom~
Love is in bloom~
You’re starting a life and making room~
For us~ for us~ for us~

“Even after all that happened,” Fluttershy said. “This turned out to be a great wedding. I hope Shining Armor and Princess Cadance have a wonderful honeymoon.”

Flash made his way to Twilight. “I have to say,” he said. “You were dancing much better than you did on your birthday all those months ago.”

“Oh, that,' Twilight said with a somewhat embarrassed grin. “I was dancing badly that day on purpose.”

“You were?” Flash asked.

“I was mostly doing so to upset Jet Set and Upper Crust’s plans,” she admitted. “My bad dancing was to distract the attendants while my friends checked for traps.”

“Ah, I see,” Flash said. “Maybe someday… we could dance together?”

“Why wait?” Pinkie said. “The party’s still going strong!”

At the mention of the word ‘party,’ Spike facepalmed to himself. “Oh, no! I just realized that I wasn’t able to help with the bachelor party! Shining Armor’s not a bachelor anymore!”

“Didn’t you renegotiate with Shining to be the ring-bearer?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Well, yeah,” Spike said.

“And on top o’ that,” Apple Bloom said. “With all the craziness that went down with that Changelin’ Queen, ah don’t think there was really any need fer a bachelor party, so, ah don’t think Shinin’ Armor’ll be mad at ya fer that.”

“So,” Scootaloo said. “You have nothing to worry about.”

“Yeah, you guys are right,” Spike said. “Thanks, guys.”

“Although,” Twilight said. “Something more special did happen to you. You unlocked a new dragon power where you became more of an intense fighter to protect your treasure… your treasure is us.”

“Spike a fighter?” Sweetie Belle said. “We know how bad his temper can be, but, we’ve never seen him actually fight.”

“Ya never climbed Mount Everhoof, neither,” Applejack said. “Don’t mean it ain’t happened.”

“Wait,” Spike said. “Is that why I was wiped out for a while? The first thing I knew I was fighting against the Changelings, the next thing I knew, I was back at the throne room and all the Changelings were gone… including Thorax. I haven't hurt him by accident, have I?”

“No,” Fluttershy said. “There’s a lot to explain.”

“Jinshu was able to fill us in on the details while you were in your fighting state,” Twilight explained.

“Stories later!” Pinkie said. “Dancing now!”

Spike and the ponies continued to dance the night away. It was certainly a wedding that everyone who attended would never forget. Throughout the party, Luna cradled Canis in her forehooves. Fluttershy and Spike noticed and stepped up to the princess of the night.

“Canis was really brave rescuing the Cutie Mark Crusaders from those Changelings who followed Queen Chrysalis’ orders,” Fluttershy said.

“Indeed,” Luna said. “The love that animated him was his lifeforce. Under normal circumstances, those drained of their life force can’t be revived.”

“Even if he’s not living like he used to,” Spike said. “He is still in one piece and you can still give him the same level of comfort and love that he gave you.”

“Indeed,” Luna said. “In time, that can bring him back.”

“In the meantime,” Spike said. “I’ll still be coming to our group therapy sessions. After all that went down, we’ll definitely need to talk out our feelings.”

Luna agreed.

Unknown to the party-goers, deep in the dungeons, Blueblood was plotting.

“Those so-called guardians,” he grumbled. “Thinking they could get away with having that little dragon when it’s little more than trash! Well, I’ll show them. I’ll show them all! They can’t keep Prince Blueblood locked in here forever!” He eyed one of the guards stationed near him. “With the incompetence of the large majority of the Royal Guard, I’ll be free soon. Then, that wretched reptile will pay.”

He rubbed his forehooves together deviously as his plan came together. What was his plan? That’s a story for another day.

End of Book 2.

Author's Note:

Here's the book 2 finale.

*Thorax is about a third generation Changeling.


***Dialogue by Comickook.

If you liked this chapter, feel free to contact me via private messages if you'd like to help make future chapters.

Comments ( 81 )

AMAZING chapter, and AMAZING fight scenes!

I wonder if we will see Thorax again at some point :raritywink:

What a wonderful season 2 finale! Really liked the fight, and Thorax getting involved to show that not all Changellings are bad was also great

Looking forward to seeing S3!

That was a wonderful ending. I can’t wait to see more on book 3. Keep up the great work BlueBioWolf. :twilightsmile:

Next time is either Season 3 or Aftermath of Season 2?

Thank you for the story. I love how Spike become more powerful. And how he considers. The main six and Twilight his mom his treasures. And how they're able to beat chrysalis. And I love how the princess were aware of Chrysalis. And keep up the good work and make another book. Please and thank you. And I love all your stories.


You’re welcome :pinkiesmile:

Can’t wait to see S3!

Wondering how you’ll do it? Seeing how it’s 13 episodes long. Which is normally when you go on break.

So will you be doing ALL of S3, break and Then the EQG movie?

And of course, wondering how’ll you handle Sombra and if you’ll take the comic route with him and if he’ll be reformed

It all worked out in the end, Shining Armor and Cadence are married, and Spike's got a new ability at his disposal. Hopefully he'll be able to remember the fighting and not black out and forget what he was doing

Aftermath of Season Two to cover the one month break between the end of Season Two and the start of Season Three (much like this universe's Equestria Girls is going to be after Season Three but before Season Four). That's all I'm going to say.

Hey there. Thanks very much for getting Part Two of the Season Two Finale up. You did a superb job on the dialogue, characterizations, action, general wrap-up and future story set-up. And thanks very much for liking a couple of my ideas enough to use them. That's appreciated too. Definitely liked the pick for the "stuff only the real ones would know" as well as Thorax helping out in getting the gang and Cadance out of the caverns AND in the battle with Chrysalis's more misguided underlings. And, yes, the description of the strengths and weaknesses of Spike's "battle mode" were definitely appreciated. Plus, the others obviously thought Rarity's Precision F-Strike concerning Blueblood (technically B-Strike, but it's still stronger language than she normally uses) was rather warranted. And the stuff about the irony of Blueblood being too impatient to wait for parole was splendid. Of course, the stuff about Blueblood already planning his next escape makes a lot of sense (of course, his odds of escape are going to increase quite a bit in a few weeks [in this series' time] after Shining Armor ends up getting - transferred to the Crystal Empire.

At any rate, most assuredly looking forward to more stories in this series.

Pretty good way to end the second season.

Spike's new power up was an interesting touch, can't wait to see him learn to control it later on.

Didn't expect Thorax do show up early but not complaining. Hopefully Cadance and Shining Armor remember Thorax helping them in this episode when they meet him again in season 6.

Interested in what will happen with Blueblood, setting him up to be a recurring antagonist.

Seeing the first seeds of Twilight/Flash with that dance in the end they share.

Next season (presumably starting in a month): The Guardians, Cadance, and Shining Armor deal with the mysterious Crystal Empire that has reappeared after 1000 years, Pinkie Pie clones herself for double the fun, the Apple family reunion, Rainbow Dash trains at the Wonderbolt Academy, Discord returns, and a special game changer for Twilight at the end of the season!

Best. Season 2. Story. EVER!!! ONTO SEASON 3! LET'S GO!!!!

Cadance remembers. Shining never knew Thorax helped them.

"I think you meant NOT all Changelings are bad". Otherwise, quite agreed.


Oops, thought I put “Not all” :twilightblush:

And so book 2 is complete, the truth is, this fanfic was very incredible, keep it up, now it's time for season 3, will it be short like the original?

Question, Canis is really dead?

They can turn into rocks

“Those so-called guardians,” he grumbled. “Thinking they could get away with having that little dragon when it’s little more than trash! Well, I’ll show them. I’ll show them all! They can’t keep Prince Blueblood locked in here forever!” He eyed one of the guards stationed near him. “With the incompetence of the large majority of the Royal Guard, I’ll be free soon. Then, that wretched reptile will pay.”

Here starts the Blueblood villanous begin, being similar to Gaston since he was most the monster instead of Spike and wanting Rarity as his servant, and Prince Charming possibly that he could try to reclaim his title and also killing Spike for revenge.

Wrong! Thorax changed into a rock once.

So, sometime will be back to the life?

Well congratulations to complete My Little Pony: Nine Elements Book 2🤗🤗🤗🤗, i hope to see the Book 3

I certainly LOVED this AU! Now it's become my favorite AU of all the "A Canterlot Wedding" AU fanfics out there!

I loved the foreshadowing of Season 6 when it comes to Thorax's disguise!

Chrysalis? A grandmother? Me and those like myself have always thought of her as the MOTHER of the changelings but I have nothing against what you would do with turning Chrysalis into a different kind of relative.

Loved the new power Spike has! Makes me think of the Hulk!

Can't wait to see AU Season 3 in the future after we've taken a break after having gone through this one!

This is a very good story. I can't wait for book 3.

I would like to help out with next season.

Okay. We’ll hash out details in DMs.

Me too, please?

Contact me via DMs.

STORM: Well, all I can say is: Next up: Either season 3 or issues 1-4 of the IDW comics (hopefully the latter).

BRANDON: Actually, there'll be a between-books story.

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